# # Copyright(c) 2007, Space Science and Engineering Center, UW-Madison # Refer to "McIDAS Software Acquisition and Distribution Policies" # in the file mcidas/data/license.txt # # $Id: grib2Parameters.txt,v 1.12 2014/02/05 17:59:18 kevinb Tst $ # # This file is loaded by load_gb2parmtab in xcdgrib.c with # matchup occurring using function grb2ParmLookup in xcdgrib.c # This table is loaded both by XCD and the GRIB server # # GRIB-2 Parameters File # column 1: Discipline # column 2: Template 4.0 Parameter Category # column 3: Template 4.0 Parameter Number # column 4: Four-character name for Parameter # column 5: Description for Parameter # column 6: Unit for Parameter # column 7: Four-character Unit name # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 0: Temperature 0| 0| 0|T |Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 1|VT |Virtual Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 2|THA |Potential Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 3|THAE|Equivalent Potential Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 4|TMAX|Maximum Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 5|TMIN|Minimum Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 6|TD |Dewpoint Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 7|TDD |Dewpoint Depression |K |K 0| 0| 8|LAPS|Lapse Rate |K/m |KPM 0| 0| 9|TA |Temperature Anomaly |K |K 0| 0| 10|LHET|Latent Heat Net Flux |W/m**2|WPM2 0| 0| 11|SHET|Sensible Heat Net Flux |W/m**2|WPM2 0| 0| 12|HEAT|Heat Index |K |K 0| 0| 13|CHIL|Wind Chill Factor |K |K 0| 0| 14|MTDD|Minimum Dewpoint Depression |K |K 0| 0| 15|VPT |Virtual Potential Temperature |K |K 0| 0| 16|SFLX|Snow phase change heat flux |W/m**2|WPM2 0| 0|192|SFLX|Snow phase change heat flux |W/m**2|WPM2 0| 0|193|TRAD|Temperature tendency by all radiation |K/s |KPS 0| 0|194|REV |Relative error variance |x |x 0| 0|195|LCHR|Large scale condensate heating rate |K/s |KPS 0| 0|196|DCHR|Deep convective heating rate |K/s |KPS 0| 0|201|SCHR|Shallow convective heating rate |K/s |KPS 0| 0|202|VDHR|Vertical diffusion heating rate |K/s |KPS 0| 0|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 1: Moisture 0| 1| 0|SHUM|Specific Humidity |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 1|RH |Relative Humidity |% |% 0| 1| 2|HMIX|Humidity Mixing Ratio |g/kg |GKG 0| 1| 3|PWAT|Precipitable Water |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 4|VPRE|Vapor Pressure |Pa |PA 0| 1| 5|SDEF|Saturation Deficit |Pa |PA 0| 1| 6|EVAP|Evaporation |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 7|PRAT|Precipitation Rate |kg/m**2/s|MMPS 0| 1| 8|PCP |Total Precipitation |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 9|LPCP|Large scale precipitation (non-convective) |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 10|CPCP|Convective precipitation |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 11|SNOD|Snow depth |m |M 0| 1| 12|SRAT|Snowfall rate water equivalent |kg/m**2/s|MMPS 0| 1| 13|WEQU|Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 14|CSNO|Convective snow |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 15|LSNO|Large scale snow |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 16|SNOM|Snow melt |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 17|SNOA|Snow age |day |DAY 0| 1| 18|ABSH|Absolute Humidity |kg/m**3 |KGM3 0| 1| 19|PCPT|Precipitation Type |x |x 0| 1| 20|TCCW|Integrated liquid water |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 21|O2 |Condensate |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 22|CWMR|Cloud mixing ratio |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 23|IWMR|Ice water mixing ratio |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 24|RWMR|Rain mixing ratio |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 25|SWMR|Snow mixing ratio |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 26|HMC |Horizontal Moisture convergence |kg/kg/s |KKPS 0| 1| 27|MXRH|Maximum Relative Humidity |% |% 0| 1| 28|MXAH|Maximum Absolute Humidity |kg/m**3 |KGM3 0| 1| 29|SNFL|Total snowfall |m |M 0| 1| 30|PCWC|Precipitable Water Category |x |x 0| 1| 31|HAIL|Hail |m |M 0| 1| 32|GRMR|Graupel (snow pellets) |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 1| 33|RAIN|Categorical rain |x |x 0| 1| 34|FZRN|Categorical freezing rain |x |x 0| 1| 35|IP |Categorical ice pellets |x |x 0| 1| 36|SNOW|Categorical snow |x |x 0| 1| 37|DPCP|Convective precipitation rate |kg/m**2/s|MMPS 0| 1| 38|MDVG|Horizontal moisture divergence |kg/kg/s |PS 0| 1| 39|PFP |Percent frozen precipitation |% |% 0| 1| 40|PEVA|Potential evaporation |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 41|PEVR|Potential evaporation rate |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 1| 42|SNOC|Snow cover |% |% 0| 1| 43|RNF |Rain fraction of Total Liquid Water |x |x 0| 1| 44|RIMF|Rime factor |x |x 0| 1| 45|TCR |Total column integrated rain |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1| 46|TCS |Total column integrated snow |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1|192|RAIN|Categorical rain (yes=1; no=0) |x |x 0| 1|193|FZRN|Categorical freezing rain (yes=1; no=0) |x |x 0| 1|194|IP |Categorical ice pellets (yes=1; no=0) |x |x 0| 1|195|SNOW|Categorical snow (yes=1; no=0) |x |x 0| 1|196|DPCP|Convective precipitation rate |kg/m**2/s|MMPS 0| 1|197|MDVG|Horizontal moisture divergence |kg/kg/s |PS 0| 1|198|MNRH|Minimum relative humidity |% |% 0| 1|199|PEVA|Potential evaporation |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1|200|PEVR|Potential evaporation rate |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 1|201|SNOC|Snow cover |% |% 0| 1|202|RNF |Rain fraction of Total Liquid Water |x |x 0| 1|203|RIMF|Rime factor |x |x 0| 1|204|TCR |Total column integrated rain |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1|205|TCS |Total column integrated snow |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1|206|TIPD|Total Icing Potential Diagnostic |x |x 0| 1|207|NCIP|Number concentration for ice particles |x |x 0| 1|208|SNWT|Snow temperature |K |K 0| 1|209|TCSW|Total column-integrated supercooled water |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1|210|TCMI|Total column-integrated melting ice |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 1|211|EVPR|Evaporation - precipitation |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 1|212|ESNO|Sublimation (evaporation from snow) |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 1|242|RHPW|Relative Humidity wrt Precipitable Water |% |% 0| 1|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 2: Momentum 0| 2| 0|DIR |Wind direction (from which blowing) |deg true |DEG 0| 2| 1|SPD |Winds speed |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 2|U |u-component of the wind |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 3|V |v-component of the wind |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 4|SFUN|Stream function |m**2/s |M2PS 0| 2| 5|VPOT|Velocity potential |m**2/s |PAPS 0| 2| 6|MSFU|Montgomery stream function |m**2/s**2 |M2S2 0| 2| 7|WSC |Sigma coordinate vertical velocity |1/s |PAPS 0| 2| 8|WP |Vertical Velocity (pressure) |Pa/s |PAPS 0| 2| 9|W |Vertical Velocity (geometric) |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 10|ABV |Absolute Vorticity |1/s |PS 0| 2| 11|ADVG|Absolute Divergence |1/s |PS 0| 2| 12|VOR |Relative Vorticity |1/s |PS 0| 2| 13|DVG |Relative Divergence |1/s |PS 0| 2| 14|PVOR|Potential Vorticity |K m**2/kg/s|KMKS 0| 2| 15|USHR|Vertical u-component shear |1/s |PS 0| 2| 16|VSHR|Vertical v-component shear |1/s |PS 0| 2| 17|MFU |Momentum flux, u component |N/m**2 |NM2 0| 2| 18|MFV |Momentum flux, v component |N/m**2 |NM2 0| 2| 19|MIXE|Wind mixing energy |J |J 0| 2| 20|BDSP|Boundary layer dissipation |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 2| 21|MAXW|Maximum wind speed |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 22|GUST|Wind speed (gust) |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 23|UGUS|u-component of the wind (gust) |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 24|VGUS|v-component of the wind (gust) |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 25|VSSH|Vertical speed shear |1/s |PS 0| 2| 26|MFLX|Horizontal momentum flux |N/m**2 |NM2 0| 2| 27|USTM|u-component of storm motion |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 28|VSTM|v-component of storm motion |m/s |MPS 0| 2| 29|DRAG|Drag coefficient |x |x 0| 2| 30|FSPD|Frictional velocity |m/s |MPS 0| 2|192|VSSH|Vertical speed shear |1/s |PS 0| 2|193|MFLX|Horizontal momentum flux |N/m**2 |NM2 0| 2|194|USTM|u-component of storm motion |m/s |MPS 0| 2|195|VSTM|v-component of storm motion |m/s |MPS 0| 2|196|DRAG|Drag coefficient |x |x 0| 2|197|FSPD|Frictional velocity |m/s |MPS 0| 2|198|LATU|Latitude of U wind component of velocity |deg |DEG 0| 2|199|LONU|Longitude of U wind component of velocity |deg |DEG 0| 2|200|LATV|Latitude of V wind component of velocity |deg |DEG 0| 2|201|LONV|Longitude of V wind component of velocity |deg |DEG 0| 2|202|LAPP|Latitude of pressure point |deg |DEG 0| 2|203|LOPP|Longitude of pressure point |deg |DEG 0| 2|204|VEDH|Vertical eddy diffusivity heat exchange |m/s |MPS 0| 2|220|XUVV|Hrly Max of Up Vert Velocity up to 400 hPa |m/s |MPS 0| 2|221|DUVV|Hrly Max of Down Vert Velcty up to 400 hPa |m/s |MPS 0| 2|222|XUW |U Component of Hourly Max 10 m Wind Speed |m/s |MPS 0| 2|223|XVW |V Component of Hourly Max 10 m Wind Speed |m/s |MPS 0| 2|224|VRAT|Ventilation rate |m**2/s |PAPS 0| 2|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 3: Mass 0| 3| 0|P |Pressure |Pa |PA 0| 3| 1|P |Pressure reduced to MSL |Pa |PA 0| 3| 2|PT |Pressure tendency |Pa/s |PAPS 0| 3| 3|ICAH|ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height |m |M 0| 3| 4|GP |Geopotential |m**2/s**2 |M2S2 0| 3| 5|Z |Geopotential height |gpm |GPM 0| 3| 6|HGT |Geometrical Height |m |M 0| 3| 7|DZ |Standard deviation of height |m |M 0| 3| 8|PA |Pressure anomaly |Pa |PA 0| 3| 9|ZA |Geopotential Height Anomaly |gpm |GPM 0| 3| 10|DENS|Density |kg/m**3 |KGM3 0| 3| 11|ALTI|Altimeter setting |Pa |PA 0| 3| 12|THCK|Thickness |m |M 0| 3| 13|PALT|Pressure altitude |m |M 0| 3| 14|DALT|Density altitude |m |M 0| 3| 15|5WVZ|5-wave geopotential height |gpm |GPM 0| 3| 16|LGWS|Zonal flux of gravity wave stress |N/m**2 |NPM2 0| 3| 17|MGWS|Meridional flux of gravity wave stress |N/m**2 |NPM2 0| 3| 18|BLZ |Planetary boundary layer height |m |M 0| 3| 19|5WVA|5-wave geopotential height anomaly |gpm |GPM 0| 3|192|MSLE|Pressure reduced to MSL (Eta model) |Pa |PA 0| 3|193|5WVZ|5-wave geopotential height |gpm |GPM 0| 3|194|LGWS|Zonal flux of gravity wave stress |N/m**2 |NPM2 0| 3|195|MGWS|Meridional flux of gravity wave stress |N/m**2 |NPM2 0| 3|196|BLZ |Planetary boundary layer height |m |M 0| 3|197|5WVA|5-wave geopotential height anomaly |gpm |GPM 0| 3|198|MSLM|Pressure reduced to MSL (MAPS system) |Pa |PA 0| 3|199|PTSR|3-hr pressure tendency (std atmos reduction)|Pa/s |PAPS 0| 3|200|PLPL|Pressure of level from which parcel lifted |Pa |PA 0| 3|201|LPSX|X-gradient of Log Pressure |1/m |PM 0| 3|202|LPSY|Y-gradient of Log Pressure |1/m |PM 0| 3|203|HGTX|X-gradient of Height |1/m |PM 0| 3|204|HGTY|Y-gradient of Height |1/m |PM 0| 3|205|LTHK|Layer thickness |m |M 0| 3|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 4: Shortwave Radiation 0| 4| 0|NSWS|Net short-wave radiation flux (surface) |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4| 1|NSWT|Net short-wave radiation flux (top of atm) |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4| 2|SRAD|Short-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4| 3|GRAD|Global radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4| 4|BT |Brightness Temperature |K |K 0| 4| 5|RWVN|Radiance (with respect to wave number) |W/m/sr |WMSR 0| 4| 6|RWVL|Radiance (with respect to wave length) |W/m**3/sr |WM3S 0| 4| 7|DSWX|Downward short-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4| 8|USWX|Upward short-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4|192|DSWX|Downward short-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4|193|USWX|Upward short-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4|194|DUVB|UV-B downward solar flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4|195|CDUV|Clear sky UV-B downward solar flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4|196|CDSF|Clear sky downward solar flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 4|197|SRHR|Solar radiative heating rate |K/s |KPS 0| 4|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 5: Longwave Radiation 0| 5| 0|NLWS|Net long-wave radiation flux (surface) |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5| 1|NLWT|Net long-wave radiation flux (top of atm) |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5| 2|LRAD|Long-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5| 3|DLWX|Downward long-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5| 4|ULWX|Upward long-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5|192|DLWX|Downward long-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5|193|ULWX|Upward long-wave radiation flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 5|194|LHTR|Long wave radiative heating rate |K/s |KPS 0| 5|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 6: Cloud 0| 6| 0|CICE|Cloud ice |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6| 1|TCVR|Total Cloud Cover |% |% 0| 6| 2|CCVR|Convective Cloud Cover |% |% 0| 6| 3|LCVR|Low Cloud Cover |% |% 0| 6| 4|MCVR|Medium Cloud Cover |% |% 0| 6| 5|HCVR|High Cloud Cover |% |% 0| 6| 6|CWAT|Cloud water |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6| 7|CA |Cloud amount |% |% 0| 6| 8|CTYP|Cloud type |x |x 0| 6| 9|THMX|Thunderstorm maximum tops |m |M 0| 6| 10|THMC|Thunderstorm coverage |x |x 0| 6| 11|ZCB |Cloud base |m |M 0| 6| 12|ZCT |Cloud top |m |M 0| 6| 13|ZCL |Cloud ceiling |m |M 0| 6| 14|NCVR|Non-convective cloud cover |% |% 0| 6| 15|CLWF|Cloud work function |J/kg |JPKG 0| 6| 16|CCEF|Convective cloud efficiency |x |x 0| 6| 17|O2 |Total condensate |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 6| 18|TCCW|Total column-integrated cloud water |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6| 19|TCCI|Total column-integrated cloud ice |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6| 20|TCC |Total column-integrated cloud condensate |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6| 21|ICEF|Ice fraction of total condensate |x |x 0| 6|192|NCVR|Non-convective cloud cover |% |% 0| 6|193|CLWF|Cloud work function |J/kg |JPKG 0| 6|194|CCEF|Convective cloud efficiency |x |x 0| 6|195|O2 |Total condensate |kg/kg |KGKG 0| 6|196|TCCW|Total column-integrated cloud water |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6|197|TCCI|Total column-integrated cloud ice |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6|198|TCC |Total column-integrated cloud condensate |kg/m**2 |MM 0| 6|199|ICEF|Ice fraction of total condensate |x |x 0| 6|200|CTP |Cloud top pressure |Pa |PA 0| 6|201|CTT |Cloud top temperature |K |K 0| 6|202|ECA |Effective cloud amount |% |% 0| 6|203|SKT |Skin temperature |K |K 0| 6|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 7: Thermodynamic Stability 0| 7| 0|LI |Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) |K |K 0| 7| 1|BLI |Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) |K |K 0| 7| 2|KIDX|K index |K |K 0| 7| 3|KOI |KO index |K |K 0| 7| 4|TTI |Total totals index |K |K 0| 7| 5|SWET|Sweat index |(kg/kg)/s |KGPS 0| 7| 6|CAPE|Convective available potential energy |J/kg |JPKG 0| 7| 7|CHIB|Convective inhibition |J/kg |JPKG 0| 7| 8|HELI|Storm relative helicity |m**2/s**2 |M2S2 0| 7| 9|EHI |Energy helicity index |x |x 0| 7| 10|LI |Surface lifted index |K |K 0| 7| 11|BIDX|Best (4-layer) lifted index |K |K 0| 7| 12|RICH|Richardson number |x |x 0| 7|192|LI |Surface lifted index |K |K 0| 7|193|BIDX|Best (4-layer) lifted index |K |K 0| 7|194|RICH|Richardson number |x |x 0| 7|195|CWDI|Convective Weather Detection Index |x |x 0| 7|196|UVI |Ultraviolet index |W/m**2 |WPM2 0| 7|197|UPHL|Updraft helicity |m**2/s**2 |M2S2 0| 7|198|LAI |Leaf area index |x |x 0| 7|199|MXUP|Hourly maximum of UPHL over 2-5 km layer |m**2/s**2 |M2S2 0| 7|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 13: Aerosols 0|13| 0|AERT|Aerosol type |x |x 0|13|192|PMTC|Particulate matter (coarse) |ug/m**3 |UGM3 0|13|193|PMTF|Particulate matter (fine) |ug/m**3 |UGM3 0|13|194|LPMF|Log particulate matter (fine) |log10(ug/m**3) |UGM3 0|13|195|IPMF|Integrated column particulate matter (fine)|log10(ug/m**3) |UGM3 0|13|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 14: Trace gases 0|14| 0|OZON|Total ozone |Dobson |DOB 0|14| 1|OZMX|Ozone mixing ratio |kg/kg |KGKG 0|14|192|OZMX|Ozone mixing ratio |kg/kg |KGKG 0|14|193|OZCN|Ozone concentration |ppb |PPB 0|14|194|OZCT|Categorical ozone concentration |x |x 0|14|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 15: Radar 0|15| 0|BSW |Base spectrum width |m/s |MPS 0|15| 1|BREF|Base Reflectivity |decibels |DB 0|15| 2|BVEL|Base radial velocity |m/s |MPS 0|15| 3|RVIL|Vertically integrated liquid via radar |kg/m |KGPM 0|15| 4|LMBR|Layer-maximum base reflectivity |decibels |DB 0|15| 5|RPCP|Precipitation via radar |kg/m**2 |MM 0|15| 6|RSP1|Radar spectra (1) |x |x 0|15| 7|RSP2|Radar spectra (2) |x |x 0|15| 8|RSP3|Radar spectra (3) |x |x 0|15|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 16: Forecast Radar 0|16|192|REFR|Derived radar reflectivity backscatter rain |mm**6/mm**3|M6M3 0|16|193|REFI|Derived radar reflectivity backscatter ice |mm**6/mm**3|M6M3 0|16|194|REFC|Derived radar reflectivity backscatter convection|mm**6/mm**3|M6M3 0|16|195|REFD|Derived radar reflectivity |decibels |DBZ 0|16|196|REFM|Maximum/composite radar reflectivity |decibels |DBZ 0|16|197|ETOP|Echo Top |m |M 0|16|198|MREF|Hourly max of sim reflectivity at 1 km AGL |decibels |DBZ 0|16|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 17: Electrodynamic 0|17|192|LTNG|Lightning |x |x 0|17|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 18: Nuclear/radiology 0|18| 0|ACCE|Air concentration of Cesium 137 |Bq/m**3 |BQM3 0|18| 1|ACI |Air concentration of Iodine 131 |Bq/m**3 |BQM3 0|18| 2|ACRP|Air concentration for radioactive pollutant|Bq/m**3 |BQM3 0|18| 3|GDCE|Ground deposition of Cesium 137 |Bq/m**2 |BQM2 0|18| 4|GDI |Ground deposition of Iodine 131 |Bq/m**2 |BQM2 0|18| 5|GDRP|Ground deposition of radioactive pollutant |Bq/m**2 |BQM2 0|18| 6|TICE|Time int air conc of cesium pollutant |Bq/m**2 |BQM2 0|18| 7|TII |Time int air conc of iodine pollutant |Bq/m**2 |BQM2 0|18| 8|TIRP|Time int air conc of radioactive pollutant |Bq/m**2 |BQM2 0|18|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 19: Physical atmospheric # properties 0|19| 0|VIS |Visibility |m |M 0|19| 1|ALBE|Albedo |% |% 0|19| 2|TPCT|Thunderstorm probability |% |% 0|19| 3|MDEP|Mixed layer depth |m |M 0|19| 4|VOLC|Volcanic ash |x |x 0|19| 5|ICGT|Icing top |m |M 0|19| 6|ICGB|Icing base |m |M 0|19| 7|ICNG|Icing |x |x 0|19| 8|TURT|Turbulence top |m |M 0|19| 9|TURS|Turbulence base |m |M 0|19| 10|TURB|Turbulence |x |x 0|19| 11|TKE |Turbulent kinetic energy |J/kg |JPKG 0|19| 12|PBLR|Planetary Boundary Layer regime |x |x 0|19| 13|CONI|Contrail intensity |x |x 0|19| 14|CONE|Contrail engine type |x |x 0|19| 15|CONT|Contrail top |m |M 0|19| 16|CONB|Contrail base |m |M 0|19| 17|MXSA|Maximum snow albedo |% |% 0|19| 18|SNFA|Snow-free albedo |% |% 0|19|192|MXSA|Maximum snow albedo |% |% 0|19|193|SNFA|Snow-free albedo |% |% 0|19|194|SRSK|Slight risk convective outlook |x |x 0|19|195|MRSK|Moderate risk convective outlook |x |x 0|19|196|SRSK|High risk convective outlook |x |x 0|19|197|TORN|Tornado probability |% |% 0|19|198|HAIP|Hail probability |% |% 0|19|199|WNDP|Wind probability |% |% 0|19|200|STOR|Significant tornado probability |% |% 0|19|201|SHAI|Significant hail probability |% |% 0|19|202|SWND|Significant wind probability |% |% 0|19|203|TSTM|Categorical thunderstorm |x |x 0|19|204|NMIX|Number of mixed layers next to the surface |x |x 0|19|205|FLGT|Flight category |x |x 0|19|206|CICL|Confidence indicator - Ceiling |x |x 0|19|207|CIVS|Confidence indicator - Visibility |x |x 0|19|208|CIVS|Confidence indicator - Flight category |x |x 0|19|209|LAVN|Low-level aviation interest |x |x 0|19|210|HAVN|High-level aviation interest |x |x 0|19|211|VBSA|Visible, black sky albedo |% |% 0|19|212|VWSA|Visible, white sky albedo |% |% 0|19|213|NBSA|Near IR, black sky albedo |% |% 0|19|214|NWSA|Near IR, white sky albedo |% |% 0|19|215|PRSV|Severe probability |% |% 0|19|216|PRSS|Significant severe probability |% |% 0|19|217|MEIP|Mean icing potential |x |x 0|19|218|MXIP|Maximum icing potential |x |x 0|19|219|MECT|Mean in-cloud turbulence potential |x |x 0|19|220|MXCT|Maximum in-cloud turbulence potential |x |x 0|19|221|MECA|Mean cloud air turbulence potential |x |x 0|19|222|MXCA|Maximum cloud air turbulence potential |x |x 0|19|223|CBHE|Cumulonimbus horizontal extent |% |% 0|19|224|PCBB|Pressure at cumulonimbus base |Pa |PA 0|19|225|PCBT|Pressure at cumulonimbus top |Pa |PA 0|19|226|PECB|Pressure at embedded cumulonimbus base |Pa |PA 0|19|227|PECT|Pressure at embedded cumulonimbus top |Pa |PA 0|19|228|HCBB|ICAO Height at cumulonimbus base |m |M 0|19|229|HCBT|ICAO Height at cumulonimbus top |m |M 0|19|230|HECB|ICAO Height at embedded cumulonimbus base |m |M 0|19|231|HECT|ICAO Height at embedded cumulonimbus top |m |M 0|19|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 190: ASCII category 0|190| 0|TEXT|Arbitrary text string |CCITTIA5 |CCIT 0|190|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 0, Meteorological Products, Category 191: Miscellaneous 0|191| 0|TPSC|Seconds prior to initial reference time |s |S 0|191|192|LAT |Latitude (-90 to +90) |deg |DEG 0|191|193|LON |Longitude (0 to 360) |deg |DEG 0|191|194|TPSC|Seconds prior to initial reference time |s |S 0|191|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 1, Hydrologic Products, Category 0: Hydrology basic products 1| 0| 0|FSHG|Flash flood guidance |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 0| 1|FSHR|Flash flood runofff |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 0| 2|REMS|Remotely sensed snow cover |x |x 1| 0| 3|ELSC|Elevation of snow covered terrain |x |x 1| 0| 4|SWEQ|Snow water equivalent percent of normal |% |% 1| 0| 5|GWRN|Baseflow-groundwater runoff |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 0| 6|SWRN|Storm surface runoff |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 0|192|GWRN|Baseflow-groundwater runoff |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 0|193|SWRN|Storm surface runoff |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 0|255|MSNG|Missing | # Discipline 1, Hydrologic Products, Category 1: Hydrology probabilities 1| 1| 0|CPPA|Conditional percent precipitation amount |kg/m**2 |MM 1| 1| 1|PPSP|Percent precipitation in a sub-period |% |% 1| 1| 2|POP |Probability of 0.01 inch of precipitation |% |% 1| 1|192|POFP|Probability of Frozen Precipitation |% |% 1| 1|193|POZP|Probability of Freezing Precipitation |% |% 1| 1|194|PFFG|Probability of precip > flash flood guidance |% |% 1| 1|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 2, Land surface products, Category 0: Vegetation/biomass 2| 0| 0|LCOV|Land cover (1=land, 2=sea) |Proportion |x 2| 0| 1|SRUF|Surface roughness |m |M 2| 0| 2|STEM|Soil temperature |K |K 2| 0| 3|SMOI|Soil moisture content |kg/m**2 |MM 2| 0| 4|VEG |Vegetation |% |% 2| 0| 5|WRUN|Water runoff |kg/m**2 |MM 2| 0| 6|EVTR|Evapotranspiration |kg**2/s |KG2S 2| 0| 7|TERR|Model terrain height |m |M 2| 0| 8|LAND|Land use |x |x 2| 0| 9|SOLW|Volumetric soil moisture content |Proportion |x 2| 0| 10|GHFX|Ground heat flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 2| 0| 11|MAVL|Moisture availability |% |% 2| 0| 12|EXCO|Exchange coefficient |kg/m**2/s |KM2S 2| 0| 13|SFCW|Plant canopy surface water |kg/m**2 |KG2 2| 0| 14|BMXS|Blackadars mixing length scale |m |M 2| 0| 15|CNCD|Canopy conductance |m/s |MPS 2| 0| 16|MNSR|Minimum stomatal resistance |s/m |SPM 2| 0| 17|WILT|Wilting point |Proportion |x 2| 0| 18|SCC |Solar parameter in canopy conductance |Proportion |x 2| 0| 19|TCC |Temperature parameter in canopy conductance|Proportion |x 2| 0| 20|SMCC|Soil moisture param in canopy conductance |Proportion |x 2| 0| 21|QCC |Humidity parameter in canopy conductance |Proportion |x 2| 0|192|SOLW|Volumetric soil moisture content |Proportion |x 2| 0|193|GHFX|Ground heat flux |W/m**2 |WPM2 2| 0|194|MAVL|Moisture availability |% |% 2| 0|195|EXCO|Exchange coefficient |kg/m**2/s |KM2S 2| 0|196|SFCW|Plant canopy surface water |kg/m**2 |MM 2| 0|197|BMXS|Blackadars mixing length scale |m |M 2| 0|198|VTYP|Vegetation type |x |x 2| 0|199|CNCD|Canopy conductance |m/s |MPS 2| 0|200|MNSR|Minimum stomatal resistance |s/m |SPM 2| 0|201|WILT|Wilting point |Proportion |x 2| 0|202|SCC |Solar parameter in canopy conductance |Proportion |x 2| 0|203|TCC |Temperature parameter in canopy conductance|Proportion |x 2| 0|204|SMCC|Soil moisture param in canopy conductance |Proportion |x 2| 0|205|QCC |Humidity parameter in canopy conductance |Proportion |x 2| 0|206|RDRP|Rate of water drip from canopy to ground |x |x 2| 0|207|WATR|Ice-free water surface |% |% 2| 0|208|EVCW|Canopy water evaporation |W/m**2 |WPM2 2| 0|209|TRAN|Transpiration |W/m**2 |WPM2 2| 0|210|ACON|Aerodynamic conductance |m/s |MPS 2| 0|228|ACON|Aerodynamic conductance |m/s |MPS 2| 0|229|UNKN|Unknown land surface parameter |x |x 2| 0|230|TRAN|Transpiration |W/m**2 |WPM2 2| 0|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 2, Land surface products, Category 3: Soil products 2| 3| 0|STYP|Soil type |x |x 2| 3| 1|ULST|Upper layer soil temperature |K |K 2| 3| 2|ULSM|Upper layer soil moisture |kg/m**3 |KPM3 2| 3| 3|LLSM|Lower layer soil moisture |kg/m**3 |KPM3 2| 3| 4|LLST|Lower layer soil temperature |K |K 2| 3| 5|LVSM|Liquid volumetric soil moisture(non-frozen)|Proportion |x 2| 3| 6|RLYR|Number of soil layers in root zone |Numeric |x 2| 3| 7|SMSO|Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) |Proportion |x 2| 3| 8|SMDE|Direct Evaporation Cease (soil moisture) |Proportion |x 2| 3| 9|SPOR|Soil porosity |Proportion |x 2| 3|192|LVSM|Liquid volumetric soil moisture(non-frozen)|Proportion |x 2| 3|193|RLYR|Number of soil layers in root zone |Numeric |x 2| 3|194|SSLP|Surface slope type |Index |x 2| 3|195|SMSO|Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) |Proportion |x 2| 3|196|SMDE|Direct Evaporation Cease (soil moisture) |Proportion |x 2| 3|197|SPOR|Soil porosity |Proportion |x 2| 3|198|EVBS|Direct evaporation from bare soil |W/m**2 |WPM2 2| 3|199|LSPA|Land surface precipitation accumulation |kg/m**2 |KPM2 2| 3|200|BARE|Bare soil surface skin temperature |K |K 2| 3|201|AVSK|Average surface skin temperature |K |K 2| 3|202|RADT|Effective radiative skin temperature |K |K 2| 3|203|FLDC|Field capacity |Fraction |x 2| 3|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 2, Land surface products, Category 4: Fire weather products 2| 4| 0|FOLK|Fire outlook |Index |x 2| 4| 1|FODT|Fire outlook due to dry thunderstorm |Index |x 2| 4| 2|HAIN|Haines Index |Numeric |x 2| 4| 3|FBAR|Fireb burned area |% |% 2| 4|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 3, Space products, Category 0: Image format products 3| 0| 0|SCRD|Scaled radiance |Numeric |x 3| 0| 1|SCAL|Scaled albedo |Numeric |x 3| 0| 2|SCBT|Scaled brightness temperature |Numeric |x 3| 0| 3|SCPW|Scaled precipitable water |Numeric |x 3| 0| 4|SCLI|Scaled lifted index |Numeric |x 3| 0| 5|SCCP|Scaled cloud top pressure |Numeric |x 3| 0| 6|SCST|Scaled skin temperature |Numeric |x 3| 0| 7|CMSK|Cloud mask |x |x 3| 0| 8|PIXT|Pixel scene type |x |x 3| 0|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 3, Space products, Category 1: Quantitative products 3| 1| 0|ESTP|Estimated precipitation |kg/m**2 |MM 3| 1| 1|IRT |Instantaneous rain rate |kg/m**2/s |KM2S 3| 1| 2|ZCTS|Cloud top height (from space) |m |M 3| 1| 3|ZCTQ|Cloud top height quality indicator |x |x 3| 1| 4|ESTU|Estimated u-component of the wind |m/s |MPS 3| 1| 5|ESTV|Estimated v-component of the wind |m/s |MPS 3| 1|192|USCT|Scatterometer estimated u wind component |m/s |MPS 3| 1|193|VSCT|Scatterometer estimated v wind component |m/s |MPS 3| 1|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 3, Space products, Category 192: Forecast satellite imagery 3|192| 0|T122|Simulated brightness temperature for GOES 12, Channel 2 |K |K 3|192| 1|T123|Simulated brightness temperature for GOES 12, Channel 3 |K |K 3|192| 2|T124|Simulated brightness temperature for GOES 12, Channel 4 |K |K 3|192| 3|T125|Simulated brightness temperature for GOES 12, Channel 5 |K |K 3|192| 4|C123|Simulated brightness counts for GOES 12, Channel 3 |Byte |Byte 3|192| 5|C124|Simulated brightness counts for GOES 12, Channel 4 |Byte |Byte 3|192|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 10, Oceanographic products, Category 0: Waves 10| 0| 0|WSP1|Wave spectra (1) |x |x 10| 0| 1|WSP2|Wave spectra (2) |x |x 10| 0| 2|WSP3|Wave spectra (3) |x |x 10| 0| 3|CHGT|Significant height of combined waves and swell |m |M 10| 0| 4|WVDR|Direction of wind waves |Degree true|DEG 10| 0| 5|WHGT|Significant height of wind waves |m |M 10| 0| 6|WPER|Mean period of wind waves |s |S 10| 0| 7|SDIR|Direction of swell waves |Degree true|DEG 10| 0| 8|SHGT|Significant height of swell waves |m |M 10| 0| 9|SPER|Mean period of swell waves |s |S 10| 0| 10|PWDR|Primary wave direction |Degree true|DEG 10| 0| 11|PWPR|Primary wave mean period |s |S 10| 0| 12|SWDR|Secondary wave direction |Degree true|DEG 10| 0| 13|SWPR|Secondary wave mean period |s |S 10| 0|192|WVST|Wave steepness |m |M 10| 0|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 10, Oceanographic products, Category 1: Currents 10| 1| 0|CDIR|Current direction |Degree true|DEG 10| 1| 1|CSPD|Current speed |m/s |MPS 10| 1| 2|CURU|u-component of the current |m/s |MPS 10| 1| 3|CURV|v-component of the current |m/s |MPS 10| 1|192|OMLD|Ocean mixed layer potential density |kg/m**3 |KGM3 10| 1|193|OMLU|Ocean mixed layer U velocity |m/s |MPS 10| 1|194|OMLV|Ocean mixed layer V velocity |m/s |MPS 10| 1|195|BARU|Barotropic U velocity |m/s |MPS 10| 1|196|BARV|Barotropic V velocity |m/s |MPS 10| 1|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 10, Oceanographic products, Category 2: Ice 10| 2| 0|ICE |Ice cover |Proportion |x 10| 2| 1|ITHK|Ice thickness |m |M 10| 2| 2|IDIR|Direction of ice drift |Degree true|DEG 10| 2| 3|ISPD|Speed of ice drift |m/s |MPS 10| 2| 4|IU |u-component of ice drift |m/s |MPS 10| 2| 5|IV |v-component of ice drift |m/s |MPS 10| 2| 6|IGRO|Ice growth rate |m/s |MPS 10| 2| 7|IDVG|Ice divergence |1/s |PS 10| 2|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 10, Oceanographic products, Category 3: Surface properties 10| 3| 0|TWAT|Water temperature |K |K 10| 3| 1|DSLV|Deviation of sea-level from mean |m |M 10| 3|192|SURG|Storm surge |m |M 10| 3|193|ESRG|Extratropical storm surge |m |M 10| 3|194|ODI |Ocean depth - instantaneous |m |M 10| 3|195|SSHG|Sea surface height relative to geoid |m |M 10| 3|196|O3DT|3-D Temperature |K |K 10| 3|197|O3DS|3-D Salinity |m |M 10| 3|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Discipline 10, Oceanographic products, Category 4: Sub-surface properties 10| 4| 0|MTDP|Main thermocline depth |m |M 10| 4| 1|TANA|Main thermocline anomaly |m |M 10| 4| 2|TTDP|Transient thermocline depth |m |M 10| 4| 3|SALN|Salinity |kg/kg |KGKG 10| 4|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x # Unknown model (put in as a placeholder) 255|255|255|MSNG|Missing |x |x