The Bare Earth DEM was developed from LAS points and breaklines collected from a LiDAR flight flown in the Fall of 2011, as part of the Jefferson County 2011 Project. The DEM is a raster data set in ESRI GRID format with an X, Y, Z value located at the center of each 10 ft. by 10 ft. cell. The DEM was generated from a DTM meeting ASPRS class II Standards.
The 2011 Bare Earth two-Foot DEM was developed as a derivative product for use in general surface modeling and depiction.
ground condition
To be determined by client
320 S Main Street Room 101
Each pixel in the ESRI GRID contains a value representing relative elevation. Each pixel represents a 10 foot by 10 foot area.
The digital elevation model covers all of the project area with no gaps or omissions.
The data set is derived from a DTM that meets National Map Accuracy Standards for the scale 1:600. The horizontal accuracy is +/- 1.5 feet for well defined points, at a ninety percent confidence level.
Based on tests conducted by staff from Ayres Associates: Survey grade elevations were taken in the project area in five different types of cover. These elevations were compared with the LiDAR terrain elevation. RMSE results: Overall - 0.4824
A triangulated irregular network (TIN) model was created from LAS and break lines. The TIN was processed to create a GRID or digital elevation model (DEM) with ten-foot pixels.
1802 Pankratz St
1802 Pankratz Street