! $Header: https://svn.ssec.wisc.edu/repos/cloud_team_clavrx/branches/clavrx_abi_aerosol_algorithm/main_src/dnb_retrievals_mod.f90 3082 2018-12-17 17:53:19Z mfoster $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 6.0 ! ! NAME: dnb_retrievals_mod.f90 (src) ! dnb_retrievals_mod (program) ! ! PURPOSE: this program computes lunar eflectance ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! AUTHORS: ! Steven Miller , CIRA ! Andrew Heidinger, Andrew.Heidinger@noaa.gov ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! Denis Botambekov, CIMSS, denis.botambekov@ssec.wisc.edu ! William Straka, CIMSS, wstraka@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! !HISTORY: ! 02/20/2015: updated coeffcients sent from Steve on 26 Jan 2015 (AW) ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module dnb_retrievals_mod use FILE_TOOLS implicit none private public :: compute_lunar_reflectance integer, parameter :: INT2 = selected_int_kind(3) integer, parameter :: INT4 = selected_int_kind(8) integer, parameter :: REAL4 = selected_real_kind(6,37) contains subroutine compute_lunar_reflectance ( & rad_chdnb_input & & , solzen & & , lunzen & & , start_year & & , month & & , day_of_month & & , start_time & & , lunar_phase_angle_topo & & , ancil_data_dir & & , ref_chdnb_lunar) implicit none ! - input real , intent(in) :: rad_chdnb_input(:,:) real , intent(in) :: solzen(:,:) real , intent(in) :: lunzen(:,:) integer(INT4), intent(in) :: start_time integer(INT2), intent(in) :: start_year integer(INT2), intent(in) :: month integer(INT2), intent(in) :: day_of_month double precision , intent(in) :: lunar_phase_angle_topo character ( len = * ), intent(in) :: ancil_data_dir ! - output !---akh-- real, intent ( out ) ,allocatable :: ref_chdnb_lunar(:,:) real, intent ( out ) :: ref_chdnb_lunar(:,:) ! - paramaters ! - physical double precision , parameter :: MEAN_EARTH_SUN_DIST = 149598022.6071 double precision , parameter :: MEAN_EARTH_MOON_DIST = 384400.0 real , parameter :: EARTH_RADIUS_KM = 6378.140 real , parameter:: SRF_INTEG = 0.32560294 ! integral of the DNB sensor response function (micron) real , parameter:: ASTRO_DARK_THRESH = 109.0 ! Sun 19 degrees or more below horizon real , parameter :: MIN_LUNAR_IRRAD_DNB = 1.0e-5 ! W/m^2 = 1.0e-09 W/cm^2, threshold for doing calcs !******** ! NEW 3/26/2014 based on Gauss curve-fits to Obs/Mod ratio data between -120(wax) and 120(wane) degrees ! Note: "lpds" means "lunar phase, degrees, signed" DOUBLE PRECISION :: lpds ! USE 4/10/2015 more precision ! WAX VIS08 DOUBLE PRECISION :: waxp1=5.2228373e-12,waxp2=2.2410515e-9,waxp3=3.7994231e-7,waxp4=3.1637454e-5,& waxp5=1.3079265e-3,waxp6=2.3328238e-2,waxp7=1.1448359 ! WANE VIS08 DOUBLE PRECISION :: wanp1=6.3455594e-12,wanp2=-2.6095939e-9,wanp3=4.2557303e-7,wanp4=-3.4087847e-5,& wanp5=1.3562948e-3,wanp6= -2.5037150e-2,wanp7=1.1450824 !- other params real , parameter:: PI = ACOS(-1.) real , parameter:: DTOR = PI / 180. integer :: FLOAT_SIZE = 4 integer :: DOUBLE_SIZE = 8 real, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: rad_chdnb double precision :: yyyymmddhh double precision :: lunar_phase_angle_geo double precision :: cos_phase_angle double precision :: curr_earth_sun_dist double precision :: curr_earth_moon_dist double precision :: curr_mean_irrad double precision :: cos_weighted_irrad integer( kind = 4 ) , parameter :: num_irrad_tabvals = 181 integer( kind = 4 ) , parameter :: num_dist_tabvals = 184080 real, allocatable :: lunar_irrad_lut (:,:) double precision, allocatable :: dist_phase_lut(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: phase_array(:) real :: hour_fraction real :: phase_fraction real :: minute real :: hour real :: lunar_irrad_dnb integer :: i integer :: j integer :: dtg_index integer :: irrad_index double precision :: denorm1 double precision :: denorm2 double precision :: denorm3 double precision :: denorm_factor logical :: dnb_verbose = .false. !logical :: dnb_verbose = .true. character(len=1020) :: lunar_irrad_file character(len=1020) :: distance_table_file integer :: num_pix , num_elem logical :: is_waning real :: phase_albedo_correction_factor = 1. ! --- executable -------------------------------------- lunar_irrad_file = trim(ancil_data_dir)//'static/dnb_ancils/lunar_irrad_Mean_DNB.bin' if ( .not. file_test ( trim(lunar_irrad_file) ) ) then print* , 'lunar irradiance file missing ', lunar_irrad_file return end if distance_table_file = trim(ancil_data_dir)//'static/dnb_ancils/DIST_2010-2030_double.bin' if ( .not. file_test ( trim(distance_table_file) ) ) then print* , 'lunar irradiance file missing ', distance_table_file return end if num_pix = ubound(rad_chdnb_input,1) num_elem = ubound(rad_chdnb_input,2) allocate ( lunar_irrad_LUT(2,num_irrad_tabvals) ) allocate ( dist_phase_LUT(4,num_dist_tabvals)) allocate ( phase_array(num_irrad_tabvals) ) !--- allocate ( ref_chdnb_lunar(num_pix,num_elem) ) allocate ( rad_chdnb(num_pix, num_elem)) ! - read LUT values for Sun Earth Moon geometry open (unit=1,file=trim(lunar_irrad_file),status="old",action="read",& access="direct",form="unformatted",recl=float_size*2*num_irrad_tabvals) read (unit=1,rec=1) lunar_irrad_lut close (1) open (unit=1,file=trim(distance_table_file),status="old",action="read",& access="direct",form="unformatted",recl=double_size*4*num_dist_tabvals) read (unit=1,rec=1) dist_phase_lut close (1) ! - 3. compute toa downwelling lunar irradiance (lunar_irrad_dnb) for current date/time minute = mod(start_time/1000./60., 60.) hour_fraction = minute / 60.0 hour = floor(start_time/1000./60./60.) yyyymmddhh = start_year * 1000000 + month*10000+ day_of_month *100 + int(hour) dtg_index = index_in_vector(dist_phase_lut(1,:),num_dist_tabvals,yyyymmddhh) dtg_index = min(num_dist_tabvals,dtg_index) dtg_index = max(1,dtg_index) lunar_phase_angle_geo = dist_phase_lut(2,dtg_index) & & + hour_fraction & & * (dist_phase_lut(2,dtg_index + 1) & & - dist_phase_lut(2,dtg_index)) curr_earth_sun_dist = dist_phase_lut(3,dtg_index) & & + hour_fraction & & * (dist_phase_lut(3,dtg_index + 1) & & - dist_phase_lut(3,dtg_index)) curr_earth_moon_dist = dist_phase_lut(4,dtg_index) & & + hour_fraction & & * (dist_phase_lut(4,dtg_index + 1) & & - dist_phase_lut(4,dtg_index)) if (dnb_verbose) then print *,'' print *,'compare (these two values should be about the same):' print *, 'lunar_phase (from viirs granule) = ',lunar_phase_angle_topo print *, 'lunar_phase_angle_geo (from lut) = ',lunar_phase_angle_geo print *,'' print *,'' print *,'dist_phase_lut(:,dtg_index) = ',dist_phase_lut(:,dtg_index) print *,'dist_phase_lut(:,dtg_index+1) = ',dist_phase_lut(:,dtg_index+1) print *,'hour_fraction = ',hour_fraction print *,'lunar_phase_angle_geo = ',lunar_phase_angle_geo print *,'curr_earthsun_dist = ',curr_earth_sun_dist print *,'curr_earthmoon_dist = ',curr_earth_moon_dist print *,'' print *,'solar angle min max ', minval(solzen),maxval(solzen) end if ! b) interpolate lunar_irrad_lut() to get current mean-geometry lunar irradiance pre-convolved to dnb srf ! use topo phase angle phase_fraction = lunar_phase_angle_topo - int(lunar_phase_angle_topo) phase_array = lunar_irrad_lut(1,:) irrad_index = index_in_vector(phase_array,num_irrad_tabvals,lunar_phase_angle_topo) curr_mean_irrad = lunar_irrad_lut(2,irrad_index) + & & phase_fraction*(lunar_irrad_lut(2,irrad_index+1)-lunar_irrad_lut(2,irrad_index)) deallocate ( phase_array) if (dnb_verbose) then print *,'phase_fraction = ',phase_fraction print *,'irrad_index = ',irrad_index print *,'lunar_irrad_lut(:,irrad_index) = ',lunar_irrad_lut(:,irrad_index) print *,'lunar_irrad_lut(:,irrad_index+1) = ',lunar_irrad_lut(:,irrad_index+1) print *,'curr_mean_irrad = ',curr_mean_irrad end if deallocate ( lunar_irrad_lut ) ! c) define denormalization parameters to scale irradiance to current sun/earth/moon geometry ! use geo phase angle cos_phase_angle = cos(lunar_phase_angle_geo * DTOR) denorm1 = mean_earth_sun_dist ** 2 + mean_earth_moon_dist ** 2 + & 2.0 * mean_earth_moon_dist * mean_earth_sun_dist * cos_phase_angle denorm2 = curr_earth_sun_dist ** 2 + curr_earth_moon_dist ** 2 + & 2.0 * curr_earth_moon_dist * curr_earth_sun_dist * cos_phase_angle denorm3 = ((mean_earth_moon_dist - earth_radius_km ) / (curr_earth_moon_dist - earth_radius_km)) ** 2.0 denorm_factor = (denorm1 / denorm2 ) * denorm3 ! d) denormalize mean-geometry irradiance to current geometry ! also, convert from mw/m^2-um to w/m^2 (divide by 1000 and multiply by srf_integ) lunar_irrad_dnb = curr_mean_irrad * denorm_factor * (SRF_INTEG * 1.0e-03) if (dnb_verbose) then print *,'curr_mean_irrad (mw/m^2-micron)= ',curr_mean_irrad print *,'denorm_factor = ',denorm_factor print *,'--> dnb band-integrated lunar irradiance (w/m^2)= ',lunar_irrad_dnb end if !******** ! PHASE ANGLE BIAS CORRECTION !******** ! e) Compute phase-angle-dependent correction term to account for albedo variation ! Based on curve fits to the Obs/Modeled ratios ! Make sure that we are using the appropriate set of coefficients ! Expansion works on the signed lunar phase angle values (degrees) ! 1 determine waxing or waning and adjust lunar_phase lpds = lunar_phase_angle_topo is_waning = dist_phase_LUT(2,dtg_index ) > dist_phase_LUT(2,dtg_index + 1) if ( is_waning ) lpds = lpds * ( -1 ) deallocate ( dist_phase_lut ) if ( abs ( lpds ) > 120.0 ) then phase_albedo_correction_factor = 1. else if ( lpds < 0 ) then phase_albedo_correction_factor = waxp1*lpds**6 + waxp2*lpds**5 + waxp3*lpds**4 + & waxp4*lpds**3 +waxp5*lpds**2 + waxp6*lpds + waxp7 else phase_albedo_correction_factor = wanp1*lpds**6 + wanp2*lpds**5 + wanp3*lpds**4 + & wanp4*lpds**3 +wanp5*lpds**2 + wanp6*lpds + wanp7 end if lunar_irrad_dnb = lunar_irrad_dnb * phase_albedo_correction_factor rad_chdnb= rad_chdnb_input * 1.0e+04 ref_chdnb_lunar = -999.0 do i=1,num_pix do j=1,num_elem if (rad_chdnb( i , j ) < 0 .or. & & solzen( i , j ) < astro_dark_thresh .or. & & lunzen( i , j ) > 90.0) cycle if (rad_chdnb ( i , j ) > -1.0) ref_chdnb_lunar( i , j ) = 0.0 cos_weighted_irrad = cos(lunzen( i , j ) * DTOR) * lunar_irrad_dnb if (cos_weighted_irrad > MIN_LUNAR_IRRAD_DNB) then ref_chdnb_lunar( i , j ) = 100.0 * ( PI * rad_chdnb( i , j ) ) / ( cos_weighted_irrad ) if (ref_chdnb_lunar( i , j ) > 150.0) then ref_chdnb_lunar( i , j ) = 150.0 end if else ref_chdnb_lunar( i , j ) = 0.0 end if end do !j end do !i deallocate ( rad_chdnb) contains ! ! ! integer function index_in_vector(xx,n,x) integer, intent(in)::n double precision, intent(in)::x double precision,dimension(:),intent(in)::xx integer:: i,jl,jm,ju jl=0 ju=n+1 do i=1,2*n if (ju-jl <= 1) then exit end if jm=(ju+jl)/2 if ( (xx(n) >= xx(1)) .eqv. (x >= xx(jm)) ) then jl=jm else ju=jm end if end do if (x == xx(1)) then index_in_vector =1 else if (x == xx(n)) then index_in_vector = n-1 else index_in_vector = jl end if end function index_in_vector end subroutine compute_lunar_reflectance end module dnb_retrievals_mod