# # Copyright(c) 2000, Space Science and Engineering Center, UW-Madison # Refer to "McIDAS Software Acquisition and Distribution Policies" # in the file mcidas/data/license.txt # # $Id: gbtbpds001.2v131,v 1.1 2008/04/09 16:02:40 kevinb Rel $ # Version 131 of table 2 for version #1 of GRIB code. # For NCEP, this is the North American Regional Reanalysis # Parameters 0-127 are the same for all tables, 128+ are different # This file contains a list of parameters and units. # It is used by the function GribParameter. # See http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/table2.html#TABLE131 for updates # Also see http://ngwww.ucar.edu/ngdoc/ng4.1/ref/ncl/ncep_131.htm # # 000 | Reserved | x | x | x | 2 001 | Pressure | P | mb | MB | 2 002 | Pressure reduced to MSL | PMSL | mb | MB | 2 003 | Pressure tendency | PT | Pa/S | PAPS | 2 004 | Potential vorticity | PVOR | km**2*kg/s | MGPS | 2 005 | ICAO Standard Atmosphere Ref Height | ICAH | m | M | 2 006 | Geopotential | GP | m**2/s**2 | M2S2 | 2 007 | Geopotential height | Z | gpm | GPM | 2 008 | Geometrical height | HGT | m | M | 2 009 | Standard deviation of height | DZ | m | M | 2 010 | Total Ozone | OZON | Dobson | DOB | 2 011 | Temperature | T | K | K | 2 012 | Virtual temperature | VT | K | K | 2 013 | Potential temperature | POT | K | K | 2 014 | Psuedo-adiabatic potential temperature | EPOT | K | K | 2 015 | Maximum temperature | TMAX | K | K | 2 016 | Minimum temperature | TMIN | K | K | 2 017 | Dew point temperature | TD | K | K | 2 018 | Dew point depression (or deficit) | TDD | K | K | 2 019 | Lapse rate | LAPS | K/m | KPM | 2 020 | Visibility | VIS | m | M | 2 021 | Radar spectra (1) | RSP1 | x | x | 2 022 | Radar spectra (2) | RSP2 | x | x | 2 023 | Radar spectra (3) | RSP3 | x | x | 2 024 | Parcel Lifted Index to 500 mb | LI | K | K | 2 025 | Temperature anomaly | TA | K | K | 2 026 | Pressure anomaly | PA | mb | MB | 2 027 | Geopotential height anomaly | ZA | gpm | GPM | 2 028 | Wave spectra (1) | WSP1 | x | x | 2 029 | Wave spectra (2) | WSP2 | x | x | 2 030 | Wave spectra (3) | WSP3 | x | x | 2 031 | Wind direction | WDIR | Degree | DEG | 2 032 | Wind speed | WSPD | m/s | MPS | 2 033 | u-component of wind | U | m/s | MPS | 2 034 | v-component of wind | V | m/s | MPS | 2 035 | Stream function | SFUN | m**2/s | M2PS | 2 036 | Velocity potential | VPOT | Pa/s | PAPS | 2 037 | Montgomery stream function | MSFU | m**2/s**2 | M2S2 | 2 038 | Sigma coordinate vertical velocity | WSC | Pa/s | PAPS | 2 039 | Pressure vertical velocity | WP | Pa/s | PAPS | 2 040 | Vertical velocity | W | m/s | MPS | 2 041 | Absolute vorticity | ABV | 1/s | PS | 7 042 | Absolute divergence | ADVG | 1/s | PS | 2 043 | Relative vorticity | VOR | 1/s | PS | 7 044 | Relative divergence | DVG | 1/s | PS | 2 045 | Vertical u-component shear | USHR | 1/s | PS | 2 046 | Vertical v-component shear | VSHR | 1/s | PS | 2 047 | Direction of current | CDIR | Degree | DEG | 2 048 | Speed of current | CSPD | m/s | MPS | 2 049 | u-component of current | CURU | m/s | MPS | 2 050 | v-component of current | CURV | m/s | MPS | 2 051 | Specific humidity | SHUM | g/kg | GKG | 5 052 | Relative humidity | RH | % | % | 2 053 | Humidity mixing ratio | HMIX | g/kg | GKG | 5 054 | Precipitable water | PWAT | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 055 | Vapor pressure | VPRE | Pa | PA | 2 056 | Saturation deficit | SDEF | Pa | PA | 2 057 | Evaporation | EVAP | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 058 | Cloud ice | CICE | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 059 | Precipitation rate | PRAT | (kg/m**2)/s | MMPS | 2 060 | Thunderstorm probability | TPCT | % | x | 2 061 | Total precipitation | PCP | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 062 | Large scale precipitation | LPCP | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 063 | Convective precipitation | CPCP | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 064 | Snowfall rate equivalent | SRAT | (kg/m**2)/s | MM | 2 065 | Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth | WEQU | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 066 | Snow depth | SNOD | m | M | 2 067 | Mixed layer depth | MDEP | m | M | 2 068 | Transient thermocline depth | TTDP | m | M | 2 069 | Main thermocline depth | MTDP | m | M | 2 070 | Main thermocline anomaly | TANA | m | M | 2 071 | Total cloud cover | TCVR | % | x | 2 072 | Convective cloud cover | CCVR | % | x | 2 073 | Low cloud cover | LCVR | % | x | 2 074 | Medium cloud cover | MCVR | % | x | 2 075 | High cloud cover | HCVR | % | x | 2 076 | Cloud water | CWAT | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 077 | Best Lifted Index (to 500mb) | BLI | K | K | 2 078 | Convective snow | CSNO | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 079 | Large scale snow | LSNO | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 080 | Water temperature | TWAT | K | K | 2 081 | Land-sea mask (1 = land , 0 = sea) | LMSK | x | x | 2 082 | Deviation of sea-level from mean | DSLV | m | M | 2 083 | Surface roughness | SRUF | m | M | 2 084 | Albedo | ALBE | % | x | 2 085 | Soil temperature | STEM | K | K | 2 086 | Soil moisture content | SMOI | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 087 | Vegetation | VEG | % | x | 2 088 | Salinity | SALN | kg/kg | KGKG | 2 089 | Density | DENS | kg/m**3 | KGM3 | 2 090 | Water runoff | WRUN | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 091 | Ice concentration | ICE | x | x | 2 092 | Ice thickness | ITHK | m | M | 2 093 | Direction of ice drift | IDIR | Degree | DEG | 2 094 | Speed of ice drift | ISPD | m/s | MPS | 2 095 | u-component of ice drift | IU | m/s | MPS | 2 096 | v-component of ice drift | IV | m/s | MPS | 2 097 | Ice growth | IGRO | m | M | 2 098 | Ice divergence | IDVG | 1/s | PS | 2 099 | Snow melt | SNOM | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 100 | Significant height of wind and swell | SHGT | m | M | 2 101 | Direction of wind waves | WVDR | Degree | DEG | 2 102 | Significant height of wind waves | WHGT | m | M | 2 103 | Mean period of wind waves | WPER | s | SEC | 2 104 | Direction of swell waves | SDIR | Degree | DEG | 2 105 | Significant height of swell waves | SHGT | m | M | 2 106 | Mean period of swell waves | SPER | s | SEC | 2 107 | Primary wave direction | PWDR | Degree | DEG | 2 108 | Primary wave mean period | PWPR | s | SEC | 2 109 | Secondary wave direction | SWDR | Degree | DEG | 2 110 | Secondary wave mean period | SWPR | s | SEC | 2 111 | Net short-wave radiation (surface) | NSWS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 112 | Net long-wave radiation (surface) | NLWS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 113 | Net short-wave radiation (top of atmos.) | NSWT | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 114 | Net long-wave radiation (top of atmos.) | NLWT | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 115 | Long-wave radiation | LRAD | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 116 | Short-wave radiation | SRAD | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 117 | Global radiation | GRAD | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 118 | Brightness Temperature | BT | K | K | 2 119 | Long-Wave Radiation | LWAV | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 120 | Short-Wave Radiation | SWAV | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 121 | Latent heat flux | LHET | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 122 | Sensible heat flux | SHET | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 123 | Boundary layer dissipation | BDSP | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 124 | Momentum flux U component | MFU | N/m**2 | NM2 | 2 125 | Momentum flux V component | MFV | N/m**2 | NM2 | 2 126 | Wind mixing energy | MIXE | J | J | 2 127 | Image data | IMAG | x | x | 2 128 | Mean sea level pressure (std atm) | P | Pa | PA | 2 129 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 130 | Mean sea level pressure (ETA model) | P | Pa | PA | 2 131 | Surface lifted index | SLI | K | K | 2 132 | Best (4-layer) lifted index | B4LI | K | K | 2 133 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 134 | Pressure (nearest grid point) | P | Pa | PA | 2 135 | Horizontal moisture divergence | MDIV | kg/kg/s | KKS | 2 136 | Vertical speed shear | VSSH | 1/s | PS | 2 137 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 138 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 139 | Potential vorticity (mass-weighted) | PVMW | 1/s/m | PSM | 2 140 | Categorical rain | CRN | x | x | 2 141 | Categorical freezing rain | CFZR | x | x | 2 142 | Categorical ice pellets | CIP | x | x | 2 143 | Categorical snow | CSNO | x | x | 2 144 | Volumetric soil moisture (frozen + liquid) | VSOI | x | x | 2 145 | Potential evaporation rate | PEVR | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 146 | Vegetation canopy temperature | VEGT | K | K | 2 147 | Bare soil surface skin temperature | BART | K | K | 2 148 | Average surface skin temperature | AVST | K | K | 2 149 | Effective radiative skin temperature | ERST | K | K | 2 150 | Surface water storage | SWS | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 151 | Liquid soil moisture content | LSMC | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 152 | Open water evaporation | WEVP | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 153 | Cloud water | CWAT | kg/kg | KGKG | 2 154 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 155 | Ground heat flux | GFLX | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 156 | Convective inhibition | CIN | J/kg | JPKG | 2 157 | Convective available potential energy | CAPE | J/kg | JPKG | 2 158 | Turbulent kinetic energy | TKE | J/kg | JPKG | 2 159 | Maximum snow albedo | MXSA | % | % | 2 160 | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)| LVSM | x | x | 2 161 | Frozen precipitation (e.g. snowfall) | ASNO | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 162 | Liquid precipitation (rainfall) | ARN | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 163 | Groundwater recharge | GWRE | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 164 | Flood plain recharge | FPRE | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 165 | Snow temperature, depth-avg | SNTD | K | K | 2 166 | Visible beam downward solar flux | VBDS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 167 | Visible diffuse downward solar flux | VDDS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 168 | Near IR beam downward solar flux | NBDS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 169 | Near IR diffuse downward solar flux | NDDS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 170 | Snow-free albedo | SNFA | % | % | 2 171 | Number of soil layers in root zone | RLYR | Numeric | x | 2 172 | Momentum flux | MFLX | N/m**2 | NPM2 | 2 173 | Mass point model surface | MPMS | x | x | 2 174 | Velocity point model surface | VPMS | x | x | 2 175 | Model layer number (from bottom up) | MLNO | x | x | 2 176 | Latitude ( -90 to +90 ) | LAT | deg | DEG | 2 177 | East longitude ( 0 to 360 ) | LON | deg | DEG | 2 178 | Field capacity | FLDC | Proportion | x | 2 179 | Aerodynamic conductance | ACON | m/s | MPS | 2 180 | Snow age | SNOA | day | DAY | 2 181 | Canopy conductance | CNCD | m/s | MPS | 2 182 | Leaf area index (0-9) | LAI | Numeric | x | 2 183 | Roughness length for heat | RGHL | m | M | 2 184 | Snow albedo (over snow cover area only) | SALB | % | % | 2 185 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 186 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 187 | Normalized difference vegetation index | NDVI | x | x | 2 188 | Rate of water dropping from canopy to ground| RDRP | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 189 | Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) | LNDC | x | x | 2 190 | Storm relative helicity | HLCY | m**2/s**2 | M2S2 | 2 191 | Latitude (nearest neighbor, -90 to +90 ) | LATN | deg | DEG | 2 192 | East longitude (nearest neighbor, 0 to 360) | LONN | deg | DEG | 2 193 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 194 | Probability of frozen precipitation | PFZP | % | % | 2 195 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 196 | u-component of storm motion | USTM | m/s | MPS | 2 197 | v-component of storm motion | VSTM | m/s | MPS | 2 198 | Sublimation (evaporation from snow) | ESNO | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 199 | Direct evaporation from bare soil | EVBS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 200 | Canopy water evaporation | EVCW | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 201 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 202 | Total precipitation (nearest grid point) | TPCP | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 203 | Minimal stomatal resistance | MNSR | s/m | SPM | 2 204 | Downward shortwave radiation flux | DSWX | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 205 | Downward longwave radiation flux | DLWX | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 206 | Convective precipitation (nearest grid pt) | CPCP | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 207 | Moisture availability | MAVL | % | % | 2 208 | Exchange coefficient | EXCO | kg/m**2/s | MMPS | 2 209 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 210 | Transpiration | TRNS | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 211 | Upward shortwave radiation flux | USWX | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 212 | Upward longwave radiation flux | ULWX | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 213 | Non-convective cloud | NCLY | % | % | 2 214 | Convective precipitation rate | CPRT | kg/m**2/s | KM2S | 2 215 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 216 | Temperature tendency by all radiation | TTRD | K/s | KPS | 2 217 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 218 | Geopotential height (nearest grid point) | ZNGP | gpm | GPM | 2 219 | Wilting point | WILT | x | x | 2 220 | Field capacity | FLDC | x | x | 2 221 | Planetary boundary layer height | BLZ | m | M | 2 222 | Surface slope type | SSLP | x | x | 2 223 | Plant canopy surface water | SFCW | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 224 | Soil type | STYP | x | x | 2 225 | Vegetation type | VTYP | x | x | 2 226 | Blackadars mixing length scale | BMXS | m | M | 2 227 | Asymptotic mixing length scale | AMXS | m | M | 2 228 | Potential evaporation | PEVA | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 229 | Snow phase-change heat flux | SFLX | W/m**2 | WPM2 | 2 230 | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | SMSO | x | x | 2 231 | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | SMDE | x | x | 2 232 | Water vapor added by precip assimilation | WVPA | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 233 | Water condensate by precip assimilation | WCPA | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 234 | Subsurface runoff (baseflow) | BRUN | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 235 | Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) | SRUN | kg/m**2 | MM | 2 236 | Not used | x | x | x | 2 237 | Water vapor flux convergence (vertical int) | WVFC | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 238 | Snow cover | SNOC | % | % | 2 239 | Snow temperature | SNWT | K | K | 2 240 | Soil porosity | SPOR | x | x | 2 241 | Water condensate flux convergence (vert int)| WCFC | kg/m**2 | KGM2 | 2 242 | Water vapor zonal flux (vertical int) | WVZF | kg/m | KGPM | 2 243 | Water vapor meridional flux (vertical int) | WVMF | kg/m | KGPM | 2 244 | Water condensate zonal flux (vertical int) | WCZF | kg/m | KGPM | 2 245 | Water condensate meridional flux (vert int) | WCMF | kg/m | KGPM | 2 246 | Solar parameter in canopy conductance | SPCC | x | x | 2 247 | Temperature parameter in canopy conductance | TPCC | x | x | 2 248 | Humidity parameter in canopy conductance | QPCC | x | x | 2 249 | Soil moisture param in canopy conductance | SMCC | x | x | 2 250 | Solar radiative heating | SWRH | K/s | KPS | 2 251 | Longwave radiative heating | LWRH | K/s | KPS | 2 252 | Surface drag coefficient | DRAG | x | x | 2 253 | Surface friction velocity | FSPD | m/s | MPS | 2 254 | Richardson number | RICH | x | x | 2 255 | missing | x | x | x | 2