The Breakline vectors were developed from the LiDAR points to define hard and soft breaklines, mostly hydrography, in the terrain surface, as part of the Columbia County 2011 lidar Project.
The 2011 breaklines dataset contains the hydrographic breaklines necessary for terrain surface development. This dataset establishes the deviation parameters for the development of derivative terrain data. File formats include: ESRI shapefile and AutoCAD DWG format.
Coupled with the classified lidar bare earth points, this data set is the 2011 digital terrain model.
ground condition
Public Domain
400 Dewitt St
The file parameters of all the data were correct.
Data was consistent throughout the dataset.
The breakline data covers all of the necessary Columbia County, WI project area with no gaps or omissions.
All map products will meet ASPRS Class II accuracy standards. The horizontal and vertical coordinates shall be referenced to the County coordinate system (NAD83 in Feet) and NAVD88.
Based on tests conducted by staff from Ayres Associates: Survey grade elevations were taken in the project area in five different types of cover. These elevations were compared with the LiDAR terrain elevation. RMSE results: Overall: 0.219
Breaklines for this project utilized a process called Lidargrammetry. Lidargrammetry involves manipulating the LiDAR data’s intensity information to create a metrically sound stereo environment. From this generated “imagery” dependable breaklines can be photogrammetrically compiled. This capability allows for high-accuracy terrain data from LiDAR without supplemental imagery.
1802 Pankratz St
Internal feature number.
Feature geometry.
1802 Pankratz Street