! $Header: https://svn.ssec.wisc.edu/repos/cloud_team_clavrx/branches/clavrx_abi_aerosol_algorithm/main_src/dncomp_clavrx_bridge_mod.f90 3273 2019-05-24 12:52:59Z awalther $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: dcomp_clavrx_bridge_mod.f90 (src) ! dcomp_clavrx_bridge_mod (program) ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! AUTHORS: ! Andrew Heidinger, Andrew.Heidinger@noaa.gov ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! Denis Botambekov, CIMSS, denis.botambekov@ssec.wisc.edu ! William Straka, CIMSS, wstraka@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! 02/10.2013 : first version ! 10/21/2013 : bridge to array instead to pixel-based !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module dncomp_clavrx_bridge_mod ! -- MODULES USED use CONSTANTS_MOD, only: & REAL4 , INT4, INT2, INT1 , SYM & , MISSING_VALUE_REAL4 , PI & , dcomp_version ! -- this is not a constant! !use rtm_common use dncomp_interface_def_mod , only: & dncomp_in_type & , dncomp_out_type & , alloc_dncomp & , n_chn use clavrx_message_mod, only: & mesg use pixel_common_mod, only: & ch & , geo & , sfc & , sensor & , image & , cldmask & , acha & , cld_type & , bad_pixel_mask & , lwp_dcomp, reff_dcomp, tau_dcomp, iwp_dcomp & , tau_dcomp_1, tau_dcomp_2, tau_dcomp_3 & , reff_dcomp_1, reff_dcomp_2, reff_dcomp_3 & , tau_dcomp_qf, reff_dcomp_qf & , tau_dcomp_cost , reff_dcomp_cost & , dcomp_info_flag, dcomp_quality_flag & , cloud_063um_transmission_solar & , cloud_063um_transmission_view & , cloud_063um_spherical_albedo & , cloud_063um_albedo & , ancil_data_dir & , ch & , dcomp_mode & , zen_idx_rtm & , solar_rtm & , tau_nlcomp & , reff_nlcomp & , tau_nlcomp_cost & , reff_nlcomp_cost & , nlcomp_quality_flag & , nlcomp_info_flag & , refl_asym_dcomp !!! use pixel_common_mod, only: & ! dcomp_diag_2 , dcomp_diag_3 , dcomp_diag_4 & ! , dcomp_diag_toc_rfl1, dcomp_diag_toc_rfl2 ,dcomp_diag_virt_alb1 & ! ,dcomp_diag_virt_alb2,dcomp_diag_wv1,dcomp_diag_wv2 use calibration_constants_mod, only: & sun_earth_distance & !---- check, This is defined in three routines , solar_ch20_nu use dcomp_rtm_module implicit none private logical :: first_call = .true. public :: set_dcomp_version public :: awg_cloud_dncomp_algorithm character(len = 200) :: DCOMP_RELEASE_VERSION = 'DCOMP version 2_0_0' contains !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! AWG_CLOUD_DCOMP_ALGORITHM ! This is the DCOMP bridge from CLAVR-x !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine awg_cloud_dncomp_algorithm ( iseg_in , nlcomp_mode, algorithm_started ) implicit none !--- input integer, intent(in),optional :: iseg_in logical, intent(in),optional :: nlcomp_mode ! - output logical , intent(out) :: algorithm_started type(dcomp_rtm_type), target :: dcomp_rtm type(dncomp_in_type) :: dcomp_input type(dncomp_out_type) :: dncomp_output integer :: debug_mode integer :: dim_1, dim_2 logical :: run_nlcomp integer, allocatable :: possible_channels ( : ) logical :: chan_on ( N_CHN ) = .false. integer :: i, i_mode integer :: CHN_VIS integer :: CHN_NIR integer :: dcomp_mode_local character ( len = 12) :: string_welc logical, allocatable,target :: is_land (:,:) logical, allocatable, target :: is_valid (:,:) real, allocatable, target :: sfc_dummy(:,:) interface subroutine dcomp_array_loop (a , b , debug_mode_user) import dncomp_in_type import dncomp_out_type type (dncomp_in_type) , intent(in) :: a type (dncomp_out_type), intent(out) :: b integer , intent(in), optional :: debug_mode_user end subroutine end interface interface subroutine nlcomp_array_loop_sub (a , b , debug_mode_user) import dncomp_in_type import dncomp_out_type type (dncomp_in_type) , intent(in) :: a type (dncomp_out_type), intent(out) :: b integer , intent(in), optional :: debug_mode_user end subroutine end interface ! ----- executable --------------------------------------------------- ! run_nlcomp = .false. if (present(nlcomp_mode)) run_nlcomp = nlcomp_mode algorithm_started = .false. ! - do we need to run dcomp at all? ( night etc..) if (run_nlcomp) then ! add here all conditions which leads to a immediate stop if ( count (ch(44)%Ref_Lunar_Toa > 0) < 1 ) return else if ( count ( geo % solzen < 75. .and. geo % solzen >= 0 .and. geo % satzen < 75. ) < 1 ) return end if algorithm_started = .true. if ( first_call) then string_welc = 'DCOMP starts' if ( run_nlcomp ) string_welc = 'NLCOMP starts' call mesg (trim(string_welc),level = 5) first_call = .false. end if ! - compute DCOMP related RTM call perform_rtm_dcomp ( dcomp_rtm ) dim_1 = Image%Number_Of_Elements dim_2 = Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment chan_on = .false. if (run_nlcomp) then allocate (possible_channels(2)) possible_channels =[20,44] else allocate ( possible_channels(5)) possible_channels = [ 1, 5, 6, 7, 20 ] end if do i = 1 , size ( possible_channels ) if ( sensor % chan_on_flag_default ( possible_channels ( i) ) == 1 ) then chan_on (possible_channels ( i) ) = .true. end if end do do i_mode =1, 3 dcomp_mode_local = i_mode if ( dcomp_mode .ne. i_mode .and. dcomp_mode .ne. 9 ) cycle !-allocate input dcomp_input = dncomp_in_type ( chan_on ) dcomp_input % is_channel_on = chan_on if ( .not. run_nlcomp) then !- check mode CHN_VIS = 1 select case ( dcomp_mode_local ) case ( 1 ) CHN_NIR = 6 case ( 2 ) CHN_NIR = 7 case ( 3 ) CHN_NIR = 20 case default print*, 'dcomp mode ',dcomp_mode_local,' not possible' return end select if ( dcomp_input % is_channel_on (CHN_NIR) .eqv. .false.) then if ( iseg_in == 1 ) then print*,'dcomp NIR channel is not set! ==> MODIS equaivalant channel: ', CHN_NIR call mesg ( 'all dcomp results are set to missing values', color=41 , level = -1 ) end if cycle end if if ( dcomp_input % is_channel_on (CHN_VIS) .eqv. .false.) then if ( iseg_in == 1 ) then print*, 'dcomp VIS channel is not set! ==> MODIS equaivalant channel: ', CHN_VIS call mesg ( 'all dcomp results are set to missing values', color=41 , level = -1 ) end if cycle end if end if ! == CONFIGURE ! - dcomp-mode dcomp_input % mode = dcomp_mode_local ! - ancil/lut path dcomp_input % lut_path = trim(ancil_data_dir)//"/static/luts/cld/" ! - wmo sensor id dcomp_input % sensor_wmo_id = sensor % wmo_id dcomp_input % sun_earth_dist = sun_earth_distance ! - Satellite Data ! - all reflectance channels do i = 1, 19 if ( dcomp_input % is_channel_on (i)) then dcomp_input % chn(i) % refl => ch(i)%ref_toa dcomp_input % chn(i) % alb_sfc => ch(i) % sfc_ref_white_sky dcomp_input % gas_coeff(i) % d = solar_rtm % tau_h2o_coef(i,:) end if end do if ( dcomp_input % is_channel_on (20)) then dcomp_input % chn(20) % rad => ch(20)%rad_toa if ( allocated(sfc_dummy)) deallocate(sfc_dummy) allocate ( sfc_dummy, source = ch(20)%sfc_emiss ) sfc_dummy = 100.0*(1.0 - ch(20)%sfc_emiss) dcomp_input % chn(20) % alb_sfc => sfc_dummy dcomp_input % chn(20) % emiss_sfc => ch(20)%sfc_emiss dcomp_input % chn(20) % trans_ac_nadir => dcomp_rtm % trans_ir_ac_nadir dcomp_input % chn(20) % rad_clear_sky_toc => dcomp_rtm % rad_clear_sky_toc_ch20 dcomp_input % chn(20) % rad_clear_sky_toa => dcomp_rtm % rad_clear_sky_toa_ch20 ! -- Solar irradiance in channel 20 dcomp_input % solar_irradiance ( 20) = solar_ch20_nu end if ! IR channels do i = 21, 44 if ( dcomp_input % is_channel_on (i)) dcomp_input % chn(i) % rad => ch(i)%rad_toa end do if ( run_nlcomp) then if ( dcomp_input % is_channel_on (44)) then dcomp_input % chn(44) % refl => ch(44)%ref_lunar_toa dcomp_input % chn(44) % alb_sfc => ch(1)%sfc_ref_white_sky end if dcomp_input % zen_lunar => geo % lunzen dcomp_input % azi_lunar => geo % lunrelaz end if dcomp_input % sat => geo % satzen(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) dcomp_input % sol => geo % solzen dcomp_input % azi => geo % relaz ! - Cloud products dcomp_input % cloud_press => acha % pc dcomp_input % cloud_temp => acha % tc dcomp_input % tau_acha => acha % tau dcomp_input % cloud_mask => cldmask % cld_mask !ccm dcomp_input % cloud_type => cld_type(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) !end ccm !ccm dcomp_input % cloud_type % d = cld_type ! - Flags if ( allocated(is_land)) deallocate(is_land) if ( allocated(is_valid)) deallocate(is_valid) allocate(is_land,source=sfc % land_mask == 1 ) allocate(is_valid,source=bad_pixel_mask /= 1) dcomp_input % is_land => is_land dcomp_input % is_valid => is_valid dcomp_input % press_sfc => dcomp_rtm % sfc_nwp dcomp_input % snow_class => sfc % snow ! - Atmospheric contents ! ozone column in Dobson dcomp_input % ozone_nwp => dcomp_rtm % ozone_path ! Total water Vapour above the cloud dcomp_input % tpw_ac => dcomp_rtm % tpw_ac ! === THE MAIN CALL of DCOMP === if (run_nlcomp) then ! debug_mode_user set to 0 because causing seg fault on viirs gfortran, ! ifort works fine. Andi you can change it, but verify (Denis B.) call nlcomp_array_loop_sub (dcomp_input, dncomp_output, debug_mode_user = 0) !debug_mode_user ) else debug_mode = 0 call dcomp_input % check_input (debug_mode) call mesg ('DCOMP starts in Bridge',level = 9) call dcomp_array_loop ( dcomp_input , dncomp_output , debug_mode_user = debug_mode) call mesg ('DCOMP ends in Bridge',level = 9) end if ! === POPULATE CLAVR-X VARIABLES FROM PIXEL_COMMON_MOD !ccm ! === POPULATE CLAVR-X VARIABLES FROM PIXEL_COMMON_MOD if ( run_nlcomp) then tau_nlcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod % d reff_nlcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cps % d tau_nlcomp_cost(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod_unc % d reff_nlcomp_cost(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % ref_unc % d nlcomp_quality_flag(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % quality % d nlcomp_info_flag(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % info % d else tau_dcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) reff_dcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cps % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) select case (dcomp_mode_local) case (1) tau_dcomp_1 (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) reff_dcomp_1 (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cps % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) case(2) tau_dcomp_2 (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) reff_dcomp_2 (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cps % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) case(3) tau_dcomp_3 (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) reff_dcomp_3 (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cps % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) end select lwp_dcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % lwp % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) iwp_dcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % iwp % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) tau_dcomp_cost(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cod_unc % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) reff_dcomp_cost(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % ref_unc % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) dcomp_quality_flag(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % quality % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) dcomp_info_flag(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % info % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) cloud_063um_transmission_solar(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cld_trn_sol % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) cloud_063um_transmission_view(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cld_trn_obs % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) cloud_063um_albedo(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cld_alb % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) cloud_063um_spherical_albedo(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % cld_sph_alb % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) refl_asym_dcomp (1:dim_1,1:dim_2) = dncomp_output % refl_vis_max % d(1:dim_1,1:dim_2) DCOMP_RELEASE_VERSION = dncomp_output % version end if end do call dcomp_rtm % deallocate_it() end subroutine awg_cloud_dncomp_algorithm !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! routine to set the cvs version in a global variable to write to hdf file !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine set_dcomp_version() dcomp_version = DCOMP_RELEASE_VERSION end subroutine set_dcomp_version end module dncomp_clavrx_bridge_mod