CIMSS/ASPB Satellite Workshop for the National Weather Service

Western Region Headquarters and WFO Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, Utah

16-17 February 2011


Agenda in PDF


Schedule is in Mountain Standard Time


Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Morning at Western Region Headquarters

125 S. State Street

Point of Contact:  Ken Pomeroy





8:00 AM          Welcome, Orientation, Goals, and Introductions


8:15 AM          Gary Wade, NESDIS


GOES Sounder Update


9:00 AM          Break/Map Discussion


9:30 AM          Tim Schmit, NESDIS (Remotely)

                GOES-R ABI

10:00 AM        Wayne Feltz, CIMSS

                GOES-R Proving Ground

10:30 AM        Ken Pomeroy, NWS

                Use of Satellite Imagery/Products in Operations from Regional Perspective

10:45 AM        Jordan Gerth, CIMSS

                History of CIMSS Support for NWS Operations

11:00 AM        Wayne Feltz, CIMSS

                Satellite Applications for Aviation


11:30 AM        Questions, Comments, and Discussion

Possible Topics:  Polar-orbiting Satellite Products for Forecasting


12 Noon          Lunch



Afternoon at WFO Salt Lake City

2242 W. North Temple

Point of Contact:  Randy Graham





1:30 PM          Welcome, Orientation, Goals, and Introductions


1:45 PM          Randy Graham, NWS

            Use of Satellite Imagery/Products in Operations from WFO Perspective

2:00 PM          Robert Aune, NESDIS (Remotely)


Convective Nearcasting


2:45 PM          Break


3:00 PM          Wayne Feltz, CIMSS

            Convective Initiation

3:30 PM          Kathy Strabala, CIMSS

                MODIS in AWIPS              

4:00 PM          Scott Bachmeier, CIMSS (Remotely)


Other Training/Teletraining Opportunities

CIMSS Satellite Blog


4:45 PM          Conclude


5:00 PM          End of day


Thursday, 17 February 2011


Morning at WFO Salt Lake City

Point of Contact:  Randy Graham


8:00 AM          Scott Lindstrom (Remotely)

Atmospheric Rivers and MIMIC TPW

8:45 AM          Questions and Comments from first day

9:00 AM          Gary Wade, NESDIS

GOES Sounder Update (if needed)


9:30 AM          Break


9:45 AM          Jordan Gerth, CIMSS


Weighting Function Lab


10:15 AM        Forecasters

Questions and Comments, such as:

·         This is how I use satellite imagery in the forecast process.

·         What am I looking at here?  How do I use this satellite image/product?

·         I think satellite imagery can help with this forecast problem.


11:45 AM        Conclusions and Directions


12 Noon          Lunch


1:30 PM          Flex Time/Interaction, Unfinished Business, and Group Discussion

Work directly with forecasters

Integrate additional data, technical issues


2:30 PM          Final Remarks


2:45 PM          Travel


Afternoon at Center Weather Service Unit

2150 W. 700 North


3:00 PM          Tour of CWSU

4:15 PM          NWS Briefing to FAA

5:00 PM          End of meeting