This tar ball contains 1x1 degree Day and Night estimates of biomass burning emissions (carbon monoxide and total carbon), area burned, and injection height data for Jan 08-Sep 30, 2008. The data was produced at the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Studies (CIMSS) in real-time using version 7 of the Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) biomass burning emission preprocessor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire severity is determined by the Haynes Index. Haynes Index le 4 is low severity fire Haynes Index eq 5 is moderate severity fire Haynes Index et 6 is high severity fire Version 7 uses a -1km injection height for low, 0km injection height for moderate fires, and a 1km injection height for severe boreal fires. All heights are assumed to be relative to the PBL. You need to subtract 1 from the data in the fire height files to accomplish this. Version 7 (like version 6) assumes low severity fires for all tropical forest ecosystems independent of the Haynes Index. Version 9 (like version 6, and version 5) assumes that Savannah/Grass fires occupy 75% of the MODIS pixel. Processing steps: Reads: 1) 1-deg carbon consumption estimates (provided by Amber Soja, NIA) on global grid (for low, med, hi severities) 2) 1-deg vegetation and CO/Carbon ratios 3) Daily MODIS fire pixel data 4) 1-deg fire severity/potential index Writes: 1) 1-deg CO fluxes for RAQMS_global chem (molec/cm^2/s) 2) 1-deg total Carbon fluxes for RAQMS_global aerosol (kg Carbon/month) 3) 1-deg estimated fire injection altitude (km) relativie to PBL 4) 1-deg area burned (km^2) Process: 1) Bin fire pixel data on 1x1 grid to get fire area 2) Use 1-deg fire area, fire severity index, and carbon consumption data to calculate carbon emitted 3) Use CO/Carbon ratios to calculate CO emitted 4) Use vegetation index and severity to estimate injection height Note that carbon estimates are "per fire", must make assumption about fire duration to get a flux in seconds. Assume daytime fires last for the daylit fraction of the 24 hour day, nighttime fires last for the night fraction... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The data files are binary files. If you are having trouble reading them using the IDL routines provided than add ,/swap_endian to the openr statement when reading the files. The following days were missing and were copied from the previous days emission files: 02/16 02/28 04/04 04/27 05/25 06/05 06/17 06/30 08/11 08/12 09/04 09/21 09/22 09/27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reading and Plotting: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following codes can be used to read the data and plot biomass burning timeseries for different geographical regions: The following IDL lines will read the co emission data (molec/cm^2/s) nlon=0 nlat=0 openr,1,'./Files_1x1_DN/modis_D'+code1+'_bb_co_fuel_'+datestring+'_1x1.ALL', $ /f77 readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlon) lats=fltarr(nlat) bb_co_D=fltarr(nlon,nlat) Dlength=fltarr(nlat) readu,1,lons,lats readu,1,bb_co_D readu,1,Dlength close,1 openr,1,'./Files_1x1_DN/modis_N'+code1+'_bb_co_fuel_'+datestring+'_1x1.ALL', $ /f77 readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlon) lats=fltarr(nlat) bb_co_N=fltarr(nlon,nlat) Nlength=fltarr(nlat) readu,1,lons,lats readu,1,bb_co_N readu,1,Nlength close,1 The following IDL lines will read the carbon emission data (kg/month) close,1 nlon=0 nlat=0 openr,1,'./Files_1x1_DN/modis_D'+code1+'_bb_carbon_fuel_'+datestring+'_1x1.ALL', $ /f77 readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlon) lats=fltarr(nlat) bb_carbon_D=fltarr(nlon,nlat) Dlength=fltarr(nlat) readu,1,lons,lats readu,1,bb_carbon_D readu,1,Dlength close,1 openr,1,'./Files_1x1_DN/modis_N'+code1+'_bb_carbon_fuel_'+datestring+'_1x1.ALL', $ /f77 readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlon) lats=fltarr(nlat) bb_carbon_N=fltarr(nlon,nlat) Nlength=fltarr(nlat) readu,1,lons,lats readu,1,bb_carbon_N readu,1,Nlength close,1 The following IDL lines will read the area burned data (km^2) nlon=0 nlat=0 openr,1,'./Files_1x1_DN/modisD'+code1+'_48hr_fire_area_'+datestring+'_1x1.dat', $ /f77 readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlon) lats=fltarr(nlat) bb_area_D=fltarr(nlon,nlat) readu,1,lons,lats readu,1,bb_area_D close,1 openr,1,'./Files_1x1_DN/modisN'+code1+'_48hr_fire_area_'+datestring+'_1x1.dat', $ /f77 readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlon) lats=fltarr(nlat) bb_area_N=fltarr(nlon,nlat) readu,1,lons,lats readu,1,bb_area_N close,1 The following IDL lines will read the injection height data (km) openr,1,'Files_1x1_DN/fireheight'+dncode+'_'+datestring+'_1x1.dat',/f77 nlon=0l nlat=0l readu,1,nlon,nlat lons=fltarr(nlons) lats=fltarr(nlats) readu,1,lons,lats injheight=fltarr(nlons,nlats) readu,1,injheight ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact information: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R. Bradley Pierce NOAA/NESDIS/STAR