Tropical Rainforest Information Center Basic Science and Remote Sensing Initiative Department of Geography Michigan State University Order #:20000317-162 Volume 2 Media: CDROM Image Format: BSQ Created: Fri Mar 17 10:35:19 EST 2000 index.txt t0240280814912.bsq t0240280814912.ddr Disk Usage: 301664 . ****************************************************************************** Nomenclature: Suffix: .txt = Text file .ddr = data descriptor record file (ASCII text) .bsq = Band sequential file format .img = Erdas Imagine 8.3 file format .tif = GeoTIFF (specific to some Landsat 7 data in the TRFIC archive) Ex.: t2230670725922 t = Thematic Mapper Sensor (m for MSS) -223 = WRS path ----067 = WRS Row -------072592 = Date of Acquisition (MMDDYY) -------------2 = WRS 2 (Landsat 4 and 5) ***Landsat 7 ETM+ data come with a README file which explains the naming convention for each file ****************************************************************************** Please note that the .ddr files come in different formats. The metadata necessary to geo-rectify the scenes are provided in all formats. The differences reflect the origin of the data. Also, some of the Landsat TM data for the Brazilian Amazon contain only six bands (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7).