Brad, As I mentioned in the other thread you can get to some example images here: AOD: COT: If you want any changes to the quality of the remapping or something else let me know. Otherwise below are some instructions on how you can run this yourself. Keep in mind that for uploading to Real Earth the best thing to do would be to process one swath(orbit) at a time so that they can be stepped through. I manually chose the files to do this with the data you gave me so if you need help doing this quickly I can help. I've created a polar2grid tarball for you that you can download and use on any 64-bit linux system (RedHat or CentOS): Once you download it you can untar it: tar -xzf polar2grid-swbundle-2.1.0alpha.tar.gz This will give you a polar2grid-swbundle-2.1.0alpha directory. Then to create COT and AOD products run: /path/to/p2g/bin/ viirsedr gtiff -vv -f /path/to/edr_files/*.h5 To create a true color image: /path/to/p2g/bin/ crefl gtiff true_color -vv -f /path/to/sdr_files/*.h5 To upload the files run this command (one geotiff image per call): /path/to/p2g/bin/ productname_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.tif This will create a product on Real Earth called "productname". Russ can probably give you suggestions for what to name things. To make it easier to name the files you can add the following flag to both `glue` commands above, but note you'll still have to modify the AOD name since it has an underscore and those aren't allowed in Real Earth product names: --output-pattern "{product_name}_{begin_time}.tif" You could also do one product at a time. There are plenty of ways to do the naming of these files so let me know if you want help. Russ already mentioned in the other thread that he has added a simple rainbow colormap to my sample AOD product. He can help you apply this to any new products you make. If you need help running Polar2Grid or renaming the files or any bash scripting help with this let me know. Dave Notes: need to change path in following file: /home/bpierce/Polar2Grid/polar2grid-swbundle-2.1.0alpha2/ShellB3/bin/p2g_glue need to null LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= Following will create VIIRS AOD and COT geotiff /home/bpierce/Polar2Grid/polar2grid-swbundle-2.1.0alpha2/bin/ viirsedr gtiff -vv -f /odyssey/proxy/bpierce/Satellite/SIPS/VIIRS/July_15_2015/EDR/*d20150715_t1656297*.h5