The Point Cloud LAS was developed from a LiDAR flight flown in the Spring of 2010 as part of the Vernon County 2010 WROC project.
The 2010 Point Cloud files contain the total LiDAR point cloud. This dataset constitutes all classifications of lidar points. File formats include: ESRI Shapefile and LAS format.
Point Classes are as follows: 1 = Processed, Unclassified, 2 = Bare Earth Ground, 3 = Low vegetation, 4 = Medium vegetation, 5 = High vegetation, 6 = Building, 7 = Noise, 8 = Res. (Model keypoints), 9 = Water, 10 = Ignored Ground, 11 = Road, 12 = Res. (Overlap), 13= Railroad, 14, = Stream, 15 = Wire, 21 = High Points, 22 = Spurious Intensity, 31 = First of Many, 32 = Intermediate, 33 = Last of Many, 34 = Single/Only (Ground)
ground condition
To be determined by client
200 Airport Road
The file parameters of all the data are correct.
Consistency was maintained throughout the dataset.
The files cover the full extent of the contract.
The dataset was developed to generate contours meeting the National Map Accuracy Standards for the scale 1:600. Test points will fall on the correct side of the contours developed from this DTM for ninety percent of all points.
Based on tests conducted by staff from Ayres Associates: Survey grade elevations were taken in the project area in five different types of cover. These elevations were compared with the LiDAR terrain elevation. RMSE results: Overall - 0.299
The LiDAR data was post processed and manually classified to develop the bare earth subset of the raw LiDAR point cloud.
Ayres Associates utilized mathematical algorithms through TerraSolid applications to filter high points (points excessively high in relation to bare earth points), low points (points excessively low in relation to bare earth points), low vegetation points (points 0.1 - 1 foot above bare earth points) , medium vegetation points (points 1.1 - 10 feet above bare earth points), high vegetation points (points 10.1+ feet above bare earth points), and water points from entire point cloud of the project area.
1802 Pankratz St