NLAPS CORRECTION PROCESSING REPORT ---------------------------------- NLAPS Version: 4_2_02e12 Work Order: 011031014000400004 Priority: 9 Satellite: Landsat-5 Sensor: TM Camera Number: N/A Sensor Mode: N/A Input Data Ident: BE3963 Input Media Type: DCT File Number: N/A Orbit Number: 103585 Processing Level: Precision Geocorrection Resampling: NN Map Projection: UTM Zone: 16 Earth Ellipsoid: WGS84 Panel Effect: FALSE Product Orient.: Satellite Projection Params: 6.378137000000000e+06 6.356752314250000e+06 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 Line Spacing: 030.0 Pixel Spacing: 030.0 Path/Strip no.: 025 Start Row no.: 028.0 End Row no.: N/A Image Lines: 5984 Image Pixels: 6677 Image Orientation: 13.97 deg from N Output Bands: 1234567 Viewing Angle: -0.18 deg Scene center lat: 46.024 deg Scene center long: -89.904 deg Sun Elevation: 49.95 deg Sun Azimuth: 140.35 deg Scene center date: 2003 08 22 Scene center time: 16:23:22.3751 Output Media: Disk Output Product Id: N/A Product Format: NDF Interleaving : BSQ Catalogued: FALSE Completion date: 2003 10 14 Completion time: 15:38:27 Termination Status: Successful Completion ============================================================================== DETAILED PROCESSING RESULTS ============================================================================== MODEL REFINEMENT STATISTICS --------------------------- Number of CPs in model: 12 Error Mean (m) RMS (m) Std Dev (m) --------------------------------------------------- Along Track -0.87 6.02 5.96 Across Track -0.20 5.01 5.01 Height -0.01 0.29 0.29 Combined 0.89 7.84 7.79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location Residuals Num Mark Kind Lat Long Height Along Across Height Comb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28390 Man RCP 46.44 -90.84 244.96 -1.07 1.77 -0.22 2.08 3243 Man RCP 45.03 -89.31 427.95 -2.18 -2.75 -0.32 3.52 9276 Man RCP 45.55 -90.23 506.34 2.96 -9.48 0.13 9.93 9279 Man SCP 45.58 -91.01 378.94 -14.95 0.23 0.02 14.95 26331 Man RCP 45.56 -89.17 497.02 -3.04 6.01 0.67 6.77 26333 Man RCP 46.62 -88.60 389.00 -0.57 2.32 0.30 2.41 3056 Man RCP 46.47 -89.89 453.45 -4.36 5.65 -0.08 7.14 9690 Man RCP 45.15 -90.09 439.46 6.42 6.11 0.11 8.86 9108 Man RCP 46.11 -90.63 465.56 5.68 0.66 -0.07 5.71 3007 Man RCP 46.70 -89.16 224.66 1.17 -6.65 -0.40 6.76 3055 Man RCP 46.05 -89.06 547.32 6.58 0.42 0.02 6.59 3139 Man SCP 45.73 -89.62 487.00 -7.09 -6.71 -0.31 9.77 ============================================================================== RADIOMETRIC CORRECTION ---------------------- Algorithm: NASA CPF Band | Ref DN to Radiance Default | Detector gain offset Abs Calib? ------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 15 0.762824 -1.52000 FALSE 2 | 10 1.442510 -2.84000 FALSE 3 | 2 1.039880 -1.17000 FALSE 4 | 1 0.872588 -1.51000 FALSE 5 | 2 0.119882 -0.37000 FALSE 6 | 4 0.055158 1.237800 FALSE 7 | 15 0.065294 -0.15000 FALSE Band 1 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 0.953728 0.288116 0.953728 0.303013 2 | 0.961161 -0.32947 0.961161 -0.40160 3 | 0.942740 0.290904 0.942740 0.309861 4 | 0.951058 0.144646 0.951058 0.115294 5 | 0.953901 0.051096 0.953901 0.072031 6 | 0.962720 -0.48482 0.962720 -0.49880 7 | 0.956856 -0.08548 0.956856 -0.09042 8 | 0.943621 0.283230 0.943621 0.285612 9 | 0.947697 -0.06899 0.947697 -0.07050 10 | 0.941269 0.618545 0.941269 0.628659 11 | 0.941023 0.296819 0.941023 0.328853 12 | 0.942646 0.879247 0.942646 0.899940 13 | 0.939974 0.623693 0.939974 0.646982 14 | 0.940520 1.051230 0.940520 1.059700 15 | 0.935181 1.322420 0.935181 1.362380 16 | 0.956941 0.737062 0.956941 0.758942 Band 2 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 0.943077 0.105002 0.943077 0.027982 2 | 0.954819 0.088936 0.954819 0.034162 3 | 0.944845 0.134024 0.944845 0.112477 4 | 0.954383 -0.02574 0.954383 -0.06888 5 | 0.955772 0.030030 0.955772 0.021962 6 | 0.957465 0.010870 0.957465 0.010543 7 | 0.949542 0.079521 0.949542 0.071655 8 | 0.948443 0.010436 0.948443 -0.00166 9 | 0.957614 0.224404 0.957614 0.219480 10 | 0.943182 0.045057 0.943182 0.032692 11 | 0.947292 0.214471 0.947292 0.208734 12 | 0.940229 0.029469 0.940229 0.023770 13 | 0.933423 0.221266 0.933423 0.208606 14 | 0.932863 0.427401 0.932863 0.417229 15 | 0.938315 0.279540 0.938315 0.296632 16 | 0.941625 0.751265 0.941625 0.753485 Band 3 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 0.947838 1.117240 0.947838 1.077190 2 | 0.941595 1.152540 0.941595 1.083690 3 | 0.944962 1.087190 0.944962 1.069460 4 | 0.937339 1.066970 0.937339 1.036290 5 | 0.948544 0.990840 0.948544 0.951809 6 | 0.938087 1.209350 0.938087 1.178030 7 | 0.946814 1.041650 0.946814 1.005250 8 | 0.935836 1.302780 0.935836 1.287760 9 | 0.946293 1.117230 0.946293 1.107040 10 | 0.932883 1.184020 0.932883 1.168700 11 | 0.935911 1.139800 0.935911 1.110940 12 | 0.942373 1.259460 0.942373 1.229680 13 | 0.945221 1.050240 0.945221 1.038600 14 | 0.932140 1.448530 0.932140 1.440510 15 | 0.948885 1.230710 0.948885 1.234990 16 | 0.932777 1.901060 0.932777 1.905580 Band 4 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 0.944375 0.289454 0.944375 0.587982 2 | 0.946973 0.364206 0.946973 0.635102 3 | 0.947035 0.252157 0.947035 0.581010 4 | 0.940436 0.179100 0.940436 0.484202 5 | 0.940798 0.272270 0.940798 0.567293 6 | 0.946592 0.239854 0.946592 0.494126 7 | 0.949989 0.278980 0.949989 0.498833 8 | 0.936043 0.339631 0.936043 0.624141 9 | 0.952847 0.334908 0.952847 0.653265 10 | 0.953652 0.308736 0.953652 0.539811 11 | 0.947969 0.216553 0.947969 0.488029 12 | 0.942499 0.411777 0.942499 0.678315 13 | 0.929397 0.369726 0.929397 0.710296 14 | 0.939893 0.401067 0.939893 0.676488 15 | 0.941401 0.454005 0.941401 0.771509 16 | 0.946348 1.150270 0.946348 1.587880 Band 5 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 0.959916 -0.80039 0.959916 -0.79652 2 | 0.957199 -0.85054 0.957199 -0.83380 3 | 0.951204 -0.45844 0.951204 -0.42576 4 | 0.957013 -0.69356 0.957013 -0.63012 5 | 0.956229 -0.66240 0.956229 -0.60656 6 | 0.953305 -0.70365 0.953305 -0.62152 7 | 0.944011 -0.57390 0.944011 -0.50330 8 | 0.958625 -0.77184 0.958625 -0.68426 9 | 0.971909 -0.37886 0.971909 -0.30462 10 | 0.943798 -0.80201 0.943798 -0.72079 11 | 0.946035 -0.59637 0.946035 -0.52627 12 | 0.958937 -0.64820 0.958937 -0.54956 13 | 0.937667 -0.51413 0.937667 -0.45769 14 | 0.951547 -0.49846 0.951547 -0.39422 15 | 0.943365 -0.52128 0.943365 -0.40167 16 | 0.959617 -0.40686 0.959617 -0.27432 Band 6 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 1.104220 -16.8164 1.104220 -16.7386 2 | 1.134640 -21.7112 1.134640 -21.6445 3 | 1.099040 -16.3342 1.099040 -16.2769 4 | 1.176740 -26.5507 1.176740 -26.4951 Band 7 Coefficients ( Qcal = (Q - offset) / gain ): Detector | Forward Backward | gain offset gain offset ------------------------------------------------------ 1 | 0.928466 0.151197 0.928466 0.081282 2 | 0.930703 -0.06942 0.930703 -0.11503 3 | 0.915846 0.240797 0.915846 0.236059 4 | 0.917168 0.098046 0.917168 0.104290 5 | 0.918912 0.061813 0.918912 0.072629 6 | 0.930483 0.077403 0.930483 0.107388 7 | 0.912628 0.179116 0.912628 0.204648 8 | 0.928562 0.074742 0.928562 0.108696 9 | 0.915908 0.291095 0.915908 0.306004 10 | 0.918860 0.111503 0.918860 0.133686 11 | 0.905141 0.276804 0.905141 0.309916 12 | 0.923306 0.271416 0.923306 0.296119 13 | 0.921425 0.269402 0.921425 0.290162 14 | 0.920433 0.316652 0.920433 0.351572 15 | 0.916653 0.202286 0.916653 0.238096 16 | 0.929619 0.614516 0.929619 0.666674 ============================================================================== DEM PROCESSING -------------- Elevation Correction Applied: None ============================================================================== GEOMETRIC QUALITY ASSESSMENT ---------------------------- Number of QA CPs: 11 Error Mean (m) RMS (m) Std Dev (m) --------------------------------------------------- Along Track 0.89 8.58 8.54 Across Track -2.19 8.09 7.79 Height 0.28 0.88 0.83 Combined 2.38 11.83 11.59 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location Residuals Num Mark Kind Lat Long Height Along Across Height Comb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9400 Man RCP 45.78 -90.51 434.36 -0.47 -4.37 0.26 4.40 9283 Man RCP 45.57 -90.62 457.00 7.43 -8.85 0.53 11.56 3151 Man RCP 45.91 -89.38 490.97 -15.85 10.84 0.79 19.22 3150 Man RCP 45.48 -89.59 455.09 6.84 -6.34 -0.42 9.33 3140 Auto SCP 45.52 -88.92 493.85 0.45 13.56 1.93 13.71 9109 Man RCP 46.37 -90.41 451.11 6.75 2.50 -0.19 7.20 8977 Man RCP 46.18 -90.93 446.55 -8.35 -11.51 1.46 14.29 3064 Man SCP 46.38 -88.73 478.16 10.19 -9.00 -1.15 13.64 3058 Man SCP 46.32 -89.45 490.00 -10.55 -1.03 -0.02 10.60 29611 Auto RCP 46.66 -89.32 295.24 11.01 -7.33 -0.34 13.23 26460 Auto RCP 46.88 -90.51 184.00 2.30 -2.60 0.26 3.48 ============================================================================== RADIOMETRIC QUALITY ASSESSMENT ------------------------------ NOTE: Mean, Std.Dev, Striping are in DN's (Digital Numbers). Band Chip Location Chip Size Mean Std Dev Striping Line Pixel Lines Pixels ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1834.40 1268.00 128 128 53.76 0.395 0.0702 1 3667.80 2535.00 128 128 52.16 0.478 0.0906 1 5501.20 3802.00 128 128 51.57 0.414 0.0406 1 7334.60 5069.00 128 128 55.81 2.776 0.2054 2 1834.40 1268.00 128 128 15.75 0.351 0.1075 2 3667.80 2535.00 128 128 21.66 0.458 0.0734 2 5501.20 3802.00 128 128 21.19 0.438 0.0669 2 7334.60 5069.00 128 128 24.48 1.601 0.2057 3 1834.40 1268.00 128 128 10.41 0.318 0.0915 3 3667.80 2535.00 128 128 15.98 0.404 0.0866 3 5501.20 3802.00 128 128 16.35 0.614 0.0630 3 7334.60 5069.00 128 128 21.88 2.864 0.2207 4 1834.40 1268.00 128 128 5.82 0.602 0.0691 4 3667.80 2535.00 128 128 95.77 5.557 0.4093 4 5501.20 3802.00 128 128 69.65 7.831 0.3491 4 7334.60 5069.00 128 128 80.64 3.782 0.2366 5 1834.40 1268.00 128 128 4.87 0.365 0.0624 5 3667.80 2535.00 128 128 63.24 3.004 0.1102 5 5501.20 3802.00 128 128 50.10 9.519 0.5395 5 7334.60 5069.00 128 128 69.27 6.795 0.4538 6 459.20 318.40 128 128 122.05 0.275 0.0516 6 917.40 635.80 128 128 127.86 0.434 0.0474 6 1375.60 953.20 128 128 129.76 0.571 0.0457 6 1833.80 1270.60 128 128 131.30 0.877 0.1084 7 1834.40 1268.00 128 128 3.10 0.247 0.0787 7 3667.80 2535.00 128 128 18.03 0.538 0.0568 7 5501.20 3802.00 128 128 15.43 1.982 0.1041 7 7334.60 5069.00 128 128 23.65 3.644 0.0901 ============================================================================== PRODUCT FORMATTING ------------------ Product Scene Center Location (lat/long) : 46.024 -89.904 Product Scene Center Date/Time (yyyy mm dd): 2003 8 22 16:23:22.3751 Product Extent: Lat: 46.99 ---------------------------------- Lat: 46.62 Long: -90.95 Long: -88.38 North: 5212075.24 North: 5163711.17 East: 199745.25 East: 394098.01 | | | | | | | | | | | | Lat: 45.41 Lat: 45.04 Long: -91.39 Long: -88.90 North: 5037897.21 North: 4989533.13 East: 156401.59 ---------------------------------- East: 350754.35 ============================================================================== EXECUTION INFORMATION --------------------- Stage Start End CPU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingest Tue Oct 14 11:13:06 2003 Tue Oct 14 13:02:45 2003 50.13 ModelRefiner Tue Oct 14 13:02:49 2003 Tue Oct 14 14:45:56 2003 38.71 ImCorr Tue Oct 14 14:46:01 2003 Tue Oct 14 14:49:49 2003 582.17 RadQa Tue Oct 14 14:49:50 2003 Tue Oct 14 14:49:50 2003 0.54 GeoQa Tue Oct 14 14:49:51 2003 Tue Oct 14 15:38:00 2003 18.34 Output Tue Oct 14 15:38:01 2003 Tue Oct 14 15:38:21 2003 11.03 Catalog Tue Oct 14 15:38:22 2003 Tue Oct 14 15:38:22 2003 0.50 --------- 701.42