Washington County 2007 Digital Contour Mapping

Metadata also available as


Originator: Washington County, Wisconsin
Publication_Date: 2007
Publication_Date: 2010
Title: Washington County 2007 Digital Contour Mapping
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Publication_Place: West Bend, Wisconsin
Publisher: Washington County
The contour files contain point, line, and text features of elevational information for 278.75 sections in Washington County, Wisconsin. The three-dimensional files contain point features (spot elevations), line features (contour lines and depression lines), and associated text features (contour and depression line elevations, spot elevations, and water surface elevations). No map sheet elements, geodetic and geographic reference elements, hydrographic elements, or planimetric elements are included in the files from this project. The contour files are current as of December 2006 and are available in Microstation DGN and ESRI Personal Geodatabase format.

The DTM files also contain point and line features of elevational information for the same 278.75 sections. The three-dimensional files contain point features ("mass points") and line features ("breaklines") that can be used to prepare terrain models and contour and depression maps. The DTM files are current as of December 2006 and are available in Microstation DGN format.

Both the Contour and DTM datasets include sections 1-36 in T9N R18E, sections 1-36 in T9N R20E, sections 1-36 in T10N R18E, sections 1-8, 16-21, 28 in T10N R19E, sections 1-36 in T10N R20E, sections 1-36 in T11N R18E, sections 4-8, 16 (NW), 17-21, 22 (W 1/2), 27 (NW, SW, SE), 28-35 in T11N R19E, sections 6 (NE, NW, SE), 8 (N 1/2), 9 (N 1/2), 16 (SE), 20 (SE), 30 (E 1/2), 31 (E 1/2) in T11N R20E, sections 1-36 in T12N R18E and sections 3-10, 15-22, 28-36 in T12N R19E. Both the Contour and DTM files were prepared at one-inch-equals-200-feet scale to support two-foot contour interval mapping.
The digital terrain model files were originally compiled to enable topographic mapping and for the preparation of surface models using GIS software.

The contour line files were compiled to provide elevational information for use in planning programs in Washington County and for regional planning activities in Southeastern Wisconsin.
Calendar_Date: 2006-12-18
Calendar_Date: 2006-12-19
Ground condition of LiDAR data used to prepare the DTM and contour line files.
Progress: complete
A countywide topographic mapping update schedule has not been established. The timing of a potential project to update countywide elevation data is unknown.
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -88.439
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -88.019
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 43.553
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 43.184
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Wisconsin Land Information Program Thesaurus
Theme_Keyword: contour lines
Theme_Keyword: depression lines
Theme_Keyword: elevation information
Theme_Keyword: Digital Terrain Model
Theme_Keyword: DTM
Theme_Keyword: Mass Points
Theme_Keyword: breaklines
Theme_Keyword: LiDAR
Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United States and the District of Columbia (FIPS Pub 6-4)
Place_Keyword: Washington County
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: City of Hartfod
Place_Keyword: City of West Bend
Place_Keyword: Town of Addison
Place_Keyword: Town of Barton
Place_Keyword: Town of Erin
Place_Keyword: Town of Germantown
Place_Keyword: Town of Hartford
Place_Keyword: Town of Jackson
Place_Keyword: Town of Kewaskum
Place_Keyword: Town of Polk
Place_Keyword: Town of Trenton
Place_Keyword: Town of Wayne
Place_Keyword: Town of West Bend
Place_Keyword: Village of Germantown
Place_Keyword: Village of Jackson
Place_Keyword: Village of Kewaskum
Place_Keyword: Village of Slinger
There are no legal prerequisites for accessing this data set. Potential users should contact the Washington County Planning and Parks Department - GIS Division.
Contour line and DTM files should be used for their intended purpose and should not take the place of ground surveys for highly detailed requirements. This data set was prepared from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data obtained in December 2006. The contour line and depression line data set and the DTM data set may not reflect current conditions. Site investigation may be necessary to determine current ground conditions and elevational features.

This data is for informational use only and is not intended to be a substitute for a land or engineering survey.
Washington County Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a division of the Planning and Parks Department
Contact_Person: Eric Damkot
Contact_Position: GIS Manager
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 333 E Washington Street, Suite 2300
Address: PO BOX 2003
City: West Bend
State_or_Province: WI
Postal_Code: 53095-2003
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 262-335-4445
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 262-335-6868
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: eric.damkot@co.washington.wi.us
Hours_of_Service: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
This project was completed under contract by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC). In addition to administering the project, SEWRPC completed the quality control as an in-kind contribution to the project. Collection and processing of the LiDAR data was contracted to Aero-Metric Inc.

The features in this data set were collected from LiDAR data. The digital map files in the data set were reviewed to ensure all features are correctly represented and properly symbolized. The files were also inspected to ensure all features are complete and correctly organized in the files.
This data set was compiled by a photogrammetric engineering firm under subcontract to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. This data set covers approximately 278.75 square miles generally located in the northwest and southeast portions of Washington County, and comprises about 65 percent of the total area of the County. To the best knowledge of the Washington County Planning and Parks Department (GIS Division) and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, this data set includes all of the intended features acquired from the LiDAR data and other source materials.
The DTM and contour line files in this data set were prepared to meet National Map Accuracy Standards for one-inch-equals-200-feet scale mapping. Therefore, ninety percent or more of all well-defined planimetric features in the DTM and contour line files are within 6.6 feet of their true position on the ground.
The DTM and contour line files in this data set were prepared to meet National Map Accuracy Standards for one-inch-equals-200-feet scale, two-foot contour interval topographic mapping. Therefore, ninety percent or more of all elevational features in the DTM and contour line files are within 1.0 feet of their true vertical position.

More specifically, the project contractor, Aero-Metric, Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, has prepared a "Vertical Accuracy Assessment Report" for this data set as part of the Washington County 2007 Mapping Project. The summary and conclusions of the report indicate the following:

"Per NSSDA/FEMA guidelines: RMSEz x 1.960 = 95% confidence level; 0.29 x 1.9600 = 0.57 ft"

"Per NDEP/ASPRS guidelines: 95th percentile (CVA) = 95% confidence level = 0.64 ft"

"Both of the 95% confidence level test results exceed the required 1.19 ft accuracy level to support the generation of 2 ft contours."
Aero-Metric, Inc., Sheboygan, Wisconsin; various Wisconsin land surveyors
Publication_Date: unknown
Washington County 2007 LiDAR data and digital terrain model files, control survey information
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data, survey records
Publication_Place: Waukesha, Wisconsin, and other locations
Publisher: various publishers
Source_Scale_Denominator: 2400
raw and "bare earth" LiDAR digital data files; digital terrain model files; horizontal and vertical control survey data in hardcopy and digital format
Calendar_Date: 2006-12-18
Calendar_Date: 2006-12-19
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: none
The DTM files were obtained from the source LiDAR data and control survey data. The contour line files in this data set were obtained from the source LiDAR data, digital terrain model files, and control survey data.
The primary source materials for this data set are LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data obtained by airborne sensors on December 18 and 19, 2006. The original or "raw" LiDAR data were processed by the project contractor, Aero-Metric, Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to create ground level or "bare earth" elevation data, consisting of digital files in ASCII text format containing points with x, y, and z locations. The "bare earth" version of the LiDAR files were then further processed by the contractor by thinning the point features and adding breaklines to create digital terrain model (DTM) files in MicroStation three-dimensional DGN format. This phase of the project covered 218 square miles.
Process_Date: 2007
Aero-Metric used the DTM files to create a surface model and generate the contour and depression line data set.
Process_Date: 2007
The DTM and contour files were reviewed by the GIS Division staff of the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC). The files were reviewed for content, organization, areal coverage, and in the case of the contour files, text placement.

Field surveys were conducted on a random sample of hardcopy plots of the elevation data by a SEWRPC survey crew to ensure the data set satisfied the accuracy standards for the project.
Process_Date: 2007
Washington County contracted with AeroMetric Inc. to process the source LiDAR (Light Detection and Raging) data acquired on December 18 and 19, 2006 for an additional 60.75 PLSS (Public Land Survey System) sections. AeroMetric Inc. processed the data in the same manner as the original project and delivered the data to the same specification. The project was administered by Washington County directly. The areas processed were those where existing topographic data was the oldest. The specific areas processed were 36 sections in the Town of Erin (previous data collected in 1995), 10 sections around and including the Village of Slinger (previous data collected in 1997), and a 14.75 section ring around the City of West Bend (previous data collected by the City of West Bend in 1999 and not updated by the City in 2005).
Process_Date: 2010
The bare earth, DTM, and contour files were reviewed by Washington County GIS Division staff. The files were reviewed for content, organization, areal coverage, and in the case of the contour files, text placement.
Process_Date: 2010

Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Vector
SDTS_Point_and_Vector_Object_Type: String

Grid_Coordinate_System_Name: State Plane Coordinate System 1927
SPCS_Zone_Identifier: 4803
Standard_Parallel: 42.733300
Standard_Parallel: 44.066700
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -90.00
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 42.00
False_Easting: 2000000.000000
False_Northing: 0
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: coordinate pair
Abscissa_Resolution: 0.0001
Ordinate_Resolution: 0.0001
Planar_Distance_Units: survey feet
Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1927
Ellipsoid_Name: Clarke 1866
Semi-major_Axis: 6378206.400000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 294.980000
Altitude_Datum_Name: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
Altitude_Resolution: 0.1
Altitude_Distance_Units: feet
Altitude_Encoding_Method: Attribute values

The DTM data set covers 278.75-square-miles generally located in the northwest and southeast portions of Washington County, WI. The files were compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards for one-inch-equals-200-feet scale, two-foot contour interval mapping. The three-dimensional files are in Microstation DGN format.

Each DTM file contains mass point and breakline features and covers a portion of a U.S. Public Land Survey System township. The features are organized by level and color within the files. The mass points and breaklines are attributed with elevation values.
Information about the characteristics of the features in this data set is contained in a table entitled "Washington County 2007 Project DTM Features: Microstation DGN Format Files" included in a mapping contract between Washington County and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.

Additional information can be found in the associated data dictionaries.
The contour and depression line dataset covers 278.75-square- miles generally located in the northwest and southeast portions of Washington County, WI. Each file covers one U.S. Public Land Survey System township or portion of a township. The files were compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards for one-inch- equals-200-feet scale, two-foot contour interval mapping. The text features are sized for display at one-inch-equals-100-feet scale for the 18-square-mile area around the City of Hartford, the 14-square-mile area around the Village of Slinger, and the 14.75- sqaure-mile ring around the City of West Bend. The text features are sized for display at one-inch-equals-200-feet scale for the remaining 232 square miles of the project area. The three- dimensional files are in ESRI geodatabase format and MicroStation DGN format.
Each ESRI geodatabase format file contains a Point feature class, a Line feature class, and an Annotation feature class.

The Point feature class is named "spot" with a four-digit suffix representing USPLSS township and range. This feature class includes spot elevation locations with an attribute named "Elevation" containing the spot elevation values to the tenth of a foot.

The Line feature class is named "contourline" with a four-digit suffix representing USPLSS township and range. This feature class contains line features encoded as "Polyline Z" shapes and includes an attribute named "TAG" with the following six values: CONTOUR.INDEX, CONTOUR.INTERMEDIATE, DEPRESSION.INDEX, DEPRESSION.INTERMEDIATE, INDEX.TEXTCLIPPED, and INTERMEDIATE.TEXTCLIPPED. This feature class also includes an attribute named "Elevation" containing the index contour line and index depression line elevation values in two-foot intervals.

The Annotation feature class is named "contourtext" with a four- digit suffix representing USPLSS township and range. This feature class contains the contour and depression line elevation text, spot elevation text, and water surface elevation text. The text features are distinguishable by an attribute named "Level".

Requests for this data in a 'GIS format' are typically filled with a version of the data that has been merged with topograhic data from other projects to create a countywide coverage. See the corresponding metadata record for additional information on that product.
Each MicroStation DGN format file contains point, line, and text features for an entire survey township or portion of a survey township. The features are organized by level, color, weight, and line code within the files. The contour and depression lines and spot elevations are attributed with elevation values.
Information about the characteristics of the features in this data set is contained in a table entitled "Washington County 2007 Project Topographic Mapping Features: MicroStation DGN Format Files" included in a mapping contract between Washington County and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.

Additional information can be found in the associated data dictionaries.

Washington County Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a division of the Planning and Parks Department
Contact_Person: Eric Damkot
Contact_Position: GIS Manager
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 333 E Washington Street, Suite 2300
Address: PO BOX 2003
City: West Bend
State_or_Province: WI
Postal_Code: 53095-2003
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 262-335-4445
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 262-335-6868
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: eric.damkot@co.washington.wi.us
Hours_of_Service: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
Washington County 2007 DTM and Contour Line Files (CAD Format).

Requests for this data in a 'GIS format' are typically filled with a version of the data that has been merged with topograhic data from other projects to create a countywide coverage. See the corresponding metadata record for additional information on that product.
This information is not certified by Washington County. Any use/application of this information is the responsibility of the user and such use/application is at their own risk. Washington County disclaims all liability regarding the fitness of the information for any use.

This data set was created for use by Washington County and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission for county and regional planning purposes. Any other use/application of this information is the responsibility of the user and such use/application is at the user's own discretion and risk. Washington County and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission disclaim all liability regarding fitness of the information for any use other than County and Commission applications.
Format_Name: MicroStation DGN format
Format_Version_Number: 8
Format_Information_Content: Contour files, DTM, Metadata
Offline_Media: CD-ROM
Recording_Density: 700
Recording_Density_Units: MB
Recording_Format: ISO 9660 Level 3
Offline_Media: DVD-ROM
Recording_Density: 4.7
Recording_Density_Units: GB
Recording_Format: ISO 9660 Level 3
Topographic data are sold by U.S. Public Land Survey System Township. Topographic data from the 2007 LiDAR project is generally combined with the topographic data from one or more other projects to fill a single data request. All available data for any two townships on a CD-ROM is $75 (includes all delivery fees). Available topographic data for all townships on a DVD-ROM is $200 (includes all delivery fees). Fees are generally waived for all local, regional, state, and federal governments. At the discretion of Washington County Department heads, fees can be waived for individuals or groups doing business with Washington County.
Order by mail, phone, or in person. Payment must be received before data will be shipped. See the GIS data and fees page at <http://www.co.washington.wi.us/gis> for additional information.
Turnaround: Typically within one week
Any modification to a standard product constitutes a custom product. Custom products will be charged $50/hr (minimum 1 hr) plus the $75 or $200 standard charge. Contact the Washington County GIS, a division of the Planning and Parks Department for more information.

Metadata_Date: 20110117
Washington County Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a division of the Planning and Parks Department
Contact_Person: Eric Damkot
Contact_Position: GIS Manager
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 333 E Washington Street, Suite 2300
Address: PO BOX 2003
City: West Bend
State_or_Province: WI
Postal_Code: 53095-2003
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 262-335-4445
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 262-335-6868
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: eric.damkot@co.washington.wi.us
Hours_of_Service: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998

Generated by mp version 2.9.5 on Mon Jan 17 10:06:32 2011