####################################### # This README file lists ESA-recommended QC for Aeolus L2B wind products. # # Last Updated: 2021-02-02 K.Lukens NOAA/NESDIS/STAR ####################################### - The following quality control (QC) decisions recommended by ESA are listed in an Aeolus Technical Note released on August 31, 2020. - This list of QC recommendations are for NON-REPROCESSED data for the Early FM-B period (August 2, 2019 - December 31, 2019) and Mid-2020 FM-B period (April 20, 2020 - late August 2020). - L2Bp estimated observation error scaling of 1.4 for Rayleigh-clear, and 1.75 for Mie-cloudy. These were based on "Desroziers diagnostics" (Desroziers et al. 2005). ======================================= = Current QC Decisions recommended by ESA ======================================= 1. Only assimilate Rayleigh-clear and Mie-cloudy winds with "valid" overall confidence flag. 2. Do NOT assimilate data within 20 hPa (~160 m) of the surface (to try to avoid any undetected ground returns). 3. Avoid Rayleigh winds at pressure > 850 hPa. (It is unclear if this was necessary, but there were some indications of degradation when using boundary layer surface Rayleigh winds.) 4. Do NOT use any Rayleigh-clear winds with: a. Estimated errors (before error scaling) > 12 m/s if pressure <= 200 hPa (to try to allow data in the wintertime polar vortex). b. Estimated errors (before error scaling) > 8.5 m/s if pressure > 200 hPa. c. Horizontal accumulation lengths < 60 km. (This pertains to Integration Length.) d. Vertical accumulation lengths < 300 m. (This pertains to the difference in the top and bottom heights of the range-bin: top height minus bottom height.) 5. Do NOT use any Mie-cloudy winds with: a. Estimated errors (before error scaling) > 5 m/s. 6. For Rayleigh-cloudy wind experiments, do NOT use if: a. Estimated errors (before error scaling) > 5 m/s (This was found to be reasonable QC for removing gross errors). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % OLD QC Recommendations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% === Rayleigh winds === Remove: Rayleigh cloudy Height < 2 km L2B Uncertainty (wind error estimate) > 12 m/s Accumulation length < 60 km Within 20 hPa of topography (here, we remove p>800 hPa) === Mie winds === Remove: Mie clear L2B Uncertainty (wind error estimate) > 5 m/s Accumulation Length < 5 km Thinned to 90 km %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #######################################