! $Id: process_clavrx.f90 3838 2020-05-12 18:46:50Z mino $ program PROCESS_CLAVRX !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: process_clavrx.f90 (src) ! PROCESS_CLAVRX (program) ! CLAVRXORB (executable) ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! DESCRIPTION: This code serves as the NESDIS operational cloud ! processing system (CLAVR-x). This code also serves as the cloud ! climate data generation system (PATMOS-x) ! ! AUTHORS: ! Andrew Heidinger, Andrew.Heidinger@noaa.gov ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! William Straka, CIMSS, wstraka@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! ! This copyright pertains to all routines in the CLAVR-x system unless stated ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! Version 5.0 - 2010 GEWEX submission ! Version 5.2 - Code Delivered to NCDC ! Version 5.2.1 - MODIS Capability ! Version 5.2.2 - GOES imager Capability, GlobSnow and CFSR capability ! Version 5.2.3 - Istvan Laszlo's Insolation (SASRAB) added ! Version 5.2.4 - Volcanic Ash added ! Version 5.2.5 - VIIRS M-band Added ! Version 5.2.6 - VIIRS DNB Support ! Version 5.2.7 - MTSAT, COMS Support ! Version 5.2.8 - GOES Sounder Support ! Version 5.3.0 - NCDC Delivery ! Version 2015a - Stable Release for CSPP ! Version 6.0 - NCEI code, AVHRR+HIRS Support ! ! ! Basic Running Instruction ! The input to this code is controlled through three mechanisms ! 1. command-line options (type clavrxorb --help to see documentation) ! 2. a FILELIST - a list of level-1b files and directories (default name is ! clavrxorb_File_list) ! 3. a OPTIONSLIST - a list of processing options (default is ! clavrxorb_Default_Options) ! ! Overview of capabilities. ! CLAVRXORB can ! - use AVHRR level-1b calibration or apply new calibration routines ! - use AVHRR level-1b geolocation or apply new geolocation routines ! - process NESDIS or AAPP AVHRR Level1b ! - process MYD021KM or MYD02SSH MODIS Level1b files ! - process band-separated AREA files from GOES Imager/Sounder, ! SEVIRI, MTSAT-1R, MTSAT-2, COMS, FY-2 ! - generate pixel level cloud, aerosol and surface products ! - write to a series of pixel-level hdf files ! - write a level-3 file (gridded data for each orbit - AVHRR only) ! ! In general, CLAVRXORB uses global data arrays and structures to pass data ! ! Note, comments the begin with "Marker" refer to flowchart delivered to NCDC ! ! Web-page: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/clavr or ! http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/patmosx ! ! Channels 1 - 36 refer to MODIS or their analogs on other sensors ! Channel 37 = ABI Channel 8 = 6.2 micron ! Channel 38 = ABI Channel 13 = 10.4 micron ! Channels 39-44 are defined only for VIIRS ! Channel 39 - VIIRS I1 - 0.64 micron ! Channel 40 - VIIRS I2 - 0.865 micron ! Channel 41 - VIIRS I3 - 1.61 micron ! Channel 42 - VIIRS I4 - 3.74 micron ! Channel 43 - VIIRS I5 - 11.45 micron ! Channel 44 - VIIRS DNB - 0.7 micron ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !***************************************************************************** ! Marker: ACCESS MODULES !****************************************************************************** use ACHA_CLAVRX_BRIDGE,only: & awg_cloud_height_bridge & , LOCAL_LINEAR_RADIATIVE_CENTER use AEROSOL_PROPERTIES, only: & pixel_aer_ret_ocean & , read_aer_ch123a_ref_luts use ASOS_CLAVRX_BRIDGE, only: ASOS_BRIDGE use AVHRR_REPOSITION_MOD,only: & interpolate_clock_error & , reposition_for_clock_error & , setup_clock_corrections use BASELINE_CLOUD_HEIGHT,only: & baseline_cloud_height_main & , populate_planck_tables & , populate_planck_tables use BASELINE_CLOUD_MASK, only: BASELINE_CLOUD_MASK_MAIN use CALIBRATION_CONSTANTS_MOD, only: & Sun_Earth_Distance & , launch_date & , c1, c2, planck_a1 , planck_a2, planck_nu & , Ch1_Gain_Low,Ch1_gain_High & , Ch2_Gain_Low,Ch2_gain_High & , Ch1_Switch_Count_Cal,Ch1_Dark_Count_Cal & , Ch2_Switch_Count_Cal,Ch2_Dark_Count_Cal & , Ch3a_Gain_low,Ch3a_Gain_High & , Ch3a_Switch_Count_Cal,Ch3a_Dark_Count_Cal & , Solar_Ch20_Nu use CCL_CLAVRX_BRIDGE, only: CCL_BRIDGE use CLAVRX_MESSAGE_MOD, only: MESG, VERB_LEV use CLAVRX_OLR_MOD, only: COMPUTE_OLR, SETUP_OLR use CLAVRX_SST_MOD, only: SETUP_SST, COMPUTE_SST use CLOUD_BASE_CLAVRX_BRIDGE,only: CLOUD_BASE_BRIDGE use CLOUD_HEIGHT_ROUTINES, only: & co2_slicing_cloud_height & , co2irw_cloud_height & , compute_altitude_from_pressure & , compute_cloud_top_level_nwp_wind_and_tpw & , compute_csbt_cloud_masks & , convective_cloud_probability & , ctp_multilayer & , h2o_cloud_height & , make_cirrus_prior_temperature & , mode_zero_cloud_height & , modify_cloud_type_with_sounder & , opaque_cloud_height & , opaque_transmission_height & , sounder_emissivity & , splitwin_cloud_height & , supercooled_cloud_probability use CLOUD_TYPE_BRIDGE_MODULE,only: & cloud_type_bridge & , set_cloud_type_version use CX_SPATIAL_METRICS_MOD use CONSTANTS_MOD !, only: & ! int4, real4 & ! , int1, int2 & ! , missing_value_int4 & ! , sym, DTOR & ! , MODIS_ALB_0_86_SDS_NAME & ! , MODIS_ALB_0_66_SDS_NAME use CX_DATE_TIME_TOOLS_MOD, only: & LEAP_YEAR_FCT & , COMPUTE_MONTH & , COMPUTE_DAY & , COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS use CX_MURI_CLAVRX_BRIDGE_MOD, only: & MURI & , CX_MURI_ALGORITHM use CX_SEA_IR_EMISS_MOD use CX_REAL_BOOLEAN_MOD use CX_DUST_MOD use CX_NUCAPS_MOD, only: & VIIRS_NUCAPS & , CONVERT_SMOOTH_NUCAPS_TEMP use DCOMP_DERIVED_PRODUCTS_MOD,only: & ADJUST_DCOMP_LWP & , COMPUTE_ADIABATIC_CLOUD_PROPS & , COMPUTE_CLOUD_WATER_PATH & , COMPUTE_DCOMP_INSOLATION & , COMPUTE_PRECIPITATION & , COMPUTE_PRECIPITATION_AHI & , COMPUTE_MASS_CONCENTRATION & , COMPUTE_SUBPIXEL_MAX_MIN_COD use DNB_RETRIEVALS_MOD, only: & COMPUTE_LUNAR_REFLECTANCE use DNCOMP_CLAVRX_BRIDGE_MOD, only: & AWG_CLOUD_DNCOMP_ALGORITHM & , set_dcomp_version use FILE_TOOLS, only: FILE_TEST, GETLUN use GFS_HDF_MOD, only: READ_GFS_DATA use GLOBSNOW_READ_ROUTINES,only: & GET_GLOBSNOW_FILENAME & , GET_PIXEL_GLOBSNOW_ANALYSIS & , READ_GLOBSNOW_ANALYSIS_MAP use GOES_MOD,only: & Area_Struct & , GVAR_NAV & , DARK_COMPOSITE_CLOUD_MASK & , DETERMINE_DARK_COMPOSITE_NAME & , POST_PROCESS_GOES_DARK_COMPOSITE use HIRS_FUSION_MOD, only: & HIRS_AVHRR_FUSION_PREPERATION use IR_CLOUD_TYPE_BAUM_MODULE, only: & IR_CLOUD_TYPE_BAUM & , SET_IR_CLOUD_TYPE_VERSION use LAND_SFC_PROPERTIES_MOD, only: & Land_grid_Description & , OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF & , GET_SNOW_MAP_FILENAME & , close_land_sfc_hdf & , read_land_sfc_hdf use LASZLO_INSOLATION_MOD,only: & insolation use LEVEL2_MOD,only: & CLOSE_PIXEL_HDF_FILES & , DEFINE_HDF_FILE_STRUCTURES & , WRITE_ALGORITHM_ATTRIBUTES & , WRITE_SEGMENT_LEVEL2 & , READ_LEVEL2_VAR_LIST & , SETUP_LEVEL2_SDS_INFO use NB_CLOUD_MASK_CLAVRX_BRIDGE, only: NB_CLOUD_MASK_BRIDGE use NBM_CLOUD_MASK_CLAVRX_BRIDGE, only: NBM_CLOUD_MASK_BRIDGE use NCEP_REANALYSIS,only: READ_NCEP_REANALYSIS_DATA use NWP_COMMON_MOD, only: & NWP & , compute_coast_mask_nwp & , compute_nwp_levels_segment & , compute_pixel_nwp_parameters & , compute_segment_nwp_cloud_parameters & , destroy_nwp_arrays & , map_pixel_nwp & , modify_tsfc_nwp_pix & , qc_nwp & , temporal_interp_tmpsfc_nwp use OCA_MOD, only: & Read_OCA use OISST_ANALYSIS,only: & Get_OISST_Map_Filename & , Get_pixel_sst_analysis & , Read_oisst_analysis_map use PIXEL_COMMON_MOD,only: & ! - major global structures Ch & , Geo & , Nav & , Sfc & , Image & , Sensor & , ACHA & , ASOS & , NUCAPS & , CLDMASK & , NWP_PIX & , Diag_Pix_Array_1 & ! - routines , Destroy_Pixel_Arrays & , Create_Pixel_Arrays & , Reset_Pixel_Arrays_To_Missing & ! - time variable , month_prev & , start_year_prev & , start_day_prev & , nav_opt & , file_list & , dir_level2 & , Temporary_Data_Dir & , Month & , Day_of_month & , Use_Sst_Anal & , Use_Seebor & , Use_Sea_IR_Emiss & , Use_ABI_Dust & , OiSst_Data_Dir & , ileap & , Gdas_Data_Dir & , Cfsr_Data_Dir & , Ncep_Data_Dir & , Gfs_Data_Dir & , L1b_Gzip,L1b_Bzip2 & , Line_Idx_Min_Segment & , Line_Idx_Max_Segment & , dark_composite_name & , read_dark_comp & , Ancil_data_dir & , Modis_Clr_Alb_Flag & , number_of_temporary_files & , Merra_Data_Dir & , Ref_Ch1_Dark_Composite & , Bad_Pixel_Mask & , Ems_Ch20_Median_3x3 & , Temp_Pix_Array_1 & , Bt_Ch20_Median_3x3 & , lrc_flag & , i_lrc , j_lrc & , SOLAR_CONTAMINATION_MASK & , Ref_Cal_1b & , Level2_File_Flag & , Pc_Co2,Tc_Co2,Zc_Co2, Ec_Co2 & , Nonconfident_Cloud_Mask_Count & , cloud_mask_count & , Cloud_Mask_Bayesian_Flag & , Cloud_Mask_Mode & , Cld_Type_Aux & , cld_type & , Cloud_Type_Aux_Read_Flag & , Cloud_Mask_Aux_Read_Flag & , cld_flag & , Cld_Phase_IR & , Use_IR_Cloud_Type_Flag & , Cld_Phase & , Cld_Temp_Sounder & , Cld_Emiss_Sounder & , Tc_Cirrus_Background & , Zc_Cirrus_Background & , Cloud_Fraction_Background & , cld_press_sounder & , DCOMP_Mode, NLCOMP_Mode & , Aerosol_Mode & , DCOMP_Processed_Count & , DCOMP_Valid_Count & , sasrab_flag & , Temporary_File_Name & , zen_idx_rtm & , cld_type_IR & , Cld_Type_Aux & , Cld_Phase_Aux & , Pc_Top1_Aux & , Pc_Top2_Aux & , Pc_Uncertainty1_Aux & , Pc_Uncertainty2_Aux & , Cost_Aux & , Tau_Aux & , sst_anal_cice & , Read_Volcano_Mask & , Read_Land_Mask & , Read_Coast_Mask & , Read_Surface_Elevation & , Read_Hires_Sfc_Type & , Read_Snow_Mask & , Read_Dark_Comp & , two_byte_temp & , GlobSnow_Data_Dir & , Failed_Glob_Snow_Mask_Flag & , snow_data_dir & , FAILED_IMS_SNOW_MASK_FLAG & , Orbital_Processing_Time_Minutes & , Ref_ChDNB_Lunar_Std_3x3 & , Therm_Cal_1b & , Num_Scans_Level2_Hdf & , Use_Aux_Flag & , Goes_Scan_Line_Flag & , Erai_Data_Dir & , Skip_L1b_File_Flag & , Nucaps_Flag & , Caliop_Num_Cld_Layers & , Caliop_Flag & , ABI_Use_104um_Flag use SNOW_ROUTINES_MOD, only: & COMPUTE_SNOW_CLASS & , COMPUTE_SNOW_CLASS_NWP & , COMPUTE_SNOW_CLASS_OISST use PIXEL_ROUTINES_MOD,only: & SET_CHAN_ON_FLAG & , DESERT_MASK_FOR_CLOUD_DETECTION & , CITY_MASK_FOR_CLOUD_DETECTION & , ADJACENT_PIXEL_CLOUD_MASK & , ASSIGN_CLEAR_SKY_QUALITY_FLAGS & , CH20_PSEUDO_REFLECTANCE & , Compute_cloud_mask_performance_metrics & , Compute_acha_Performance_metrics & , Compute_DCOMP_Performance_metrics & , Compute_Glint & , Compute_Pixel_Arrays & , Determine_Level1b_Compression & , Expand_space_mask_for_user_limits & , Merge_nwp_hires_zsfc & , Modify_land_class_with_ndvi & , Normalize_reflectances & , Quality_control_ancillary_data & , Set_bad_pixel_mask & , Set_Chan_On_Flag & , Set_Solar_Contamination_Mask & , Surface_Remote_Sensing & , Convert_Time & , Read_MODIS_White_Sky_Albedo use PLANCK_MOD, only: & populate_planck_tables_sounder use RTM_COMMON_MOD, only: & NLEVELS_RTM & , p_std_rtm & , rtm use RT_UTILITIES_MOD, only: & RTM_NVZEN & , ATMOS_CORR & , SETUP_SOLAR_RTM & , MAP_NWP_RTM & , CREATE_TEMP_NWP_VECTORS & , DESTROY_TEMP_NWP_VECTORS & , GET_PIXEL_NWP_RTM & , ALLOCATE_RTM & , DEALLOCATE_RTM & , DEALLOCATE_RTM_VARS & , DEALLOCATE_RTM_CELL use SENSOR_MOD, only: & detect_sensor_from_file & , output_image_to_screen & , output_processing_limits_to_screen & , output_sensor_to_screen & , read_instr_constants & , read_level1b_data & , set_data_date_and_time & , set_file_dimensions, & SET_SENSOR_CHANNEL_MAPPING use SFC_EMISS, only: & close_seebor_emiss & , open_seebor_emiss & , read_seebor_emiss use SIMPLE_COD_065um_MOD,only: & compute_simple_solar_cod_065um use SIMPLE_COD_LUNAR_MOD, only: & compute_simple_lunar_cod_065um use SIMPLE_COD_138um_MOD,only: & compute_simple_solar_cod_138um use SIMPLE_COD_160um_MOD,only: & compute_simple_solar_cod_160um use SURFACE_PROPERTIES_MOD,only: & COMPUTE_BINARY_LAND_COAST_MASKS & , setup_umd_props & , GET_PIXEL_SFC_EMISS_FROM_SFC_TYPE & , GET_PIXEL_SFC_REFL_FROM_SFC_TYPE use USER_OPTIONS,only: & setup_user_defined_options & , update_configuration ! obviously unused modules use MODIS_MOD,only: use IFF_CLAVRX_BRIDGE, only: use ABI_MOD, only: use SEVIRI_MOD,only: use MTSAT_MOD, only: use COMS_MOD, only: use FY2_MOD ,only: use UNIVERSAL_CLOUD_TYPE_MODULE, only: UNIVERSAL_CLOUD_TYPE use CLAVRX_STATIC_NAV_MODULE, only: & READ_LEVEL1B_FIXED_GRID_STATIC_NAV & , DESTROY_READ_LEVEL1B_FIXED_GRID_STATIC_NAV use CX_ABI_LHP_MOD, only: & SET_ABI_USE_104um_FLAG implicit none !*********************************************************************** ! Marker: DECLARE VARIABLES !*********************************************************************** integer(kind=int4):: Nrec_Avhrr_Header integer(kind=int4):: Ifile integer(kind=int4):: File_List_Lun !logical unit number for File_list integer(kind=int4):: Segment_Number integer(kind=int4):: Skip_Processing_Flag integer(kind=int4):: Lat_Idx integer(kind=int4):: Lon_Idx integer(kind=int4):: Zen_Idx integer(kind=int4):: Elem_Idx !generic pixel (along scan) index integer(kind=int4):: Line_Idx !generic line (across scan) index logical:: Level1b_Exists integer, parameter:: Num_Segment_Time_Points=15 real(kind=real4), dimension(Num_Segment_Time_Points):: Segment_Time_Point_Seconds real(kind=real4) :: Start_Time_Point_Hours real(kind=real4) :: End_Time_Point_Hours real(kind=real4) :: Segment_Time_Point_Seconds_temp real(kind=real4) :: Start_Time_Point_Hours_temp real(kind=real4) :: End_Time_Point_Hours_temp real(kind=real4) :: Total_Processing_Start_Time_Hours real(kind=real4) :: Total_Processing_End_Time_Hours real(kind=real4) :: Total_Processing_Time_minutes real(kind=real4) :: Orbital_Processing_Start_Time_Hours real(kind=real4) :: Orbital_Processing_End_Time_Hours real(kind=real4) :: Orbital_Processing_Time_Seconds character(len=1020):: File_1b_Temp integer(kind=int4):: erstat real(kind=real4):: Time_Since_Launch integer(kind=int4):: err_reposnx_Flag integer(kind=int4), parameter:: One = 1 integer(kind=int4):: ios integer(kind=int4):: File_Number integer(kind=int4):: Ierror_Level1b integer(kind=int4):: ierror_Nwp integer(kind=int4):: iperiod16 integer(kind=int4) :: ierror character(len=3):: Day_String character(len=1020):: Modis_White_Sky_0_66_Name character(len=1020):: Modis_White_Sky_0_86_Name character(len=1020):: Modis_White_Sky_1_24_Name character(len=1020):: Modis_White_Sky_1_64_Name character(len=1020):: Modis_White_Sky_2_13_Name character(len=1020):: Snow_Mask_File_Name character(len=1020):: oiSst_File_Name integer(kind=int4):: Emiss_File_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Coast_Mask_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Land_Mask_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Sfc_Type_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Volcano_Mask_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Surface_Elev_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Modis_Alb_0_66_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Modis_Alb_0_86_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Modis_Alb_1_24_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Modis_Alb_1_64_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Modis_Alb_2_13_Id = missing_value_int4 integer(kind=int4):: Snow_Mask_Id = missing_value_int4 type(Land_grid_Description) :: Coast_Mask_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Sfc_Type_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Land_Mask_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Volcano_Mask_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Surface_Elev_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Modis_Alb_0_66_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Modis_Alb_0_86_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Modis_Alb_1_24_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Modis_Alb_1_64_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Modis_Alb_2_13_Str type(Land_grid_Description) :: Snow_Mask_Str integer, parameter:: LRC_Meander_Flag = 1 integer, parameter:: Max_LRC_Distance = 10 real, parameter:: Min_LRC_Jump = 0.0 !0.5 real, parameter:: Max_LRC_Jump = 100.0 !10.0 integer, parameter:: Grad_Flag_LRC = -1 real, parameter:: Min_Bt_11um_LRC = 220.0 real, parameter:: Max_Bt_11um_LRC = 300.0 ! GOES header structures TYPE (AREA_STRUCT) :: AREAstr TYPE (GVAR_NAV) :: NAVstr logical :: NLCOMP_Run logical :: DCOMP_Run character (len = 30) :: string_30 character (len = 100) :: string_100 integer:: Chan_Idx character(len = 1024) ::string integer :: narg,cptArg character(len=3) :: name !*********************************************************************** ! Begin Executable Code !*********************************************************************** narg=command_argument_count() if(narg>0)then !loop across options do cptArg=1,narg call get_command_argument(cptArg,name) select case(adjustl(name)) case("--version","-v") write(*,*)"This is CLAVR-x : Version $Id: process_clavrx.f90 3838 2020-05-12 18:46:50Z mino $" write(*,*)"Binary compiled on the ",__DATE__," at ",__TIME__ stop case default write(*,*)"Option ",adjustl(name)," unknown" end select end do end if call MESG( '<---------- Start of CLAVRXORB ----------> $Id: process_clavrx.f90 3838 2020-05-12 18:46:50Z mino $' & , level = verb_lev % DEFAULT , color = 4 ) write(string,*)"Compiled on ",__DATE__//' '//__TIME__ call MESG( trim(string),level=verb_lev % DEFAULT, color=2) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize some flags !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number_Of_Temporary_Files = 0 Skip_Processing_Flag = sym%NO !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine time of the start of all processing !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total_Processing_Start_Time_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! initialize previous date variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Month_Prev = 0_int2 Sensor%WMO_Id_Previous = 0 Start_Year_Prev = 0_int2 Start_Day_Prev = 0_int2 !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Read and Quality Check User Defined Options !************************************************************************* call SETUP_USER_DEFINED_OPTIONS() !--- make directory for temporary files created during this run call system("mkdir "//trim(Temporary_Data_Dir)) !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Open high spatial resolution ancillary data files !************************************************************************* call OPEN_STATIC_ANCIL_FILES() !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- set up surface radiative properties !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call SETUP_UMD_PROPS() !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- read sea ir emiss !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Use_Sea_Ir_Emiss == sym%YES) then call READ_SEA_IR_EMISS() endif !--- NO LOGIC FOR CH 38. call READ_ABI_DUST_LUT() !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- setup clock corrections in memory !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nav_opt== 2) then call SETUP_CLOCK_CORRECTIONS() endif !********************************************************************** ! Marker: Read level2 variables in LEVEL2_LIST !********************************************************************** call READ_LEVEL2_VAR_LIST() !********************************************************************** ! Marker: Read file directories in FILE_LIST !********************************************************************** !--- print to screen which file list is used call MESG( "CLAVR-x FILE LIST FILE USED: "//trim(File_list) , level = verb_lev % VERBOSE ) !--- open file containing list of level1b data to process File_list_lun = GETLUN() open(unit=File_list_lun,file = trim(File_list),status="old",action="read",iostat=ios) if (ios /= 0) then write ( string_30, '(i8)') ios call MESG("ERROR: Opening clavrxorb_File_list, iostat = "//trim(string_30) , level = verb_lev % ERROR) write(*,*) "Stopped in ",__FILE__," at line ",__LINE__ stop endif !--- read directories from clavrxorb_input_Files read(unit=File_List_Lun,fmt="(a)") Image%Level1b_Path read(unit=File_List_Lun,fmt="(a)") Dir_Level2 !--- reset file counter File_Number = 1 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Marker: BEGIN LOOP OVER FILES !---------------------------------------------------------------------- File_Loop: do !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Marker: READ IN CLAVRXORB_FILE_LIST AND SET FLAGS !---------------------------------------------------------------------- read(unit=File_list_lun,fmt="(a)",iostat=ios) File_1b_Temp if ( file_1b_temp == "") exit if (ios /= 0) then if (ios /= -1) then !-- non eof error erstat = 8 call MESG( "ERROR: Problem reading orbit names from control file" & , level = verb_lev % QUIET , color = 1 ) stop 8 else !-- end of orbits if (File_Number == 1) then call MESG( "ERROR: No orbits to process, stopping" , level = verb_lev % QUIET , color = 1 ) stop endif exit endif endif ! --- Initialize Skip_L1b_File_Flag, if true will skipp file Skip_L1b_File_Flag = .false. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine time of the start of the processing of this orbit !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orbital_Processing_Start_Time_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine if this level-1b file can be opended, if not skip !-------------------------------------------------------------- !********************************************************************** ! Marker: Prepare to read Level-1b file !********************************************************************** !-- see if level-1b file exists Level1b_Exists = file_test(trim(Image%Level1b_Path)//trim(File_1b_Temp)) if (Level1b_Exists .eqv. .FALSE.) then call MESG( "ERROR: Level-1b file not found, skipping this file", level=5, color=1) cycle file_loop endif ! --- ! check if this file is a AVHRR-HIRS File ! if so Level1b file is changed to AVHRR file, HIRS File is added to ! Image structure to Image%Level1b_Fusion_Name if (index(trim(File_1b_Temp),'fusion') > 0) then call HIRS_AVHRR_FUSION_PREPERATION(File_1b_Temp) end if !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Determine based on the L1b file's extension if the input file ! is gzipped. Announce this fact thru a boolean var. !-------------------------------------------------------------- call DETERMINE_LEVEL1B_COMPRESSION(File_1b_Temp,L1b_Gzip,L1b_Bzip2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Determine from which sensor this file comes from (MODIS,AVHRR or VIIRS) ! and populate sensor structure !------------------------------------------------------------------------ call DETECT_SENSOR_FROM_FILE(AREAstr,NAVstr,Ierror) if (Ierror == sym%YES) then call MESG ("ERROR: Sensor could not be detected, skipping file " , level = verb_lev % ERROR) cycle file_loop endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Having determined the SENSOR, populate information about the ! Sensor and Satellite in the sensor and ch structures. This is needed for each ! channel since CLAVR-x supports multi-instrument files (i.e. SSEC Fusion) !------------(------------------------------------------------------------ call SET_SENSOR_CHANNEL_MAPPING() !--- print to screen the file name call MESG (" " ) call MESG ("<------------- Next Orbit ---------------> ",level = verb_lev % DEFAULT , color = 4) !------------------------------------------------------- ! reset record counters !------------------------------------------------------- File_Number = File_Number + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! knowing the file type, determine the expected number of elements and ! lines in the file ! for AVHRR, determine file type and some record lengths ! AVHRR Header is read here !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- read in Instrument Constants from appropriate file !--- Need this here for static navigation. call READ_INSTR_CONSTANTS() !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! update settings according sensor ( algo mode and channel settings ! including turn-on and off) !------------------------------------------------------------------ !--- stw Took this out on 01/24/2020. William's method does not modify !--- stw channel map. !---stw if (Sensor%WMO_Id == 271 .AND. File_Number > 2) then !---stw Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default = Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Initial_G17_Only !---stw endif call UPDATE_CONFIGURATION (Sensor%Sensor_Name) call SET_FILE_DIMENSIONS(Image%Level1b_Full_Name & ,AREAstr & ,Nrec_Avhrr_Header & ,Ierror) if (Ierror == sym%YES) then call MESG ("ERROR: Could not set file dimensions, skipping file " , level = verb_lev % ERROR) cycle file_loop endif if (Image%Number_Of_Lines <= 0) then call MESG ("File dimensions were not set correctly for this sensor "//sensor%sensor_name , level = verb_lev % ERROR) cycle file_loop endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- set up pixel level arrays (size depends on sensor) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- determine segment size here Line_Idx_Min_Segment = 1 Line_Idx_Max_Segment = Image % Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment !************************************************************************* ! Marker: READ IN HEADER AND DETERMINE SOME CONSTANTS !************************************************************************* !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Knowing the sensor, interogate files to start, end date and time !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call SET_DATA_DATE_AND_TIME ( AREAstr) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Output sensor and image parameters to screen !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call OUTPUT_SENSOR_TO_SCREEN() call OUTPUT_IMAGE_TO_SCREEN() call OUTPUT_PROCESSING_LIMITS_TO_SCREEN() !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Setup Solar-channel RTM terms for this particular sensor !------------------------------------------------------------------ call SETUP_SOLAR_RTM(Sensor%WMO_Id) call SETUP_OLR() call SETUP_SST() !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Create pixel arrays which data for this segment !------------------------------------------------------------------ call CREATE_PIXEL_ARRAYS() !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Read in Dark Sky Composite !------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark_Composite_Name = "no_file" if (Read_Dark_Comp == sym%YES) then call DETERMINE_DARK_COMPOSITE_NAME(AREAstr) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! compute the month and day of month !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Made ileap consistant with oisst call. ileap = int(leap_year_Fct(int(Image%Start_Year, kind=int4)),kind=int1) Month = int(COMPUTE_MONTH(int(Image%Start_Doy, kind=int4), int(ileap, kind=int4)),kind=int2) Day_Of_Month = int(COMPUTE_DAY(int(Image%Start_Doy, kind=int4), int(ileap, kind=int4)),kind=int2) !************************************************************************* ! Marker: READ IN SENSOR-SPECIFIC CONSTANTS !************************************************************************* !--- read in Instrument Constants from appropriate file !--- stw Moved up top for static navigation purposes. !--- stw call READ_INSTR_CONSTANTS() !if (Sensor%Wmo_Id == 271) call SET_ABI_USE_104um_FLAG(ABI_Use_104um_Flag, File_Number) !--- DEBUG ONLY !ABI_Use_104um_Flag = .true. !--- DEBUG ONLY !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Open non-static high spatial resolution ancillary data !************************************************************************* !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read in sst analysis file !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !Set to use default options. This will be turned off if there is NO daily OISST data Oisst_File_Name= GET_OISST_MAP_FILENAME(Image%Start_Year,Image%Start_Doy, & trim(OiSst_Data_Dir) ) !------>Oisst_File_Name = "no_file" !How to force no oisst use if (trim(Oisst_File_Name) == "no_file") then Use_Sst_Anal = sym%NO call MESG ("WARNING: Could not find daily OISST file", level = verb_lev % WARNING ) else call READ_OISST_ANALYSIS_MAP(OISST_File_Name) Use_Sst_Anal = sym%YES endif !------- store previous day and year to prevent reading of same data for next orbit Start_Year_Prev = Image%Start_Year Start_Day_Prev = Image%Start_Doy !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- 5 km surface emiss !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Use_Seebor == sym%YES) then write ( string_30, '(i2)') Month call MESG("Reading in SeeBor Data for month = "//string_30, level = verb_lev % DEFAULT) call OPEN_SEEBOR_EMISS(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"static/sfc_data", Month, Emiss_File_Id) call MESG("SeeBor Data opened successfully for month "//string_30, level = verb_lev % DEFAULT) endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Open Modis White Sky Albedo Map appropriate for this day !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Modis_Clr_Alb_Flag == sym%YES) then call OPEN_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_SFC_REFLECTANCE_FILES() call MESG("Modis clear albedo map opened successfully") endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Open Snow mask file !------------------------------------------------------------------ call GET_SNOW_MASK() !************************************************************************* ! Marker: READ IN NWP DATA !************************************************************************* !--- GFS if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 1) then call READ_GFS_DATA(NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Gfs_Data_Dir, ierror_Nwp) endif !--- NCEP Reanalysis if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 2) then call READ_NCEP_REANALYSIS_DATA(Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Ncep_Data_Dir) endif !--- CFSR if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 3) then call READ_GFS_DATA(NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Cfsr_Data_Dir, ierror_Nwp) endif !--- GDAS if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 4) then call READ_GFS_DATA(NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Gdas_Data_Dir, ierror_Nwp) endif !--- MERRA if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 5) then call READ_GFS_DATA(NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Merra_Data_Dir, ierror_Nwp) endif !--- ERA INTERIM ANALYSIS if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 6) then call READ_GFS_DATA(NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Erai_Data_Dir, ierror_Nwp) endif !--- GFS AIT Style NWP interpolation if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 7) then call READ_GFS_DATA(NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Doy, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Doy, Image%End_Time, Gfs_Data_Dir, ierror_Nwp) endif !---- if NWP is being read in, then proceeed in allocating RTM, NWP arrays if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then !--- Quality control NWP fields call QC_NWP() !--- create temporary NWP vectors needed for RTM call CREATE_TEMP_NWP_VECTORS() !--- Compute mappings for NWP and RTM vertical coordinates call MAP_NWP_RTM(NWP%NLevels, & NWP%P_Std, & NLevels_Rtm, & P_Std_Rtm) !--- allocate RTM structures call ALLOCATE_RTM(NWP%Nlon,NWP%Nlat) endif !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Populate or read in other lookup tables !************************************************************************* !--- Reset WMO_Id_Previous if GOES-17 channel mapping is different from !--- one scene to the next. Need to populate the planc tables correctly. !--- stw if (Sensor%WMO_Id == 271 .AND. & !--- stw SUM(Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default) .NE. SUM(Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Initial_G17_Only_Previous)) then !--- stw Sensor%WMO_Id_Previous = 0 !--- stw endif !--- planck and aerosol tables if (Sensor%WMO_Id /= Sensor%WMO_Id_Previous) then call POPULATE_PLANCK_TABLES() !--- planck for 11 and 12um sounder ch if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-IFF' .or. & trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-FUSION' .or. & trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS-IFF') then call POPULATE_PLANCK_TABLES_SOUNDER() endif if (Aerosol_Mode > 0 .and. index(Sensor%Sensor_Name,'AVHRR') > 0) then call READ_AER_CH123A_REF_LUTS(Ancil_Data_Dir,Sensor%WMO_Id) endif Sensor%WMO_Id_Previous = Sensor%WMO_Id endif !--- compute Sun-Earth distance Sun_Earth_Distance = 1.0 - 0.016729*cos(0.9856*(Image%Start_Doy-4.0)*dtor) !--- compute time since launch needed for reflectance calibration Time_Since_Launch = Image%Start_Year + Image%Start_Doy / 365.25 - launch_Date !-------------------------------------------------------------- !-- Marker: Interpolate a clock correction for this orbit !-------------------------------------------------------------- if ((trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-1') .or. & (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-2') .or. & (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-3')) then if(Nav_Opt == 2) then call INTERPOLATE_CLOCK_ERROR(Image%Start_Year, Image%Start_Time, & Image%End_Year, Image%End_Time, & Sensor%WMO_Id,Nav%Timerr_Seconds) print *, EXE_PROMPT, "Clock Error = ", Nav%Timerr_Seconds endif endif !************************************************************************* ! READ IN DATA RECORDS AND PERFORM QUALITY CHECKING !************************************************************************* !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Marker: Begin loop over orbit segments !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call MESG ( " ") call MESG ("Started Processing All Orbital Segments") !--- compute number of segments in this orbit if (mod(Image%Number_Of_Lines,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment) == 0) then Image%Number_Of_Segments = Image%Number_Of_Lines / Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment else Image%Number_Of_Segments = Image%Number_Of_Lines / Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment + 1 endif !--- initialize time counters Segment_Time_Point_Seconds = 0.0 Segment_Time_Point_Seconds_temp = 0.0 Segment_loop: do Segment_Number = 1,Image%Number_Of_Segments !--- save the segment number in a global structure Image%Segment_Number = Segment_Number !--- reset skip processing flag Skip_Processing_Flag = sym%NO !--- reset Goes_Scan_Line_Flag Goes_Scan_Line_Flag = sym%NO !--- reset pixel arrays to missing for this segment call RESET_PIXEL_ARRAYS_TO_MISSING() !----------------------------------------------------------------- !---- Marker: Read level-1b data !----------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call READ_LEVEL1B_DATA(Image%Level1b_Full_Name,Segment_Number, & Time_Since_Launch,AREAstr,NAVstr,Nrec_Avhrr_Header,Ierror_Level1b) if (Ierror_Level1b /= 0) then call MESG ("ERROR: Error reading level1b, skipping this file ",level = verb_lev% ERROR) exit endif if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'SEVIRI' .and. Use_Aux_Flag /= sym%NO_AUX) then call READ_OCA(trim(Image%Level1b_Path),trim(Image%Level1b_Name), & Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment, & Segment_Number,Image%Number_Of_Lines,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment, & Cost_Aux,Pc_Top1_Aux,Pc_Top2_Aux,Pc_Uncertainty1_Aux,Pc_Uncertainty2_Aux, & Tau_Aux,Cld_Phase_Aux) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Apply spatial limits !------------------------------------------------------------------ call EXPAND_SPACE_MASK_FOR_USER_LIMITS(Segment_Number, Geo%Space_Mask) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! --- if CALIOP file not found skip level1b file !------------------------------------------------------------------ if (Skip_L1b_File_Flag) cycle Segment_loop !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Modify Chan_On flags to account for channels read in !------------------------------------------------------------------- call SET_CHAN_ON_FLAG(Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default, Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Per_Line & , is_last_segment = segment_number .EQ. Image%Number_Of_Segments ) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute Lunar Reflectance !------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS' .or. trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS-NASA') & .and. Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(44) == sym%YES) then ! - check the angles if this is a good lunar scene ! - lun and solar zenith angle call COMPUTE_LUNAR_REFLECTANCE (Ch (44) % Rad_Toa & , Geo % Solzen, Geo%Lunzen & , Image % Start_Year, Month, Day_Of_Month, Image % Start_Time & , Geo % Moon_Phase_Angle & , Ancil_Data_Dir & , Ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Toa) endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !--- update time summation for level-1b processing Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(1) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(1) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !--- check to see that some data was read in if (Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment == 0) then call MESG ("WARNING: no scans read in, exiting segment processing loop ",level = verb_lev% WARNING) Skip_Processing_Flag = sym%YES !exit endif Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !---- go no further if no data is read in if (Skip_Processing_Flag == sym%NO) then !skip_Processing_Flag !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Recompute geolocation !******************************************************************* !--- use level 1b navigation Nav%Lat = Nav%Lat_1b Nav%Lon = Nav%Lon_1b !--- AVHRR Repositioning if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-1' .or. & trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-2' .or. & trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-3' ) then if (Nav_Opt == 2) then if ((Nav%Timerr_Seconds .ner. Missing_Value_Real4) .and. & (Nav%Timerr_Seconds .ner. 0.0)) then call REPOSITION_FOR_CLOCK_ERROR(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment, & Nav%Timerr_Seconds,Err_Reposnx_Flag) else Nav%Lat = Nav%Lat_1b Nav%Lon = Nav%Lon_1b endif endif endif !--- compute time (local and utc) variables for this segment call CONVERT_TIME(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then !--- map each each into correct NWP cell call MAP_PIXEL_NWP(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- compute needed NWP levels (sfc, tropo, inversion, ...) call COMPUTE_NWP_LEVELS_SEGMENT(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- compute desired nwp parameters call COMPUTE_SEGMENT_NWP_CLOUD_PARAMETERS() endif !--- determine a pixel-level mask to exclude data solar contaminiation call SET_SOLAR_CONTAMINATION_MASK(Solar_Contamination_Mask) !--- determine a pixel-level mask to exclude bad or unprocessible data !---stw call SET_BAD_PIXEL_MASK(Bad_Pixel_Mask) call SET_BAD_PIXEL_MASK(Bad_Pixel_Mask,ABI_Use_104um_Flag) !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Interpolate ancillary data to each pixel in this segment !******************************************************************* !--- map nwp parameters to pixel projection call COMPUTE_PIXEL_NWP_PARAMETERS(NWP_PIX%Smooth_Nwp_Flag) !--- map non-nwp ancillary data to the pixel projection call MAP_ANCIL_DATA_TO_PIXEL_GRID() !--- post process dark composite if one read in if (Read_Dark_Comp == sym%YES .and. Dark_Composite_Name /= "no_file") then call POST_PROCESS_GOES_DARK_COMPOSITE(Ref_Ch1_Dark_Composite) endif !--- check ancillary data and modify Bad_Pixel_Mask accordingly call QUALITY_CONTROL_ANCILLARY_DATA(Bad_Pixel_Mask) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Marker: Compute some fundamental pixel-level arrays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- compute some common used pixel arrays call COMPUTE_PIXEL_ARRAYS(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- normalize reflectances by the solar zenith angle and sun-earth distance call NORMALIZE_REFLECTANCES(Sun_Earth_Distance) !---STW do we want to change reflectances only if 10_4 flag is used? !--- compute the channel 20 pseudo reflectance if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(20) == sym%YES .and. Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(31) == sym%YES) then call CH20_PSEUDO_REFLECTANCE(Solar_Ch20_Nu,Geo%CosSolzen,ch(20)%Rad_Toa,31,ch(31)%Bt_Toa, & Sun_Earth_Distance,ch(20)%Ref_Toa,Ch(20)%Emiss_Rel_11um) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(20) == sym%YES .and. Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(38) == sym%YES) then call CH20_PSEUDO_REFLECTANCE(Solar_Ch20_Nu,Geo%CosSolzen,ch(20)%Rad_Toa,38,ch(38)%Bt_Toa, & Sun_Earth_Distance,ch(20)%Ref_Toa,Ch(20)%Emiss_Rel_10_4um) endif !--- COMPUTE SPATIAL METRICS FROM LEVEL-1B Terms !--- populate basic spatial uniformity arrays(min, max, mean and std) call COMPUTE_MIN_MAX_MEAN_STD_METRICS() !--- call spatial correlation routines call COMPUTE_SPATIAL_CORRELATION_ARRAYS() !--- apply median filters call COMPUTE_MEDIAN_METRICS_L1B() !--- compute pixel level Snow map based on all ancillary data !----- IS ALL DATA AVAILABLE HERE? if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then call COMPUTE_SNOW_CLASS(Sfc%Snow_NWP,Sfc%Snow_OISST, & Sfc%Snow_IMS,Sfc%Snow_GLOB, & Sfc%Land,Sfc%Snow,ABI_Use_104um_Flag) endif !--- SST if possible for this sensor (needs snow info for masking) !--- This subroutine uses bt85, bt104, bt11, bt12). Will fail in !--- LHP events. call COMPUTE_SST() !--- fill in holes in surface emiss and surface refl with default !--- values based on surface type call GET_PIXEL_SFC_EMISS_FROM_SFC_TYPE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) call GET_PIXEL_SFC_REFL_FROM_SFC_TYPE() !--- determine ocean surface emissivity (nwp wind-speed needed) if (Use_Sea_Ir_Emiss == sym%YES) then call GET_SEGMENT_SEA_IR_EMISS() endif !--- compute desert mask cloud detection Sfc%Desert_Mask = DESERT_MASK_FOR_CLOUD_DETECTION(ch(20)%Sfc_Emiss, Nav%Lat, Sfc%Snow, Sfc%Sfc_Type) !--- compute city mask cloud detection if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(44) == sym%YES) then Sfc%City_Mask = CITY_MASK_FOR_CLOUD_DETECTION(ch(44)%Rad_Toa, Sfc%Sfc_Type) endif !--- update time summation for level-1b processing End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(2) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(2) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Compute nwp mapping and rtm values for each pixel in segment !******************************************************************* !--- needs an NWP to run. if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !-- temporally interp skin temp for each segment (only ncep reanalysis) if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt == 2) then call TEMPORAL_INTERP_TMPSFC_NWP(Image%Scan_Time_Ms(Line_Idx_Min_Segment), & Image%Scan_Time_Ms(Line_Idx_Min_Segment+Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment-1)) endif !--- compute a surface temperature from the NWP call MODIFY_TSFC_NWP_PIX(1,Image%Number_Of_Elements,Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- compute pixel-level rtm parameters Start_Time_Point_Hours_temp = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call GET_PIXEL_NWP_RTM(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) call COMPUTE_MEDIAN_METRICS_L2() if (ABI_Use_104um_Flag) then call COMPUTE_RADIATIVE_CENTER_ARRAYS(LRC_Flag,38) else call COMPUTE_RADIATIVE_CENTER_ARRAYS(LRC_Flag,31) endif End_Time_Point_Hours_temp = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds_temp = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds_temp + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours_temp - Start_Time_Point_Hours_Temp) call OPAQUE_CLOUD_HEIGHT(ABI_Use_104um_Flag) !--- apply atmospheric correction - needs rtm results call ATMOS_CORR(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- compute the channel 20 pseudo reflectance for clear-skies if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(20) == sym%YES .and. Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(31) == sym%YES) then call CH20_PSEUDO_REFLECTANCE(Solar_Ch20_Nu,Geo%CosSolzen,ch(20)%Rad_Toa_Clear,31,ch(31)%Bt_Toa_Clear,Sun_Earth_Distance, & ch(20)%Ref_Toa_Clear,ch(20)%Emiss_Rel_11um_Clear) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(20) == sym%YES .and. Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(38) == sym%YES) then call CH20_PSEUDO_REFLECTANCE(Solar_Ch20_Nu,Geo%CosSolzen,ch(20)%Rad_Toa_Clear,38,ch(38)%Bt_Toa_Clear,Sun_Earth_Distance, & ch(20)%Ref_Toa_Clear,ch(20)%Emiss_Rel_10_4um_Clear) endif !--- compute surface products (Tsfc,Ndvi,Rsr ...) call SURFACE_REMOTE_SENSING(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,ABI_Use_104um_Flag) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(3) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(3) + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) endif !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Spatial metrics processing !******************************************************************* Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! compute glint masks for use in cloud detection !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (ABI_Use_104um_Flag) then if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(38) == sym%YES) then !--- solar glint mask if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(1) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_GLINT(Geo%Glintzen, Ch(1)%Ref_Toa, ch(1)%Ref_Toa_Std_3x3, & Sfc%Glint_Mask,ABI_Use_104um_Flag) endif !--- lunar glint mask if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(44) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_GLINT(Geo%Glintzen_Lunar,ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Toa, & ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Std_3x3, Sfc%Glint_Mask_Lunar, & ABI_Use_104um_Flag) endif endif else if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(31) == sym%YES) then !--- solar glint mask if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(1) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_GLINT(Geo%Glintzen, Ch(1)%Ref_Toa, ch(1)%Ref_Toa_Std_3x3, & Sfc%Glint_Mask,ABI_Use_104um_Flag) endif !--- lunar glint mask if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(44) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_GLINT(Geo%Glintzen_Lunar,ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Toa, & ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Std_3x3, Sfc%Glint_Mask_Lunar, & ABI_Use_104um_Flag) endif endif endif !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Definition of pixel hdf files ! if first segment, define pixel hdf files ! this has to be here because cal coefficients are only known ! after data has been read in and calibrated !******************************************************************* if (Segment_Number == 1) then !--- place algorithm cvs tags into global strings for output call SET_CLOUD_TYPE_VERSION() call SET_IR_CLOUD_TYPE_VERSION() Num_Scans_Level2_Hdf = 0 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Define Level2 Variables - needs to be called after CREATE_PIXEL_ARRAYS !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------- ! All level2 output variables have to allocated before Setup_level2_sds_info ! Also Muri ! - !if ( (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI' .or. trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI9') .and. Aerosol_Mode == 1) then ! call muri % allocate (Image%Number_of_elements , Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !end if ! ! Need to modify for Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI' .or. 'ABI' later !print*, 'MURI ABI -1' if ( Aerosol_Mode == 1) then call muri % allocate (Image%Number_of_elements , Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) end if !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set up level2 file !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call SETUP_LEVEL2_SDS_INFO() call DEFINE_HDF_FILE_STRUCTURES(Image%Number_Of_Lines, & Dir_Level2, & Image%Level1b_Name, & Level2_File_Flag, & c1,c2,planck_a1(20),planck_a2(20),planck_nu(20), & planck_a1(31),planck_a2(31),planck_nu(31), & planck_a1(32),planck_a2(32),planck_nu(32),Solar_Ch20_Nu,& Sun_Earth_Distance,Therm_Cal_1b, & Ref_Cal_1b,Nav_Opt,Use_Sst_Anal, & Modis_Clr_Alb_Flag,NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt, & Ch1_Gain_Low,Ch1_gain_High, & Ch1_Switch_Count_Cal,Ch1_Dark_Count_Cal, & Ch2_Gain_low,Ch2_Gain_High, & Ch2_Switch_Count_Cal,Ch2_Dark_Count_Cal, & Ch3a_Gain_low,Ch3a_Gain_High, & Ch3a_Switch_Count_Cal,Ch3a_Dark_Count_Cal, & Image%Start_Year,Image%End_Year,Image%Start_Doy,Image%End_Doy,& Image%Start_Time,Image%End_Time) endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(4) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(4) + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Generate pixel-level products !******************************************************************* !---- pixel level aerosol if (index(Sensor%Sensor_Name,'AVHRR') > 0 .and. Aerosol_Mode > 0) then Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call PIXEL_AER_RET_OCEAN(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(5) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(5) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) endif !--- only apply cloud mask and type routines if nwp/rtm information available if (Cld_Flag == sym%YES .and. NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt > 0) then Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !--- simple cloud optical depths (no effective radius or atmos corr). Used for masking if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(1) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_SIMPLE_SOLAR_COD_065um(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(6) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_SIMPLE_SOLAR_COD_160um(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(44) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_SIMPLE_LUNAR_COD_065um(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(26) == sym%YES) then call COMPUTE_SIMPLE_SOLAR_COD_138um(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif !--- direct cloud height retrievals used as inputs to typing and acha !--->call OPAQUE_CLOUD_HEIGHT() call CO2IRW_CLOUD_HEIGHT() call SPLITWIN_CLOUD_HEIGHT() call H2O_CLOUD_HEIGHT() call CO2_SLICING_CLOUD_HEIGHT(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Line_Idx_Min_Segment, & Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment, & P_Std_Rtm, & Pc_Co2,Tc_Co2,Zc_Co2) if (Nucaps_Flag) then !Sets Tc_Cirrus_Background call VIIRS_NUCAPS(Segment_Number) Cloud_Fraction_Background = NUCAPS%Cld_Fraction endif !--- cloud mask if (Use_Aux_Flag == sym%USE_AUX .and. Cloud_Mask_Aux_Read_Flag == sym%YES) then CLDMASK%Cld_Mask = CLDMASK%Cld_Mask_Aux else if (Cloud_Mask_Bayesian_Flag == sym%ECM1) then Cloud_Mask_Mode = 'ecm1' call NB_CLOUD_MASK_BRIDGE(Segment_Number) elseif (Cloud_Mask_Bayesian_Flag == sym%NO) then Cloud_Mask_Mode = 'bcm' call BASELINE_CLOUD_MASK_MAIN(Segment_Number) elseif (Cloud_Mask_Bayesian_Flag == sym%ECM2) then Cloud_Mask_Mode = 'ecm2' call NBM_CLOUD_MASK_BRIDGE(Segment_Number) else call MESG("Only the Enterprise and Baseline Cloud Masks are available, check selection",level=verb_lev % ERROR) stop endif if (Use_Aux_Flag == sym%USE_AUX .or. Use_Aux_Flag == sym%USE_AUX_MODAWG) then call MESG("Auxilliary Cloud Mask Selected but Unavailable ", level=verb_lev % WARNING) endif endif !--- Compute Adjacent pixels Cloud Mask call ADJACENT_PIXEL_CLOUD_MASK(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- Dust Mask if (Use_ABI_Dust == sym%YES) then if (Sensor%WMO_Id == 270 .or. Sensor%WMO_Id == 271) then CLDMASK%Dust_Mask = sym%NO call GET_SEGMENT_ABI_DUST_PROB() endif endif !--- if dark composite available for GOES-1km data, do this if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'GOES-IL-IMAGER' .or. trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'GOES-MP-IMAGER') then if (Read_Dark_Comp == sym%YES .and. Dark_Composite_Name /= "no_file") then call DARK_COMPOSITE_CLOUD_MASK(CLDMASK%Cld_Mask) endif endif !--- accumulate cloud mask metrics call COMPUTE_CLOUD_MASK_PERFORMANCE_METRICS(Cloud_Mask_Count,Nonconfident_Cloud_Mask_Count) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(6) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(6) + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !--- cloud type Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() if (Use_Aux_Flag == sym%USE_AUX .and. Cloud_Type_Aux_Read_Flag == sym%YES) then Cld_Type = Cld_Type_Aux Cld_Phase = Cld_Phase_Aux else !--- if ECM2 is not called, compute type and phase here if (Cloud_Mask_Bayesian_Flag /= sym%ECM2) then call CLOUD_TYPE_BRIDGE() !Cld_Type_Aux = Cld_Type !call UNIVERSAL_CLOUD_TYPE() endif !--- Bryan Baum MODIS C6 Cloud Type call IR_CLOUD_TYPE_BAUM() if (Use_IR_Cloud_Type_Flag) then Cld_Type = Cld_Type_IR Cld_Phase = Cld_Phase_IR endif endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(7) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(7) + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) endif !end of Cld_Flag check !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute Cloud Properties (Height, Optical Depth, ...) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Cld_Flag == sym%YES .and. NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt > 0) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ACHA Section !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call CTP_MULTILAYER() !WHAT IS THIS??? !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! make co2 slicing height from sounder with using sounder/imager IFF !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (index(Sensor%Sensor_Name,'IFF') > 0) then if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-IFF') then call SOUNDER_EMISSIVITY() call MODIFY_CLOUD_TYPE_WITH_SOUNDER (Cld_Temp_Sounder, Cld_Emiss_Sounder, Cld_Type) call MAKE_CIRRUS_PRIOR_TEMPERATURE(Cld_Temp_Sounder, Cld_Press_Sounder, Cld_Emiss_Sounder, & Tc_Cirrus_Background, Zc_Cirrus_Background) else call MODIFY_CLOUD_TYPE_WITH_SOUNDER (Tc_CO2, Ec_CO2, Cld_Type) call MAKE_CIRRUS_PRIOR_TEMPERATURE(Tc_Co2, Pc_Co2, Ec_Co2, & Tc_Cirrus_Background, Zc_Cirrus_Background) endif endif if (Nucaps_Flag) then !Sets Tc_Cirrus_Background call CONVERT_SMOOTH_NUCAPS_TEMP Tc_Cirrus_Background = NUCAPS%Cld_Temp_Smoothed Zc_Cirrus_Background = NUCAPS%Cld_Height endif !--- Single Channel (11 um) opaque solution if (trim(ACHA%Mode) == "off") then call MODE_ZERO_CLOUD_HEIGHT(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif !--- GOES-R Baseline (11,12,13.3 um) if (trim(ACHA%Mode) == "baseline") then call BASELINE_CLOUD_HEIGHT_MAIN() endif !--- General ACHA Solution if (trim(ACHA%Mode) /= "off" .and. trim(ACHA%MODE) /= "baseline") then !--- AWG CLoud Height Algorithm (ACHA) and associated products call AWG_CLOUD_HEIGHT_BRIDGE() if (ASOS%Mode > 0) call ASOS_BRIDGE() !--- interpolate NWP wind and tpw profiles at cloud-top level call COMPUTE_CLOUD_TOP_LEVEL_NWP_WIND_AND_TPW(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- interpolate ACHA cloud heights to flight level altitude. call COMPUTE_ALTITUDE_FROM_PRESSURE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,ACHA%Pc,ACHA%Alt) !--- interpolate freezing level to flight level altitude. call COMPUTE_ALTITUDE_FROM_PRESSURE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment, & NWP_PIX%FrzPre,NWP_PIX%FrzAlt) call COMPUTE_ALTITUDE_FROM_PRESSURE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment, & NWP_PIX%HomoFrzPre,NWP_PIX%HomoFrzAlt) !--accumulate performance metrics call COMPUTE_ACHA_PERFORMANCE_METRICS(ACHA%Processed_Count,ACHA%Valid_Count,ACHA%Success_Fraction) !-- make CSBT masks (Clear Sky Brightness Temperature) call OPAQUE_TRANSMISSION_HEIGHT() call COMPUTE_CSBT_CLOUD_MASKS() endif !--- Convective Cloud Probability call CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_PROBABILITY(Bad_Pixel_Mask,ch(31)%Bt_TOA,ch(27)%Bt_TOA,Ch(31)%Emiss_Tropo,NWP_PIX%Tsfc,ACHA%Conv_Cld_Prob) call SUPERCOOLED_CLOUD_PROBABILITY(Bad_Pixel_Mask,Cld_Type,ACHA%Tc,ACHA%Supercooled_Cld_Prob) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(8) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(8) + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NLCOMP Section !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() NLCOMP_Run = .false. if ((trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS' .or. trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS-NASA') & .and. Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(44) == sym % yes .and. NLCOMP_Mode > 0) then if ( count (ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Toa > 0) > 0 ) then call AWG_CLOUD_DNCOMP_ALGORITHM( Iseg_In = Segment_Number , NLCOMP_Mode = .true. & , algorithm_started = NLCOMP_Run) endif endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(9) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(9) + & & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DCOMP Section !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() DCOMP_Run = .false. if (DCOMP_Mode > 0) then call AWG_CLOUD_DNCOMP_ALGORITHM( Iseg_In = Segment_Number , algorithm_started = dcomp_run) call SET_DCOMP_VERSION() !call COMPUTE_SUBPIXEL_MAX_MIN_COD() endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(10) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(10) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Derived Product Section !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() if ( DCOMP_Run .or. NLCOMP_Run) then call COMPUTE_CLOUD_WATER_PATH(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) call COMPUTE_DCOMP_INSOLATION(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,Sun_Earth_Distance) call COMPUTE_ADIABATIC_CLOUD_PROPS(Line_Idx_Min_segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) call COMPUTE_DCOMP_PERFORMANCE_METRICS(DCOMP_Processed_Count,DCOMP_Valid_Count) call ADJUST_DCOMP_LWP() call COMPUTE_PRECIPITATION(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI' .or. trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI9') then call COMPUTE_PRECIPITATION_AHI(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) end if endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(11) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(11) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Cloud Altitude, Base and CCL Section (if ACHA was executed) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() if (trim(ACHA%Mode) /= "off") then call CLOUD_BASE_BRIDGE() !---Calculate flight level altitude of the base for AWC call COMPUTE_ALTITUDE_FROM_PRESSURE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,ACHA%Pc_Base,ACHA%Base_Alt) !---Calculate flight level altitude of the lower top and base for AWC call COMPUTE_ALTITUDE_FROM_PRESSURE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,ACHA%Lower_Pc,ACHA%Lower_Alt) call COMPUTE_ALTITUDE_FROM_PRESSURE(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,ACHA%Lower_Base_Pc,ACHA%Lower_Base_Alt) call CCL_BRIDGE() !--- compute ice and liquid water contents call COMPUTE_MASS_CONCENTRATION() endif End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(12) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(12) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - MURI = Multidisciplinary Reseach Initiative Aerosol !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !if ( (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI' .or. trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AHI9') .and. Aerosol_Mode == 1) then ! Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() if ( Aerosol_Mode == 1) then Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call CX_MURI_ALGORITHM (Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(13) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(13) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- radiative flux parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() !--- OLR call COMPUTE_OLR() !--- SASRAB if ( Sasrab_Flag == sym%YES) call INSOLATION(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(14) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(14) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !--- assign quality flags for things like sst and aerosol (clear-sky) if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt > 0 .and. Cld_Flag == sym%YES) then !--- assign clear sky quality flags call ASSIGN_CLEAR_SKY_QUALITY_FLAGS(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif !******************************************************************* ! Marker: Write to output files (pixel-level) !******************************************************************* Start_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() call WRITE_SEGMENT_LEVEL2(Level2_File_Flag) End_Time_Point_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(15) = Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(15) + & 60.0*60.0*(End_Time_Point_Hours - Start_Time_Point_Hours) !************************************************************************* ! Marker: RTM Structure Memory Deallocation !************************************************************************* !--- deallocate rtm profile arrays (only do if NWP is used) if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then do Line_Idx = Line_Idx_Min_Segment, Line_Idx_Min_Segment + Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment - 1 do Elem_Idx = 1, Image%Number_Of_Elements Lon_Idx = NWP_PIX%I_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Lat_Idx = NWP_PIX%J_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Zen_Idx = Zen_Idx_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !--- check to see if Lon_Idx and Lat_Idx are valid, if deallocate if ((Lon_Idx >= 0) .and. (Lon_Idx <= NWP%Nlon) .and. & (Lat_Idx >= 0) .and. (Lat_Idx <= NWP%Nlat) .and. & (Zen_Idx >= 0) .and. (Zen_Idx <= Rtm_Nvzen)) then if (Rtm(Lon_Idx,Lat_Idx)%d(Zen_Idx_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx))%flag == sym%YES) then call DEALLOCATE_RTM_VARS(Lon_Idx,Lat_Idx,Zen_Idx_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) endif endif end do end do !--- deallocate rtm cells do Line_Idx = Line_Idx_Min_Segment, Line_Idx_Min_Segment + Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment - 1 do Elem_Idx = 1, Image%Number_Of_Elements Lon_Idx = NWP_PIX%I_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Lat_Idx = NWP_PIX%J_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !--- check to see if Lon_Idx and Lat_Idx are valid, if deallocate if ((Lon_Idx >= 0) .and. (Lon_Idx <= NWP%Nlon) .and. & & (Lat_Idx >= 0) .and. (Lat_Idx <= NWP%Nlat)) then if (Rtm(Lon_Idx,Lat_Idx)%Flag == sym%YES) then call DEALLOCATE_RTM_CELL(Lon_Idx,Lat_Idx) endif endif end do end do endif !--- screen output to mark progress through orbit write ( string_100, '(A22, I3, A16, I5 , 4X , I5)') & "processed segment #",Segment_Number," scanlines = ", & Image%Scan_Number(Line_Idx_Min_Segment), & Image%Scan_Number(Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) call MESG ( string_100 ) endif !end Skip_Processing_Flag condition !************************************************************************* ! Marker: End of loop over orbital segments !************************************************************************* end do Segment_loop call MESG ( "Finished Processing All Orbital Segments") call MESG ( " ") !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Close output pixel-level files !************************************************************************* !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Close non-static ancillary data files !************************************************************************* if (Emiss_File_Id > 0) call CLOSE_SEEBOR_EMISS(Emiss_File_Id) if (Modis_Alb_0_66_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Modis_Alb_0_66_Id) if (Modis_Alb_0_86_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Modis_Alb_0_86_Id) if (Modis_Alb_1_24_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Modis_Alb_1_24_Id) if (Modis_Alb_1_64_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Modis_Alb_1_64_Id) if (Modis_Alb_2_13_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Modis_Alb_2_13_Id) !************************************************************************* !Marker: Deallocate remaining arrays !************************************************************************* !--- main RTM structures and NWP arrays if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt > 0) then call DESTROY_NWP_ARRAYS() call DESTROY_TEMP_NWP_VECTORS() call DEALLOCATE_RTM() endif !--- If GOES-17 has been mitigated, I need to reset the channel mapping !--- to the original one, so that the arrays may be properly destroyed. !--- This will allow multiple L1b files in the file_list. !---stw Took out on 01/24/2020. !---stw IF (Sensor%WMO_Id == 271) then !---stw Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default = Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Initial_G17_Only !---stw endif !--- Deallocate memory from pixels arrays call DESTROY_PIXEL_ARRAYS() !--- Deallocate memory from static navigation if (Image%Static_Nav_Flag) then call DESTROY_READ_LEVEL1B_FIXED_GRID_STATIC_NAV endif !--- remove files in temporary directory and then the directory if (Number_Of_Temporary_Files > 0) then do Ifile = 1, Number_Of_Temporary_Files call MESG("Removing Temporary File: "//trim(Temporary_File_Name(Ifile))) call system("rm "//trim(Temporary_Data_Dir)//trim(Temporary_File_Name(Ifile))) end do endif Number_Of_Temporary_Files = 0 !reset for next file !--- Determine time of the end of the processing of this orbit Orbital_Processing_End_Time_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Orbital_Processing_Time_Seconds = 60.0*60.0*(Orbital_Processing_End_Time_Hours - & Orbital_Processing_Start_Time_Hours) Orbital_Processing_Time_Minutes = Orbital_Processing_Time_Seconds/60.0 !--- write algorithm attributes to level2 call WRITE_ALGORITHM_ATTRIBUTES() !--- close pixel level hdf files call CLOSE_PIXEL_HDF_FILES(Level2_File_Flag) !--- diagnostic screen output call MESG ("<----- Timing Results ----->") call MESG ("Time for Level-1b Processing (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(1)) call MESG ("Time for Ancil. Data Processing (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(2)) call MESG ("Time for RTM Processing (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(3)) call MESG ("Time for Spatial Processing (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(4)) call MESG ("Time for Default Aerosol Retrieval (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(5)) call MESG ("Time for Cloud Mask (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(6)) call MESG ("Time for Cloud Type (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(7)) call MESG ("Time for Cloud Height (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(8)) call MESG ("Time for Lunar Cloud Opt/Micro (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(9)) call MESG ("Time for Solar Cloud Opt/Micro (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(10)) call MESG ("Time for Precip (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(11)) call MESG ("Time for Cloud Base and CCL (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(12)) call MESG ("Time for MURI Aerosol Retrieval (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(13)) call MESG ("Time for Earth Radiation Budget (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(14)) call MESG ("Time for Pixel-HDF Write (sec) = ", Segment_Time_Point_Seconds(15)) call MESG ("Total Time for Processing This Orbit (sec) = ", Orbital_Processing_Time_Seconds,& level=verb_lev % MINIMAL) !--- add processing time to global attributes !************************************************************************* ! Marker: End loop over files !************************************************************************* end do File_Loop !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Close FILELIST !************************************************************************* close(unit=File_List_Lun) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DEALLOCATE MEMORY AND END PROGRAM !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !************************************************************************* !-- Marker: Close static ancillary data files !************************************************************************* !--- high resolution hdf ancillary data if (Sfc_Type_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Sfc_Type_Id) if (Coast_Mask_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Coast_Mask_Id) if (Land_Mask_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Land_Mask_Id) if (Volcano_Mask_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Volcano_Mask_Id) if (Surface_Elev_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Surface_Elev_Id) if (Snow_Mask_Id > 0) call CLOSE_LAND_SFC_HDF(Snow_Mask_Id) if (Use_Sea_Ir_Emiss == sym%YES) call FORGET_SEA_IR_EMISS() if (Use_ABI_Dust == sym%YES) call FORGET_ABI_DUST() !--- remove directory for temporary files call system("rmdir "//trim(Temporary_Data_Dir)) !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Final remaining memory deallocation !************************************************************************* !--- Determine time of the start of all processing Total_Processing_End_Time_Hours = COMPUTE_TIME_HOURS() Total_Processing_Time_minutes = 60.0*(Total_Processing_End_Time_Hours - & Total_Processing_Start_Time_Hours) call MESG ("Total Time for All Processing (minutes) = ", Total_Processing_Time_minutes, & level=verb_lev % MINIMAL) !---- print to screen that processing is done call MESG ( "<--------- End of CLAVRXORB ---------->",level=verb_lev % MINIMAL) stop !************************************************************************* ! Marker: End of main code !************************************************************************* contains !************************************************************************* ! Marker: Begin of Subroutines !************************************************************************* !************************************************************************* ! open modis white sky reflectance files !************************************************************************* subroutine OPEN_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_SFC_REFLECTANCE_FILES() !--- determine 16 day period and its string value iperiod16 = 16 * ((Image%Start_Doy-1) / 16) + 1 write(Day_String,fmt="(i3.3)") iperiod16 !--- Open Modis white sky 0.66 um albedo if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(1) == sym%YES) then Modis_White_Sky_0_66_Name = "AlbMap.WS.c004.v2.0.00-04."// & Day_String//".0.659_x4.hdf" Modis_Alb_0_66_Str%sds_Name = MODIS_ALB_0_66_SDS_NAME Modis_Alb_0_66_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & trim(Modis_White_Sky_0_66_Name), & grid_Str=Modis_Alb_0_66_Str) endif !--- Open Modis white sky 0.86 um albedo if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(2) == sym%YES) then Modis_White_Sky_0_86_Name = "AlbMap.WS.c004.v2.0.00-04."// & Day_String//".0.858_x4.hdf" Modis_Alb_0_86_Str%sds_Name = MODIS_ALB_0_86_SDS_NAME Modis_Alb_0_86_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & trim(Modis_White_Sky_0_86_Name), & grid_Str=Modis_Alb_0_86_Str) endif !--- Open Modis white sky 1.24 um albedo if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(5) == sym%YES) then Modis_White_Sky_1_24_Name = "AlbMap.WS.c004.v2.0.00-04."// & Day_String//".1.24_x4.hdf" Modis_Alb_1_24_Str%sds_Name = MODIS_ALB_1_24_SDS_NAME Modis_Alb_1_24_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & trim(Modis_White_Sky_1_24_Name), & grid_Str=Modis_Alb_1_24_Str) endif !--- Open Modis white sky 1.66 um albedo if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(6) == sym%YES) then Modis_White_Sky_1_64_Name = "AlbMap.WS.c004.v2.0.00-04."// & Day_String//".1.64_x4.hdf" Modis_Alb_1_64_Str%sds_Name = MODIS_ALB_1_64_SDS_NAME Modis_Alb_1_64_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & trim(Modis_White_Sky_1_64_Name), & grid_Str=Modis_Alb_1_64_Str) endif !--- Open Modis white sky 2.13 um albedo if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(7) == sym%YES) then Modis_White_Sky_2_13_Name = "AlbMap.WS.c004.v2.0.00-04."// & Day_String//".2.13_x4.hdf" Modis_Alb_2_13_Str%sds_Name = MODIS_ALB_2_13_SDS_NAME Modis_Alb_2_13_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & trim(Modis_White_Sky_2_13_Name), & grid_Str=Modis_Alb_2_13_Str) endif end subroutine OPEN_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_SFC_REFLECTANCE_FILES !**************************************************************************** ! acquire the information for the snow classication from multiple sources !**************************************************************************** subroutine GET_SNOW_MASK() if (Read_Snow_Mask == sym%READ_SNOW_HIRES) then Failed_IMS_Snow_Mask_Flag = sym%NO Snow_Mask_Str%sds_Name = SNOW_MASK_SDS_NAME Snow_Mask_File_Name = GET_SNOW_MAP_FILENAME(Image%Start_Year,Image%Start_Doy, & trim(Snow_Data_Dir)) if (trim(Snow_Mask_File_Name) == "no_file") then Failed_IMS_Snow_Mask_Flag = sym%YES call MESG ( "WARNING: Could not find Snow mask file ==> "// & Snow_Mask_File_Name, level = verb_lev % WARNING) else Snow_Mask_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Snow_Data_Dir), & Snow_Mask_File_Name, & grid_Str=Snow_Mask_Str) if (Snow_Mask_Id > 0) then Failed_IMS_Snow_Mask_Flag = sym%NO call MESG("Snow mask file opened successfully ") else Failed_IMS_Snow_Mask_Flag = sym%YES call MESG("WARNING: Snow mask file open failed ", level = verb_lev % WARNING) endif endif endif if (Read_Snow_Mask == sym%READ_SNOW_GLOB) THEN Failed_Glob_Snow_Mask_Flag = sym%NO Snow_Mask_File_Name = GET_GLOBSNOW_FILENAME(Image%Start_Year,Image%Start_Doy, & trim(GlobSnow_Data_Dir)) if (trim(Snow_Mask_File_Name) == "no_file") THEN Failed_Glob_Snow_Mask_Flag = sym%YES call MESG ( "WARNING: Could not find GlobSnow mask file, using NWP ", level = verb_lev % WARNING ) else CALL READ_GLOBSNOW_ANALYSIS_MAP(trim(GlobSnow_Data_Dir)//Snow_Mask_File_Name) endif endif end subroutine GET_SNOW_MASK !**************************************************************************** ! open the hdf files that hold ancillary data !**************************************************************************** subroutine OPEN_STATIC_ANCIL_FILES() !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !--- Read elevation data !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (Read_Surface_Elevation /= 0) then call MESG ( "Opening surface elevation file", level = verb_lev % VERBOSE) Surface_Elev_Str%sds_Name = SURFACE_ELEV_SDS_NAME !--- read in which elevation type that is specified. if (Read_Surface_Elevation == 1) then Surface_Elev_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"static/sfc_data/", & "GLOBE_1km_digelev.hdf", & grid_Str=Surface_Elev_Str) else ! low resolution, Read_Surface_Elevation = 2 Surface_Elev_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"static/sfc_data/", & "GLOBE_8km_digelev.hdf", & grid_Str=Surface_Elev_Str) endif endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Open coast mask file !------------------------------------------------------------------ if (Read_Coast_Mask == sym%YES) then call MESG ( "Opening coast file", level = verb_lev % VERBOSE) Coast_Mask_Str%sds_Name = COAST_MASK_SDS_NAME Coast_Mask_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"static/sfc_data/", & "coast_mask_1km.hdf", & grid_Str=Coast_Mask_Str) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Open land surface type file !------------------------------------------------------------------ call MESG ( "Opening land surface type file", level = verb_lev % VERBOSE) Sfc_Type_Str%sds_Name = SFC_TYPE_SDS_NAME if (Read_Hires_sfc_type == sym%YES) then Sfc_Type_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & "gl-latlong-1km-landcover.hdf", & grid_Str=Sfc_Type_Str) else Sfc_Type_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & "gl-latlong-8km-landcover.hdf", & grid_Str=Sfc_Type_Str) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Open land mask file !------------------------------------------------------------------ if (Read_Land_Mask == sym%YES) then call MESG ( "Opening land mask file" ,level = verb_lev % VERBOSE ) Land_Mask_Str%sds_Name = LAND_MASK_SDS_NAME Land_Mask_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & "lw_geo_2001001_v03m.hdf", & grid_Str=Land_Mask_Str) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Open volcano mask file !------------------------------------------------------------------ if (Read_Volcano_Mask == sym%YES) then call MESG( "Opening volcano mask file",level = verb_lev % VERBOSE ) Volcano_Mask_Str%sds_Name = VOLCANO_MASK_SDS_NAME Volcano_Mask_Id = OPEN_LAND_SFC_HDF(trim(Ancil_Data_Dir)//"/static/sfc_data/", & "volcano_mask_1km.hdf", & grid_Str=Volcano_Mask_Str) endif end subroutine OPEN_STATIC_ANCIL_FILES !******************************************************************************************************* ! Read in various ancillary data and map it to the pixel grid for each segment !******************************************************************************************************* subroutine MAP_ANCIL_DATA_TO_PIXEL_GRID() !--- surface emissivity if (Use_Seebor == sym%YES) then !--- force channel 20 read used for desert definition call READ_SEEBOR_EMISS(Emiss_File_Id, 20, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, ch(20)%Sfc_Emiss) do Chan_Idx = 21, Nchan_Clavrx if (ch(Chan_Idx)%Obs_Type /= MIXED_OBS_TYPE .and. & ch(Chan_Idx)%Obs_Type /= THERMAL_OBS_TYPE) cycle if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(Chan_Idx) == sym%YES) then call READ_SEEBOR_EMISS(Emiss_File_Id, Chan_Idx, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Ch(Chan_Idx)%Sfc_Emiss) endif enddo endif !--- mandatory fields - check for substitution of Bad_Pixel for space !--- surface type call READ_LAND_SFC_HDF(Sfc_Type_Id, Sfc_Type_Str, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Sfc%Sfc_Type) !--- surface elevation if (Read_Surface_Elevation /= 0) then !--- read the high res data call READ_LAND_SFC_HDF(Surface_Elev_Id, Surface_Elev_Str, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Two_Byte_Temp) !--- convert to a real number Sfc%Zsfc_Hires = real(two_byte_temp,kind=real4) !--- values over water are missing, set to zero where(Sfc%Zsfc_Hires .eqr. Missing_Value_Real4) Sfc%Zsfc_Hires = 0.0 end where endif !--- merge with nwp surface elevation if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then call MERGE_NWP_HIRES_ZSFC(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif !--- read coast mask if (Read_Coast_Mask == sym%YES) then call READ_LAND_SFC_HDF(Coast_Mask_Id, Coast_Mask_Str, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Sfc%Coast) endif !--- read land mask if (Read_Land_Mask == sym%YES) then call READ_LAND_SFC_HDF(Land_Mask_Id, Land_Mask_Str, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Sfc%Land) endif !--- modify land class with ndvi if available (helps mitigate navigation errors) call MODIFY_LAND_CLASS_WITH_NDVI(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- read volcano mask if (Read_Volcano_Mask == sym%YES) then call READ_LAND_SFC_HDF(Volcano_Mask_Id, Volcano_Mask_Str, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Sfc%Volcano_Mask) endif !--- read Snow mask if (Read_Snow_Mask == sym%READ_SNOW_HIRES .and. Failed_IMS_Snow_Mask_Flag == sym%NO) then call READ_LAND_SFC_HDF(Snow_Mask_Id, Snow_Mask_Str, Nav%Lat, Nav%Lon, Geo%Space_Mask, Sfc%Snow_IMS) endif if (Read_Snow_Mask == sym%READ_SNOW_GLOB .and. Failed_Glob_Snow_Mask_Flag == sym%NO ) then call GET_PIXEL_GLOBSNOW_ANALYSIS(Nav%Lat,Nav%Lon,Sfc%Land,Bad_Pixel_Mask,Sfc%Snow_Glob) endif !--- define binary land and coast masks (yes/no) from land and coast flags call COMPUTE_BINARY_LAND_COAST_MASKS(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) !--- interpolate sst analyses to each pixel if (Use_Sst_Anal == 1) then call GET_PIXEL_SST_ANALYSIS(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) call COMPUTE_SNOW_CLASS_OISST(SST_Anal_Cice,Sfc%Snow_OISST) endif !--- compute a coast mask relative to nwp data if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then call COMPUTE_COAST_MASK_NWP(Line_Idx_Min_Segment,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment) endif !--- compute a snow classification from NWP if (NWP_PIX%Nwp_Opt /= 0) then call COMPUTE_SNOW_CLASS_NWP(NWP_PIX%Weasd, NWP_PIX%Sea_Ice_Frac,Sfc%Snow_NWP) endif !---- ensure missing values for space scenes where (Geo%Space_Mask == sym%YES) Sfc%Zsfc_Hires = Missing_Value_Real4 Sfc%Coast = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Land = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Snow_IMS = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Snow_GLOB = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Snow_NWP = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Snow_OISST = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Volcano_Mask = Missing_Value_Int1 Sfc%Sfc_Type = Missing_Value_Int1 end where !--- interpolate white sky albedoes to each pixel in segment if (Modis_Clr_Alb_Flag == sym%YES) then if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(1) == sym%YES) then if (.not. allocated(ch(1)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky)) then allocate(ch(1)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment)) ch(1)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky = Missing_Value_Real4 endif call READ_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_ALBEDO(Modis_Alb_0_66_Id, Modis_Alb_0_66_Str, & ch(1)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(2) == sym%YES) then if (.not. allocated(ch(2)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky)) then allocate(ch(2)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment)) ch(2)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky = Missing_Value_Real4 endif call READ_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_ALBEDO(Modis_Alb_0_86_Id, Modis_Alb_0_86_Str, & ch(2)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(5) == sym%YES) then if (.not. allocated(ch(5)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky)) then allocate(ch(5)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment)) ch(5)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky = Missing_Value_Real4 endif call READ_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_ALBEDO(Modis_Alb_1_24_Id, Modis_Alb_1_24_Str, & ch(5)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(6) == sym%YES) then if (.not. allocated(ch(6)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky)) then allocate(ch(6)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment)) ch(6)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky = Missing_Value_Real4 endif call READ_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_ALBEDO(Modis_Alb_1_64_Id, Modis_Alb_1_64_Str, & ch(6)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky) endif if (Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(7) == sym%YES) then if (.not. allocated(ch(7)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky)) then allocate(ch(7)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment)) ch(7)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky = Missing_Value_Real4 endif call READ_MODIS_WHITE_SKY_ALBEDO(Modis_Alb_2_13_Id, Modis_Alb_2_13_Str, & ch(7)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky) endif endif end subroutine MAP_ANCIL_DATA_TO_PIXEL_GRID !****************************************************************************** ! End of Code !****************************************************************************** end program PROCESS_CLAVRX