!$Id: getmod.f90 3082 2018-12-17 17:53:19Z mfoster $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: getmod.f90 (src) ! Getmod (program) ! ! PURPOSE: ! Reads in vegetation type data of matthews; associates surface type ! with albedo models of Briegleb et al.; selects appropriate aerosol ! model from tables, and assigns climatological monthly-mean visible ! aerosol optical depth for current location. ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! AUTHORS: ! Andrew Heidinger, Andrew.Heidinger@noaa.gov ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! Denis Botambekov, CIMSS, denis.botambekov@ssec.wisc.edu ! William Straka, CIMSS, wstraka@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! CVS info: ! ! $Id: getmod.f90 3082 2018-12-17 17:53:19Z mfoster $ ! ! $Log: getmod.f90,v $ ! Revision 2014/01/26 04:48:33 heidinger ! updated ! ! Revision 2014/01/24 21:48:00 mhiley ! Format headers according to CDR General Software Coding Standards ! ! Revision 2013/04/18 16:17:42 dbotambekov ! change eq to eqv for gfort ! ! Revision 1.3 2011/10/20 20:40:59 heidinger ! print statements ! ! Revision 1.2 2011/08/16 18:45:27 heidinger ! resolved conflicts ! ! Revision 2011/08/01 03:24:41 heidinger ! added unit1getmod.f90 ! ! Revision 2011/07/11 19:03:26 heidinger ! uni16 bugs ! ! Revision 2011/02/22 23:09:42 heidinger ! added ! ! Revision 1.2 2004/12/20 18:26:35 mikew ! Added CVS tags. ! ! REFERENCES: 1) Briegleb, B. P., P. Minnis, V. Ramanathan and ! E. Harrison, 1986: Comparison of regional clear sky ! albedos inferred from satellite observations and ! model calculations. J. Climate Appl. Meteor., ! 25, 214-226. ! ! 2) Matthews, E., 1985: Atlas of archived vegetation, ! land-use and seasonal albedo data sets. NASA ! Technical Memorandum 86199, February 1985. ! ! ! I N P U T: ! ! Fnaer : path and name of file containing aerosol optical ! depth data ! Fnvt : path and name of file containing surface type data ! Glat : latitude of gridpoint (-90 to +90) ! Glon : longitude of gridpoint (-180 to +180) ! Iaer(Ib) : Ib=1 to Ntable, aerosol model id in the refl/trans ! table (1=MAR-I; 2=MAR-II; 3=CONT-I; 4=CONT-II, ! NOTE: aerosol models 2 and 4 are not implemented in ! this version) ! Ntable : no. of refl-tran tables ! Month : month ! Utau : if true, read in user supplied monthly-mean visible ! aerosol optical depth data ! ! O U T P U T : ! ! Ilat : latitude index of gridpoint in Matthes' maps ! Ilon : longitude index of gridpoint in Matthes' maps ! Isrmod : surface albedo model id. ! -1 - snow/ice ! 1 - mixed farming, tall grassland ! 2 - tall/medium grassland, shrubland ! 3 - short grassland, meadow and shrubland ! 4 - evergreen forest ! 5 - mixed deciduous forest ! 6 - deciduous forest ! 7 - tropical evergreen broadleaved forest ! 8 - medium/tall grassland, woodlands ! 9 - desert ! 10 - tundra ! 11 - water ! Isrtyp : surface type; 1=ocean; 2=land; 3=desert, 4=snow/ice ! Itable : sequence number of table containing the 'right' ! atmosphere and aerosol model ! Tauclm : climatological value of aerosol optical depth at ! 0.55 microns ! ! I N T E R N A L V A R I A B L E S : ! ! First : true on first entry, false thereafter ! Frslat : latitude of center of 1st cell of Matthews' grid ! Frslon : longitude of center of 1st cell of Matthews' grid ! Ialbmo(Iv) : Iv=1 to 32, array containing the albedo model id ! of briegleb et al. ! Kaer : aerosol id associated with the surface type ! (1=MAR-I; 2=MAR-II; 3=CONT-I; 4=CONT-II) ! Kaerp : value of -Kaer- in the previous pass ! Ksrmp : value of -Isrmod- in the previous pass ! Mistau : value representing missing aerosol optical depth ! Newaer : true if current aerosol model differs from the ! previous one, false otherwise ! Newatm : true if current atmospheric model differs from the ! previous one, false otherwise ! Newmod : true if current surface model differs from the ! previous one, false otherwise ! Vegtyp(J,I) : J=1 to 180, I=1 to 360, vegetation type of an ! 1 degree by 1 degree (lon/lat) area ! ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine Getmod(Unit16, Unit1, & Fnvt, Fnaer, Utau, Glat, Glon, Month, Ntable, & Iaer, Itable, Isrmod, Isrtyp, Tauclm, Ilat, Ilon) ! Modules use CONSTANTS_MOD ! Parameters integer, parameter :: Numlat = 2880 integer, parameter :: Numlon = 5760 ! Input Arguments integer, intent(in) :: Unit16 integer, intent(in) :: Unit1 character (len=*), intent(in) :: Fnaer, Fnvt logical, intent(in) :: Utau integer, intent(in) :: Month, Ntable, Iaer(*) real, intent(in) :: Glat real, intent(inout) :: Glon ! Output Arguments integer, intent(out) :: Ilat, Ilon, Isrmod, Isrtyp, Itable real, intent(out) :: Tauclm ! Local Scalars logical, save :: First = .true. logical :: Newaer integer :: Ib, Iv integer :: status = 0 integer, save :: Kaer, Kaerp, Ksrmp real :: Dlat = 0.0625 real :: Dlon = 0.0625 real :: Frslat = 89.96875 real :: Frslon = -179.96875 real :: Mistau ! Local Arrays integer :: Ialbmo(0:13) = (/ 11, 4, 7, 6, 8, 5, 8, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 9, 10 /) integer (kind=int1), save :: Vegtyp(Numlon, Numlat) if (First) then First = .false. ! Initialize aerosol and surface-albedo model ID's Kaerp = -9999 Ksrmp = -9999 ! Read UMD landcover data open(Unit=Unit1, File=trim(Fnvt), Access='DIRECT', Status='OLD', & Action='READ', Recl=Numlon, Iostat=status) if (status .ne. 0) then write (6, FMT='(/,1X, 2A)') 'Error opening file: ', trim(Fnvt) stop end if ! read(Unit=Unit1, Rec=1) do Ilat = 1, Numlat read(Unit=Unit1, Rec=Ilat, iostat=status) Vegtyp(1:Numlon, Ilat) if (status .ne. 0) stop 'GETMOD--ERROR READING VEG TYPE DATA' end do close(Unit=Unit1) end if if (Glon .gt. 180.) Glon = Glon - 360. ! Get lat/lon indeces for location Ilat = int( ((Frslat+Dlat/2.)-Glat)/Dlat ) + 1 Ilat = min( Ilat, Numlat ) Ilon = int( (Glon - (Frslon-Dlon/2.))/Dlon ) + 1 Ilon = min( Ilon, Numlon ) ! Find vegetation type and albedo of location Iv = Vegtyp(Ilon, Ilat) ! Associate surface type with one of the land albedo models of ! Briegleb et al. Isrmod = Ialbmo(Iv) ! Find surface type for current albedo model Ksrmp = Isrmod Isrtyp = 2 if (Isrmod == 11) then Isrtyp = 1 else if (Isrmod == 9) then Isrtyp = 3 else if (Isrmod == -1) then Isrtyp = 4 end if ! Get monthly mean aerosol optical depth and aerosol model Mistau = -999.0 Tauclm = Mistau if (Utau) call Aertab(Unit16, Fnaer, Glat, Glon, Month, Mistau, Tauclm) if (Isrtyp == 1) then Kaer = 1 if (Tauclm == Mistau) Tauclm = 0.05 else if (Isrtyp == 2) then Kaer = 3 if (Tauclm == Mistau) Tauclm = 0.05 else if (Isrtyp == 3) then Kaer = 3 if (Tauclm == Mistau) Tauclm = 0.05 else if (Isrtyp == 4) then Kaer = 1 if (Tauclm == Mistau) Tauclm = 0.05 end if Newaer = Kaer .ne. Kaerp ! Use previous aerosol model for this location if (.not. Newaer) return ! New model for this location. Search thru refl/trans tables until ! a match for -Iaer- is found. Kaerp = Kaer do Ib = 1, Ntable if (Kaer == Iaer(Ib)) then Itable = Ib return end if enddo call Errmsg(Unit16, 'GETMOD--ATMOSPHERIC MODEL NOT FOUND', .true.) return end subroutine Getmod