! $Header: https://svn.ssec.wisc.edu/repos/cloud_team_clavrx/branches/main_development_andi/dncomp/file_tools.f90 1444 2015-11-30 15:22:59Z awalther $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: file_tools.f90 (src) ! file_tools (program) ! ! PURPOSE: module which houses routines to perform basic file operations ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! AUTHORS: ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! added Jan 2013 (AW) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module file_tools implicit none private public :: file_basename public :: file_dirname public :: file_search public :: file_test public :: getlun contains !------ ! name: file_test ! function: function checks files for existence and other attributes without having to first open the file. ! description: FILE_TEST returns .true., if the specified file exists ! reference: ! calling sequence: result = file_test ( ) ! inputs: A scalar if filename to be tested ! outputs: A logical variable ! dependencies: none ! restrictions: none ! history: added Jan 2013 (AW) function file_test (file) result (existence) implicit none character (*), intent(in) :: file logical :: existence inquire ( FILE = file, EXIST = existence ) end function file_test !------ ! name: file_nr_lines ! function: returns number of line in an ASCII file ! description: ! reference: ! calling sequence: ! inputs: ! outputs: ! dependencies: ! restrictions: private subroutine of this module ! history: added Jan 2013 (AW) function file_nr_lines (file) result (return_value) implicit none integer :: nr, ios, j integer :: maxrecs = 1000 character (len = *) , intent(in) :: file integer :: return_value character(len=1) :: junk integer :: lun lun = getlun() nr = 0 open( UNIT=lun,FILE=file) do j = 1 , maxrecs read(lun,*,IOSTAT=ios) junk if (ios /= 0) exit if (j == maxrecs) then print*,'exceeded mac lines' endif nr = nr + 1 end do close(unit=lun) return_value = nr end function file_nr_lines !----- ! name: file_basename ! function: The FILE_BASENAME function returns the basename of a file path. A file path is a string containing one or more segments consisting of ! names separated by directory delimiter characters (slash (/) under UNIX ! description: ! reference: ! calling sequence: Result = FILE_BASENAME( ) ! inputs: A scalar if filename to be tested ! outputs: ! dependencies: ! restrictions: ! history: added Jan 2013 (AW) function file_basename(file) result(return_string) implicit none character(355) , intent(in) :: file character(355) :: return_string character :: sep = '/' integer :: kdot logical , parameter :: backward = .true. kdot = scan (file,sep, backward) return_string = file(kdot+1: ) end function file_basename !----- ! name: file_dirname ! function: ! description: The FILE_DIRNAME function returns the dirname of a file path. ! reference: ! calling sequence: Result = FILE_DIRNAME( ) ! inputs: A scalar if filename to be tested ! outputs: ! dependencies: ! restrictions: ! history: added Jan 2013 (AW) function file_dirname(file) result(return_string) implicit none character(355) , intent(in) :: file character(355) :: return_string character :: sep = '/' integer :: kdot logical , parameter :: backward = .true. kdot = scan(file,sep, backward) return_string = file(1: kdot -1 ) end function file_dirname ! name: file_tools ! function: ! description: The FILE_SEARCH function returns a string array containing the names of all files ! matching the input path specification. Input path specifications may contain wildcard characters, ! enabling them to match multiple files. ! reference: ! calling sequence: ! inputs: path: a string which holds the pathname ! spec: the search pattern, may include wildcard ( *,?) ! rel_path: if set the result hold salso the relative path from the working directory, ! default is the files' basename ! outputs: count : integer which holds the dimesnion of the returned result ! restrictions: tested only on UNIX and debian environment ! history: added Jan 2013 (AW) function file_search ( path, spec , count , rel_path ) result(return_string) implicit none character(*) , intent(in) :: spec character(*) , intent(in) :: path integer , intent(out), optional :: count logical , intent(in) , optional :: rel_path character(355), pointer, dimension(:) :: return_string character(355) :: cfile integer :: nr , ii integer :: lun call system ( 'rm -f list') lun = getlun() call system('ls -1 -phd '// trim (path) //''// trim (spec) //' > list') nr = file_nr_lines ('list') open(unit = lun , file = "list" ) allocate (return_string(nr)) do ii = 1, nr read(lun,"(A)") cfile return_string(ii) = trim (file_basename (cfile) ) if ( present ( rel_path )) return_string(ii) = trim (cfile) end do close(lun) call system ( 'rm -f list') if ( present ( count ) ) count = nr end function file_search FUNCTION getlun() RESULT( lun ) ! ----------------- ! Type declarations ! ----------------- INTEGER :: lun LOGICAL :: file_open ! -------------------------------------------- ! Initialise logical unit number and file_open ! -------------------------------------------- lun = 9 file_open = .TRUE. ! ------------------------------ ! Start open loop for lun search ! ------------------------------ lun_search: DO ! -- Increment logical unit number lun = lun + 1 ! -- Check if file is open INQUIRE( lun, OPENED = file_open ) ! -- Is this lun available? IF ( .NOT. file_open ) EXIT lun_search END DO lun_search END FUNCTION getlun end module file_tools