There is are two 7 band image in this directory, Erdas 7.5 file: TM1994.LAN, and an Erdas 8.2 file: TM1994.IMG. There are two quicklook files in Erdas 8.2 files: TM_321.IMG and TM_457.IMG. These files are images created using a 7x reduction of the full TM scene. TM_321.IMG are composed of bands 3,2,1 (rgb) while TM_457.IMG are composed of bands 4,5,7 (rgb). These files were also saved in jpeg format (tm_321.jpg and tm_457.jpg). These two files allow the user to have a "quick look" at the full scene to determine suitability and to locate study area boundaries. The images have a coordinate system such that the map coordinates displayed using Erdas 7.5 CURSES or CURBOX display row and column coordinates in the full scene. The row and column values can then be used to subset the full scene.