! $Id: cloud_tau_re_solar_direct.f90 2685 2018-05-04 14:17:47Z awalther $ Module CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR_MODULE ! Baseline Daytime Cloud optical and microphysical algorithm(s) ! ! author: Andrew Heidinger and the GOES-R AWG Cloud Team ! ! public routines: ! CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR - estimate tau and re from solar ! reflectance only ! - needs Tc for upstream algorithm ! DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_CLD_LUT_STRUCTURES ! ! private routines: ! READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC ! READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC ! LOCATE_TABLE_POSITION_ANGLES ! CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP - forward model for reflectance computation ! CLOUD_FORWARD_EMISSIVITY_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP - forward model for thermal computation ! COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA ! ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_TABLE_STRUCTURE ! DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_TABLE_STRUCTURES ! ! version history: ! 04/28/07 - Created based on CLAVR-x algorithms ! ! All channels referenced to ABI (2=0.6 um, 5 = 1.6 um, ! 6 = 2.3, 7 = 3.9 um) ! ! Notes: ! 1. channel 6 is not included yet because not available on SEVIRI. ! 2. Error handling needs to be included. ! 3. GEOCAT hdf routines should be used. !====================================================================== use CONSTANTS use PIXEL_COMMON_MOD use PIXEL_ROUTINES use NUMERICAL_ROUTINES use SURFACE_PROPERTIES use NWP_COMMON use PLANCK use RT_UTILITIES use HDF Implicit None !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! declare public routines !----------------------------------------------------------------------- public:: CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR, & DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_CLD_LUT_STRUCTURES !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! declare private routines !----------------------------------------------------------------------- private:: READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC, & READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC, & LOCATE_TABLE_POSITION_ANGLES, & CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP, & !forward model for reflectance computation CLOUD_FORWARD_EMISSIVITY_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP, & !forward model for thermal computation COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA, & ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_TABLE_STRUCTURE, & DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_TABLE_STRUCTURES !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define module-wide variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(KIND=int1),parameter,private::WATER_PHASE = 1 !water index INTEGER(KIND=int1),parameter,private::MIXED_PHASE = 2 !mixed index INTEGER(KIND=int1),parameter,private::ICE_PHASE = 3 !ice index INTEGER(KIND=int1),parameter,private::nchan_max = 7 !max channels REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE:: f REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE:: cost !--- include file INCLUDE 'baseline_cloud_micro_day.inc' contains !======================================================================= ! CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR ! ! Daytime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Retrieval Using Only Solar ! Reflectance ! ! imode = the mode in which this retrieval is being run and is ! determined by the channel selection. ! ! imode = 1 = ch2 and ch5 ! imode = 2 = ch2 and ch6 (not coded) ! imode = 3 = ch2 and ch7 total ! imode = 4 = ch2 and ch7 solar only !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR(jmin, jmax, iseg, nseg) !--- AVHRR specific additions INTEGER, INTENT(in):: jmin INTEGER, INTENT(in):: jmax INTEGER, INTENT(in):: iseg INTEGER, INTENT(in):: nseg INTEGER:: ichan INTEGER, parameter:: ialgo = 1 INTEGER, parameter:: nalgo = 1 CHARACTER(LEN=100):: lut_path INTEGER, SAVE:: sc_id_prev = 0 !--- end AVHRR specific additions INTEGER:: nlog10tau_max INTEGER:: nlog10re_max INTEGER:: nlog10tau INTEGER:: nlog10re INTEGER:: itau, itau_1, itau_2, ire, ire_1, ire_2, i, j, quadrant REAL (KIND=REAL4):: dtau, dre, dy1_dtau, dy2_dtau, dy1_dre, dy2_dre, & log10tau_interp, log10re_interp, weight,weight_sum INTEGER:: itropo INTEGER:: xnwp INTEGER:: ynwp INTEGER:: ielem INTEGER:: iline INTEGER:: ivza INTEGER:: isfc INTEGER:: imode INTEGER:: ierror INTEGER(KIND=int4):: cloudphase_previous REAL(KIND=real4):: zen_previous REAL(KIND=real4):: sol_zen_previous REAL(KIND=real4):: az_previous REAL(KIND=real4):: reuse_angle_thresh LOGICAL:: reuse_forward_model !--- local variables that are aliases to elements of global structures REAL:: ref2 REAL:: ref5 REAL:: ref7 REAL:: rad7 REAL:: bt14 REAL(KIND=real4):: zen REAL(KIND=real4):: sol_zen REAL(KIND=real4):: cos_zen REAL(KIND=real4):: cos_sol_zen REAL(KIND=real4):: az REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_std !reflectance variability REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_mean !reflectance variability REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_var !reflectance variability INTEGER(KIND=int4):: cloudphase INTEGER(KIND=int4):: cloudtype INTEGER(KIND=int4):: cloudmask INTEGER(KIND=int4):: sfctype INTEGER(KIND=int4):: iparam REAL(KIND=real4):: tpw REAL(KIND=real4):: Tsfc REAL(KIND=real4):: rad7_clr REAL(KIND=real4):: T_cloud REAL(KIND=real4):: Z_cloud REAL(KIND=real4):: P_cloud REAL(KIND=real4):: cost_minimum REAL(KIND=real4):: cost_corner_minimum INTEGER(KIND=INT4), dimension(2):: cost_minimum_indices !--- local pointers to geocat public data structures REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:), pointer:: tlev REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:), pointer:: plev REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:), pointer:: zlev REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:), pointer:: tpwlev !--- 1d-var retrieval arrays INTEGER, parameter:: num_obs = 2 REAL, DIMENSION(num_obs):: y !--- local variables REAL(KIND=real4):: log10tau !log10 of the optical depth (tau) REAL(KIND=real4):: log10re !log10 of the effective radius (re) REAL(KIND=real4):: r !log10re interpolation weight REAL(KIND=real4):: s !log10tau interpolation weight (0-1) REAL(KIND=real4):: t !interpolation weight (0-1) REAL(KIND=real4):: t2 !interpolation weight (0-1) REAL(KIND=real4):: u !interpolation weight (0-1) REAL(KIND=real4):: v !interpolation weight (0-1) INTEGER(KIND=int4):: ir !interpolation index INTEGER(KIND=int4):: is !interpolation index INTEGER(KIND=int4):: it !interpolation index INTEGER(KIND=int4):: it2 !interpolation index INTEGER(KIND=int4):: iu !interpolation index INTEGER(KIND=int4):: iv !interpolation index REAL(KIND=real4):: fm_err !forward model error INTEGER(KIND=int4):: isingular !flag noting a singular matrix INTEGER(KIND=int4):: ifail !flag noting a failed retrieval INTEGER(KIND=int4):: iter !iteration loop index INTEGER(KIND=int4):: ilev !level index ! REAL(KIND=real4):: pc !cloud top pressure ! REAL(KIND=real4):: zc !cloud top height ! REAL(KIND=real4):: tc !cloud top temperature REAL(KIND=real4):: prof_weight !profile interpolation weight REAL(KIND=real4):: tpw_ac !above-cloud tpw_ac INTEGER(KIND=int1):: diag_output REAL(KIND=real4):: tau_gas !gas optical depth REAL(KIND=real4):: tau_aer !aerosol optical depth REAL(KIND=real4):: wo_aer !aerosol single scatter albedo REAL(KIND=real4):: g_aer !asymmetry parameter REAL(KIND=real4):: tau_ray !rayleigh optical depth REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_ss_2 !single scatter reflectance REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_ss_5 !single scatter reflectance REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_ss_7 !single scatter reflectance REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_2_clear !clear ch2 reflectance REAL(KIND=real4):: log10_tau_apriori !apriori estimate !--- spatial uniformity REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:,:), allocatable:: ref2_mean REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:,:), allocatable:: ref2_max REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:,:), allocatable:: ref2_min REAL(KIND=real4), DIMENSION(:,:), allocatable:: ref2_uni !--- local variables REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_ac_2 REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_ac_5 REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_ac_7 REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_ac_7_zen REAL(KIND=real4):: Rad_ac_7_zen REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_sfc_2 REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_sfc_5 REAL(KIND=real4):: trans_sfc_7 REAL(KIND=real4):: alb_sfc_2 REAL(KIND=real4):: alb_sfc_5 REAL(KIND=real4):: alb_sfc_7 REAL(KIND=real4):: emiss_sfc_7 REAL(KIND=real4):: solar_7 REAL(KIND=real4):: sed REAL(KIND=real4):: ch7_Rad_to_Ref_fac REAL(KIND=real4):: Ref_sol REAL(KIND=real4):: Rad_therm REAL(KIND=real4):: dB_dT REAL(KIND=real4):: bt !--- local variable used in lwp, iwp, N and H computation REAL(KIND=real4), PARAMETER:: rho_water = 1000.0 !kg/m^3 REAL(KIND=real4), PARAMETER:: rho_ice = 915.0 !kg/m^3 REAL(KIND=real4), PARAMETER:: Q_eff_sca = 2.0 REAL(KIND=real4), PARAMETER:: drop_dis_width = 0.8 REAL(KIND=real4):: condensation_rate REAL(KIND=real4):: lwp_temp !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Executable Code !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- set diagnostic output flag diag_output = sym%NO !--- initialize 1d-var arrays y = 0.0 !--- initialize to missing tau_vis = missing_value_real4 re_vis = missing_value_real4 lwp_vis = missing_value_real4 iwp_vis = missing_value_real4 iwp_tau_vis = missing_value_real4 H_vis = missing_value_real4 N_vis = missing_value_real4 tau_vis_qf = missing_value_int1 re_vis_qf = missing_value_int1 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! AVHRR: determine which mode is on !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (maxval(ch3a_on) > 0) THEN imode = 1 !use 1.6 micron ELSE imode = 3 !use 3.75 micron total reflectance ! imode = 4 !use 3.75 micron pseudo reflectance ENDIF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! store path to ancillary data in a local variable !---------------------------------------------------------------------- lut_path = TRIM(ancil_data_dir)//"/luts/cld/" !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check to see if main structures need to be allocated !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref)) THEN call ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_TABLE_STRUCTURE(nalgo) ENDIF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- on the first segment, read tables !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (iseg == 1) THEN !--- check if proper tables are already read in IF ((sc_id_prev == 0) .OR. & (sc_id_prev /= Sc_Id_Internal)) THEN !--- check if tables need to be deallocated first IF (sc_id_prev > 0) THEN call DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_TABLE_STRUCTURES(ialgo) ENDIF !--- Read channel 2 tables CALL READ_TABLES(ialgo,2,lut_path) !--- Read second channel depending on mode selected IF (imode == 1) THEN CALL READ_TABLES(ialgo,5,lut_path) END IF IF (imode == 2) THEN CALL READ_TABLES(ialgo,6,lut_path) END IF IF (imode == 3) THEN CALL READ_TABLES(ialgo,7,lut_path) END IF IF (imode == 4) THEN CALL READ_TABLES(ialgo,7,lut_path) END IF ENDIF END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate memory for forward and cost results - use max size !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ichan = 2 nlog10tau_max = maxval(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(:)%nlog10tau) nlog10re_max = maxval(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(:)%nlog10re) if (.NOT. ALLOCATED(f)) ALLOCATE(f(num_obs,nlog10tau_max, nlog10re_max)) if (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cost)) ALLOCATE(cost(nlog10tau_max, nlog10re_max)) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check to see if there is any daytime data in this segment !---------------------------------------------------------------------- sol_zen = minval(Solzen) IF ((sol_zen >= Solzen_max).and.(sol_zen /= missing_value_real4)) THEN return ENDIF sol_zen_previous = missing_value_real4 zen_previous = missing_value_real4 az_previous = missing_value_real4 cloudphase_previous = -1 !====================================================================== ! Loop over pixels in this segment !====================================================================== line_loop_1: Do iline= jmin, jmax+jmin-1 element_loop_1: Do ielem=1, num_pix !--- check for space pixel IF (bad_pixel_mask(ielem,iline) == sym%YES) THEN cycle END IF ! IF(ielem /= num_pix/2) then ! cycle ! END IF !--- initilatize quality flag to be lowest quality tau_vis_qf(ielem,iline) = 0 re_vis_qf(ielem,iline) = 0 !--- define aliases ref2 = alb1(ielem,iline) !0.6 micron reflectance ref5 = alb3a(ielem,iline) !1.6 micron reflectance ref7 = alb3b(ielem,iline) !3.9 micron reflectance rad7 = rad3b(ielem,iline) !3.9 micron reflectance bt14 = bt4(ielem,iline) !11.0 micron bt xnwp = i_nwp(ielem,iline) !nwp longitude cell ynwp = j_nwp(ielem,iline) !nwp latitude cell itropo = tropo_level_nwp(xnwp,ynwp) !nwp level associated with tropopause ivza = ivza_rtm(ielem,iline) !viewing zenith angle bin isfc = sfc_level_nwp(xnwp,ynwp) !first nwp level above surface zen = satzen(ielem,iline) !viewing zenith angle sol_zen = Solzen(ielem,iline) !solar zenith angle cos_zen = coszen(ielem,iline) !cosine viewing zenith angle cos_sol_zen = cosSolzen(ielem,iline) !cosine solar zenith angle az = Relaz(ielem,iline) !relative solar azimuth angle T_cloud = Tc_acha(ielem,iline) !cloud temperature Z_cloud = Zc_acha(ielem,iline) !cloud temperature !--- select cloud type to use if (cloud_type_ir_flag == sym%YES) then cloudtype = cld_type_ir(ielem,iline) else cloudtype = cld_type(ielem,iline) endif cloudmask = cld_mask(ielem,iline) !cloud mask sfctype = sfc_type(ielem,iline) !surface type Ref_std = alb1_std_3x3(ielem,iline) !measure of reflectance variability Ref_mean = alb1_mean_3x3(ielem,iline) !measure of reflectance variability Ref_var = 0.0 if (Ref_mean > 0.0) then Ref_var = Ref_std / Ref_mean endif Ref_var = min(1.0,Ref_var) plev => P_std_nwp tlev => T_prof_nwp(:,xnwp,ynwp) zlev => Z_prof_nwp(:,xnwp,ynwp) tpwlev => tpw_prof_nwp(:,xnwp,ynwp) tpw = tpw_nwp(xnwp,ynwp) !total column pw Tsfc = tsfc_rtm(ielem,iline) !surface temperature emiss_sfc_7 = Sfc_Emiss_3b(ielem,iline) !3.9 micron surface emissivity rad7_clr = Rad_Clear_Ch3b_rtm(ielem,iline) !clear 4 micron radiance solar_7 = solar_3b_nu !solar energy in channel 7 sed = sun_earth_distance !sun earth distance factor !--- compute factor for converting channel reflectance into a radiances ch7_Rad_to_Ref_fac = pi / cos_sol_zen / (solar_7/sed**2) !--- check for correct sensor and solar geometery IF (zen >= zen_max) THEN cycle END IF IF (sol_zen >= Solzen_max) THEN cycle END IF !--- check for clear pixels IF (cloudmask == sym%CLEAR .or. & cloudmask == sym%PROB_CLEAR .or. & cloudmask == sym%PROB_CLOUDY .or. & cloudtype == sym%CLEAR_TYPE) THEN cycle END IF !--- check for valid cloud height IF (T_cloud == missing_value_real4) THEN cycle END IF !--- check for correct phase IF (cloudtype == sym%UNKNOWN_TYPE) THEN cycle END IF !--- determine phase for this algorithm cloudphase = ICE_PHASE IF ((cloudtype == sym%FOG_TYPE) .or. & (cloudtype == sym%WATER_TYPE) .or. & (cloudtype == sym%SUPERCOOLED_TYPE)) THEN cloudphase = WATER_PHASE END IF IF ((cloudtype == sym%MIXED_TYPE)) then cloudphase = MIXED_PHASE ENDIF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Define the Observations !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- define y-vector - the observation vector IF (imode == 1) THEN ! 0.6 and 1.6 micron approach y(1) = ref2/100.0 y(2) = ref5/100.0 END IF IF (imode == 3) THEN ! 0.6 and 3.9 micron based approach) y(1) = ref2/100.0 y(2) = rad7 * ch7_Rad_to_Ref_fac END IF IF (imode == 4) THEN ! 0.6 and 3.9 micron pseudo reflectance based approach) y(1) = ref2/100.0 y(2) = ref7/100.0 END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute needed transmission terms !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- determine amount of water vapor above the cloud call KNOWING_Z_COMPUTE_T_P_NWP(xnwp,ynwp,P_cloud,T_cloud,Z_cloud,ilev) prof_weight = (Z_cloud - zlev(ilev)) / (zlev(ilev+1)-zlev(ilev)) tpw_ac = tpwlev(ilev) + & prof_weight*(tpwlev(ilev+1) - tpwlev(ilev)) !--- compute above cloud transmission for solar channels trans_ac_2 = 1.0 trans_sfc_2 = 1.0 trans_ac_2 = COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA(tpw_ac,cos_zen,cos_sol_zen,h2o_tau_coef(Sc_Id_Internal,1,:)) trans_sfc_2 = COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA(tpw,cos_zen,cos_sol_zen,h2o_tau_coef(Sc_Id_Internal,1,:)) trans_ac_5 = 1.0 trans_sfc_5 = 1.0 IF (imode == 1) THEN trans_ac_5 = COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA(tpw_ac,cos_zen,cos_sol_zen,h2o_tau_coef(Sc_Id_Internal,3,:)) trans_sfc_5 = COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA(tpw,cos_zen,cos_sol_zen,h2o_tau_coef(Sc_Id_Internal,3,:)) END IF !--- use rtm structure for channel 7 - 3.9 trans_ac_7 = 1.0 trans_sfc_7 = 1.0 IF (imode == 3 .or. imode == 4) THEN trans_ac_7_zen = rtm(xnwp,ynwp)%d(ivza)%Trans_Atm_Clr3b(ilev) + & prof_weight*(rtm(xnwp,ynwp)%d(ivza)%Trans_Atm_Clr3b(ilev+1) - & rtm(xnwp,ynwp)%d(ivza)%Trans_Atm_Clr3b(ilev)) trans_ac_7 = trans_ac_7_zen**(1.0/cos_sol_zen) !now is the full path trans_sfc_7 = Trans_Atm_Ch3b_solar_rtm(ielem,iline) Rad_ac_7_zen = rtm(xnwp,ynwp)%d(ivza)%Rad_Atm_Clr3b(ilev) + & prof_weight*(rtm(xnwp,ynwp)%d(ivza)%Rad_Atm_Clr3b(ilev+1) - & rtm(xnwp,ynwp)%d(ivza)%Rad_Atm_Clr3b(ilev)) END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set surface reflectance (0-1) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- alb_sfc_2 = ch1_sfc_alb_umd(sfc_type(ielem,iline)) alb_sfc_5 = ch3a_sfc_alb_umd(sfc_type(ielem,iline)) alb_sfc_7 = ch3b_sfc_alb_umd(sfc_type(ielem,iline)) !--- use value from clear composite if available over land IF (sfc_type(ielem,iline) /= sym%WATER_SFC) THEN IF (modis_clr_alb_flag == sym%YES) THEN IF (alb1_sfc_white_sky(ielem,iline) > 0.0) THEN alb_sfc_2 = alb1_sfc_white_sky(ielem,iline)/100.0 ENDIF IF (alb3a_sfc_white_sky(ielem,iline) > 0.0) THEN alb_sfc_5 = alb3a_sfc_white_sky(ielem,iline)/100.0 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !--- use sfc emissivitys for surface reflectance for 3.75 micron IF ((emiss_sfc_7 > 0.0) .and. (sfc_type(ielem,iline) > 0)) THEN alb_sfc_7 = 1.0 - emiss_sfc_7 ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! estimate clear-sky toa ch2 reflectance !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !--- compute rayleigh and aerosol contribution to 0.63 micron signal tau_gas = -1.0*alog(trans_ac_2) if (tau_gas < 0.0) then print *, "negative gas ", trans_ac_2, tau_gas stop endif tau_aer = TAU_AEROSOL_BACKGROUND * (P_cloud / psfc_nwp(xnwp,ynwp))**2 tau_ray = tau_ray_corr(Sc_Id_Internal,1) * (P_cloud / psfc_nwp(xnwp,ynwp)) CALL COMPUTE_CLEAR_SKY_SCATTER(tau_aer, & WO_AEROSOL_BACKGROUND, & G_AEROSOL_BACKGROUND, & tau_ray, & tau_gas, & scatangle(ielem,iline), & coszen(ielem,iline), & cosSolzen(ielem,iline), & Ref_ss_2) Ref_ss_2 = Ref_ss_2 / 100.0 !convert from % to 0-1.0 !--- ignore single scattering reflectance in longer wavelength channels Ref_ss_5 = 0.0 Ref_ss_7 = 0.0 !--- compute final estimate of clear reflectance (0-1.0) Ref_2_clear = Ref_ss_2 + trans_sfc_2*alb_sfc_2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! call pixels darker than the clear reflectance missing !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (y(1) < Ref_2_clear) then cycle ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check to see if you reuse the previous forward model computations !--------------------------------------------------------------------- reuse_forward_model = .false. reuse_angle_thresh = 5.0 if ( (cloudphase == cloudphase_previous) .and. & (abs(sol_zen-sol_zen_previous) < reuse_angle_thresh) .and. & (abs(zen-zen_previous) < reuse_angle_thresh) .and. & (abs(az-az_previous) < reuse_angle_thresh)) then reuse_forward_model = .true. ! print *, "reusing forward model! ", sol_zen, sol_zen_previous else reuse_forward_model = .false. sol_zen_previous = sol_zen zen_previous = zen az_previous = az cloudphase_previous = cloudphase endif IF (reuse_forward_model .eqv. .false.) THEN !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Loop over all tau and re and make a toa reflectance matrices !---------------------------------------------------------------------- nlog10tau = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(2)%phase(cloudphase)%nlog10tau nlog10re = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(2)%phase(cloudphase)%nlog10re !--- find indices for this viewing geometry CALL LOCATE_TABLE_POSITION_ANGLES(ialgo,2,cloudphase,sol_zen,zen,az, & it,it2,iu,iv) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do itau = 1, nlog10tau log10tau = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(itau) do ire = 1, nlog10re log10re = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(ire) !--- ch2 forward model CALL CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP(& ialgo,2,cloudphase, & ire,itau,it,it2,iu,iv, & trans_ac_2,trans_sfc_2,alb_sfc_2,Ref_ss_2, & f(1,itau,ire)) ! print *, "vis ref = ", itau, log10tau, ire, log10re, f(1,itau,ire) !--- ch5 forward model IF (imode == 1) THEN CALL CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP(& ialgo,5,cloudphase, & ire,itau,it,it2,iu,iv, & trans_ac_5,trans_sfc_5,alb_sfc_5, Ref_ss_5, & f(2,itau,ire)) ENDIF !--- ch7 forward model IF (imode == 3 .or. imode == 4) THEN !--- solar component CALL CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP(& ialgo,7,cloudphase, & ire,itau,it,it2,iu,iv, & trans_ac_7,trans_sfc_7,alb_sfc_7, Ref_ss_7, & Ref_sol) !--- thermal component Rad_therm = 0.0 if (imode == 3) then CALL CLOUD_FORWARD_EMISSIVITY_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP(& ialgo,7,cloudphase, & ire,itau,iu, & rad7_clr, T_cloud, trans_ac_7_zen,Rad_ac_7_zen, & Rad_therm,bt) ENDIF !--- combine solar and thermal f(2,itau,ire) = Ref_sol + Rad_therm * ch7_Rad_to_Ref_fac ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! End loop over all tau and re values !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF !END CHECK FOR NEED TO RECOMPUTE TABLES !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FIND OPTIMAL SOLUTION !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- determine cost function cost(1:nlog10tau,1:nlog10re) = & (y(1) - f(1,1:nlog10tau,1:nlog10re))**2 + & (y(2) - f(2,1:nlog10tau,1:nlog10re))**2 !--- find location of cost minimum cost_minimum_indices = minloc(cost(1:nlog10tau,1:nlog10re)) !print *, "cost minimum indices = ", cost_minimum_indices !--- save values at mininum itau = cost_minimum_indices(1) ire = cost_minimum_indices(2) log10tau = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(itau) log10re = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10re(ire) cost_minimum = cost(itau,ire) !--- knowing optimal table indices, interpolate to find best itau_1 = max(1,itau-1) itau_2 = min(nlog10tau,itau+1) ire_1 = max(1,ire-1) ire_2 = min(nlog10re,ire+1) !-- find local corner cost_corner_minimum = huge(1.00) if (cost(itau_1,ire_1) <= cost_corner_minimum) then quadrant = 1 cost_corner_minimum = cost(itau_1,ire_1) endif if (cost(itau_2,ire_1) <= cost_corner_minimum) then quadrant = 2 cost_corner_minimum = cost(itau_2,ire_1) endif if (cost(itau_1,ire_2) <= cost_corner_minimum) then quadrant = 3 cost_corner_minimum = cost(itau_1,ire_2) endif if (cost(itau_2,ire_2) <= cost_corner_minimum) then quadrant = 4 cost_corner_minimum = cost(itau_2,ire_2) endif !--- define bounding indices of the quadrant if (quadrant == 1) then !top left itau_1 = itau_1 itau_2 = itau ire_1 = ire_1 ire_2 = ire endif if (quadrant == 2) then !top right itau_1 = itau itau_2 = itau_2 ire_1 = ire_1 ire_2 = ire endif if (quadrant == 3) then !bottom left itau_1 = itau_1 itau_2 = itau ire_1 = ire ire_2 = ire_2 endif if (quadrant == 4) then !bottom right itau_1 = itau itau_2 = itau_2 ire_1 = ire ire_2 = ire_2 endif !--- find interpolated values weight_sum = 0.0 log10tau_interp = 0.0 log10re_interp = 0.0 do i = itau_1,itau_2 do j = ire_1,ire_2 weight = (1.0/cost(i,j)) weight_sum= weight_sum + weight log10tau_interp = log10tau_interp + & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(i)*weight log10re_interp = log10re_interp + & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10re(j)*weight ! print *, i, j, cost(i,j),cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(i), & ! cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10re(j), weight_sum enddo enddo log10tau_interp = log10tau_interp / weight_sum log10re_interp = log10re_interp / weight_sum !print *, "optimal values = ", log10tau, log10re !print *, "interp values = ", log10tau_interp, log10re_interp !print *, "quadrant " ,quadrant !--- compute Kernel Matrix dtau = (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(itau_2) - & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10tau(itau_1)) dre = (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10re(ire_2) - & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(cloudphase)%log10re(ire_1)) dy1_dtau = (f(1,itau_2,ire) - f(1,itau_1,ire))/dtau dy2_dtau = (f(2,itau_2,ire) - f(2,itau_1,ire))/dtau dy1_dre = (f(1,itau,ire_2) - f(1,itau,ire_1))/dre dy2_dre = (f(2,itau,ire_2) - f(2,itau,ire_1))/dre !print *, "y = ", y !print *, "optimal f = ", f(:,itau,ire) !--- convert back tau_vis(ielem,iline) = 10.0**log10tau_interp re_vis(ielem,iline) = 10.0**log10re_interp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END loop over pixels in segment !----------------------------------------------------------------------- END DO element_loop_1 END DO line_loop_1 !====================================================================== ! Nullify local pointers !====================================================================== IF (iseg == nseg) THEN ! tau => null() ! re => null() ! lwp => null() ! iwp => null() ! qf => null() plev => null() tlev => null() zlev => null() tpwlev => null() END IF !====================================================================== ! Update previous sc_id name for orbit !====================================================================== IF (iseg == nseg) THEN sc_id_prev = Sc_Id_Internal END IF END SUBROUTINE CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR !====================================================================== ! LOCATE POSITION IN TABLES ! ! This code finds position within the tables for the current conditions ! ! ir - is the index in re dimension such that value is between ir and ir+1 ! is - is the index in tau dimension such that value is between is and is+1 ! it - is the index in Solzen dimension such that value is between it and it+1 ! it2 - is the index in zen / Solzen dimension such that value is between it2 and it2+1 ! iu - is the index in zen dimension such that value is between iu and iu+1 ! iv - is the index in Relaz dimension such that value is between iv and iv+1 ! ! r - is the relative distance of value between ir and ir+1 !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE LOCATE_TABLE_POSITION_ANGLES(ialgo,ichan,iphase,Solzen,zen,Relaz, & it,it2,iu,iv) INTEGER(KIND=int4), INTENT(in):: ialgo,ichan INTEGER(KIND=int4), INTENT(in):: iphase REAL(KIND=real4), INTENT(in):: Solzen,zen,Relaz INTEGER, INTENT(out):: it,iu,iv,it2 !--- interpolate to find reflectance for this set of properties it = max(1,min(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nSolzen-1, & 1+int((Solzen - cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen(1)) / & (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Solzen)))) it2 = max(1,min(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nSolzen-1, & 1+int((zen - cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen(1)) / & (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Solzen)))) iu = max(1,min(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nzen-1, & 1+int((zen - cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(1)) / & (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_zen)))) !--- handle relative azimuth switching if (Relaz >= cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz_switch_pp) then iv = max(0,min(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nRelaz_in_pp-2, & int((Relaz - cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz_switch_pp) / & (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Relaz_in_pp)))) + & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nRelaz_out_pp + 1 else iv = max(1,min(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nRelaz_out_pp, & 1+int((Relaz - cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz(1)) / & (cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Relaz_out_pp)))) endif end SUBROUTINE LOCATE_TABLE_POSITION_ANGLES !====================================================================== ! Forward Model for a Reflectance Channel ! ! this routine is appropriate for single layer cloud placed in an ! absorbing atmosphere over a Lambertian Surface. The accounting ! for the surface contribution is given by Eq 11 in ! King, Michael, 1987: JAS, vol44, 1734-1751 !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP(& ialgo,ichan,iphase, & ir,is,it,it2,iu,iv, & trans_ac,trans_sfc, alb_sfc, Ref_ss, & ref) INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ialgo,ichan, & ir,is,it,it2,iu,iv INTEGER(KIND=int4), INTENT(in):: iphase REAL, INTENT(in):: trans_ac REAL, INTENT(in):: trans_sfc REAL, INTENT(in):: alb_sfc REAL, INTENT(in):: Ref_ss REAL, INTENT(out):: ref REAL:: trn REAL:: trn2 REAL:: sab,temp,trans_bc,alb_sfc_temp !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct sub-tables from appropriate lookup tables !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ref = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref(ir,is,it,iu,iv) trn = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn(ir,is,it) trn2 = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn(ir,is,it2) sab = cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb(ir,is) !--- Estimate transmission from cloud to surface trans_bc = 0.0 IF (trans_ac > 0.0) THEN trans_bc = trans_sfc / trans_ac END IF !--- Account for surface reflection and atmospheric transmission alb_sfc_temp = trans_bc * alb_sfc temp = alb_sfc_temp / (1.0 - alb_sfc_temp * sab) ref = trans_ac * (ref + temp * trn*trn2) + Ref_ss end SUBROUTINE CLOUD_FORWARD_REFLECTANCE_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP !====================================================================== ! Forward Model for a Thermal Channel ! ! this routine is appropriate for single layer cloud placed in an ! absorbing atmosphere over a Lambertian Surface. !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE CLOUD_FORWARD_EMISSIVITY_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP(& ialgo,ichan,iphase, & ir,is,iu, & Rad_clr,Tc,trans_ac,Rad_ac, & rad,bt) INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ialgo INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ichan INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ir INTEGER, INTENT(in):: is INTEGER, INTENT(in):: iu INTEGER(KIND=int4), INTENT(in):: iphase INTEGER(KIND=int4):: ichan_avhrr REAL, INTENT(in):: Rad_clr REAL, INTENT(in):: Tc REAL, INTENT(in):: trans_ac REAL, INTENT(in):: Rad_ac REAL, INTENT(out):: rad REAL, INTENT(out):: bt REAL:: ems REAL:: trn REAL:: Bc !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! translate channel to AVHRR !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ichan_avhrr = 0 IF (ichan == 7) THEN ichan_avhrr = 3 ELSEIF (ichan == 15) THEN ichan_avhrr = 4 ELSEIF (ichan == 16) THEN ichan_avhrr = 5 ELSE PRINT *, EXE_PROMPT, "Invalid channel in cloud ems forward model" ENDIF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct sub-tables from appropriate lookup tables !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ems = cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%emiss(ir,is,iu) trn = cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trans(ir,is,iu) !--- compute planck emission at cloud temperature Bc = planck_Rad_fast(ichan_avhrr,Tc) !--- compute toa radiance and its Jacobian rad = ems*Rad_ac + trans_ac * ems * Bc + trn * Rad_clr bt = planck_temp_fast(ichan_avhrr,rad) end SUBROUTINE CLOUD_FORWARD_EMISSIVITY_MODEL_SINGLE_LAYER_NOINTERP !======================================================================= Function COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA(tpw_ac,coszen,cosSolzen,coef) result(trans_solar_toa) REAL (KIND=real4), INTENT(in):: tpw_ac,coszen,cosSolzen REAL (KIND=real4), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:):: coef REAL (KIND=real4):: trans_solar_toa REAL (KIND=real4):: tau REAL (KIND=real4):: airmass !--- compute airmass airmass = 1.0/coszen + 1.0/cosSolzen !--- compute optical depth tau = coef(1) + coef(2)*tpw_ac + coef(3)*(tpw_ac**2) !--- constrain to be positive tau = max(0.0, tau) !--- compute transmission trans_solar_toa = exp ( -airmass * tau) END Function COMPUTE_SOLAR_TRANS_TOA !======================================================================= ! Generic Routine to read the tables for a channel !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE READ_TABLES(ialgo,ichan,lut_path) INTEGER(KIND=int4), INTENT(in):: ialgo,ichan character(LEN=*), INTENT(in):: lut_path !--- read in reflectance tables for all applicable channels IF (ichan <= 7) THEN !--- set flag to indicate that this channel has been read in cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%flag = sym%YES !--- set flag and read in water phase tables cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(WATER_PHASE)%flag = sym%YES CALL READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC(lut_path,ialgo,ichan,WATER_PHASE) !--- set flag and read in ice phase tables cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(ICE_PHASE)%flag = sym%YES CALL READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC(lut_path,ialgo,ichan,ICE_PHASE) !--- set flag and read in mixed phase tables cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(MIXED_PHASE)%flag = sym%YES CALL READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC(lut_path,ialgo,ichan,MIXED_PHASE) END IF !--- read in emissivity tables for all applicable channels IF (ichan >= 7) THEN !--- set flag to indicate that this channel has been read in cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%flag = sym%YES !--- set flag and read in water phase tables cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(WATER_PHASE)%flag = sym%YES CALL READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC(lut_path,ialgo,ichan,WATER_PHASE) !--- set flag and read in ice phase tables cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(ICE_PHASE)%flag = sym%YES CALL READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC(lut_path,ialgo,ichan,ICE_PHASE) !--- set flag and read in mixed phase tables cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(MIXED_PHASE)%flag = sym%YES CALL READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC(lut_path,ialgo,ichan,MIXED_PHASE) END IF END SUBROUTINE READ_TABLES !======================================================================= ! Read Water Cloud Lookup Table based on structures ! ! ! isat = wmo satellite identIFication number ! ichan = ABI channel number ! ! sc_ind = spacecraft index ! scinfo(sc_ind)%id = wmo number ! ! This does ice and water !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC(ancil_data_path,ialgo,ichan,iphase) INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ialgo,ichan INTEGER(KIND=int1), INTENT(in):: iphase CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in):: ancil_data_path CHARACTER (LEN=128):: lut_file INTEGER:: astatus INTEGER:: tstatus CHARACTER (LEN=2):: chan_string CHARACTER (LEN=3):: phase_string CHARACTER (LEN=7):: sat_string INTEGER:: nlog10re INTEGER:: nlog10tau INTEGER:: nSolzen INTEGER:: nzen INTEGER:: nRelaz !total number relative azimuths INTEGER:: nRelaz_in_pp !number of Relaz in the principal plane zone INTEGER:: nRelaz_out_pp !number of Relaz outside the principal plane zone REAL:: delta_Relaz_in_pp !azimuth space in principal plane zone REAL:: delta_Relaz_out_pp !azimuth space outside principal plane zone REAL:: Relaz_switch_pp !azimuth defining principal plane zone !-- hdf INTEGER:: sfstart, sfrcatt,sfn2index, sffattr, sfendacc,sfend,sfrdata,sfselect INTEGER:: sd_id INTEGER:: sds_id INTEGER:: istatus INTEGER, PARAMETER:: sds_rank_1d = 1 INTEGER, DIMENSION(sds_rank_1d):: sds_start_1d, sds_edge_1d, sds_stride_1d INTEGER, PARAMETER:: sds_rank_2d = 2 INTEGER, DIMENSION(sds_rank_2d):: sds_start_2d, sds_edge_2d, sds_stride_2d, sds_dims_2d INTEGER, PARAMETER:: sds_rank_3d = 3 INTEGER, DIMENSION(sds_rank_3d):: sds_start_3d, sds_edge_3d, sds_stride_3d, sds_dims_3d INTEGER, PARAMETER:: sds_rank_5d = 5 INTEGER, DIMENSION(sds_rank_5d):: sds_start_5d, sds_edge_5d, sds_stride_5d, sds_dims_5d !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Executable Code !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- construct appropriate file name - use actual satellite channel, not abi equivalent phase_string = "wat" IF (iphase == ICE_PHASE) THEN phase_string = "ice" END IF IF (iphase == MIXED_PHASE) THEN phase_string = "wat" !note assumed water tables apply to mixed phase clouds END IF IF (ichan == 2) THEN chan_string = "1" ELSEIF (ichan == 5) THEN chan_string = "3a" ELSEIF (ichan == 7) THEN chan_string = "3b" ENDIF !--- make filenames IF (phase_string /= "ice") THEN IF (Sc_Id_Internal < 4) THEN IF (Sc_Id_Internal == 2) THEN sat_string = "METOP-A" ENDIF IF (Sc_Id_Internal == 3) THEN sat_string = "METOP-B" ENDIF ENDIF IF (Sc_Id_Internal < 10 .and. Sc_Id_Internal > 4) THEN write(unit=sat_string,fmt="(a6,i1)") "NOAA-0",Sc_Id_Internal ENDIF IF (Sc_Id_Internal >= 10) THEN write(unit=sat_string,fmt="(a5,i2)") "NOAA-",Sc_Id_Internal ENDIF lut_file = TRIM(sat_string)//"_ch"//TRIM(chan_string)//"_Ref_lut_"//phase_string//"_cld.hdf" ELSE sat_string = "AVHRR" lut_file = TRIM(sat_string)//"_ch"//TRIM(chan_string)//"_Ref_lut_mix1_"//phase_string//"_cld.hdf" ENDIF !--- Open lookup table !-- hdf sd_id = sfstart( & TRIM(ancil_data_path)//TRIM(lut_file), & DFACC_READ) IF (sd_id < 0) THEN PRINT *, EXE_PROMPT, "Error open cloud ref table ", trim(ancil_data_path)//trim(lut_file) stop ENDIF !---- Read in tables !--- global attributes istatus = 0 istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"HEADER"), & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%header) istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_EFF_RADII"), & nlog10re) istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_OPTICAL_DEPTHS"), & nlog10tau) istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_SOLAR_ZENITH_ANGLES"), & nSolzen) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_SENSOR_ZENITH_ANGLES"), & nzen) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_RELATIVE_AZIMUTH_ANGLES"), & nRelaz) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_RELATIVE_AZIMUTH_ANGLES_IN_PP"), & nRelaz_in_pp) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_RELATIVE_AZIMUTH_ANGLES_OUTSIDE_PP"), & nRelaz_out_pp) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"AZIMUTH_SPACING_IN_PP"), & delta_Relaz_in_pp) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"AZIMUTH_SPACING_OUTSIDE_PP"), & delta_Relaz_out_pp) + istatus istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"AZIMUTH_SWITCH_POINT"), & Relaz_switch_pp) + istatus IF (istatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error reading file attributes')",EXE_PROMPT stop ENDIF !--- store local dimensions into data structures cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nlog10re = nlog10re cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nlog10tau = nlog10tau cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nSolzen = nSolzen cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nzen = nzen cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nRelaz = nRelaz cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nRelaz_in_pp = nRelaz_in_pp cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nRelaz_out_pp = nRelaz_out_pp cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Relaz_out_pp = delta_Relaz_out_pp cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Relaz_in_pp = delta_Relaz_in_pp cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz_switch_pp = Relaz_switch_pp !--- knowing the dimensions, allocate space tstatus = 0 IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(nzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen(nSolzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz(nRelaz), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re(nlog10re), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau(nlog10tau), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio(nlog10re), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref(nlog10re), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb(nlog10re,nlog10tau), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn(nlog10re,nlog10tau,nSolzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%alb)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%alb(nlog10re,nlog10tau,nSolzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref)) THEN ALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref(nlog10re,nlog10tau,nSolzen,nzen,nRelaz), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ENDIF IF (tstatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error allocating cloud reflectance lookup table arrays, stopping')",EXE_PROMPT STOP END IF !--- initialize cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%alb = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%rho = 0.0 cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%lambda_ref = 0.0 !--- Read in values in the table istatus = 0 !-- read in vectors sds_start_1d = 0 sds_stride_1d = 1 sds_edge_1d = nzen !-- sensor zenith angle sds_edge_1d = nzen sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"sensor_zenith_angle")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- solar sensor zenith angle sds_edge_1d = nSolzen sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"solar_zenith_angle")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- relative azimith angle sds_edge_1d = nRelaz sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"relative_azimuth_angle")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- log10 optical depth sds_edge_1d = nlog10tau sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"log10_optical_depth")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- log10 effective radius sds_edge_1d = nlog10re sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"log10_eff_radius")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- Qext ref sds_edge_1d = nlog10re sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"Qext_ref")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- ext_ratio sds_edge_1d = nlog10re sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"extinction_ratio")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !--- 2d arrays sds_start_2d = 0 sds_stride_2d = 1 !--- spherical albedo sds_dims_2d(1) = nlog10re sds_dims_2d(2) = nlog10tau sds_edge_2d(1) = nlog10re sds_edge_2d(2) = nlog10tau sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"spherical_albedo")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_2d, sds_stride_2d, sds_edge_2d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !--- 3d arrays sds_start_3d = 0 sds_stride_3d = 1 !--- albedo sds_dims_3d(1) = nlog10re sds_dims_3d(2) = nlog10tau sds_dims_3d(3) = nSolzen sds_edge_3d(1) = nlog10re sds_edge_3d(2) = nlog10tau sds_edge_3d(3) = nSolzen sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"albedo")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_3d, sds_stride_3d, sds_edge_3d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%alb) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- transmission sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"transmission")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_3d, sds_stride_3d, sds_edge_3d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !--- 5d arrays sds_start_5d = 0 sds_stride_5d = 1 !--- reflectance sds_dims_5d(1) = nlog10re sds_dims_5d(2) = nlog10tau sds_dims_5d(3) = nSolzen sds_dims_5d(4) = nzen sds_dims_5d(5) = nRelaz sds_edge_5d(1) = nlog10re sds_edge_5d(2) = nlog10tau sds_edge_5d(3) = nSolzen sds_edge_5d(4) = nzen sds_edge_5d(5) = nRelaz sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"reflectance")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id,sds_start_5d, sds_stride_5d, sds_edge_5d, & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus IF (istatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error reading sds data from cloud lut files, stopping')",EXE_PROMPT STOP END IF !--- Close the lookup table file istatus = sfend(sd_id) IF (istatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error closing cloud lut files')",EXE_PROMPT END IF !--- assuming everything is equally spaced, compute spacing here cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_Solzen = & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen(2) - & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen(1) cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_zen = & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(2) - & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(1) cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_log10tau = & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau(2) - & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau(1) cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_log10re = & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re(2) - & cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re(1) !======================================================================= ! END of this routine !======================================================================= END SUBROUTINE READ_CLD_REF_LUT_STRUC !======================================================================= ! Read Cloud Emissivity Lookup Table based on structures ! ! ! isat = wmo satellite identIFication number ! ichan = ABI channel number ! ! sc_ind = spacecraft index ! scinfo(sc_ind)%id = wmo number ! !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC(ancil_data_path,ialgo,ichan,iphase) INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ialgo,ichan INTEGER(KIND=int1), INTENT(in):: iphase CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in):: ancil_data_path CHARACTER (LEN=128):: lut_file INTEGER:: astatus,tstatus CHARACTER (LEN=2):: chan_string CHARACTER (LEN=3):: phase_string CHARACTER (LEN=7):: sat_string INTEGER:: nlog10re INTEGER:: nlog10tau INTEGER:: nzen !-- hdf INTEGER:: sfstart, sfrcatt,sfn2index, sffattr, sfendacc,sfend,sfrdata,sfselect INTEGER:: sd_id, sds_id, istatus INTEGER, PARAMETER:: sds_rank_1d = 1 INTEGER, DIMENSION(sds_rank_1d):: sds_start_1d, sds_edge_1d, sds_stride_1d INTEGER, PARAMETER:: sds_rank_3d = 3 INTEGER, DIMENSION(sds_rank_3d):: sds_start_3d, sds_edge_3d, sds_stride_3d, sds_dims_3d !--- construct appropriate file name - use actual satellite channel, not abi equivalent ! write(chan_string, '(I1.1)') scinfo(sc_ind)%ch_flg(ichan) IF (ichan == 2) THEN chan_string = "1" ELSEIF (ichan == 5) THEN chan_string = "3a" ELSEIF (ichan == 7) THEN chan_string = "3b" ENDIF phase_string = "wat" IF (iphase == ICE_PHASE) THEN phase_string = "ice" END IF IF (iphase == MIXED_PHASE) THEN phase_string = "wat" !note assumed water tables apply to mixed phase clouds END IF !--- make filenames IF (phase_string /= "ice") THEN IF (Sc_Id_Internal < 4) THEN IF (Sc_Id_Internal == 2) THEN sat_string = "METOP-A" ENDIF IF (Sc_Id_Internal == 3) THEN sat_string = "METOP-B" ENDIF ENDIF IF (Sc_Id_Internal < 10 .and. Sc_Id_Internal > 4) THEN write(unit=sat_string,fmt="(a6,i1)") "NOAA-0",Sc_Id_Internal ENDIF IF (Sc_Id_Internal >= 10) THEN write(unit=sat_string,fmt="(a5,i2)") "NOAA-",Sc_Id_Internal ENDIF lut_file = TRIM(sat_string)//"_ch"//TRIM(chan_string)//"_ems_lut_"//phase_string//"_cld.hdf" ELSE sat_string = "AVHRR" lut_file = TRIM(sat_string)//"_ch"//TRIM(chan_string)//"_ems_lut_mix1_"//phase_string//"_cld.hdf" ENDIF !-- should include scinfo(sc_ind)%id - the wmo number ! lut_file = TRIM(scinfo(sc_ind)%name)//"_ch"//TRIM(chan_string)//"_ems_lut_"//phase_string//"_cld.hdf" !--- Open lookup table sd_id = sfstart( & TRIM(ancil_data_path)//TRIM(lut_file), & DFACC_READ) IF (sd_id < 0) THEN PRINT *, EXE_PROMPT, "Error open cloud ems table ", trim(ancil_data_path)//trim(lut_file) stop ENDIF !--- global attributes istatus = 0 istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"HEADER"), & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%header) istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_EFF_RADII"), & nlog10re) istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_OPTICAL_DEPTHS"), & nlog10tau) istatus = sfrcatt(sd_id, & sffattr(sd_id,"NUMBER_SENSOR_ZENITH_ANGLES"), & nzen) + istatus !--- store local dimensions into data structures cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nlog10re = nlog10re cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nlog10tau = nlog10tau cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%nzen = nzen tstatus = 0 ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(nzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re(nlog10re), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau(nlog10tau), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio(nlog10re), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref(nlog10re), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%emiss(nlog10re,nlog10tau,nzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus ALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trans(nlog10re,nlog10tau,nzen), stat=astatus) tstatus = tstatus + astatus IF (tstatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error allocating cloud emissivity lookup table arrays')",EXE_PROMPT STOP END IF !--- initialize cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%emiss = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trans = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%rho = 0.0 cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%lambda_ref = 0.0 !--- Read in values in the table !-- read in vectors sds_start_1d = 0 sds_stride_1d = 1 sds_edge_1d = nzen !-- sensor zenith angle sds_edge_1d = nzen sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"sensor_zenith_angle")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id, sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- log10 optical depth sds_edge_1d = nlog10tau sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"log10_optical_depth")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id, sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- log10 effective radius sds_edge_1d = nlog10re sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"log10_eff_radius")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id, sds_start_1d, sds_stride_1d, sds_edge_1d, & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !--- 3d arrays sds_start_3d = 0 sds_stride_3d = 1 !--- emissivity sds_dims_3d(1) = nlog10re sds_dims_3d(2) = nlog10tau sds_dims_3d(3) = nzen sds_edge_3d(1) = nlog10re sds_edge_3d(2) = nlog10tau sds_edge_3d(3) = nzen sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"cloud_emissivity")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id, sds_start_3d, sds_stride_3d, sds_edge_3d, & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%emiss) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !-- transmission sds_id = sfselect(sd_id,sfn2index(sd_id,"cloud_transmission")) istatus = sfrdata(sds_id, sds_start_3d, sds_stride_3d, sds_edge_3d, & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trans) + & istatus istatus = sfendacc(sds_id) + istatus !--- Close the lookup table file istatus = sfend(sd_id) + istatus !--- check status of read IF (istatus /= 0) THEN PRINT *, "Error reading emissivity table for channel, phase = ", & ichan, iphase ENDIF !--- assuming everything is equally spaced, compute spacing here cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_zen = & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(2) - & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen(1) cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_log10tau = & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau(2) - & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau(1) cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%delta_log10re = & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re(2) - & cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re(1) !======================================================================= ! END of this routine !======================================================================= END SUBROUTINE READ_CLD_EMS_LUT_STRUC SUBROUTINE ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_TABLE_STRUCTURE(nalgo) INTEGER, INTENT(in):: nalgo INTEGER:: astatus !--- ALLOCATE main structures ALLOCATE(cld_ref(nalgo),stat=astatus) IF (astatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Not enough memory to ALLOCATE cld reflectance lut structure.')",EXE_PROMPT STOP END IF cld_ref(:)%flag = sym%NO ALLOCATE(cld_ems(nalgo),stat=astatus) IF (astatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Not enough memory to ALLOCATE cld emissivity lut structure.')",EXE_PROMPT STOP END IF cld_ems(:)%flag = sym%NO END SUBROUTINE ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_TABLE_STRUCTURE !====================================================================== ! Deallocate threshold arrays on exit of last segment !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_TABLE_STRUCTURES(ialgo) INTEGER, INTENT(in):: ialgo INTEGER:: dstatus !deallocate status INTEGER:: tstatus !accumulated deallocate status INTEGER:: ichan !channel index INTEGER:: iphase !phase index PRINT *, EXE_PROMPT, " Destroying Cloud LUTs" !-------------------------------------------------------------- !--- reflectance tables !-------------------------------------------------------------- dstatus = 0 tstatus = 0 DO ichan = 1, nchan_max DO iphase = 1,nphases IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Solzen,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Relaz,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%sph_alb,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trn,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%alb)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%alb,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ref(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ref,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF END DO END DO !--- check status of deallocating IF (tstatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error deallocating cloud reflectance lookup table arrays')",EXE_PROMPT STOP ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------- !--- emissivity tables !-------------------------------------------------------------- dstatus = 0 tstatus = 0 DO ichan = 1, nchan_max DO iphase = 1,nphases IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%zen,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10tau,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%log10re,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%ext_ratio,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%Qext_ref,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trans)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%trans,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%emiss)) THEN DEALLOCATE(cld_ems(ialgo)%channel(ichan)%phase(iphase)%emiss,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus ENDIF END DO END DO !--- check status of deallocating IF (tstatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error deallocating cloud reflectance lookup table arrays')",EXE_PROMPT STOP ENDIF END SUBROUTINE DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_TABLE_STRUCTURES !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- routine to deallocate main cloud lut structure !---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_CLD_LUT_STRUCTURES() INTEGER:: dstatus !deallocate status INTEGER:: tstatus !accumulated status !--- initialize status flags dstatus = 0 tstatus = 0 !--- reflectance DEALLOCATE(cld_ref,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus IF (tstatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error deallocating cloud reflectance lookup table arrays')",EXE_PROMPT STOP ENDIF !--- emissivity DEALLOCATE(cld_ems,stat=dstatus) tstatus = tstatus + dstatus IF (tstatus /= 0) THEN PRINT "(a,'Error deallocating cloud emissivity lookup table arrays')",EXE_PROMPT STOP ENDIF END SUBROUTINE DEALLOCATE_MEMORY_FOR_MAIN_CLD_LUT_STRUCTURES END MODULE CLOUD_TAU_RE_SOLAR_MODULE