Landsat_ETM - Path: 26 Row: 28 for Scene: LE70260282007212EDC00 Metadata: * Identification_Information <#1> * Data_Quality_Information <#2> * Spatial_Data_Organization_Information <#3> * Spatial_Reference_Information <#4> * Distribution_Information <#5> * Metadata_Reference_Information <#6> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Identification_Information:/ /Citation:/ /Citation_Information:/ /Originator:/ USGS Earth Resources Observation & Science Center (EROS) /Publication_Date:/ 20070731 /Title:/ Landsat_ETM - Path: 26 Row: 28 for Scene: LE70260282007212EDC00 /Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form:/ remote-sensing image /Series_Information:/ /Series_Name:/ Landsat_ETM /Issue_Identification:/ The Landsat-7 satellite's payload includes the ETM+ sensor. The ETM+ sensor is an enhanced version of the TM sensor flown aboard the Landsat-4 and -5 satellites. Sensor enhancements include the addition of the panchromatic band and two gain ranges, improved spatial resolution for the thermal band, and the addition of two solar calibrators. /Publication_Information:/ /Publication_Place:/ Sioux Falls, SD /Publisher:/ USGS Earth Resources Observation & Science Center (EROS) /Online_Linkage:/ /Description:/ /Abstract:/ The Landsat-7 satellite is part of an ongoing mission to provide quality remote sensing data in support of research and applications activities. The U.S. entered into a partnership with NASA in the early 1970's to assume responsibility for the archive management and distribution of Landsat data products. In July 1972, NASA launched the first in a series of satellites designed to provide repetitive global observations of the Earth's land masses. Part of NASA's Earth Resources Survey Program, the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Program, the ERTS satellites were later renamed Landsat to better represent the civil satellite program's prime emphasis on remote sensing of land resources. Landsats 1, 2, and 3 carried the Multispectral Scanner (MSS) sensor and also included the experimental Return Beam Vidicon cameras. The Landsat-4 satellite carried the MSS and Thematic Mapper (TM) sensors, as does the still currently orbiting Landsat-5 satellite. The launch of Landsat-7 on April 15, 1999 marks the addition of the latest satellite to the Landsat series. The Landsat-7 satellite carries the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor. A mechanical failure of the ETM+ Scan Line Corrector (SLC) occurred on May 31, 2003, with the result that all Landsat 7 scenes acquired from July 14, 2003 to present have been collected in 'SLC-off' mode. /Purpose:/ The mission of the Landsat-7 satellite is to provide a vehicle for continuing the flow of global change information to users worldwide. The Landsat-7 satellite fulfills its mission by providing repetitive, synoptic coverage of continental surfaces and by collecting data in spectral bands that include the visible, near-infrared, shortwave, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Landsat-7 mission objectives include: Maintaining Landsat data continuity by providing data that are consistent in terms of data acquisition, geometry, spatial resolution, calibration, coverage characteristics, and spectral characteristics with previous Landsat data. Generating and periodically refreshing a global archive of substantially cloud-free, Sun-lit, land-mass imagery. Continuing to make remote sensing satellite data available to domestic and international users and expanding the use of such data for global change research in both the Government and private commercial sectors. Promoting interdisciplinary research via synergism with other EOS observations, in particular, orbiting in tandem with the EOS Terra satellite for near coincident observations. /Supplemental_Information:/ The Landsat-7 system is another step in the development and application of remotely sensed satellite data for use in managing the Earth's land resources. As with earlier Landsat systems, the Landsat-7 platform, along with its enhanced thematic mapping sensor, provides for new capabilities in remote sensing of the Earth's land surface. Landsat-7 data are collected from a nominal altitude of 705 kilometers in a near-polar, near-circular, Sun-synchronous orbit at an inclination of 98.2 degrees, imaging the same 183-km swath of the Earth's surface every 16 days. Some of the browse images you encounter may appear black or empty. These are engineering data known as FAC=Full Aperture Calibrator. FAC is a white painted panel that is deployed in front of the ETM+ aperture and diffusely reflects solar radiation into the full aperture of the instrument. FAC scenes will typically be gathered on a daily basis and constitute roughly 10 scenes for each FAC collected. So, about 10 of the ~250 scenes per day that Landsat will be delivering to EDC will be FAC scenes. Eventually, this engineering data will be gleaned out of the database. /Time_Period_of_Content:/ /Time_Period_Information:/ /Single_Date/Time:/ /Calendar_Date:/ 20070731 /Time_of_Day:/ 2007:212:16:42:20.8197500 /Range_of_Dates/Times:/ /Beginning_Date:/ 20070731 /Beginning_Time:/ 2007:212:16:42:20.8197500 /Ending_Date:/ 20070731 /Ending_Time:/ 2007:212:16:42:47.5736250 /Currentness_Reference:/ ground condition /Status:/ /Progress:/ In work /Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency:/ Daily /Spatial_Domain:/ /Bounding_Coordinates:/ /West_Bounding_Coordinate:/ -93.1395 /East_Bounding_Coordinate:/ -90.1278 /North_Bounding_Coordinate:/ 47.0063 /South_Bounding_Coordinate:/ 45.0641 /Data_Set_G-Polygon:/ /Data_Set_G-Polygon_Outer_G-Ring:/ /G-Ring:/ -92.5868,47.0063,-93.1395,45.41,-90.1278,46.6504,-90.7483,45.0641 /Keywords:/ /Theme:/ /Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus:/ GCMD Parameter Keywords /Theme_Keyword:/ EARTH SCIENCE /Theme_Keyword:/ IMAGERY /Theme_Keyword:/ INFRARED WAVELENGTHS /Theme_Keyword:/ SATELLITE /Theme_Keyword:/ RADIANCE OR IMAGERY /Theme_Keyword:/ THEMATIC MAPPER /Theme_Keyword:/ LANDSAT /Theme_Keyword:/ REMOTE SENSING /Theme_Keyword:/ INFRARED IMAGERY /Theme_Keyword:/ VISIBLE WAVELENGTHS /Theme_Keyword:/ RADIANCE /Access_Constraints:/ None /Use_Constraints:/ There are no restrictions as to the use of data sold by the USGS. We ask that the USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) be identified as the source if data are used in a publication. Landsat_ETM Systematic data are distributed to all customers. Precision and Terrain corrected products are limited to Approved Research Users. /Point_of_Contact:/ /Contact_Information:/ /Contact_Organization_Primary:/ /Contact_Organization:/ USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) /Contact_Position:/ Customer Services Representative /Contact_Address:/ /Address_Type:/ mailing and physical address /Address:/ Customer Services, U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation & Science Center (EROS) 47914 252nd Street /City:/ Sioux Falls /State_or_Province:/ SD /Postal_Code:/ 57198-0001 /Country:/ USA /Contact_Voice_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6116 or U.S. toll free: 1-800-252-4547 /Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6933 /Contact_Facsimile_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6589 /Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:/ /Hours_of_Service:/ 0800 - 1600 CT, M-F, -6 h GMT /Contact_Instructions:/ /Browse_Graphic:/ /Browse_Graphic_File_Name:/ /Browse_Graphic_File_Description:/ Browse /Browse_Graphic_File_Type:/ JPEG /Browse_Graphic:/ /Browse_Graphic_File_Name:/ 47.0063 -92.5868|46.6504 -90.1278|45.0641 -90.7483|45.41 -93.1395 /Browse_Graphic_File_Description:/ Polygon /Browse_Graphic_File_Type:/ Footprint coordinates /Security_Information:/ /Security_Classification_System:/ none /Security_Classification:/ unclassified /Security_Handling_Description:/ none /Native_Data_Set_Environment:/ Oracle /Cross_Reference:/ /Citation_Information:/ /Originator:/ USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observations & Science (EROS) /Publication_Date:/ 19820716 /Title:/ Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery (Landsat TM) /Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form:/ remote-sensing image /Publication_Information:/ /Publication_Place:/ Sioux Falls, SD /Publisher:/ U.S. Geological Survey /Online_Linkage:/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Data_Quality_Information:/ /Attribute_Accuracy:/ /Attribute_Accuracy_Report:/ A panchromatic band 8 was added, with a resolution of 15 meters. Band 6 now has high gain and low gain bands. There are 3 on-board solar calibrators to provide an absolute accuracy of 5%. /Logical_Consistency_Report:/ Landsat-7 data are collected from a nominal altitude of 705 kilometers in a near-polar, near-circular, Sun-synchronous orbit at an inclination of 98.2 degrees, imaging the same 183-km swath of the Earth's surface every 16 days. /Completeness_Report:/ The Landsat-7 satellite is designed to fly a 705-kilometer, Sun-synchronous, Earth mapping orbit with a 16-day repeat cycle. Its payload is a single nadir-pointing instrument, the ETM+ sensor. Communications are provided through the satellite's S-band and X-band. The S-band is used for command and housekeeping telemetry operations while the X-Band is used for instrument data downlink. A 378-gigabit solid state recorder can hold 42 minutes of instrument data and 29 hours of housekeeping telemetry, concurrently. Power is provided by a single Sun-tracking solar array and two 50-amp-hour, nickel-hydrogen batteries. Attitude control is provided through four reaction wheels (pitch, yaw, roll, and skew), three 2-channel gyros with celestial drift updating, a static Earth sensor, a 1750A processor, and torque rods and magnetometers for momentum unloading. Orbit control and backup momentum unloading is provided through a blow-down monopropellant hydrazine system with a single tank containing 270 pounds of hydrazine, associated plumbing, and twelve 1-pound-thrust jets. The orbital pattern equates to a 233-orbit cycle with a swath sidelap that varies from approximately 7 percent at the Equator to nearly 84 percent at 81 degrees north or south latitude. The Landsat-7 satellite is to share its orbit configuration with NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra satellite (launch pending). Plans are for the two satellites to be placed in identical orbits, ideally 15 minutes apart from each other, with the EOS Terra satellite in a follow-on orbit to the Landsat-7 satellite. The end result is repetitive data coverage, while such variables as plant physiology are under nearly identical conditions. The Landsat scenes are mapped to a global notation system called the Worldwide Reference System (WRS), annotating the nominal scene center of Landsat imagery using Path and Row designators. /Positional_Accuracy:/ /Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy:/ /Horizontal_Positional_Accuracy_Report:/ -11327 This number represents the horizontal distance between the perpendiculars through the LPS calculated "true" WRS Scene Center and the nominal (known) WRS scene center on the ground. /Vertical_Positional_Accuracy:/ /Vertical_Positional_Accuracy_Report:/ The Landsat ETM+ sensor is a nadir-viewing, eight-band multispectral scanning radiometer that detects spectrally filtered radiation from several portions of the electromagnetic spectrum while orbiting the Earth from an altitude of 705 kilometers. Nominal ground sample distances or pixel sizes include 30 meters each for the six visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared bands, 60 meters for the thermal infrared band, and 15 meters for the panchromatic band. The ETM+ sensor is designed to produce approximately 3.8 gigabits of data for each Landsat scene. The Landsat ETM+ sensor operates from a 3-axis, stabilized satellite platform. With the platform traveling in a Energy reflected from the Earth's surface passes through several ETM+ subsystems before being collected by the solid-state detectors at the focal plane. /Lineage:/ /Source_Information:/ /Source_Citation:/ /Citation_Information:/ /Originator:/ U.S. Geological Survey /Publication_Date:/ 20070731 /Title:/ Landsat_ETM: LE70260282007212EDC00 /Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form:/ remote-sensing image /Other_Citation_Details:/ Image Quality: 99 The first digit represents image data quality and can range in value from 0 - 9. The second digit represents Payload Correction Data quality and can range in value from 0 - 9. /Source_Citation_Abbreviation:/ Landsat_ETM /Cloud_Cover:/ 00 percent - This number represents the aggregate cloud cover for all four quadrants of the image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Spatial_Data_Organization_Information:/ /Indirect_Spatial_Reference:/ Spectral bandwidths for the ETM+ sensor are determined through the combined response of all the system's optical path mirrors (e.g., primary, secondary, scan line corrector), spectral filters, and individual detectors. The spectral filters, located immediately in front of each detector array, predominately establish the optical bandpass for each spectral band. The filter housing for the prime focal plane contains filters for bands 1 through 4 and for band 8 (the panchromatic band). The filter housing for the cold focal plane assembly contains filters for bands 5 through 7. Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method Remote sensing image Raster_Object_Information Row_Count ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Spatial_Reference_Information:/ /Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition:/ /Planar:/ /Map_Projection:/ Space_Oblique_Mercator_Landsat: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Distribution_Information:/ /Distributor:/ /Contact_Information:/ /Contact_Organization_Primary:/ /Contact_Organization:/ USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) /Contact_Position:/ Customer Services Representative /Contact_Address:/ /Address_Type:/ mailing and physical address /Address:/ U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation & Science Center (EROS) 47914 252nd Street /City:/ Sioux Falls /State_or_Province:/ SD /Postal_Code:/ 57198-0001 /Country:/ USA /Contact_Voice_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6151 or U.S. toll free: 1-800-252-4547 /Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone:/ +001-605-594-6933 /Contact_Facsimile_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6589 /Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:/ /Hours_of_Service:/ 0800 -1600 CT, M-F, -6 h GMT /Contact_Instructions:/ Online Ordering: Once you have filled out and submitted the online ordering form found at it is forwarded to Customer Services at the USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) via the Earth Explorer system. EROS uses a secure credit card server that will encrypt your sensitive information and pass it from your browser to the EROS web server. Mail Ordering: First obtain the ordering information from Earth Explorer. Mail this information, along with your payment (check or purchase/money order), to USGS, EROS. /Resource_Description:/ LE70260282007212EDC00 /Distribution_Liability:/ Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the USGS regarding the use of the data on any other system, nor does the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS will warrant the delivery of this product in computer-readable format and will offer appropriate adjustment of credit when the product is determined unreadable by correctly adjusted computer input peripherals, or when the physical medium is delivered in damaged condition. Requests for adjustment of credit must be made within 60 days from the date of this shipment from the order site. /Standard_Order_Process:/ /Digital_Form:/ /Digital_Transfer_Option:/ /Online_Option:/ /Computer_Contact_Information:/ /Network_Address:/ /Network_Resource_Name:/ Information on the HDF, including reference manuals, user guides, release notes, newsletters, and source code, is available through the National Center for Supercomputing Applications HDF Group's Web site at /Dialup_Instructions:/ /Compression_Support:/ Browse files have a HDF JPEG compression. /Fees:/ Product media formats, pricing and shipping information are available at: /Ordering_Instructions:/ Data set searching and ordering capabilities of Level-0 Reformatted (L0R), Level-1 Radiometrically Corrected (L1R), and Level-1 Geometrically Corrected (L1G) are available through EarthExplorer system at EarthExplorer system at: . The L0R data are reformatted, raw data acquired by the satellite as it views the Earth. The data are not radiometrically corrected, the pixels are not resampled or geometrically registered to an Earth location. The L1R product is a radiometrically corrected image. Radiometric correction is performed using either gains in the Calibration Parameter File or gains computed on the fly from the Internal Calibrator. The choice is available to a user when the product is ordered. Radiometric corrections are not reversible. The L1R product geometry is identical to the input L0R data. These L1R data are available to approved researchers only. The L1G product is a radiometrically and systematically corrected L0R image. The correction algorithms model the spacecraft and sensor, using data generated by onboard computers during imaging events. The radiometrically corrected pixels are resampled for geometric correction and registration to an Earth location with a geodetic accuracy of 5 to 25 times the sensor's ground instantaneous field of view. /Turnaround:/ Delivery Times ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Metadata_Reference_Information:/ /Metadata_Date:/ 19990719 /Metadata_Review_Date:/ Metadata_Future_Review_Date 20020601 /Metadata_Contact:/ /Contact_Information:/ /Contact_Organization_Primary:/ /Contact_Organization:/ USGS National Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) /Contact_Position:/ Archive Management /Contact_Address:/ /Address_Type:/ mailing and physical address /Address:/ U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation & Science Center (EROS) 47914 252nd Street /City:/ Sioux Falls /State_or_Province:/ SD /Postal_Code:/ 57198-0001 /Country:/ USA /Contact_Voice_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6594 /Contact_TDD/TTY_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6933 /Contact_Facsimile_Telephone:/ +001 605-594-6953 /Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address:/ /Hours_of_Service:/ 0800 - 1600 CT, M-F, -6 h GMT /Metadata_Standard_Name:/ Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata /Metadata_Standard_Version:/ FGDC-STD-001-1998 Version 2 /Metadata_Time_Convention:/ local time /Metadata_Access_Constraints:/ None /Metadata_Use_Constraints:/ None /Metadata_Security_Information:/ /Metadata_Security_Classification_System:/ None /Metadata_Security_Classification:/ Unclassified /Metadata_Security_Handling_Description:/ None ------------------------------------------------------------------------