REM DATALOC entries are saved in MCTABLE.TXT REM and do not need to be run each time, so REM I commented out the following DATALOC ADD REM to your SDI machine. This command would REM need to be run once on each new client REM that would run these processing scripts. REM DATALOC ADD EAST (your sdi IP address) REM Also the following commands are saved from REM session to session. DSSERVE entries are REM saved in the RESOLV.SRV file. These I have REM left to be run each time as they are quick REM to execute and you can make changes as needed. DSSERVE ADD A/A AREA 1 9999 DSSERVE ADD A/NORTE AREA 101 105 AKA ADD A A/A AKA ADD NORTE A/NORTE REM After setup is done, run the batch REM script that does the image processing, REM display and jpeg creation BATCH BAND_11_IR_NORTE.BAT