!$Id: conver.f90 3082 2018-12-17 17:53:19Z mfoster $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: conver.f90 (src) ! Conver (program) ! ! PURPOSE: ! Converts narrowband reflectance to broadband albedo using spectral ! conversions derived from simulated measurements of satellites ! and anisotropic correction factors obtained from NIMBUS-7 ERB ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! AUTHORS: ! Andrew Heidinger, Andrew.Heidinger@noaa.gov ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! Denis Botambekov, CIMSS, denis.botambekov@ssec.wisc.edu ! William Straka, CIMSS, wstraka@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! CVS info: ! ! $Id: conver.f90 3082 2018-12-17 17:53:19Z mfoster $ ! ! $Log: conver.f90,v $ ! Revision 2014/01/26 04:48:32 heidinger ! updated ! ! Revision 2014/01/24 21:47:59 mhiley ! Format headers according to CDR General Software Coding Standards ! ! Revision 2013/04/18 16:17:41 dbotambekov ! change eq to eqv for gfort ! ! Revision 1.2 2011/08/16 18:45:27 heidinger ! resolved conflicts ! ! Revision 2011/02/22 23:20:43 heidinger ! updated ! ! Revision 2011/02/22 23:10:04 heidinger ! added ! ! Revision 1.2 2004/12/20 18:17:45 mikew ! Added CVS tags. ! ! REFERENCES: Laszlo, I., H. Jacobowitz and A. Gruber, 1988: ! The relative merits of narrowband channels for ! estimating broadband albedos, ! J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech. 5, pp.757-773. (LJG) ! ! Taylor, V.R, and L.L. Stowe, 1986: Revised ! reflectance and emission models from NIMBUS-7 ERB ! data, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on ! Atmospheric Radiation, AMS, Williamsburg, Va., ! May 13-16. (TS) ! ! Wydick, J.E, P.A. Davis and A. Gruber, 1987: ! Estimation of Broadband Planetary Albedo from ! Operational Narrowband Satellite Measurements, ! NOAA Tech. Rep. NESDIS 27. (WDG) ! ! NOTE1: Since it is assumed that the narrowband reflectance ! -Reflnb- corresponds to either a completely clear or ! a completely cloudy pixel, only the clear and the ! overcast subgroups of the NIMBUS-7 ERB reflectance ! models are used. ! ! NOTE2: Narrow- to broadband albedo conversion factors for ! the NOAA-7/CH1 over snow is from WDG. ! ! ROUTINE CALLED: LOCATE ! ! ! I N P U T : ! Clear : true, if clear case, false if cloudy ! Flname : path and name containing bdrf data ! Isatid : satellite id. ! 1 - noaa-7/ch1 ! 2 - goes-6/ch1 ! 3 - goes-5/ch1 ! 4 - meteosat-2/ch1 ! 5 - gms-2/ch1 ! 6 - goes-8/ch1 ! Isrtyp : surface type index (1-water, 2-vegetation, ! 3-desert, 4-snow/ice) ! Nobdrc : if true, no bidirectional correction is done ! Nontob : if true, assumes that broadband albedo is ! the same as the narrowband reflectance ! Reflnb : narrowband reflectance ( 0.0 - 1.0 ) ! Relaz : relative azimuth angle (degrees) ! measured from the half-plane containing ! the sun to the half-plane containing the ! satellite (Range: 0-180) ! Satmu : cosine of satellite zenith angle ! Sunmu : cosine of solar zenith angle ! ! O U T P U T : Bbalb : broadband albedo ( 0.0 - 1.0 ) ! Noretr : true, if no narrow- to broadband conversion ! exists for satellite -isatid- ! ! I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S: ! ! Aniscr(Iaz,Ist,Isn,Ity) : Iaz=1 to Nazima; Ist=1 to Nsatan; Isn=1 to ! Nsunan; Ity=1 to Ntypes; bidirectional ! correction factors ! Azimut(Iaz) : Iaz=1 to Nazima; azimuth angles in bdr ! tables ! Dimerr : true if dimension error is detected ! First : true on first entry, false otherwise ! Head(Ity) : Ity=1 to Ntypes; header for describing ! table ! Iscene : scene id (1-clear ocean; 2-clear veget; ! 3-clear desert; 4-clear snow, 5-overcast) ! Nazima : no. of relative azimuth angles in tables ! Nsatan : no. of satellite zenith angles in tables ! Nsatel : no. of satellites for which narrow- to ! broadband conversion is implemented ! Nscene : no. of scene types for which narrow- to ! broadband conversion is implemented ! Nsunan : no. of solar zenith angles in tables ! Ntypes : no. of scene types in tables ! Offset(Iscene,Isatid) : Iscene=1 to Nscene, Isatid=1 to Nsatel; ! offset in the narrow- to broadband ! conversion equation ! Slope(Iscene,Isatid) : as above, but slope ! ! LOCAL SYMBOLIC DIMENSIONS : ! ! Maxazm : max no. of azimuth angles in bdr tables ! Maxsat : max no. of satellite zenith angles in bdr tables ! Maxsun : max no. of solar zenith angle values in bdr tables ! Maxtyp : max no. of scene types in bdr tables !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Conver( Unit16, & Nontob, Nobdrc, Reflnb, Isrtyp, Clear, Isatid, & Relaz, Satmu, Sunmu, Bbalb, Noretr, Flname, & Glint ) ! .. ! .. Parameters .. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Maxazm=8, Maxsat=7, Maxsun=10, & Maxtyp=12, Nsatel=6, Nscene=5, Maxdim=3 ! .. ! .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER :: Unit16 REAL :: Bbalb, Glint, Reflnb, Relaz, Satmu, Sunmu INTEGER :: Isatid, Isrtyp LOGICAL :: Clear, Nobdrc, Nontob, Noretr CHARACTER (*) :: Flname ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: I, Iazm(2), Iscene, Isnm(2), Istm(2), Ity, Ntypes INTEGER, SAVE :: Nazima, Nsatan, Nsunan LOGICAL :: Dimerr, Adhoc LOGICAL, SAVE :: First LOGICAL:: Wrtdim INTEGER K, J, Mm, Ndim, Iaz, Ist, Isn REAL Fraz,Frst,Frsn,Anifac ! .. ! .. Local Arrays .. REAL, SAVE :: Aniscr(Maxazm,Maxsat,Maxsun,Maxtyp), & Azimut(Maxazm+1), Satzna(Maxsat+1), Sunzna(Maxsun+1), & Azim(Maxazm), Satz(Maxsat), Sunz(Maxsun) REAL :: Offset(Nscene,Nsatel), Slope(Nscene,Nsatel) CHARACTER (80) :: Head(Maxtyp) REAL :: Array(2**Maxdim), Fr(Maxdim) ! .. ! .. Data Statements .. DATA First/ .TRUE./ DATA (Slope(I,1),I=1,Nscene)/0.902, 0.779, 0.804, 0.760, 0.780/ DATA (Slope(I,2),I=1,Nscene)/0.883, 0.816, 0.800, -0.155, 0.786/ DATA (Slope(I,3),I=1,Nscene)/0.883, 0.816, 0.795, -0.156, 0.786/ DATA (Slope(I,4),I=1,Nscene)/0.945, 0.945, 0.909, 0.803, 0.787/ DATA (Slope(I,5),I=1,Nscene)/0.861, 0.826, 0.776, -0.151, 0.783/ DATA (Slope(I,6),I=1,Nscene)/0.841, 0.794, 0.838, 0.715, 0.930/ DATA (Offset(I,1),I=1,Nscene)/0.01426, 0.06831, 0.02819, 0.0083, & 0.05004/ DATA (Offset(I,2),I=1,Nscene)/0.01100, 0.05192, 0.02611, 0.7856, & 0.04646/ DATA (Offset(I,3),I=1,Nscene)/0.01051, 0.05170, 0.02708, 0.7857, & 0.04583/ DATA (Offset(I,4),I=1,Nscene)/0.01591, 0.00524, 0.06137, & -0.0098, 0.04421/ DATA (Offset(I,5),I=1,Nscene)/0.00941, 0.04584, 0.02983, 0.7831, & 0.04397/ DATA (Offset(I,6),I=1,Nscene)/0.01422, 0.01659, 0.01715, & 0.13650, -0.05430/ ! .. Noretr = .FALSE. Bbalb = Reflnb ! ** ASSUME BROADBAND ALBEDO IS THE SAME AS ! ** THE NARROWBAND REFLECTANCE IF (Nontob .AND. Nobdrc) RETURN ! ** DO NARROW- TO BROADBAND CONVERSION IF ( .NOT. Nontob .AND. (Isatid<1 .OR. Isatid>6)) THEN ! ** DO NOT RETRIEVE IF UNKNOWN SATELLITE Noretr = .TRUE. CALL Errmsg(Unit16,'CONVER--UNKNOWN SATELLITE',.FALSE.) RETURN END IF IF (Reflnb<1E-6) RETURN IF (Clear) THEN Iscene = Isrtyp ELSE Iscene = 5 END IF IF ( .NOT. Nontob) Bbalb = Slope(Iscene,Isatid)*Reflnb + & Offset(Iscene,Isatid) IF ( Bbalb.LE.0.0 ) Bbalb = Reflnb IF (Nobdrc) RETURN ! ** APPLY BIDIRECTIONAL CORRECTIONS IF (First) THEN First = .FALSE. ! ** READ ANISOTROPIC CORR FACTORS FROM TABLE OPEN (Unit=9,File=Flname,Status='OLD') READ (9,Fmt=90000,End=10,Err=20) Ntypes, Nazima, Nsatan, & Nsunan Dimerr = .FALSE. IF (Nazima>Maxazm) Dimerr = Wrtdim('MAXAZM',Nazima) IF (Nsatan>Maxsat) Dimerr = Wrtdim('MAXSAT',Nsatan) IF (Nsunan>Maxsun) Dimerr = Wrtdim('MAXSUN',Nsunan) IF (Ntypes>Maxtyp) Dimerr = Wrtdim('MAXTYP',Ntypes) IF (Dimerr) CALL Errmsg(Unit16,'BDRFAC--DIMENSION ERROR(S)',.TRUE.) READ (9,Fmt=90010,End=10,Err=20) (Azimut(Iaz),Iaz=1,Nazima+1) READ (9,Fmt=90010,End=10,Err=20) (Satzna(Ist),Ist=1,Nsatan+1) READ (9,Fmt=90010,End=10,Err=20) (Sunzna(Isn),Isn=1,Nsunan+1) DO Ity = 1, Ntypes READ (9,Fmt='(A)',End=10,Err=20) Head(Ity) DO Isn = 1, Nsunan DO Ist = 1, Nsatan READ (9,Fmt=90020,End=10,Err=20) & (Aniscr(Iaz,Ist,Isn,Ity),Iaz=1,Nazima) END DO END DO END DO CLOSE (Unit=9) END IF DO Iaz = 1, Nazima Azim( Iaz ) = ( Azimut(Iaz) + Azimut(Iaz+1) ) / 2. END DO DO Ist = 1, Nsatan Satz( Ist ) = ( Satzna(Ist) + Satzna(Ist+1) ) / 2 END DO DO Isn = 1, Nsunan Sunz( Isn ) = ( Sunzna(Isn) + Sunzna(Isn+1) ) / 2 END DO ! ** Assume symmetry with respect to the plane ! ** containing the sun and the zenith IF (Relaz>180.0) Relaz = 360.0 - Relaz ! ** LOCATE ANGLES IN THEIR TABLE VALUES CALL Locate( Relaz, Azim, Nazima, Iazm(1), Iazm(2), Fraz ) CALL Locate( Satmu, Satz, Nsatan, Istm(1), Istm(2), Frst ) CALL Locate( Sunmu, Sunz, Nsunan, Isnm(1), Isnm(2), Frsn ) ! ** ASSOCIATE SCENE TYPES IF (Isrtyp==1) THEN Ity = 1 ELSE IF (Isrtyp==2) THEN Ity = 2 ELSE IF (Isrtyp==3) THEN Ity = 4 ELSE IF (Isrtyp==4) THEN Ity = 3 END IF IF ( .NOT. Clear) Ity = 12 Ndim = 3 Fr( 1 ) = Fraz Fr( 2 ) = Frst Fr( 3 ) = Frsn Mm = 0 DO K = 1, 2 DO J = 1, 2 DO I = 1, 2 Mm = Mm + 1 Array( Mm ) = Aniscr( Iazm(I), Istm(J), Isnm(K), Ity ) END DO END DO END DO Anifac = Rintnd( Fr, Ndim, Array ) Bbalb = Bbalb / anifac ! ** Do additional angular corrections; this is only an ! ** ad hoc empirical correction based on adjusting the ! ** constants until the glint more or less disappears ! Adhoc = .false. IF ( Adhoc ) THEN IF ( Clear .AND. Iscene == 1 .AND. & Glint.LE.30.0 .AND. Glint.GT.20.0 ) Bbalb = Bbalb / 1.2 IF ( Clear .AND. Iscene == 1 .AND. & Glint.LE.20.0 .AND. Glint.GT.10.0 ) Bbalb = Bbalb / 1.35 IF ( Clear .AND. Iscene == 1 .AND. & Glint.LE.10.0 ) Bbalb = Bbalb / 1.45 IF ( Clear .AND. Iscene == 1 .AND. & Glint.LE.20.0 .AND. Satmu.GE.0.95 .AND. Relaz.GE.150.0 ) & Bbalb = Bbalb / 1.5 IF ( Clear .AND. Iscene == 1 .AND. & Glint.LE.35.0 .AND. Glint.GT.20.0 .AND. & Relaz.LE.160.0 .AND. Relaz.GT.130.0 ) & Bbalb = Bbalb / 1.35 IF ( Bbalb.LE.0.0 .OR. Bbalb.GE.1.0 ) then Noretr = .TRUE. !print *, Iscene, Anifac, Reflnb, Bbalb end if END IF RETURN 10 WRITE (6,Fmt='(//,1X,A)') 'CONVER--PREMAT END OF BDR FILE' 20 WRITE (6,Fmt='(//,1X,A)') 'CONVER--ERROR READING BDR TABLE' STOP 90000 FORMAT (4I3) 90010 FORMAT (11F6.3) 90020 FORMAT (8F10.5) CONTAINS FUNCTION Rintnd( Fr, Ndim, Array ) ! ! Linearly interpolates in multi-dimensions ! ! INPUT VARIABLES ! Array(I) : I=1 to 2**Ndim, a one-dimensional array containing ! the data to be interpolated on ! Fr(I) : I=1 to Ndim, fractional weight in dimension -I- ! Ndim : dimension of interpolation ! ! OUTPUT VARIABLE ! Rintnd : interpolated value ! .. ! .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER :: Ndim ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. REAL :: Array(2**Ndim), Fr(Ndim) ! .. ! .. Parameters .. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Maxdim = 32 ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: I, J, K LOGICAL :: Dimerr LOGICAL, SAVE :: First ! .. ! .. Local Arrays .. REAL :: Ytmp(Maxdim) ! .. ! .. Data Statements .. DATA First/ .TRUE./ ! .. ! .. Function Return Value .. REAL :: Rintnd ! .. IF (First) THEN ! ** Check local dimension Dimerr = .FALSE. First = .FALSE. IF (Maxdim<2**Ndim) Dimerr = Wrtdim('Maxdim',2**Ndim) IF (Dimerr) CALL Errmsg(Unit16,'Rintnd--DIMENSION ERROR',.TRUE.) END IF DO I = 1, 2**Ndim Ytmp(I) = Array(I) END DO DO I = 1, Ndim K = 1 DO J = 1, 2**(Ndim-I) Ytmp(J) = Fr(I)*Ytmp(K) + (1.-Fr(I))*Ytmp(K+1) K = K + 2 END DO END DO Rintnd = Ytmp(1) RETURN END FUNCTION Rintnd END SUBROUTINE Conver