Image: l7p25r30_2000mar30_pan Lines: 14600 Samples: 15600 GSD: 15.000000000000000 meters Projection: Albers Equal-Area Conic Datum: North American 1983 Ellipsoid: GRS 1980 Rotation: 0.000 degrees Origin Latitude: 23.000000000000N Origin Longitude: 96.000000000000W False Easting: 0.0000 False Northing: 0.0000 Standard Parallel #1: 29.500000000000N Standard Parallel #2: 45.500000000000N Corner coordinates relative to center of pixel. Corner Coordinates: Upper Left Latitude: 44.202739883297N Longitude: 92.328228414380W Easting: 292485.0000 Northing: 2362575.0000 Upper Right Latitude: 44.089335510718N Longitude: 89.398198453960W Easting: 526470.0000 Northing: 2362575.0000 Lower Right Latitude: 42.133184147160N Longitude: 89.583320883569W Easting: 526470.0000 Northing: 2143590.0000 Lower Left Latitude: 42.243060890990N Longitude: 92.431408957894W Easting: 292485.0000 Northing: 2143590.0000 Center Coordinates: Latitude: 43.167080108041N Longitude: 90.935289177450W Easting: 409477.5000 Northing: 2253082.5000 NOTE: Lat/Lon values are in decimal degrees. Eastings/Northings are in meters. ********************************************************************************* Image: l7p25r30_2000mar30_thm Lines: 3600 Samples: 3800 GSD: 60.000000000000000 meters Projection: Albers Equal-Area Conic Datum: North American 1983 Ellipsoid: GRS 1980 Rotation: 0.000 degrees Origin Latitude: 23.000000000000N Origin Longitude: 96.000000000000W False Easting: 0.0000 False Northing: 0.0000 Standard Parallel #1: 29.500000000000N Standard Parallel #2: 45.500000000000N Corner coordinates relative to center of pixel. Corner Coordinates: Upper Left Latitude: 44.187550613103N Longitude: 92.290436163574W Easting: 295560.0000 Northing: 2361000.0000 Upper Right Latitude: 44.077087191946N Longitude: 89.436684677054W Easting: 523500.0000 Northing: 2361000.0000 Lower Right Latitude: 42.148084487546N Longitude: 89.618209235445W Easting: 523500.0000 Northing: 2145060.0000 Lower Left Latitude: 42.255158820567N Longitude: 92.393246532850W Easting: 295560.0000 Northing: 2145060.0000 Center Coordinates: Latitude: 43.166970278290N Longitude: 90.934644152231W Easting: 409530.0000 Northing: 2253030.0000 NOTE: Lat/Lon values are in decimal degrees. Eastings/Northings are in meters. *************************************************************************** Image: l7p25r30_2000mar30_vir Lines: 7200 Samples: 7800 GSD: 30.000000000000000 meters Projection: Albers Equal-Area Conic Datum: North American 1983 Ellipsoid: GRS 1980 Rotation: 0.000 degrees Origin Latitude: 23.000000000000N Origin Longitude: 96.000000000000W False Easting: 0.0000 False Northing: 0.0000 Standard Parallel #1: 29.500000000000N Standard Parallel #2: 45.500000000000N Corner coordinates relative to center of pixel. Corner Coordinates: Upper Left Latitude: 44.189154136919N Longitude: 92.328774648075W Easting: 292500.0000 Northing: 2361060.0000 Upper Right Latitude: 44.075780656925N Longitude: 89.399515810474W Easting: 526470.0000 Northing: 2361060.0000 Lower Right Latitude: 42.146565152535N Longitude: 89.582088101983W Easting: 526470.0000 Northing: 2145090.0000 Lower Left Latitude: 42.256459802292N Longitude: 92.430539035534W Easting: 292500.0000 Northing: 2145090.0000 Center Coordinates: Latitude: 43.166989937168N Longitude: 90.935229399017W Easting: 409485.0000 Northing: 2253075.0000 NOTE: Lat/Lon values are in decimal degrees. Eastings/Northings are in meters.