####################################### # This README file describes an issue regarding EE files. # # Last Updated: 2021-04-25 K.Lukens NOAA/NESDIS/STAR ####################################### --------------------------------------- On 2021-02-19, the following issue was reported to ESA: Duplicate profiles have been discovered in the L2B EE files pertaining to FM-B data sets, both original (not reprocessed) and reprocessed. A duplicate profile is defined as a profile that repeats the exact same time and geolocation information as another profile within the same day file. The issue is apparent in ASCII files of Aeolus profiles (extracted from EE by CODA) for a single day. Duplicate profiles are found in the high latitudes (north of 60⁰N and south of 60°S) as well as the tropics and extratropics for both Rayleigh-clear and Mie-cloudy wind regimes. --------------------------------------- Solution: As of 2021-02-22, ESA does not have a process in place to remove the duplicates. Until such a time, users will need to remove the duplicates from the EE files on their own. #######################################