! $Header: https://svn.ssec.wisc.edu/repos/cloud_team_nlcomp/trunk/nlcomp_mod.f90 8 2014-01-31 08:14:58Z awalther $ module nlcomp_retrieval_mod private public :: nlcomp_algorithm type , public :: nlcomp_output_structure logical :: statusOK real :: cod real :: cps real :: codu real :: cpsu real :: cloud_alb_vis real :: cloud_alb_vis_u real :: cloud_trans_sol_vis real :: cloud_trans_sat_vis real :: cloud_trans_sol_vis_u real :: cloud_trans_sat_vis_u real :: cloud_sph_alb_vis real :: cloud_sph_alb_vis_u end type nlcomp_output_structure contains subroutine nlcomp_algorithm ( obs_vec & & , obs_u & & , alb_sfc & & , alb_sfc_u & & , state_apr & & , air_trans_ac & & , sol_zen & & , sat_zen & & , rel_azi & & , cld_temp & & , cld_phase & & , rad_abv_cld & & , rad_clear_toc & & , nlcomp_out & & , debug_in & & , ancil_path ) use dcomp_math_tools_mod, only: & findinv , debug_mode use nlcomp_forward_mod, only : & nlcomp_forward_computation & , pixel_vec implicit none real, dimension ( : ) :: obs_vec , obs_u , alb_sfc real, dimension ( : ) :: alb_sfc_u , air_trans_ac real, dimension ( 2 ) :: state_apr real, intent ( in ) :: sol_zen, sat_zen , rel_azi , cld_temp logical, intent ( in ) :: cld_phase real, intent ( in ) :: rad_abv_cld , rad_clear_toc real :: cod, cps, codu, cpsu integer, intent(in), optional :: debug_in character (len = 1024 ), intent ( in ) , optional :: ancil_path character ( len =1024) :: dcomp_ancil_path type (nlcomp_output_structure) , intent ( out ) :: nlcomp_out real, dimension ( 2, 2 ) :: S_a , S_a_inv real, dimension ( 2, 2 ) :: S_y , S_y_inv real, dimension ( 2, 2 ) :: S_x , S_x_inv real, dimension ( 2, 2 ) :: S_m real, dimension ( 5, 5 ) :: S_b real, dimension ( 2, 5 ) :: kernel_b real :: obs_crl real, dimension ( 2 ) :: state_vec real, dimension ( 2 ) :: delta_x real, dimension ( 2, 2) :: kernel real, dimension ( 2 ) :: obs_fwd real, dimension ( 2 ) :: cld_trans_sol, cld_trans_sat, cld_sph_alb character ( len = 5 ) :: sensor integer :: iteration_idx integer :: errorflag real :: conv_test real :: delta_dstnc real , parameter :: missing_real4_em = -999. type ( pixel_vec ) :: pxl real :: max_step_size integer , dimension(2) :: channels ! -executable pxl % sol_zen = sol_zen pxl % sat_zen = sat_zen pxl % rel_azi = rel_azi pxl % ctt = cld_temp pxl % is_water_phase = cld_phase if ( present ( ancil_path )) then dcomp_ancil_path = trim ( ancil_path ) else dcomp_ancil_path = '/data/Ancil_Data/clavrx_ancil_data/' end if debug_mode = 0 if ( present ( debug_in )) debug_mode = debug_in cod = missing_real4_em cps = missing_real4_em codu = missing_real4_em cpsu = missing_real4_em S_a = 0.0 S_a(1,1) = state_apr(1) ** 2 S_a(1,1) = 0.8 ** 2 S_a(2,2) = 0.9 ** 2 call findinv ( S_a , S_a_inv , 2 , errorflag) ! - observation error cov obs_crl = 0.7 S_m = 0. S_m (1,1) = ( max ( obs_u(1) * obs_vec(1) , 0.01 ) ) ** 2 S_m (2,2) = ( max ( obs_u(2) * obs_vec(2) , 0.01 ) ) ** 2 S_m (1,2) = ( obs_u(2) * obs_vec(2) ) * (obs_u(1) * obs_vec(1) ) * obs_crl S_m (2,1) = ( obs_u(2) * obs_vec(2) ) * (obs_u(1) * obs_vec(1) ) * obs_crl ! = forward model components vector S_b = 0. S_b(1,1) = ( alb_sfc_u(1) ) ** 2 S_b(2,2) = ( alb_sfc_u(2) ) ** 2 S_b(3,3) = 1. S_b(4,4) = 1. S_b(5,5) = 1. state_vec = state_apr iteration_idx = 0 debug_mode = 0 IF (debug_mode > 4 ) THEN PRINT *, "<--- Begin New Retrieval for pixel = " PRINT *, "cloud type, phase = ", cld_phase PRINT *, "angles = ", sat_zen,sol_zen,rel_azi PRINT *, "sfc ref = ", alb_sfc(1:2) PRINT *, "Trans_Ac = ", air_trans_ac(1:2) PRINT *, "y = ", obs_vec(1:2) PRINT *, "Sy = ", S_m PRINT *, "x_ap = ",state_apr PRINT *, "Sa = ",S_a END IF Retrieval_Loop : do ! -- Update iteration counter iteration_Idx = iteration_Idx + 1 sensor ='VIIRS' channels = [1, 20 ] ! Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call nlcomp_forward_computation ( & state_vec , pxl & , trim ( sensor ) , channels , alb_sfc & , air_trans_ac & , obs_fwd & , cld_trans_sol & , cld_trans_sat & , cld_sph_alb & , kernel , rad_abv_cld , rad_clear_toc, lut_path = dcomp_ancil_path ) ! time_acc = time_acc + compute_time_hours() - start_time_point_hours ! - define forward model vector ! - first dimesnion : the two channels ! - 1 sfc albedo vis ; 2 - sfc albedo ir ; 3- rtm error in vis 4 - rtm error in nir ! - 5 - terrestiral part kernel_b = 0 kernel_b ( 1, 1) = ( cld_trans_sol(1) * cld_trans_sat(1) ) / ( (1 - cld_sph_alb(1) * Alb_Sfc(1) ) ** 2. ) kernel_b ( 1, 2) = 0. kernel_b ( 1, 3) = 0.04 kernel_b ( 1, 4) = 0. kernel_b ( 1, 5) = 0. kernel_b ( 2, 1) = 0. kernel_b ( 2, 2) = ( cld_trans_sol(2) * cld_trans_sat(2))/((1 - cld_sph_alb(2) * alb_Sfc(2)) **2. ) kernel_b ( 2, 3) = 0. kernel_b ( 2, 4) = 0.02 kernel_b ( 2, 5) = 0.05 * obs_vec(2) ! - calculate observation error covariance S_y = S_m + matmul (kernel_b, matmul (S_b, transpose (Kernel_B) ) ) call findinv ( S_y , S_y_inv , 2 , errorflag) !--compute Sx error covariance of solution x S_x_inv = S_a_inv + matmul ( transpose ( Kernel ) , matmul ( S_y_inv , Kernel ) ) call findinv ( S_x_inv, S_x , 2 , errorflag ) ! - compute next iteration step delta_X = matmul( S_x , & & (matmul( transpose ( kernel ), & & matmul ( S_y_inv , ( obs_vec - obs_fwd ) ) ) + & & matmul ( S_a_inv , state_apr - state_vec ) ) ) ! - check for convergence Conv_Test = abs ( sum (delta_X * matmul ( S_x_inv , Delta_X ) ) ) if ( debug_mode > 4 ) then print* print*,'iter = ',iteration_idx print*, 'f = ', obs_fwd print*, 'k = ',kernel print*, 'Sx = ',S_x print*,'delta x =', delta_x print*, ' new x =', state_vec + delta_x print*, 'conv test = ', conv_test end if max_step_size = 0.5 delta_dstnc = sqrt ( sum ( delta_x ** 2 ) ) if ( maxval ( abs(delta_x)) > MAX_STEP_SIZE ) then delta_x = delta_x * max_step_size / delta_dstnc end if if ( debug_mode > 4 ) then print*,'real delta: ', delta_x print*,'new x = ', state_Vec + delta_X end if state_Vec = state_Vec + delta_x if ( conv_test < 0.2 ) then cod = 10 ** state_vec(1) cps = 10 ** state_vec(2) codu = S_x ( 1, 1 ) cpsu = S_x ( 2, 2 ) if ( debug_mode > 4 ) then print*,' y: ', obs_vec(1:2) ! Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call nlcomp_forward_computation ( & state_vec , pxl & , trim ( sensor ) , channels , alb_sfc & , air_trans_ac & , obs_fwd & , cld_trans_sol & , cld_trans_sat & , cld_sph_alb & , kernel , rad_abv_cld , rad_clear_toc, lut_path = dcomp_ancil_path ) print*,'fwd: ',obs_fwd end if exit retrieval_loop end if if ( iteration_idx > 20 ) then cod = -999. cps = -999. exit retrieval_loop end if end do Retrieval_Loop nlcomp_out % cod = cod nlcomp_out % cps = cps end subroutine nlcomp_algorithm end module nlcomp_retrieval_mod