! $Header: https://svn.ssec.wisc.edu/repos/cloud_team_clavrx/branches/clavrx_abi_aerosol_algorithm/main_src/iff_module.f90 3082 2018-12-17 17:53:19Z mfoster $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: iff_module.f90 (src) ! IFF_MODULE (program) ! ! PURPOSE: IFF read tool ! ! DESCRIPTION: This moduule reads IFF data ! ! AUTHORS: ! Denis Botambekov, CIMSS, denis.botambekov@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module IFF_MODULE use HDF, only: use PLANCK_MOD, only: & convert_radiance use PIXEL_COMMON_MOD, only: & sensor & , image use CONSTANTS_MOD, only: & sym & , int1 & , int2 & , int4 & , int8 & , real4 & , real8 & , ipre use CALIBRATION_CONSTANTS_MOD, only: & Planck_Nu implicit none public :: GET_IFF_DATA public :: READ_IFF_DATE_TIME type , public :: iff_data_config integer , dimension( 2 ) :: year_int integer , dimension( 2 ) :: doy_int integer :: n_chan integer :: seg_num integer , dimension( 38 ) :: chan_list integer , dimension( 2 ) :: offset integer , dimension( 2 ) :: count logical , dimension( 38 ) :: chan_on logical :: iff_cloud_mask_on character ( len = 1020 ) :: iff_file character ( len = 1020 ) :: dir_1b character ( len = 1020 ) :: Ancil_Data_Dir end type iff_data_config type :: geo_str real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: solzen real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: satzen real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: solaz real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: sataz real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: relaz real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: lat real , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: lon real , dimension (:) , allocatable :: scan_time integer , dimension (:) , allocatable :: ascend integer(kind=int1) , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: sounder_fov integer(kind=int2) , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: sounder_x integer(kind=int2) , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: sounder_y integer(kind=int1) , dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: sounder_mask integer(kind=int2) , dimension (:, :,:) , allocatable :: nearest_sounder_x integer(kind=int2) , dimension (:, :,:) , allocatable :: nearest_sounder_y end type geo_str type :: band_str logical :: is_read real,dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: ref real,dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: rad real,dimension (:,:) , allocatable :: bt contains procedure :: dealloc_band_str end type band_str type :: cloud_products_str integer , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: cld_mask real , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: sndr_cld_temp ! MJH real , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: sndr_cld_pres real , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: sndr_cld_height end type cloud_products_str type, public :: iff_data_out type (band_str), allocatable :: band(:) type (geo_str) :: geo type ( cloud_products_str) :: prd contains procedure :: dealloc => dealloc_iff_data_out end type iff_data_out real(kind=real4), parameter, private:: missing_value = -999.0 contains !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine to get dimentions from IFF 1b file Latitude ! subroutine GET_IFF_DIMS (File_Name, Nx, Ny) use CX_HDF4_MOD, only: & open_file_hdf_read & , hdf_sds_dimensions_reader & , close_file_hdf_read implicit none character(len=*), intent(in):: File_Name integer, intent(out):: Nx integer, intent(out):: Ny integer :: Status integer :: Id integer :: Rank integer, dimension (10) :: Sds_Dims character(len=64):: Sds_Name Status = 0 Sds_Name = "Latitude" error_check: do while (Status == 0) Status = OPEN_FILE_HDF_READ ( TRIM(File_Name), Id ) + Status Status = HDF_SDS_DIMENSIONS_READER ( Id, TRIM(Sds_Name), Rank, Sds_Dims ) + Status Status = CLOSE_FILE_HDF_READ ( Id, TRIM(File_Name) ) Nx = Sds_Dims(1) Ny = Sds_Dims(2) Status = 1 enddo error_check ! end of while loop end subroutine GET_IFF_DIMS !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Main subroutine to read IFF files ! subroutine GET_IFF_DATA ( config , out ) type ( iff_data_config ) , intent ( inout ) :: config type ( iff_data_out ) , intent ( out ) :: out integer :: error_out call CHECK_INPUT ( config ) ! -- call call READ_IFF_LEVEL1B ( config, out , error_out ) end subroutine GET_IFF_DATA !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check input - should be extended ( testing if file exists etc... ! subroutine CHECK_INPUT ( config ) type ( iff_data_config ) , intent ( inout ) :: config if ( config % offset (1) <= 0 ) config % offset (1) = 1 if ( config % offset (2) <= 0 ) config % offset (2) = 1 if ( config % count (1) <= 0 ) then select case ( trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) ) case ('VIIRS-IFF') config % count (1) = 3200 case ('AQUA-IFF') config % count (1) = 1354 case ( 'AVHRR-IFF') config % count (1) = 409 case default end select end if if ( config % count (2) <= 0 ) config % count (2) = Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment end subroutine CHECK_INPUT !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine to read IFF 1b files ! subroutine READ_IFF_LEVEL1B ( config, out, error_out ) use FILE_TOOLS, only: & file_search use CX_HDF4_MOD, only: & open_file_hdf_read & , close_file_hdf_read & , hdf_sds_dimensions_reader & , hdf_sds_reader & , hdf_sds_attribute_reader use CX_STRING_TOOLS_MOD, only: & COUNTSUBSTRING & , SPLIT_STRING & , REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG type ( iff_data_config ) , intent ( in ) :: config type ( iff_data_out ) , intent ( out ) :: out integer, intent(out) , optional :: error_out integer(kind=int4) :: iend integer(kind=int4) :: i_geo integer(kind=int4) :: i_band integer(kind=int4) :: iband_sds integer(kind=int4) :: ii_ref_rad integer(kind=int4) :: Status integer(kind=int4) :: Id integer(kind=int4) :: Rank integer(kind=int4) :: num_ref_ch integer(kind=int4) :: num_rad_ch integer(kind=int4) :: ii integer(kind=int4) :: num_char_band_names ! integer(kind=int4) :: empty_i ! integer(kind=int4) :: empty_j ! integer(kind=int4) :: interp_i ! integer(kind=int4) :: interp_j ! integer(kind=int4) :: nearest_i integer(kind=int4) :: nx_start , nx_end , ny_start , ny_end integer(kind=int4), dimension (10) :: Sds_Dims integer(kind=int4), dimension(:), allocatable :: band_names_int_ref integer(kind=int4), dimension(:), allocatable :: band_names_int_rad integer(kind=int4), dimension (1) :: start_1d, stride_1d, edge_1d integer(kind=int4), dimension (2) :: start_2d, stride_2d, edge_2d integer(kind=int4), dimension (3) :: start_3d, stride_3d, edge_3d ! integer(kind=int1), dimension( : , : , : ) , allocatable :: i3d_buffer ! MJH Aug 2015 these are unnecessary now; use i2d_8_buffer instead ! integer(kind=int2), dimension( : , :) , allocatable :: i2d_buffer_int2 ! integer(kind=int1), dimension( : , :) , allocatable :: i2d_buffer_int1 integer(kind=int4) , dimension(2) :: dim_seg integer(kind=int1), dimension( : , : ) , allocatable :: i2d_8_buffer integer(kind=int2), dimension( : , : ) , allocatable :: i2d_16_buffer real(kind=int4), parameter :: fill_value = 65535. real(kind=int8), parameter :: sec_per_day = 86400. real(kind=int4), dimension(39) :: nu_list real(kind=int4), dimension ( : ) , allocatable:: time_msec_day real(kind=int8), dimension( : ) , allocatable :: r1d_buffer real(kind=int4), dimension( : , : ) , allocatable :: r2d_buffer real(kind=int4), dimension( : , : , : ) , allocatable :: r3d_buffer ! real(kind=int4) :: this_imgr_11um ! real(kind=int4) :: diff_11um ! real(kind=int4) :: best_diff_11um character (len=100), dimension ( 7 ) :: setname_geo_list = (/ character(len=40) :: & 'Latitude' & ! 1 , 'Longitude' & ! 2 , 'SensorAzimuth' & ! 3 , 'SensorZenith' & ! 4 , 'SolarAzimuth' & ! 5 , 'SolarZenith' & ! 6 , 'ScanStartTime' /) ! 7 character (len=100) :: sndr_cld_temp_strg = 'SounderCloudTemperature' !MJH character (len=100) :: sndr_cld_pres_strg = 'SounderCloudPressure' character (len=100) :: sndr_cld_height_strg = 'SounderCloudHeights' character (len = 150) :: setname_band ! character (len = 1020) , pointer , dimension (:) :: file_arr_dummy ! character (len = 1020) :: file_cld_mask ! character (len = 1020) :: file_srch character (len = 200) :: band_names_char character (len = 100), dimension(:), allocatable :: band_names_char_arr ! character (len = 4) :: year_strg ! character (len = 3) :: doy_strg logical, dimension(39) :: sounder_ch logical :: sounder_avail error_out = 0 iend = 0 Status = 0 sounder_ch = .false. sounder_avail = .false. error_check: do while (Status == 0 .and. iend == 0) ! calculate start, end nx_start = config % offset(1) - 1 ny_start = config % offset(2) - 1 start_2d = [nx_start, ny_start] stride_2d = [ 1, 1 ] nx_end = nx_start + config % count(1) ny_end = ny_start + config % count(2) dim_seg = [ nx_end - nx_start, ny_end - ny_start ] edge_2d = dim_seg ! set nu numbes for radiance conversion nu_list = 0 nu_list(20:25) = [Planck_Nu(20), Planck_Nu(21), Planck_Nu(22), Planck_Nu(23), Planck_Nu(24), Planck_Nu(25)] nu_list(27:39) = [Planck_Nu(27), Planck_Nu(28), Planck_Nu(29), Planck_Nu(30), Planck_Nu(31), Planck_Nu(32), & Planck_Nu(33), Planck_Nu(34), Planck_Nu(35), Planck_Nu(36), Planck_Nu(31), Planck_Nu(32), & Planck_Nu(33)] ! open file Status = OPEN_FILE_HDF_READ ( TRIM( config % iff_file ), Id ) + Status Status = HDF_SDS_DIMENSIONS_READER ( Id, TRIM(setname_geo_list(1)), Rank, Sds_Dims ) + Status ! --- read geo info do i_geo = 1 , 6 Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(setname_geo_list(i_geo)),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,r2d_buffer) + Status select case (i_geo) case(1) if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % lat ) ) allocate ( out % geo % lat (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % lat = r2d_buffer case(2) if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % lon ) ) allocate ( out % geo % lon (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % lon = r2d_buffer case(3) if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % sataz ) ) allocate ( out % geo % sataz (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % sataz = r2d_buffer case(4) if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % satzen ) ) allocate ( out % geo % satzen (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % satzen = r2d_buffer case(5) if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % solaz ) ) allocate ( out % geo % solaz (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % solaz = r2d_buffer case(6) if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % solzen ) ) allocate ( out % geo % solzen (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % solzen = r2d_buffer end select end do ! read geo info ! MJH if AVHRR, read in aux fields like sounder collocation indices ! and Menzel HIRS cloud heights if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-IFF') then ! cld temp Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(sndr_cld_temp_strg),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,r2d_buffer) + Status if (.not. allocated ( out % prd % sndr_cld_temp ) ) allocate & ( out % prd % sndr_cld_temp (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % prd % sndr_cld_temp = r2d_buffer ! cld pressure Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(sndr_cld_pres_strg),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,r2d_buffer) + Status if (.not. allocated ( out % prd % sndr_cld_pres ) ) allocate & ( out % prd % sndr_cld_pres (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % prd % sndr_cld_pres = r2d_buffer ! cld height Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(sndr_cld_height_strg),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,r2d_buffer) + Status if (.not. allocated ( out % prd % sndr_cld_height ) ) allocate & ( out % prd % sndr_cld_height (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % prd % sndr_cld_height = r2d_buffer endif ! MJH Moved this out of geo loop ! (it never gets allocated?? see https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/295774) if (allocated(r2d_buffer)) deallocate ( r2d_buffer ) ! read scan time and convert to milliseconds start_1d(1) = start_2d(2) stride_1d(1) =stride_2d(2) edge_1d(1) = edge_2d(2) Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(setname_geo_list(7)),start_1d, & stride_1d,edge_1d,r1d_buffer) + Status allocate ( time_msec_day ( size ( r1d_buffer))) time_msec_day = ( dmod ( r1d_buffer , sec_per_day ) ) * 1000 if (.not. allocated ( out % geo % scan_time ) ) allocate ( out % geo % scan_time (dim_seg(2)) ) out % geo % scan_time = time_msec_day if (allocated(time_msec_day)) deallocate ( time_msec_day ) if (allocated(r1d_buffer)) deallocate ( r1d_buffer ) ! --- Read reflectence band centers to find position in the array ! loop over 1 = reflectance and 2 = radiance do ii_ref_rad = 1, 2 if ( ii_ref_rad == 1 ) then setname_band = 'ReflectiveSolarBands' elseif ( ii_ref_rad == 2 ) then setname_band = 'EmissiveBands' endif ! get band names from the attribute Status = hdf_sds_attribute_reader(Id, TRIM(setname_band), 'band_names', band_names_char) + Status ! find out how many attributes num_char_band_names = COUNTSUBSTRING ( band_names_char, ',' ) + 1 ! split one string to channel names array Status = SPLIT_STRING (band_names_char, ',', num_char_band_names, band_names_char_arr) + Status ! delete all unuseful characters from the string ! for CrIS, HIRS and AIRS channels add 1 (131 - 136) ! for MODIS set low 13 & 14 channels to 913 and 914 to ignore it do ii = 1, num_char_band_names Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'-','1','before') + Status ! Sounder Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'o','9','before') + Status ! Pseudo select case (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name)) case('VIIRS-IFF') Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'M',' ','before') + Status ! M-Bands case('AQUA-IFF') Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'l','9','after') + Status ! lo/hi Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'h',' ','after') + Status case('AVHRR-IFF') Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'a',' ','after') + Status ! 3a/3b Status = REPLACE_CHAR_IN_STRG (band_names_char_arr(ii),'b',' ','after') + Status case default end select enddo ! loop over band names ! convert string array to integer if ( ii_ref_rad == 1 ) then allocate ( band_names_int_ref (num_char_band_names) ) read (band_names_char_arr,fmt=*) band_names_int_ref num_ref_ch = num_char_band_names if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS-IFF') then do ii = 1, num_char_band_names select case ( band_names_int_ref(ii) ) case (1) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 8 case (2) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 9 case (3) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 3 case (4) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 4 case (5) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 1 case (6) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 15 case (7) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 2 case (8) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 5 case (9) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 26 case (10) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 6 case (11) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 7 end select enddo elseif (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-IFF') then do ii = 1, num_char_band_names select case ( band_names_int_ref(ii) ) case (1) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 1 case (2) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 2 case (3) band_names_int_ref(ii) = 6 end select enddo endif elseif ( ii_ref_rad == 2 ) then allocate ( band_names_int_rad (num_char_band_names) ) read (band_names_char_arr,fmt=*) band_names_int_rad num_rad_ch = num_char_band_names if (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'VIIRS-IFF') then do ii = 1, num_char_band_names select case ( band_names_int_rad(ii) ) case (12) ! M-Bands band_names_int_rad(ii) = 20 case (13) ! M-Bands band_names_int_rad(ii) = 22 case (14) ! M-Bands band_names_int_rad(ii) = 29 case (15) ! M-Bands band_names_int_rad(ii) = 31 case (16) ! M-Bands band_names_int_rad(ii) = 32 case (127) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 27 sounder_ch(27) = .true. case (128) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 28 sounder_ch(28) = .true. case (130) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 30 sounder_ch(30) = .true. ! Attn: Use unused ch. to save CrIS 11um case (131) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 37 sounder_ch(37) = .true. ! Attn: Use unused ch. to save CrIS 12um case (132) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 38 sounder_ch(38) = .true. case (133) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 33 sounder_ch(33) = .true. case (134) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 34 sounder_ch(34) = .true. case (135) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 35 sounder_ch(35) = .true. case (136) ! Sounder band_names_int_rad(ii) = 36 sounder_ch(36) = .true. case (933) ! Pseudo band_names_int_rad(ii) = 45 end select if (any (sounder_ch)) sounder_avail = .true. enddo elseif (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AVHRR-IFF') then do ii = 1, num_char_band_names select case ( band_names_int_rad(ii) ) case (3) band_names_int_rad(ii) = 20 case (4) band_names_int_rad(ii) = 31 case (5) band_names_int_rad(ii) = 32 case (14) ! HIRS-4 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 36 sounder_ch(36) = .true. case (15) ! HIRS-5 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 35 sounder_ch(35) = .true. case (16) ! HIRS-6 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 34 sounder_ch(34) = .true. case (17) ! HIRS-7 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 33 sounder_ch(33) = .true. ! Attn: Use unused ch. to save HIRS 11um case (18) ! HIRS-8 ! same as AVHRR ch4 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 37 sounder_ch(37) = .true. case (19) ! HIRS-9 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 30 sounder_ch(30) = .true. ! Attn: Use ch. 29 to save either HIRS 12um or 8.55um case (110) ! HIRS-10 ! same as AVHRR ch5 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 38 ! early 29, latter 32 sounder_ch(38) = .true. case (111) ! HIRS-11 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 28 sounder_ch(28) = .true. case (112) ! HIRS-12 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 27 sounder_ch(27) = .true. case (114) ! HIRS-14 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 25 sounder_ch(25) = .true. case (116) ! HIRS-16 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 24 sounder_ch(24) = .true. case (118) ! HIRS-18 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 23 sounder_ch(23) = .true. ! Attn: Use unused ch. to save HIRS 3.75um case (119) ! HIRS-19 ! same as AVHRR ch3 band_names_int_rad(ii) = 21 sounder_ch(21) = .true. case (933) ! Pseudo band_names_int_rad(ii) = 45 end select if (any (sounder_ch)) sounder_avail = .true. enddo elseif (trim(Sensor%Sensor_Name) == 'AQUA-IFF') then do ii = 1, num_char_band_names if ( band_names_int_rad(ii) == 933 ) band_names_int_rad(ii) = 45 enddo endif endif ! --- dealocate variables deallocate ( band_names_char_arr ) ! --- end loop over ref & rad enddo allocate ( out % band (config % n_chan)) out % band % is_read = .false. ! --- read bands do i_band = 1, config % n_chan ! check if channel is on if ( .not. config % chan_on ( i_band ) ) cycle iband_sds = - 1 ! based on channel, set appropriate names and sds band index if ((config % chan_list(i_band) >= 1 .and. config % chan_list(i_band) <= 19) & .or. config % chan_list(i_band) == 26) then setname_band = 'ReflectiveSolarBands' ! find what current channel has array number iband_sds = -1 do ii = 1, num_ref_ch if ( config % chan_list(i_band) == band_names_int_ref(ii) ) then iband_sds = ii endif enddo if (iband_sds < 0) cycle elseif ((config % chan_list(i_band) >= 20 .and. config % chan_list(i_band) <= 38 & .and. config % chan_list(i_band) /= 26) .or. config % chan_list(i_band) == 45) then setname_band = 'EmissiveBands' ! find what current channel has array number iband_sds = -1 do ii = 1, num_rad_ch if ( config % chan_list(i_band) == band_names_int_rad(ii) ) then iband_sds = ii endif enddo if (iband_sds < 0) cycle endif ! read bands stride_3d = (/ 1, 1, 1 /) start_3d = (/ 0, ny_start, iband_sds - 1 /) edge_3d = (/ dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2), 1 /) allocate ( r3d_buffer(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2), 1) ) Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(setname_band),start_3d, & stride_3d,edge_3d,r3d_buffer) + Status ! change fill and unrealistic values to missing where(r3d_buffer == fill_value .or. r3d_buffer .gt. 400.) r3d_buffer = missing_value endwhere ! --- calibrate reflective channel data from 0 to 100% ! --- convert radiance and save all data if (trim(setname_band) == 'ReflectiveSolarBands') then r3d_buffer = 100.0 * r3d_buffer where(r3d_buffer .LT. 0.) r3d_buffer = missing_value endwhere if (.not. allocated ( out % band (i_band) % ref ) ) & allocate (out % band (i_band) % ref (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % band (i_band) % ref = r3d_buffer(:,:,1) elseif (trim(setname_band) == 'EmissiveBands') then call CONVERT_RADIANCE(r3d_buffer(:,:,1),nu_list(i_band),missing_value) if (.not. allocated ( out % band (i_band) % rad ) ) & allocate (out % band (i_band) % rad (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) out % band (i_band) % rad = r3d_buffer(:,:,1) endif out % band (i_band) % is_read = .true. ! --- dealocate variables deallocate ( r3d_buffer ) enddo ! loop over channals deallocate ( band_names_int_ref ) deallocate ( band_names_int_rad ) allocate ( out % geo % nearest_sounder_x(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2), 4) ) allocate ( out % geo % nearest_sounder_y(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2), 4) ) allocate ( i2d_8_buffer(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) allocate ( i2d_16_buffer(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) allocate ( out % geo % sounder_fov(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) allocate ( out % geo % sounder_x(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) allocate ( out % geo % sounder_y(dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) allocate ( out % geo % sounder_mask (dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2)) ) ! --- initialize out % geo % nearest_sounder_x = missing_value out % geo % nearest_sounder_y = missing_value out % geo % sounder_fov = -128 out % geo % sounder_x = missing_value out % geo % sounder_y = missing_value out % geo % sounder_mask = -128 ! --- read nearest sounder indexes if (sounder_avail) then stride_3d = (/ 1, 1, 1 /) start_3d = (/ 0, ny_start, 0 /) edge_3d = (/ dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2), 4 /) setname_band = 'NearestSounderX' Status = HDF_SDS_READER(Id,TRIM(setname_band),start_3d, & stride_3d,edge_3d,out % geo % nearest_sounder_x) + Status ! - if for previous variable is missing than NO sounder data, skip all these setname_band = 'NearestSounderY' Status = HDF_SDS_READER(Id,TRIM(setname_band),start_3d, & stride_3d,edge_3d,out % geo % nearest_sounder_y) + Status ! --- loop over all pixels and interpolate all channels based on 11um ! ! SOUNDER 11um = ch 37, imager 11um = ch 31 ! ! i is elem index, j is line index ! do empty_i = 1, size(out % band (37) % rad, 1) ! do empty_j = 1, size(out % band (37) % rad, 2) ! if (out % band (37) % rad(empty_i, empty_j) /= missing_value) cycle ! ! ! --- nearest neighbor: ! ! --- 11um comparison scheme ! this_imgr_11um = out % band (31) % rad(empty_i, empty_j) ! avhrr ch4 for comparison ! best_diff_11um = 1.e30 ! do nearest_i = 1, 4 ! ! subtract ny_start to get indices into this *segment*! ! ! also careful 1-based indexing!!! ! interp_j = out % geo % nearest_sounder_y (empty_i, empty_j, nearest_i) - ny_start + 1 ! interp_i = out % geo % nearest_sounder_x (empty_i, empty_j, nearest_i) + 1 ! if (interp_j > 0 .and. interp_j <= size(out % band (37) % rad, 2)) then ! diff_11um = abs(this_imgr_11um - out % band (37) % rad(interp_i, interp_j)) ! if (diff_11um < best_diff_11um) then ! ! assign sounder bands w/this index ! do i_band = 22, 36 !config % n_chan ! !if ( i_band == 37 .or. i_band == 38 ) cycle ! if ( sounder_ch (i_band) ) then ! out % band (i_band) % rad(empty_i, empty_j) = & ! out % band (i_band) % rad(interp_i, interp_j) ! endif ! enddo ! best_diff_11um = diff_11um ! endif ! endif ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! --- Read indices from sounder setname_band = 'SounderFOV' stride_2d = (/ 1, 1 /) start_2d = (/ 0, ny_start /) edge_2d = (/ dim_seg(1), dim_seg(2) /) Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(setname_band),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,i2d_8_buffer) + Status out % geo % sounder_fov = i2d_8_buffer ! change fill values to missing where(i2d_8_buffer .lt. 0) out % geo % sounder_fov = -128 endwhere !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Read in SounderX !------------------------------------------------------------------ i2d_16_buffer = -1 setname_band = 'SounderX' Status =hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(setname_band),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,i2d_16_buffer) + Status out % geo % sounder_x = i2d_16_buffer ! change fill values to missing where(i2d_16_buffer .lt. 0) out % geo % sounder_x = -32768 endwhere !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Read in SounderY !------------------------------------------------------------------ i2d_16_buffer = -1 setname_band = 'SounderY' Status = hdf_sds_reader(Id,TRIM(setname_band),start_2d, & stride_2d,edge_2d,i2d_16_buffer) + Status out % geo % sounder_y = i2d_16_buffer ! change fill values to missing where(i2d_16_buffer .lt. 0) out % geo % sounder_y = -32768 endwhere !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Populate sounder mask based on SounderY !------------------------------------------------------------------ where(i2d_16_buffer .lt. 0) ! no sounder ob out % geo % sounder_mask = 0 elsewhere ! we have sounder ob out % geo % sounder_mask = 1 endwhere endif ! end skipping sounder ! --- dealocate variables if (allocated(i2d_8_buffer)) deallocate ( i2d_8_buffer ) if (allocated(i2d_16_buffer)) deallocate ( i2d_16_buffer ) !Close main file Status = CLOSE_FILE_HDF_READ(Id,TRIM(config%iff_file)) !0 1 2 3 4 5 6 !123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 !IFFSDR_aqua_d20130113_t235500_c20150202152558_ssec_dev.hdf !IFFCMO_aqua_d20140203_t101000_c20160904132319_ssec_dev.hdf !IFFSDR_npp_d20130113_t235500_c20150201214538_ssec_dev.hdf !IFFCMO_npp_d20140203_t083000_c20160904132205_ssec_dev.hdf iend = 1 enddo error_check ! end of while loop end subroutine READ_IFF_LEVEL1B !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get the date & time from the file's name ! subroutine READ_IFF_DATE_TIME(Path,Infile,year,doy,start_time, & end_year,end_doy,end_time) use CX_DATE_TIME_TOOLS_MOD, only: & LEAP_YEAR_FCT & , JULIAN implicit none CHARACTER(Len=*), INTENT(IN) :: Path CHARACTER(Len=*), INTENT(IN) :: Infile INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: year INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: doy !day of year INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: start_time !millisec INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: end_time !millisec INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: end_year INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: end_doy !day of year integer(kind=int4):: Status_Flag integer(kind=int4):: Sd_Id integer(kind=int4):: Sds_Id integer(kind=int4):: DFACC_read integer(kind=int4):: sfend integer(kind=int4):: sfstart integer(kind=int4):: sfrcatt integer(kind=int4):: sffattr character(len=20):: Metadata_Temp INTEGER :: ileap INTEGER :: month INTEGER :: day INTEGER :: start_hour INTEGER :: start_minute INTEGER :: start_sec INTEGER :: end_hour INTEGER :: end_minute INTEGER :: end_sec INTEGER :: days_in_year Status_Flag = 0 !---- open file Sd_Id = sfstart(trim(Path)//trim(Infile), DFACC_read) print *,Sd_Id,'NEED TO DELETE THIS IN THE NEXT IFF_MODULE' call system('ls -lh '//trim(Path)//trim(Infile)) !--- determine attribute index Sds_Id = sffattr(Sd_Id, "granule_start_time") print *,Sds_Id !--- read start attribute Status_Flag = sfrcatt(Sd_Id, Sds_Id, Metadata_Temp) + Status_Flag !0 1 2 !12345678901234567890 !2013-01-13 00:00:00 !2013-01-13 00:04:59 if ( status_flag /= 0) then print*,sd_id,status_flag print*,'IFF MODULE: error reading granule' stop end if ! --- Read data read(Metadata_Temp(1:4), fmt="(I4)") year read(Metadata_Temp(6:7), fmt="(I2)") month read(Metadata_Temp(9:10), fmt="(I2)") day read(Metadata_Temp(12:13), fmt="(I2)") start_hour read(Metadata_Temp(15:16), fmt="(I2)") start_minute read(Metadata_Temp(18:19), fmt="(I2)") start_sec ! --- Calculate the date of year ileap = 0 ileap = leap_year_fct(year) days_in_year = 365 + ileap !--- compute day of the year based on month call JULIAN(day,month,year,doy) ! --- read end time !--- determine attribute index Sds_Id = sffattr(Sd_Id, "granule_end_time") !--- read end attribute Status_Flag = sfrcatt(Sd_Id, Sds_Id, Metadata_Temp) + Status_Flag read(Metadata_Temp(12:13), fmt="(I2)") end_hour read(Metadata_Temp(15:16), fmt="(I2)") end_minute read(Metadata_Temp(18:19), fmt="(I2)") end_sec !--- close file Status_Flag = sfend(Sd_Id) + Status_Flag ! --- Calculate start END time start_time = ((start_hour * 60 + start_minute) * 60 + start_sec) * 1000 end_time = ((end_hour * 60 + end_minute) * 60 + end_sec) * 1000 ! --- Check if end time is in the next day or year end_year = year end_doy = doy if ( end_time <= start_time) then end_doy = end_doy + 1 if (end_doy > days_in_year) then end_year = end_year + 1 end_doy = 1 endif endif end subroutine READ_IFF_DATE_TIME !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! public routine to deallocate output structure ! history: 11/14/2013 Denis B. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dealloc_iff_data_out ( this ) class ( iff_data_out) :: this integer :: m if (allocated ( this%prd%cld_mask )) deallocate ( this%prd%cld_mask ) if (allocated ( this%prd%sndr_cld_temp )) deallocate ( this%prd%sndr_cld_temp ) ! MJH if (allocated ( this%prd%sndr_cld_pres )) deallocate ( this%prd%sndr_cld_pres ) if (allocated ( this%prd%sndr_cld_height )) deallocate ( this%prd%sndr_cld_height ) if (allocated ( this%geo%solzen )) deallocate ( this%geo%solzen ) if (allocated ( this%geo%satzen )) deallocate ( this%geo%satzen ) if (allocated ( this%geo%solaz )) deallocate ( this%geo%solaz ) if (allocated ( this%geo%sataz )) deallocate ( this%geo%sataz ) if (allocated ( this%geo%relaz )) deallocate ( this%geo%relaz ) if (allocated ( this%geo%lat )) deallocate ( this%geo%lat ) if (allocated ( this%geo%lon )) deallocate ( this%geo%lon ) if (allocated ( this%geo%scan_time )) deallocate ( this%geo%scan_time ) if (allocated ( this%geo%sounder_fov )) deallocate ( this%geo%sounder_fov ) if (allocated ( this%geo%sounder_x )) deallocate ( this%geo%sounder_x ) if (allocated ( this%geo%sounder_y )) deallocate ( this%geo%sounder_y ) if (allocated ( this%geo%sounder_mask )) deallocate ( this%geo%sounder_mask ) do m = 1 , 37 if (allocated (this%band (m) %ref )) deallocate ( this%band (m) %ref ) if (allocated (this%band (m) %rad )) deallocate ( this%band (m) %rad ) if (allocated (this%band (m) %bt )) deallocate ( this%band (m) %bt ) end do if ( allocated ( this % band )) deallocate ( this % band) end subroutine dealloc_iff_data_out !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine dealloc_band_str ( this ) class ( band_str ) :: this if ( allocated (this%ref) ) deallocate (this%ref ) if ( allocated (this%rad) ) deallocate (this%rad ) if ( allocated (this%bt) ) deallocate (this%bt ) end subroutine dealloc_band_str !---------------------------------------------------------------------- end module IFF_MODULE