! $Id: cx_pfaast_tools_mod.f90 2780 2018-05-27 14:22:11Z awalther $ ! ! collects several PFAAST related tools ! ! module cx_pfaast_tools_mod use cx_pfaast_constants_mod contains !ccccccccc subroutine calpir(t_avg_ref, amt_wet_ref, amt_ozo_ref, & t_avg, amt_wet, amt_ozo, & p_avg, sec_theta, n_layers, & n_dry_pred, n_wet_pred, n_ozo_pred, & n_con_pred, & pred_dry, pred_wet, pred_ozo, & pred_con) !c ... version of 18.03.03 !c PURPOSE: !c Routine to calculate the predictors for the dry (temperature), !c wet and ozone components of a fast transmittance model for a !c scanning satellite based instrument. !c REFERENCES: !c AIRS FTC package science notes and software, S. Hannon and L. Strow, !c Uni. of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) !c CREATED: ! 19-Sep-1996 HMW ! ARGUMENTS: ! Input ! ----------- ! t_avg_ref - REAL*4 reference layer average temperature array (K) ! amt_wet_ref - REAL*4 reference water vapour amount array (k.mol)/cm^2 ! amt_ozo_ref - REAL*4 reference ozone amount array (k.mol)/cm^2 ! t_avg - REAL*4 layer average temperature array (K) ! amt_wet - REAL*4 water vapour amount array (k.mol)/cm^2 ! amt_ozo - REAL*4 ozone amount array (k.mol)/cm^2 ! p_avg - REAL*4 layer average pressure array (mb) ! sec_theta - REAL*4 secant of the zenith angle array ! n_layers - INT*4 Number of atmospheric layers ! n_dry_pred - INT*4 number of dry (temperature) predictors ! n_wet_pred - INT*4 number of water vapour predictors ! n_ozo_pred - INT*4 number of ozone predictors ! n_con_pred - INT*4 number of water vapour continuum predictors ! Output ! ----------- ! pred_dry - REAL*4 dry gas (temperature) predictor matrix ! pred_wet - REAL*4 water vapour predictor matrix ! pred_ozo - REAL*4 ozone predictor matrix ! pred_con - REAL*4 water vapour continuum predictor matrix ! COMMENTS: ! Levels or Layers? ! ----------------- ! Profile data is input at a number of *LAYERS*. ! Layer Numbering pt. A ! --------------------- ! Layer 1 => Atmosphere between LEVELs 1 & 2 ! Layer 2 => Atmosphere between LEVELs 2 & 3 ! . ! . ! . ! Layer L-1 => Atmosphere between LEVELs L-1 & L ! Layer Numbering pt. B ! --------------------- ! For the HIS instrument, Layer 1 is at the top of the atmosphere ! and Layer L-1 is at the surface. ! Layer Numbering pt. C ! --------------------- ! In this routine the number of *LAYERS* is passed in the argument ! list, _not_ the number of LEVELS. This was done to improve ! the readability of this code, i.e. loop from 1->L(ayers) ! rather than from 1->L(evels)-1. !======================================================================= implicit none !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Arguments !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Input integer*4 n_layers, & n_dry_pred, n_wet_pred, n_ozo_pred, n_con_pred real*4 t_avg_ref(*), amt_wet_ref(*), amt_ozo_ref(*), & t_avg(*), amt_wet(*), amt_ozo(*), & p_avg(*), sec_theta(*) ! -- Output real*4 pred_dry(n_dry_pred, *), & pred_wet(n_wet_pred, *), & pred_ozo(n_ozo_pred, *), & pred_con(n_con_pred, *) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Parameters integer*4 max_layers parameter ( max_layers = 100 ) integer*4 max_dry_pred, max_wet_pred, max_ozo_pred, max_con_pred parameter ( max_dry_pred = 8, & max_wet_pred = 13, & max_ozo_pred = 9, & max_con_pred = 4 ) ! -- Scalars integer*4 l ! -- Arrays ! ....Pressure real*4 p_dp(max_layers), & p_norm(max_layers) ! ....Temperature real*4 delta_t(max_layers), & t_ratio(max_layers), & pw_t_ratio(max_layers) ! Pressure weighted ! ....Water vapour real*4 wet_ratio(max_layers), & pw_wet(max_layers), & ! Pressure weighted pw_wet_ref(max_layers), & ! Pressure weighted pw_wet_ratio(max_layers) ! Pressure weighted ! ....Ozone real*4 ozo_ratio(max_layers), & pw_ozo_ratio(max_layers), & ! Pressure weighted pow_t_ratio(max_layers) ! Pressure/ozone weighted !************************************************************************ ! ** Executable code ** !************************************************************************ !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Check that n_layers is o.k. -- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( n_layers .gt. max_layers )then write(*,'(/10x,''*** calpir : n_layers > max_layers'')') stop end if !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Check that numbers of predictors is consistent -- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! --------------------------------- ! # of dry (temperature) predictors ! --------------------------------- if( n_dry_pred .ne. max_dry_pred )then write(*,'(/10x,''*** calpir : invalid n_dry_pred'')') stop end if ! ---------------------------- ! # of water vapour predictors ! ---------------------------- if( n_wet_pred .ne. max_wet_pred )then write(*,'(/10x,''*** calpir : invalid n_wet_pred'')') stop end if ! --------------------- ! # of ozone predictors ! --------------------- if( n_ozo_pred .ne. max_ozo_pred )then write(*,'(/10x,''*** calpir : invalid n_ozo_pred'')') stop end if ! -------------------------------------- ! # of water vapour continuum predictors ! -------------------------------------- if( n_con_pred .ne. max_con_pred )then write(*,'(/10x,''*** calpir : invalid n_con_pred'')') stop end if !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Calculate ratios, offsets, etc, for top layer -- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ------------------ ! Pressure variables ! ------------------ p_dp(1) = p_avg(1) * ( p_avg(2) - p_avg(1) ) p_norm(1) = 0.0 ! --------------------- ! Temperature variables ! --------------------- delta_t(1) = t_avg(1) - t_avg_ref(1) t_ratio(1) = t_avg(1) / t_avg_ref(1) pw_t_ratio(1) = 0.0 ! ---------------- ! Amount variables ! ---------------- ! ....Water vapour wet_ratio(1) = amt_wet(1) / amt_wet_ref(1) pw_wet(1) = p_dp(1) * amt_wet(1) pw_wet_ref(1) = p_dp(1) * amt_wet_ref(1) pw_wet_ratio(1) = wet_ratio(1) ! ....Ozone ozo_ratio(1) = amt_ozo(1) / amt_ozo_ref(1) pw_ozo_ratio(1) = 0.0 pow_t_ratio(1) = 0.0 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Calculate ratios, offsets, etc, for all layers -- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ do l = 2, n_layers ! ------------------ ! Pressure variables ! ------------------ p_dp(l) = p_avg(l) * ( p_avg(l) - p_avg(l-1) ) p_norm(l) = p_norm(l-1) + p_dp(l) ! --------------------- ! Temperature variables ! --------------------- delta_t(l) = t_avg(l) - t_avg_ref(l) t_ratio(l) = t_avg(l) / t_avg_ref(l) pw_t_ratio(l) = pw_t_ratio(l-1) + ( p_dp(l) * t_ratio(l-1) ) ! ---------------- ! Amount variables ! ---------------- ! ..Water vapour wet_ratio(l) = amt_wet(l) / amt_wet_ref(l) pw_wet(l) = pw_wet(l-1) + ( p_dp(l) * amt_wet(l) ) pw_wet_ref(l) = pw_wet_ref(l-1) + ( p_dp(l) * amt_wet_ref(l) ) ! ..Ozone ozo_ratio(l) = amt_ozo(l) / amt_ozo_ref(l) pw_ozo_ratio(l) = pw_ozo_ratio(l-1) + & ( p_dp(l) * ozo_ratio(l-1) ) pow_t_ratio(l) = pow_t_ratio(l-1) + & ( p_dp(l) * ozo_ratio(l-1) * delta_t(l-1) ) end do !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Scale the pressure dependent variables -- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ do l = 2, n_layers pw_t_ratio(l) = pw_t_ratio(l) / p_norm(l) pw_wet_ratio(l) = pw_wet(l) / pw_wet_ref(l) pw_ozo_ratio(l) = pw_ozo_ratio(l) / p_norm(l) pow_t_ratio(l) = pow_t_ratio(l) / p_norm(l) end do !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! -- Load up predictor arrays -- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ do l = 1, n_layers ! ---------------------- ! Temperature predictors ! ---------------------- pred_dry(1,l) = sec_theta(l) pred_dry(2,l) = sec_theta(l) * sec_theta(l) pred_dry(3,l) = sec_theta(l) * t_ratio(l) pred_dry(4,l) = pred_dry(3,l) * t_ratio(l) pred_dry(5,l) = t_ratio(l) pred_dry(6,l) = t_ratio(l) * t_ratio(l) pred_dry(7,l) = sec_theta(l) * pw_t_ratio(l) pred_dry(8,l) = pred_dry(7,l) / t_ratio(l) ! ----------------------- ! Water vapour predictors ! ----------------------- pred_wet(1,l) = sec_theta(l) * wet_ratio(l) pred_wet(2,l) = sqrt( pred_wet(1,l) ) pred_wet(3,l) = pred_wet(1,l) * delta_t(l) pred_wet(4,l) = pred_wet(1,l) * pred_wet(1,l) pred_wet(5,l) = abs( delta_t(l) ) * delta_t(l) * pred_wet(1,l) pred_wet(6,l) = pred_wet(1,l) * pred_wet(4,l) pred_wet(7,l) = sec_theta(l) * pw_wet_ratio(l) pred_wet(8,l) = pred_wet(2,l) * delta_t(l) pred_wet(9,l) = sqrt( pred_wet(2,l) ) pred_wet(10,l) = pred_wet(7,l) * pred_wet(7,l) pred_wet(11,l) = sqrt( pred_wet(7,l) ) pred_wet(12,l) = pred_wet(1,l) ! +++ old ! pred_wet(13,l) = pred_wet(2,l) ! +++ new pred_wet(13,l) = pred_wet(1,l) / pred_wet(10,l) ! ---------------- ! Ozone predictors ! ---------------- pred_ozo(1,l) = sec_theta(l) * ozo_ratio(l) pred_ozo(2,l) = sqrt( pred_ozo(1,l) ) pred_ozo(3,l) = pred_ozo(1,l) * delta_t(l) pred_ozo(4,l) = pred_ozo(1,l) * pred_ozo(1,l) pred_ozo(5,l) = pred_ozo(2,l) * delta_t(l) pred_ozo(6,l) = sec_theta(l) * pw_ozo_ratio(l) pred_ozo(7,l) = sqrt( pred_ozo(6,l) ) * pred_ozo(1,l) pred_ozo(8,l) = pred_ozo(1,l) * pred_wet(1,l) pred_ozo(9,l) = sec_theta(l) * pow_t_ratio(l) * pred_ozo(1,l) ! --------------------------------- ! Water vapour continuum predictors ! --------------------------------- pred_con(1,l) = sec_theta(l) * wet_ratio(l) / & ( t_ratio(l) * t_ratio(l) ) pred_con(2,l) = pred_con(1,l) * pred_con(1,l) / sec_theta(l) pred_con(3,l) = sec_theta(l) * wet_ratio(l) / t_ratio(l) pred_con(4,l) = pred_con(3,l) * wet_ratio(l) end do return end subroutine calpir !!ccccccc subroutine conpir( p, t, w, o, n_levels, i_dir, & p_avg, t_avg, w_amt, o_amt) ! ... version of 19.09.96 ! PURPOSE: ! Function to convert atmospheric water vapour (g/kg) and ozone (ppmv) ! profiles specified at n_levels layer BOUNDARIES to n_levels-1 ! integrated layer amounts of units (k.moles)/cm^2. The average ! LAYER pressure and temperature are also returned. ! REFERENCES: ! AIRS LAYERS package science notes, S. Hannon and L. Strow, Uni. of ! Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) ! CREATED: ! 19-Sep-1996 HMW ! ARGUMENTS: ! Input ! -------- ! p - REAL*4 pressure array (mb) ! t - REAL*4 temperature profile array (K) ! w - REAL*4 water vapour profile array (g/kg) ! o - REAL*4 ozone profile array (ppmv) ! n_levels - INT*4 number of elements used in passed arrays ! i_dir - INT*4 direction of increasing layer number ! i_dir = +1, Level(1) == p(top) } satellite/AC ! Level(n_levels) == p(sfc) } case ! i_dir = -1, Level(1) == p(sfc) } ground-based ! Level(n_levels) == p(top) } case ! Output ! -------- ! p_avg - REAL*4 average LAYER pressure array (mb) ! t_avg - REAL*4 average LAYER temperature (K) ! w_amt - REAL*4 integrated LAYER water vapour amount array (k.moles)/cm^2 ! o_amt - REAL*4 integrated LAYER ozone amount array (k.moles)/cm^2 ! ROUTINES: ! Subroutines: ! ------------ ! gphite - calculates geopotential height given profile data. ! Functions: ! ---------- ! NONE ! COMMENTS: ! Levels or Layers? ! ----------------- ! Profile data is input at a number of *LEVELS*. Number densitites ! are calculated for *LAYERS* that are bounded by these levels. ! So, for L levels there are L-1 layers. ! Layer Numbering ! --------------- ! Layer 1 => Atmosphere between LEVELs 1 & 2 ! Layer 2 => Atmosphere between LEVELs 2 & 3 ! . ! . ! . ! Layer L-1 => Atmosphere between LEVELs L-1 & L !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Prevent implicit typing of variables -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Arguments -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Arrays real*4 p(*), t(*), w(*), o(*), & p_avg(*), t_avg(*), w_amt(*), o_amt(*) ! -- Scalars integer*4 n_levels, i_dir !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Local variables -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Parameters integer*4 max_levels parameter ( max_levels = 101 ) ! Maximum number of layers real*4 r_equator, r_polar, r_avg parameter ( r_equator = 6.378388e+06, & ! Earth radius at equator r_polar = 6.356911e+06, & ! Earth radius at pole r_avg = 0.5*(r_equator+r_polar) ) real*4 g_sfc parameter ( g_sfc = 9.80665 ) ! Gravity at surface real*4 rho_ref parameter ( rho_ref = 1.2027e-12 ) ! Reference air "density" real*4 mw_dryair, mw_h2o, mw_o3 parameter ( mw_dryair = 28.97, & ! Molec. wgt. of dry air (g/mol) mw_h2o = 18.0152, & ! Molec. wgt. of water mw_o3 = 47.9982 ) ! Molec. wgt. of ozone real*4 R_gas, R_air parameter ( R_gas = 8.3143, & ! Ideal gas constant (J/mole/K) R_air = 0.9975*R_gas ) ! Gas constant for air (worst case) ! -- Scalars integer*4 l, l_start, l_end, l_indx real*4 rho1, rho2, p1, p2, w1, w2, o1, o2, z1, z2, & c_avg, g_avg, z_avg, w_avg, o_avg, & dz, dp, r_hgt, A, B ! -- Arrays real*4 z(max_levels), & ! Pressure heights (m) g(max_levels), & ! Acc. due to gravity (m/s/s) mw_air(max_levels), & ! Molec. wgt. of air (g/mol) rho_air(max_levels), & ! air mass density (kg.mol)/m^3 c(max_levels), & ! (kg.mol.K)/(N.m) w_ppmv(max_levels) ! h2o LEVEL amount (ppmv) !*********************************************************************** ! ** Executable code ** !*********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Calculate initial values of pressure heights -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call gphite( p, t, w, 0.0, n_levels, i_dir, z) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Set loop bounds for direction sensitive calculations -- ! -- so loop iterates from surface to the top -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( i_dir .gt. 0 )then ! -------------------- ! Data stored top down ! -------------------- l_start = n_levels l_end = 1 else ! --------------------- ! Data stored bottom up ! --------------------- l_start = 1 l_end = n_levels end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Air molecular mass and density, and gravity -- ! -- as a function of LEVEL -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------- ! Loop from bottom to top ! ----------------------- do l = l_start, l_end, -1*i_dir ! --------------------------------- ! Convert water vapour g/kg -> ppmv ! --------------------------------- w_ppmv(l) = 1.0e+03 * w(l) * mw_dryair / mw_h2o ! ----------------------------------------- ! Calculate molecular weight of air (g/mol) ! ---------------------------------------- mw_air(l) = ( ( 1.0 - (w_ppmv(l)/1.0e+6) ) * mw_dryair ) + & ( ( w_ppmv(l)/1.0e+06 ) * mw_h2o ) ! ---------------- ! Air mass density ! ---------------- c(l) = 0.001 * mw_air(l) / R_air ! 0.001 factor for g -> kg rho_air(l) = c(l) * p(l) / t(l) ! ------- ! Gravity ! ------- r_hgt = r_avg + z(l) ! m g(l) = g_sfc - & ! m/s^2 g_sfc*( 1.0 - ( (r_avg*r_avg)/(r_hgt*r_hgt) ) ) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- LAYER quantities -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------- ! Loop from bottom to top ! ----------------------- do l = l_start, l_end+i_dir, -1*i_dir ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine output array index. This is done so that the ! output data is always ordered from 1 -> L-1 regardless ! of the orientation of the input data. This is true by ! default only for the bottom-up case. For the top down ! case no correction would give output layers from 2 -> L ! ------------------------------------------------------- if( i_dir .gt. 0 )then l_indx = l - 1 else l_indx = l end if ! --------------------------------------- ! Assign current layer boundary densities ! --------------------------------------- rho1 = rho_air(l) rho2 = rho_air(l-i_dir) ! --------- ! Average c ! --------- c_avg = ( (rho1*c(l)) + (rho2*c(l-i_dir)) ) / ( rho1 + rho2 ) ! --------- ! Average t ! --------- t_avg(l_indx) = & ( (rho1*t(l)) + (rho2*t(l-i_dir)) ) / ( rho1 + rho2 ) ! --------- ! Average p ! --------- p1 = p(l) p2 = p(l-i_dir) z1 = z(l) z2 = z(l-i_dir) dp = p2 - p1 A = log(p2/p1) / (z2-z1) B = p1 / exp(A*z1) p_avg(l_indx) = dp / log(p2/p1) ! ------------------------------------------------ ! LAYER thickness (rather long-winded as it is not ! assumed the layers are thin) in m. Includes ! correction for altitude/gravity. ! ------------------------------------------------ ! ...Initial values g_avg = g(l) dz = -1.0 * dp * t_avg(l_indx) / ( g_avg*c_avg*p_avg(l_indx) ) ! ...Calculate z_avg z_avg = z(l) + ( 0.5*dz ) ! ...Calculate new g_avg r_hgt = r_avg + z_avg g_avg = g_sfc - g_sfc*( 1.0 - ( (r_avg*r_avg)/(r_hgt*r_hgt) ) ) ! ...Calculate new dz dz = -1.0 * dp * t_avg(l_indx) / ( g_avg*c_avg*p_avg(l_indx) ) ! ---------------------------------------- ! Calculate LAYER amounts for water vapour ! ---------------------------------------- w1 = w_ppmv(l) w2 = w_ppmv(l-i_dir) w_avg = ( (rho1*w1) + (rho2*w2) ) / ( rho1+rho2 ) w_amt(l_indx) = & rho_ref * w_avg * dz * p_avg(l_indx) / t_avg(l_indx) ! --------------------------------- ! Calculate LAYER amounts for ozone ! --------------------------------- o1 = o(l) o2 = o(l-i_dir) o_avg = ( (rho1*o1) + (rho2*o2) ) / ( rho1+rho2 ) o_amt(l_indx) = & rho_ref * o_avg * dz * p_avg(l_indx) / t_avg(l_indx) end do return end subroutine conpir !!ccccccc subroutine gphite( p, t, w, z_sfc, n_levels, i_dir, z) ! .... version of 18.05.00 ! PURPOSE: ! Routine to compute geopotential height given the atmospheric state. ! Includes virtual temperature adjustment. ! CREATED: ! 19-Sep-1996 Received from Hal Woolf, recoded by Paul van Delst ! 18-May-2000 Logic error related to z_sfc corrected by Hal Woolf ! ARGUMENTS: ! Input ! -------- ! p - REAL*4 pressure array (mb) ! t - REAL*4 temperature profile array (K) ! w - REAL*4 water vapour profile array (g/kg) ! z_sfc - REAL*4 surface height (m). 0.0 if not known. ! n_levels - INT*4 number of elements used in passed arrays ! i_dir - INT*4 direction of increasing layer number ! i_dir = +1, Level(1) == p(top) } satellite/AC ! Level(n_levels) == p(sfc) } case ! i_dir = -1, Level(1) == p(sfc) } ground-based ! Level(n_levels) == p(top) } case ! Output ! -------- ! z - REAL*4 pressure level height array (m) ! COMMENTS: ! Dimension of height array may not not be the same as that of the ! input profile data. !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Prevent implicit typing of variables -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Arguments -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Arrays real*4 p(*), t(*), w(*), & z(*) ! -- Scalars integer*4 n_levels, i_dir real*4 z_sfc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Local variables -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Parameters real*4 rog, fac parameter ( rog = 29.2898, & fac = 0.5 * rog ) ! -- Scalars integer*4 i_start, i_end, l real*4 v_lower, v_upper, algp_lower, algp_upper, hgt !*********************************************************************** ! ** Executable code ** !*********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Calculate virtual temperature adjustment and exponential -- ! -- pressure height for level above surface. Also set integration -- ! -- loop bounds -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( i_dir .gt. 0 )then ! -------------------- ! Data stored top down ! -------------------- v_lower = t(n_levels) * ( 1.0 + ( 0.00061 * w(n_levels) ) ) algp_lower = alog( p(n_levels) ) i_start = n_levels-1 i_end = 1 else ! --------------------- ! Data stored bottom up ! --------------------- v_lower = t(1) * ( 1.0 + ( 0.00061 * w(1) ) ) algp_lower = alog( p(1) ) i_start = 2 i_end = n_levels end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Assign surface height -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- hgt = z_sfc ! .. Following added 18 May 2000 ... previously, z(n_levels) for downward ! (usual) case was not defined! if(i_dir.gt.0) then z(n_levels) = z_sfc else z(1) = z_sfc endif ! .. End of addition !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -- Loop over layers always from sfc -> top -- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do l = i_start, i_end, -1*i_dir ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! Apply virtual temperature adjustment for upper level ! ---------------------------------------------------- v_upper = t(l) if( p(l) .ge. 300.0 ) & v_upper = v_upper * ( 1.0 + ( 0.00061 * w(l) ) ) ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate exponential pressure height for upper layer ! ----------------------------------------------------- algp_upper = alog( p(l) ) ! ---------------- ! Calculate height ! ---------------- hgt = hgt + ( fac*(v_upper+v_lower)*(algp_lower-algp_upper) ) ! ------------------------------- ! Overwrite values for next layer ! ------------------------------- v_lower = v_upper algp_lower = algp_upper ! --------------------------------------------- ! Store heights in same direction as other data ! --------------------------------------------- z(l) = hgt end do return end subroutine gphite !> !! !! @history made it f90 ( 02/10/2015 AW) ! subroutine taudoc(cc,xx,tau) implicit none real , intent(in) :: cc(:,:) real , intent(in) :: xx(:,:) real, intent(out) :: tau (:) ! * Strow-Woolf model ... for dry, ozo(ne), and wco (water-vapor continuum) ! .... version of 05.09.02 integer :: n_lay integer :: j integer :: nc , nx real :: taulyr real :: yy n_lay = ubound ( cc, 2) nc = ubound ( cc,1 ) nx = ubound ( xx, 1) tau = 0. tau(1) = 1. taulyr = 1. ! -loop over all layers from top do j = 1 , n_lay ! assume background stored in last column of coeffecients yy = cc(nc,j) yy = yy + DOT_PRODUCT( cc(:nc-1,j), xx(:nc-1,j) ) if ( yy > 0. ) taulyr = exp ( -yy) tau ( j + 1) = tau ( j ) * taulyr end do end subroutine taudoc ! ! ! ! * Strow-Woolf model ... for 'wet' (water-vapor other than continuum) ! .... version of 05.09.02 subroutine tauwtr( ccs , ccl , xx , tau ) implicit none real, intent(in) , target :: ccs (:,:) real, intent(in) , target :: ccl (:,:) real, intent(in) :: xx(:,:) real, intent(out) :: tau (:) integer :: nc, nx real :: od_sum real, pointer :: cc (:,:) => null() real :: taulyr real :: yy integer :: j , n_lay n_lay = ubound ( ccs, 2) nc = ubound ( ccs,1 ) nx = ubound ( xx, 1) tau = 0. tau(1) = 1. taulyr = 1. od_sum = 0. cc => ccs do j = 1 , n_lay ! differentiate between ice and water !---old ! if ( od_sum >= 5.0 ) cc => ccl !--- heidinger fix begin if ( od_sum >= 5.0 ) then cc => ccl nc = ubound ( ccl,1 ) endif !--- heidinger fix end ! assume background stored in last column of coeffecients yy = cc(nc,j) !ccm yy = yy + DOT_PRODUCT( cc(:,j), xx(:nc-1,j) ) yy = yy + DOT_PRODUCT( cc(1:nc-1,j), xx(1:nc-1,j) )!not sure !end ccm od_sum=od_sum + max(yy,0.) if ( yy > 0. ) taulyr = exp ( -yy) tau ( j + 1) = tau ( j ) * taulyr end do cc=> null() return end subroutine tauwtr end module cx_pfaast_tools_mod