# ** dimension association ** record TIME x XHORZ y YHORZ lat YHORZ lon XHORZ # # either x or lon can be the X (horizontal) axis # either y or lat can be the Y (horizontal) axis level VERT level_c VERT fhg VERT ls VERT ls_bndry VERT ls_sfc VERT ls_all VERT lfhg VERT # # ** parameter (variable) mappings ** # Put in the upcased name from the command line, and netcdf name # it should map to...the netcdf name will usually have lowercase # letters in it. PRES P_sfc CAPE cape_sfc W omega OMEGA omega TERRAIN Z_sfc RH RH U u V v T T_fhg LI LI4_ls LI_LS LI_ls PRECIP PRECIP CPRECIP precip_cn PW pr_water_ls HELICITY helc_lfhg # # ** Vertical Level units mapping ** hectopascals mb ##### Put the (upcased) netCDF name, and follow it with the McIDAS name Z Z UNITS='gp m' RH RH UNITS=% omega W UNITS=pa/s cape_sfc CAPE LEV=SFC UNITS=J/kg P_sfc PRES LEV=SFC UNITS=pa P_sfc PRES LEV=SFC PRECIP PCP pli_lpdg LI LI4_lpdg LI4 LI_ls LI_S LEV=SFC LI4_ls LI Psl_et PETA Z_sfc TERN LEV=SFC precip_cn PCPC u U UNITS=m/s v V absvor ABV pr_water_atm PW pr_water_ls PWLS u_fhg U_AG v_fhg V_AG u_ls UPBL v_ls VPBL T_ls TPBL RH_fhg RHAG T_fhg T_AG cin_sfc CIN LEV=SFC cin_lpdg CINP cin_ls CNBL cape_lpdg CAPP helc_lpdg HELC helc_lfhg HELC RH_lpdg RHP u_lpdg UP v_lpdg VP T_lpdg TP pr_water_ls PW LEV=SFC UNITS=kg/m2 # # ** dataset path ** # PATH /home/jayh/mcidas/data #