This tar file contains the Spherical Harmonic Discrete Ordinate Method (SHDOM) radiative transfer model written by Frank Evans at the University of Colorado. This model computes polarized monochromatic or spectral band radiative transfer in a one, two, or three-dimensional medium for either collimated solar and/or thermal emission sources of radiation. The model is written in a variant of Fortran 77 and in Fortran90, and it requires a Fortran 90 compiler. The distribution also contains Fortran 90 programs for generating the optical property files input to SHDOM from physical properties of water cloud particles and aerosols. This is a preliminary beta distribution because more testing is needed of polarized SHDOM, though first order testing has been done. The distribution is available from This Web site also contains results of validation testing, examples useful for learning how to run the model, and a PDF version of journal articles. The new polarized distribution does not contain make_ice_table.f90 because the Ping Yang ice scattering database it used was not polarized and was obsolete (2000). The broadband k-distribution programs (ckdfu.f, ckdswrrtm.f, ckdlwrrtm.f) were also dropped because Monte Carlo methods are much more efficient for broadband flux and heating rate calculations. These codes (and cloudprp.f and old scripts) are still available in the last distribution of unpolarized SHDOM (shdom_unpol.tar.gz). The following is a list of the files: README this file shdom.txt documentation file for SHDOM shdom.f90 main program shdomsub1.f subroutines used during solution procedure shdomsub2.f subroutines used before or after solution procedure shdomsub3.f input/output subroutines shdom_mpi.f90 subroutines that make MPI calls shdom_nompi.f dummy routines for not using MPI shdom_netcdf.f90 subroutines that make netcdf calls shdom_nonetcdf.f90 dummy routines for not using netcdf fftpack.f Fast Fourier Transform routines ocean_brdf.f scalar ocean surface reflectance routines propgen.txt documentation for the optical property generation system make_mie_table.f90 makes scattering table for spherical particles miewig.f subroutines for Mie scattering indexwatice.f water/ice refractive index routines make_tmatrix_table.f90 makes scattering table for spheroids and cylinder tmatrixwig.f subroutines for T-matrix calculations lpd.f matrix solver routines for T-matrix routines tmd.par.f array size parameter file for T-matrix routines plotscattab.f90 makes phase functions versus angle from scattering tables propgen.f90 makes SHDOM property file from particle properties file AsciiPropertyFileToNetcdf.f90 makefile Unix makefile for compiling shdom and companion programs run_mono_les script to do monochromatic solar or thermal RT in a cloud run_brdf script demonstrating five surface reflection models run_polarized script to make scattering tables, property file, and run polarized SHDOM for cloud and dust aerosol run_visualize script demonstrating SHDOM visualization image output run_multproc script demonstrating SHDOM with multiple processors on SMP put.c small C program for scripts lesw16.nml example namelist input file les2y21.lwc LWC file for propgen (2D slice of LES field) les_stcu.lwc LWC file for propgen (full LES field) for run_visualize era0621nh12_t21.lwc LWC file (large grid sparse cumulus LES field) aero0822nh15c_t13_iy249.lwc LWC file for polarization example script idl/ directory of IDL files for reading and visualizing SHDOM files See,,, and Updatelist.txt list of distribution dates with bug fixes and updates made Comments, bug reports, and suggestions are welcome. Frank Evans March 7, 2014 Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences University of Colorado, Boulder 80309-0311 (719) 580-5003