EROS DATA CENTER LEVEL 1 PRODUCT README: GeoTIFF FORMAT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION FORMAT ORGANIZATION * DATA FILE NAMES * README * READING DATA GENERAL INFORMATION and DOCUMENTATION ORDER SUPPORT DISCLAIMER INTRODUCTION This product was produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and contains Landsat data files in GeoTIFF (Geographic Tagged Image-File Format). Information on the Landsat-7 Program, including information about the Landsat-7 satellite, the ETM+ sensor, and Landsat-7 data collection, is available in the "Landsat-7 Level-0 and Level-1 Data Sets Document." The "National Land Archive Production System (NLAPS) Systematic Format Description Document" provides an overview of multiple product formats including GeoTIFF format for Landsats 4, 5 and 7. The GeoTIFF files for Landsat 7 data are described in detail in the "Level 1 Product Output Files Data Format Control Book, Volume 5, Book 2." Landsat-7 Level-0 and Level-1 Data Sets Document National Land Archive Production System (NLAPS) Systematic Format Description Document Level 1 Product Output Files Data Format Control Book FORMAT The Landsat data are provided in GeoTIFF for radiometrically and geometrically corrected (level-1G) products. GeoTIFF defines a set of publicly available TIFF tags that describe all cartographic and geodetic information associated with TIFF imagery. GeoTIFF is a means for tying a raster image to a known model space or map projection, and for describing those projections. The initial tags are followed by image data, that in turn, may be interrupted by more descriptive tags. By using the GeoTIFF format, both metadata and image data can be encoded into the same file. ORGANIZATION Each band of Landsat data in the GeoTIFF format is delivered as a grayscale, uncompressed, 8-bit string of unsigned integers. No other files accompany the product. * DATA FILE NAMES The file naming convention for Landsat 7 GeoTIFF is as follows: L7fppprrr_rrrYYYYMMDD_AAA.TIF where: L7 = the Landsat-7 mission f = the ETM+ data format ppp = the starting path of the product rrr_rrr = the starting and ending rows of the product YYYYMMDD = the acquisition date of an image AAA = the file type: B10 = band 1 B20 = band 2 B30 = band 3 B40 = band 4 B50 = band 5 B61 = band 6L (low gain) B62 = band 6H (high gain) B70 = band 7 B80 = band 8 MTL = the metadata file TIF = the GeoTIFF file extension The file naming convention for other Landsat GeoTIFF is as follows: LTNppprrrOOYYDOY10_AA.TIF where: LT = the Landsat Thematic Mapper N = the satellite number. This should be validated against the satellite field if used exclusively ppp = the starting path of the product rrr = the starting row of the product OO = the WRS row offset (set to 00) YY = the last two digits of the year of acquisition DOY = the Julian date of acquisition 1 = the instrument mode: 0 = the instrument multiplexor (MUX) AA = the file type: B1 = band 1 B2 = band 2 B3 = band 3 B4 = band 4 B5 = band 5 B6 = band 6 B7 = band 7 TIF = the GeoTIFF file extension * README The README.GTF is a text file and is this document. * READING DATA * Delivered On Tape - Data on 8-mm, high-density (Exabyte) tapes are tarred Per Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers POSIX standard 1003.1, preserving file names. To read a tar tape on a computer with a UNIX operating system, type: tar -xvf / Command key arguments include: x = indicates that the data are to be read from tape v = requests verbose output (that is, processed file names will be listed) f = indicates that the archive name is specified The device name is system specific and may specify a device such as a tape drive or a file path. Specific parameters depend upon local workstation configurations. * Delivered On CDROM: Data files are not packed. ISO 9660 Level 2. * Delivered Via File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Data files are not packed or compressed. GENERAL INFORMATION and DOCUMENTATION For information about the Landsat Data Sets, including tutorials, product standards, and software, see: For Landsat 7 For Landsat (1-5) No software is included on this product for viewing Landsat data. ORDER SUPPORT Direct questions about orders to the USGS EROS Data Center's Customer Services at 1(800)252-4547 or contact an Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) office. The USGS EROS Data Center is available at: and Customer Services is available at: A list of ESIC offices is available at: For information about other USGS products, see: or call 1-888-ASK USGS (275-8747). DISCLAIMER Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.