MIPS version 1.1.a ================== Author: Willem Marais (willem.marais@ssec.wisc.edu) Date: 29 June 2012 MIPS 1.1 has been improved to create reliably MERSI true color and false color images. The corrected reflectance code for MERSI had been modified to process the 1km version of band numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. MIPS use the band sharpening technique to increase the resolution of these 1km bands to 250m. The new images will be less susceptible to the calibration issues of the 250m bands. To apply the changes that had been made to MIPS version 1.1, MIPS has to patched and reinstalled. Here are the instructions of how to patch MIPS version 1.1 and to recompile the software binaries. Patching MIPS ------------- Suppose MIPS package directories (versions 1.1 and 1.1.a) are under the home directory, and MIPS is going to be installed under home directory. Execute the following commands to patch MIPS. [user@host]$ cd $HOME [user@host]$ tar xzf $HOME/mips_version1.1_package/mips-1.1.tar.gz [user@host]$ mv mips.version.1.1 mips.version.1.1.a [user@host]$ cd $HOME/mips.version.1.1.a [user@host]$ patch -p0 -i $HOME/mips_version1.1.a_package/mips.version.1.1.a.patch Installing recompiled software binaries --------------------------------------- The software binaries for 32-bit and 64-bit systems are already precompiled. These can be extracted into the patched MIPS installation rather than recompiling the software binaries. If there are no precompiled binaries for your system, refer to the next section for instructions of how to compile the software binaries. For a 64-bit system, execute the following commmand: [user@host]$ cd $HOME/mips.version.1.1.a/bin [user@host]$ tar xzf $HOME/mips_version1.1.a_package/mips_1.1.a_precompiled_binaries_64bit.tar.gz For a 32-bit system, execute the following commmand: [user@host]$ cd $HOME/mips.version.1.1.a/bin [user@host]$ tar xzf $HOME/mips_version1.1.a_package/mips_1.1.a_precompiled_binaries_32bit.tar.gz Recompiling software binaries ----------------------------- Next the script must be executed which compiles the software. The script is located in the directory $MIPS_HOME/scripts/utilities. The script takes three arguments. The first argument is the location of the packages that will be compiled. The second argument is the location where the compile binaries and libraries will be copied to. The third argument is the filesystem path to the directory where the MIPS binary directory is, which is $MIPS_HOME/bin. An example will now be given to show how the compile script is executed. It is assumed the directory of the MIPS packages and MIPS are located under the home directory. [user@host]$ MIPS_PACKAGE_DIR=$HOME/mips_version1.1_package/mips-1.1_compile_binaries [user@host]$ MIPS_COMPILE_DIR=$HOME/tmp/mips_compile [user@host]$ MIPS_HOME=$HOME/mips.version.1.1.a [user@host]$ mkdir -p $MIPS_COMPILE_DIR On a 32-bit system, the command is as follows: [user@host]$ $MIPS_HOME/scripts/utilities/compile_binaries_32bit.bash $MIPS_PACKAGE_DIR $MIPS_COMPILE_DIR $MIPS_HOME/bin On a 64-bit system, the command is as follows: [user@host]$ $MIPS_HOME/scripts/utilities/compile_binaries_64bit.bash $MIPS_PACKAGE_DIR $MIPS_COMPILE_DIR $MIPS_HOME/bin On a IA-64, the command is as follows: [user@host]$ $MIPS_HOME/scripts/utilities/compile_binaries_ia64.bash $MIPS_PACKAGE_DIR $MIPS_COMPILE_DIR $MIPS_HOME/bin Testing the patch MIPS software ------------------------------- To check if the MIPS is fully functional, execute the test cases. Refer to section 11 (Testing MIPS), page 20, of the MIPS User Documentation for instructions of how to execute the test cases. Package content --------------- In the mips_version1.1.a_package directory, the following files should be present: 00README_MIPS.txt DISCLAIMER.txt mips-1.1.a_FY3A_db-nonpolar_test_data.tar.gz mips-1.1.a_FY3A_nonpolar_test_data.tar.gz mips-1.1.a_FY3A_polar_test_data.tar.gz mips-1.1.a_FY3B_nonpolar_test_data.tar.gz mips-1.1.a_FY3B_polar_test_data.tar.gz mips_1.1.a_precompiled_binaries_32bit.tar.gz mips_1.1.a_precompiled_binaries_64bit.tar.gz mips.version.1.1.a.patch These files can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/willemm/mipsv1.1.a/mips_version1.1.a_package