README.DAT The image files (TM.LAN and TM.IMG) in this subdirectory are a TM scene of a single quad. This image has been stored in Erdas 7.5 format and Erdas 8.2 format. Please note that the image data are contained in columns 33-4188. Columns 1-32 and columns 4189-4320 contain prefix and suffix data as described below. The prefix data contained in columns 1-32 are described in Table 5-17 of the 1985 User's Guide for Landsat Thematic Mapper Computer- Compatible Tapes. The suffix data are described in Table 5-17 for columns 4253-4320. The prefix and suffix data have been included to serve as a method of verifying that the tape data have been transferred properly. Comparing line and band numbers in the prefix (cols 13-20) and suffix (cols 4253-4320) data with what the system believes (using Erdas CURSES for example) allows one to confirm that the data have transferred properly. The statistics in the statistics file (TM.STA) have been generated using all (skip factor of 1) non-zero image data values (cols 33- 4189).