The Bare Earth DTM was developed from LAS points and breaklines collected from a LiDAR flight flown in the Spring of 2010, as part of the Iowa County 2010 WROC project. The DTM is used to develop a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network). Two-foot contours meeting National Map Accuracy Standards were generated from the TIN.
The 2010 two-foot contours were developed as a derivative product for use in general surface modeling and depiction. File formats include ESRI Shapefile and AutoCAD DWG format.
ground condition
To be determined by client
222 N Iowa St
The data set is topologically structured line data with no gaps or omissions.
The vector data covers all of the Iowa County, WI project area with no gaps or omissions.
The data set is derived from a DTM that meets National Map Accuracy Standards for the scale 1:600.
Based on tests conducted by staff from Iowa County: Survey grade elevations were taken in the project area in five different types of cover. These elevations were compared with the LiDAR terrain elevation. RMSE results: Overall - 0.36993
A triangulated irregular network (TIN) model was created from the Bare Earth LAS and breaklines. The TIN was processed to create two-foot contours.
1802 Pankratz St
Internal feature number.
Feature geometry.
Not available
Not available
1802 Pankratz Street