! $Id: M_kracken.f90 182 2018-02-15 13:17:01Z awalther $ !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- ! These routines are available for general use. I ask that you send me ! interesting alterations that are available for public use; and that you ! include a note indicating the original author -- John S. Urban ! Last updated Dec 20, 2008 !=======================================================================-------- ! :: kracken ! define command and default parameter values ! :: rget ! fetch real value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary ! :: iget ! fetch integer value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary ! :: lget ! fetch logical value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary ! :: sget ! fetch string value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary. ! :: retrev ! retrieve token value from Language Dictionary when given NAME ! :: string_to_real ! returns real value from numeric character string NOT USING CALCULATOR ! :: delim ! parse a string and store tokens into an array !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- module M_kracken_dictionary ! @(#) common length of verbs and entries in Language dictionary ! NOTE: many parameters were reduced in size so as to just accomodate ! being used as a command line parser. In particular, some might ! want to change: ! ic=30 ! number of entries in language dictionary ! IPvalue=255 ! ilength of verb value implicit none integer, parameter,public :: IPverb=20 ! ilength of verb integer, parameter,public :: IPvalue=285 ! ilength of verb value integer, parameter,public :: ic=30 ! number of entries in language dictionary integer, parameter,public :: k_int = SELECTED_INT_KIND(9) ! integer*4 integer, parameter,public :: k_dbl = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(15,300) ! real*8 !=================================================================-------- ! dictionary for Language routines character (len=IPvalue),dimension(ic),public :: values=" " ! contains the values of string variables character (len=IPverb),dimension(ic),public :: ix2=" " ! string variable names integer(kind=k_int),dimension(ic),public :: ivalue=0 ! significant lengths of string variable values !================================================================--------- end module M_kracken_dictionary module M_kracken implicit none private ! SUBROUTINES: public :: retrev ! retrieve token value from Language Dictionary when given NAME public :: string_to_real ! returns real value from numeric character string NOT USING CALCULATOR public :: kracken ! define command and default parameter values public :: delim ! parse a string and store tokens into an array private :: parse_two ! convenient call to parse() -- define defaults, then process user input private :: parse ! parse user command and store tokens into Language Dictionary private :: store ! replace dictionary name's value (if allow=add add name if necessary) private :: bounce ! find location (index) in Language Dictionary where VARNAME can be found private :: add_string ! Add new string name to Language Library dictionary private :: send_message private :: get_command_arguments ! get_command_arguments: return all command arguments as a string ! FUNCTIONS: public :: rget ! fetch real value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary public :: iget ! fetch integer value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary public :: lget ! fetch logical value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary public :: sget ! fetch string value of name VERB_NAME from the language dictionary. private :: igets ! return the subscript value of a string when given it's name private :: uppers ! uppers: return copy of string converted to uppercase contains !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine retrev(name,val,len,ier) ! Copyright(c) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved !@(#) retrieve token value from Language Dictionary when given NAME use M_kracken_dictionary ! dictionary for Language routines character(len=*),intent(in) :: name character(len=*),intent(out) :: val integer,intent(out) :: len integer,intent(out) :: ier integer :: isub isub=igets(name) ! get index entry is stored at if(isub > 0)then ! entry was in dictionary val=values(isub) len=ivalue(isub) ier=0 else ! entry was not in dictionary ier=-1 val=" " len=0 endif return end subroutine retrev !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine string_to_real(chars,valu,ierr) ! @(#) returns real value from numeric character string NOT USING CALCULATOR ! Copyright(c) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved ! ! returns a real value from a numeric character string. ! ! o works with any g-format input, including integer, real, and ! exponential. ! ! if an error occurs in the read, iostat is returned in ierr and ! value is set to zero. if no error occurs, ierr=0. ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: chars real,intent(out) :: valu integer,intent(out) :: ierr integer, parameter :: k_dbl = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(15,300) ! real*8 character(len=13) :: frmt integer :: ios real(kind=k_dbl) :: valu8 write(unit=frmt,fmt="( ""(bn,g"",i5,"".0)"" )")len(chars) ierr=0 read(unit=chars,fmt=frmt,iostat=ios)valu8 if (ios /= 0 )then valu8=0.0_k_dbl call send_message("*string_to_real* - cannot produce number from this string") call send_message(chars) ierr=ios endif valu=real(valu8) return end subroutine string_to_real !======================================================================= !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( !======================================================================= function rget(keyword) ! @(#) given keyword, fetch single real value from the language dictionary (zero on error) real :: rget character(len=*),intent(in) :: keyword character(len=255) :: value integer :: len integer :: ier real :: anumber value=" " call retrev(keyword, value, len, ier) call string_to_real(value(:len), anumber, ier) rget = anumber return end function rget !======================================================================= !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( !======================================================================= function iget(keyword) ! @(#) given keyword, fetch single integer value from the language dictionary (zero on error) integer :: iget character(len=*),intent(in) :: keyword character(len=255) :: value integer :: len integer :: ier real :: anumber call retrev (keyword, value, len, ier) call string_to_real (value(:len), anumber, ier) iget = int(anumber) return end function iget !======================================================================= !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( !======================================================================= function lget (keyword) ! @(#) given keyword, fetch single logical value from the language dictionary (zero on error) logical :: lget character(len=*),intent(in) :: keyword character(len=255) :: value integer :: len integer :: ier call retrev (keyword, value, len, ier) value=uppers(value,len) if(value(:len)==" ")then lget=.true. elseif(value(:len)=="#N#")then lget=.false. elseif(value(:1)=="T")then lget=.true. elseif(value(:1)=="F")then lget=.false. elseif(value(:2)==".T")then lget=.true. elseif(value(:2)==".F")then lget=.false. else call send_message("*lget* bad value for logical for "//keyword(:len_trim(keyword))) lget=.false. endif return end function lget !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- ! These routines are available for general use. I ask that you send me ! interesting alterations that are available for public use; and that you ! include a note indicating the original author -- John S. Urban !=======================================================================-------- subroutine kracken(verb,string) ! get the entire command line argument list and pass it and the ! prototype to parse_two() character (len=*),intent(in) :: string character (len=*),intent(in) :: verb character (len=1024) :: command integer :: ilen integer :: ier call get_command_arguments(command,ilen,ier) call parse_two(verb,string,command,ilen) return end subroutine kracken !=======================================================================-------- !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine parse_two(verb,init,pars,ipars) ! !@(#) convenient call to parse() -- define defaults, then process user input ! ! verb is the name of the command to be reset/defined and then set ! init is a string used to add a new command or to reset an old one. ! This string is usually hard-set in the program. ! pars is a string defining the command options to be set, usually ! from a user input file ! ipars is the length of the user-input string pars. character(len=*),intent(in) :: verb character(len=*),intent(in) :: init character(len=*),intent(in) :: pars integer,intent(in) :: ipars integer :: ipars2 call parse(verb(:len_trim(verb)),init,"add") ! initialize command if(ipars <= 0)then ipars2=len(pars) else ipars2=ipars endif call parse(verb,pars(:ipars2),"no_add") ! process user command options return end subroutine parse_two !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine parse(verb,string,allow) ! Copyright(c) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved !!! need to handle a minus followed by a blank character !!! set up odd for future expansion ! !@(#) parse user command and store tokens into Language Dictionary ! ! given a string of form ! ! value -var value -var value ! try to define a bunch of variables of form ! verb_var(i) = value ! ! values may be in double quotes if they contain -alphameric, a # ! signifies rest of line is a comment, adjacent double quotes put ! one double quote into value, processing ends when an unquoted ! semi-colon or end of string is encountered. ! the variable name for the first value is verb_init (often verb_oo) ! call it once to give defaults ! call it again and vars without values are set to null strings ! leading and trailing blanks are removed from values ! ! string is character input string ! ! if ileave is 0, leave double quotes where you find them; else if 1 ! remove them. Normally, they should be removed use M_kracken_dictionary !========================================================================= ! @(#) for left-over command string for Language routines ! optionally needed if you are going to allow multiple commands on a line ! number of characters left over, ! number of non-blank characters in actual parameter list !========================================================================= character(len=*),intent(in) :: verb character(len=*),intent(in) :: string character(len=*),intent(in) :: allow character(len=IPvalue+2) :: dummy character(len=IPvalue),dimension(2) :: var character(len=3) :: delmt character(len=2) :: init character(len=1) :: currnt character(len=1) :: prev character(len=1) :: forwrd character(len=IPvalue) :: val character(len=IPverb) :: name integer,dimension(2) :: ipnt integer,save :: ileave=1 integer :: ilist integer :: ier integer :: islen integer :: ipln integer :: ipoint integer :: itype integer :: ifwd integer :: ibegin integer :: iend ilist=1 init="oo" ier=0 islen=len_trim(string) ! find number of characters in input string ! if input string is blank, even default variable will not be changed if(islen == 0)then return endif dummy=string ipln=len_trim(verb) ! find number of characters in verb prefix string !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= if(verb(:ipln)=="MODE")then if(string=="LEAVEQUOTES")then if(allow=="YES")then ileave=0 elseif(allow=="NO")then ileave=1 else call send_message("*parse* LEAVECODES value bad") ileave=1 endif else call send_message("*parse* UNKNOWN MODE") endif return endif !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= var(2)=init ! initial variable name var(1)=" " ! initial value of a string ipoint=0 ! ipoint is the current character pointer for (dummy) ipnt(2)=2 ! pointer to position in parameter name ipnt(1)=1 ! pointer to position in parameter value itype=1 ! itype=1 for value, itype=2 for variable !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= delmt="off" prev=" " !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= do ipoint=ipoint+1 ! move current character pointer forward currnt=dummy(ipoint:ipoint) ! store current character into currnt ifwd=min(ipoint+1,islen) forwrd=dummy(ifwd:ifwd) ! next character (or duplicate if last) !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= if((currnt=="-".and.prev==" ".and.delmt == "off".and.index("0123456789.",forwrd) == 0).or.ipoint > islen)then ! beginning of a parameter name if(ipnt(1)-1 >= 1)then ibegin=1 iend=len_trim(var(1)(:ipnt(1)-1)) do if(iend == 0)then !len_trim returned 0, parameter value is blank iend=ibegin exit else if(var(1)(ibegin:ibegin) == " ")then ibegin=ibegin+1 else exit endif enddo name=verb(:ipln)//"_"//var(2)(:ipnt(2)) val=var(1)(ibegin:iend) call store(name,val,allow,ier) ! store name and it's value else name=verb(:ipln)//"_"//var(2)(:ipnt(2)) val=" " ! store name and null value call store(name,val,allow,ier) endif ilist=ilist+ipln+1+ipnt(2) ilist=ilist+1 itype=2 ! change to filling a variable name var(1)=" " ! clear value for this variable var(2)=" " ! clear variable name ipnt(1)=1 ! restart variable value ipnt(2)=1 ! restart variable name !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= elseif(currnt == "#".and.delmt == "off")then ! rest of line is comment islen=ipoint dummy=" " prev=" " cycle !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ! rest of line is another command(s) islen=ipoint dummy=" " prev=" " cycle !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= else ! currnt is not one of the special characters ! the space after a keyword before the value if(currnt == " ".and.itype == 2)then ! switch from building a keyword string to building a value string itype=1 ! beginning of a delimited parameter value elseif(currnt == """".and.itype == 1)then ! second of a double quote, put quote in if(prev == """")then var(itype)(ipnt(itype):ipnt(itype))=currnt ipnt(itype)=ipnt(itype)+1 delmt="on" elseif(delmt == "on")then ! first quote of a delimited string delmt="off" else delmt="on" endif if(ileave == 0.and.prev /= """")then ! leave quotes where found them var(itype)(ipnt(itype):ipnt(itype))=currnt ipnt(itype)=ipnt(itype)+1 endif else ! add character to current parameter name or parameter value var(itype)(ipnt(itype):ipnt(itype))=currnt ipnt(itype)=ipnt(itype)+1 if(currnt /= " ")then endif endif !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= endif !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= prev=currnt if(ipoint <= islen)then cycle endif exit enddo return end subroutine parse !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine store(name1,value1,allow1,ier) ! Copyright(c) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved ! !@(#) replace dictionary name's value (if allow=add add name if necessary) use M_kracken_dictionary character(len=*),intent(in) :: name1 character(len=*),intent(in) :: value1 character(len=*),intent(in) :: allow1 integer,intent(out) :: ier character(len=IPverb) :: name integer :: indx character(len=10) :: allow character(len=IPvalue) :: value character(len=IPvalue) :: mssge ! the message/error/string value integer :: nlen integer :: new integer :: ii integer :: i10 name=name1 value=value1 allow=allow1 nlen=len(name1) ! determine storage placement of the variable and whether it is new call bounce(name,indx,ix2,ier,mssge) if(ier == -1)then call send_message("error occurred in *store*") call send_message(mssge) return endif if(indx > 0)then ! found the variable name new=1 ! check if the name needs added or is already defined else if(indx <= 0.and.allow == "add")then ! adding the new variable name in the variable name array call add_string(name,nlen,indx,ier) if(ier == -1)then call send_message("*store* could not add "//name(:nlen)) call send_message(mssge) return endif new=0 else ! did not find variable name but not allowed to add it !call send_message("could not find "//name) call send_message("E-R-R-O-R: UNKNOWN OPTION "//name) ii=index(name,"_") if(ii > 0)then call send_message(name(:ii-1)//" parameters are") do i10=1,ic if(name(:ii) == ix2(i10)(:ii))then call send_message(" -"//ix2(i10)(ii+1:len_trim(ix2(i10)))//" "//values(i10)(:ivalue(i10))) endif enddo endif return endif ! ignore special value that means leave alone, used by 'set up' calls to ! leave a value alone ! note that this will prevent the keyword from being defined. if(value(1:4) == "@LV@")then ! a new leave-alone flag (for use by a 'defining' call) if(new == 0) then value=value(5:) ! trim off the leading @LV@ values(iabs(indx))=value ! store a defined variable's value ivalue(iabs(indx))=len_trim(value) ! store ilength of string endif else values(iabs(indx))=value ! store a defined variable's value ivalue(iabs(indx))=len_trim(value) ! store ilength of string endif return end subroutine store !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine bounce(varnam,index,ixn,ier,mssge) ! Copyright(C) 1989 John S. Urban All rights reserved ! !@(#) find location (index) in Language Dictionary where VARNAME can be found ! (Assuming an alphabetized array of character strings) ! ! If it is not found report where it ! should be placed as a NEGATIVE index number. ! ! It is assumed all variable names are lexically greater ! than a blank string. use M_kracken_dictionary character(len=*),intent(in) :: varnam integer,intent(out) :: index !character(len=IPverb),dimension(ic),intent(in) :: ixn character(len=*),dimension(:),intent(in) :: ixn integer,intent(out) :: ier character(len=*),intent(out) :: mssge integer :: maxtry integer :: imin integer :: imax integer :: i10 maxtry=int(log(float(ic))/log(2.0)+1.0) index=(ic+1)/2 imin=1 imax=ic do i10=1,maxtry if(varnam == ixn(index))then return else if(varnam > ixn(index))then imax=index-1 else imin=index+1 endif if(imin > imax)then index=-imin if(iabs(index) > ic)then mssge="error 03 in bounce" ier=-1 return endif return endif index=(imax+imin)/2 if(index > ic.or.index <= 0)then mssge="error 01 in bounce" ier=-1 return endif enddo mssge="error 02 in bounce" return end subroutine bounce !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine add_string(newnam,nchars,index,ier) !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= !@(#) Add new string name to Language Library dictionary use M_kracken_dictionary ! maximum number of string variables to be stored character(len=*),intent(in) :: newnam integer,intent(in) :: nchars integer,intent(in) :: index integer,intent(out) :: ier integer :: istart integer :: i10 !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ! if last position in the name array has already been used, then ! report that no room is left and set error flag and error message. if(ix2(ic) /= " ")then call send_message("*add_string* no room left to add more string variable names") ier=-1 return endif !=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= istart=iabs(index) ! watch out when ic approaches istart that logic is correct. do i10=ic-1,istart,-1 ! pull down the array to make room for new value values(i10+1)=values(i10) ivalue(i10+1)=ivalue(i10) ix2(i10+1)=ix2(i10) enddo values(istart)=" " ivalue(istart)= 0 ix2(istart)=newnam(1:nchars) return end subroutine add_string !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- function igets(chars0) ! Copyright(c) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved !@(#) return the subscript value of a string when given it's name ! WARNING: only request value of names known to exist use M_kracken_dictionary ! dictionary for Language routines character(len=*),intent(in) :: chars0 character(len=IPvalue) :: msg character(len=IPverb) :: chars character(len=IPvalue) :: mssge integer :: ierr integer :: index integer :: igets chars=chars0 ierr=0 index=0 call bounce(chars,index,ix2,ierr,mssge) ! look up position if((ierr == -1).or.(index <= 0))then msg="*igets* variable "//chars//" undefined" call send_message(msg) !!!!!! very unfriendly subscript value igets=-1 else igets=index endif return end function igets !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine delim(line0,array,n,iicount,ibegin,iterm,ilen,dlim) ! @(#) parse a string and store tokens into an array ! ! given a line of structure " par1 par2 par3 ... parn " ! store each par(n) into a separate variable in array. ! ! IF ARRAY(1) = '#NULL#' do not store into string array (KLUDGE)) ! ! also icount number of elements of array initialized, and ! return beginning and ending positions for each element. ! also return position of last non-blank character (even if more ! than n elements were found). ! ! no quoting of delimiter is allowed ! no checking for more than n parameters, if any more they are ignored ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: line0 integer,intent(in) :: n !character(len=*),dimension(n),intent(out) :: array character(len=*),dimension(:),intent(out) :: array integer,intent(out) :: iicount !integer,dimension(n),intent(out) :: ibegin integer,dimension(:),intent(out) :: ibegin !integer,dimension(n),intent(out) :: iterm integer,dimension(:),intent(out) :: iterm integer,intent(out) :: ilen character(len=*),intent(in) :: dlim character(len=1044) :: line logical :: lstore integer :: idlim integer :: icol integer :: iarray integer :: istart integer :: iend integer :: i10 integer :: ifound iicount=0 ilen=len_trim(line0) if(ilen > 1044)then call send_message("*delim* input line too long") endif line=line0 idlim=len(dlim) if(idlim > 5)then idlim=len_trim(dlim) ! dlim a lot of blanks on some machines if dlim is a big string if(idlim == 0)then idlim=1 ! blank string endif endif ! command was totally blank if(ilen == 0)then return endif ! ! there is at least one non-blank character in the command ! ilen is the column position of the last non-blank character ! find next non-delimiter icol=1 if(array(1) == "#NULL#")then ! special flag to not store into character array lstore=.false. else lstore=.true. endif do iarray=1,n,1 ! store into each array element until done or too many words if(index(dlim(1:idlim),line(icol:icol)) == 0)then ! if current character is not a delimiter istart=icol ! start new token on the non-delimiter character ibegin(iarray)=icol iend=ilen-istart+1+1 ! assume no delimiters so put past end of line do i10=1,idlim ifound=index(line(istart:ilen),dlim(i10:i10)) if(ifound > 0)then iend=min(iend,ifound) endif enddo if(iend <= 0)then ! no remaining delimiters iterm(iarray)=ilen if(lstore)then array(iarray)=line(istart:ilen) endif iicount=iarray return else iend=iend+istart-2 iterm(iarray)=iend if(lstore)then array(iarray)=line(istart:iend) endif endif icol=iend+2 else icol=icol+1 cycle endif ! last character in line was a delimiter, so no text left ! (should not happen where blank=delimiter) if(icol > ilen)then iicount=iarray return endif enddo ! more than n elements iicount=n return end subroutine delim !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- subroutine send_message(msg) ! general message routine ! Copyright(c) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved ! ! SIMPLIFIED FOR EXAMPLE: JUST ECHOES MESSAGES ! character(len=*),intent(in) :: msg print "("" #kracken>:"",a)", msg(:len_trim(msg)) ! echo mode return end subroutine send_message !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- ! currently, get_command may or may not contain the command name as well as the ! arguments, and some systems allow blank spaces or other characters that can ! confuse. This routine returns all the arguments as a string. subroutine get_command_arguments(string,istring_len,istatus) ! @(#)get_command_arguments: return all command arguments as a string character(len=*),intent(out) :: string ! string of all arguments integer,intent(out) :: istring_len ! last character position set integer,intent(out) :: istatus ! status (non-zero means error) integer :: ilength ! length of individual arguments integer :: i ! loop count integer :: icount ! count of number of arguments available character(len=255) :: value ! store individual arguments one at a time string="" ! initialize returned output string istring_len=0 ! initialize returned output string length istatus=0 ! initialize returned error code icount=command_argument_count() ! intrinsic gets number of arguments if(icount>0)then ! if there are arguments load them into string ! start with first argument call get_command_argument(1,string,istring_len,istatus) if(istatus == 0)then do i=2,icount ! append any additional arguments to first call get_command_argument(i,value,ilength,istatus) if(istatus /= 0)then exit ! stop on error endif string=string(:istring_len)//" "//value(:ilength) istring_len=istring_len+ilength+1 enddo endif ! keep track of length and so do not need to use len_trim istring_len=len_trim(string) endif return end subroutine get_command_arguments !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- function uppers(linei,ilen) result (string) ! @(#)uppers: return copy of string converted to uppercase ! Copyright 1996 (c), John S. Urban ! put back in if length of input longer than length of output character(len=*),intent(in) :: linei integer,intent(in) :: ilen character(len=ilen) :: string character(len=1) :: let integer :: ilet integer :: iout integer :: i10 iout=1 string=" " do i10=1,ilen,1 let=linei(i10:i10) ilet=ichar(let) ! lowercase a-z in ASCII is 97 to 122 ! uppercase a-z in ASCII is 65 to 90 if( (ilet >= 97) .and. (ilet <= 122))then ! convert lowercase a-z to uppercase a-z string(iout:iout)=char(ilet-32) else ! character is not an uppercase a-z, just put it in output string(iout:iout)=let endif iout=iout+1 enddo return end function uppers !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- function sget(name,ilen) result (string) !@(#) Fetch string value of specified NAME from the language dictionary. ! Copyright(C) 1989 John S. Urban all rights reserved ! ! This routine trusts that the desired name exists. A blank ! is returned if the name is not in the dictionary use M_kracken_dictionary ! dictionary for Language routines character(len=*),intent(in) :: name ! name to look up in dictionary integer,intent(in) :: ilen ! length of returned output string character(len=ilen) :: string integer :: isub isub=igets(name) ! given name return index name is stored at if(isub > 0)then ! if index is valid return string string=values(isub) else ! if index is not valid return blank string string(:)=" " endif return end function sget !=======================================================================-------- !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() !=======================================================================-------- end module M_kracken