module GOES_IMAGER_ROUTINES use CONSTANTS use GOES_AREA_IO_MODULE implicit none public:: LMODEL,LPOINT,COMP_ES,COMP_LP,INST2E,GPOINT,TIME50!,GATT private contains !======================================================================== ! I N S T 2 E !======================================================================== SUBROUTINE INST2E( R, P, Y, A, AT ) ! ! AUTHOR: KELLY DEAN ! ! CREATED: October 1994 ! ! DEVELOPED FOR: CIRA/COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ! ! PURPOSE: ! Procedure INST2E accepts the single precision roll, pitch and yaw ! angles of an instrument and returns the double precision instrument ! to earth coordinates transformation matrix. ! ! REVISION: 0.0 ! ! REFERENCES: ! OTHER DOCUMENTS ! ! COMMENTS: ! Adapted from Igor Levine program for Integral Systems, Inc. ! ! ARGUMENTS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: IN/OUT: ! R REAL*8 Roll angle (rad) IN ! P REAL*8 Pitch angle (rad) IN ! Y REAL*8 Yaw angle (rad) IN ! A REAL*8 Spacecraft to ECEF coordinates OUT ! transformation matrix ! AT REAL*8 Instrument to ECEF coordinates OUT ! transformation matrix ! ! VARIABLES: ! NAME: PURPOSE: ! **************** INTEGER ***************** ! I Indices ! J Indices ! **************** REAL*8 ***************** ! RPY Instrument to body coordinates transformation matrix ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION: REAL*8 A(3,3),AT(3,3),R,RPY(3,3),P,Y INTEGER*4 I,J ! ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ******-------- MAIN BODY STARTS HERE -----------****** ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ! Compute instrument to body coordinates transformation matrix ! by using a small angle approximation of trigonometric function ! of the roll, pitch and yaw. ! RPY(1,1) = 1.0D0 - 0.5D0 * ( P * P + Y * Y ) RPY(1,2) = -Y RPY(1,3) = P RPY(2,1) = Y + P * R RPY(2,2) = 1.0D0 - 0.5D0 * ( Y * Y + R * R ) RPY(2,3) = -R RPY(3,1) = -P + R * Y RPY(3,2) = R + P * Y RPY(3,3) = 1.0D0 - 0.5D0 * ( P * P + R * R ) ! ! Multiplication of matrices A and RPY ! DO I = 1,3 DO J = 1,3 AT(I,J) = A(I,1)*RPY(1,J)+A(I,2)*RPY(2,J)+A(I,3)*RPY(3,J) ENDDO ENDDO ! ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE INST2E !====================================================================== ! T I M E 5 0 !====================================================================== REAL*8 FUNCTION TIME50(btim) ! ! AUTHOR: Garrett Campbell and Kelly Dean ! ! CREATED: October 1994 ! ! DEVELOPED FOR: CIRA/COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ! ! PURPOSE: ! Function TIME50 will take the epoch time from the GVAR NAVstr%and ! convert it to minutes from January 1, 1950. NOTE - Epoch time in ! the NAVstr%is not in the same format as other BCD times.C ! ! REVISION: 0.0 ! ! ARGUMENTS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: IN/OUT: ! btim BYTE Binary coded data (BCD) time IN ! ! FUNCTIONS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: LIBRARY: ! MOD INTEGER Returns a remainder Intrinsic ! ! NAME: PURPOSE: ! **************** INTEGER ***************** ! day_100 Part of day extracted from BCD ! day_10 Part of day extracted from BCD ! day_1 Part of day extracted from BCD ! hour_10 Part of hour extracted from BCD ! hour_1 Part of hour extracted from BCD ! min_10 Part of minute extracted from BCD ! min_1 Part of minute extracted from BCD ! NY YEAR ! ND DAY OF YEAR ! NH HOUR ! NM MINUTE ! ibt ! J Loop control variable ! year_1000 Part of year extracted from BCD ! year_100 Part of year extracted from BCD ! year_10 Part of year extracted from BCD ! year_1 Part of year extracted from BCD ! **************** REAL*8 ***************** ! S SECONDS - Double precision ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION: ! byte btim(8),bt INTEGER NY,ND,NH,NM,J INTEGER year_1000, year_100, year_10, year_1 INTEGER day_100, day_10, day_1, hour_10, hour_1, min_10, min_1 INTEGER sec_10, sec_1, msec_100, msec_10, msec_1 integer ibt REAL flywheel REAL*8 S ! ! Equivalence DECLARATION SECTION: ! equivalence (bt,ibt) ! ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ******-------- MAIN BODY STARTS HERE -----------****** ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ! Extract the Binary Coded Time into separate year, Julian day, hour ! minutes, seconds. ! ! bt = btim(1) day_1 = ibt/16 hour_10 = mod(ibt,16) bt = btim(2) day_100 = mod(ibt/16,8) day_10 = mod(ibt,16) flywheel = mod(ibt,2) bt = btim(3) year_10 = ibt/16 year_1 = mod(ibt,16) bt = btim(4) year_1000 = ibt/16 year_100 = mod(ibt,16) bt = btim(5) msec_10 = ibt/16 msec_1 = mod(ibt,16) bt = btim(6) sec_1 = ibt/16 msec_100 = mod(ibt,16) bt = btim(7) min_1 = ibt/16 sec_10 = mod(ibt,16) bt = btim(8) hour_1 = ibt/16 min_10 = mod(ibt,16) ! ! Make the year, Julian day, hour, minute, and seconds. ! ny = year_1000 * 1000 + year_100 * 100 + year_10 * 10 + year_1 nd = day_100 * 100 + day_10 * 10 + day_1 nh = hour_10 * 10 + hour_1 nm = min_10 * 10 + min_1 s = sec_10 * 10.0D0 + sec_1 + & msec_100 * 0.1D0 + msec_10 * 0.01D0 + msec_1 * 0.001D0 ! ! HERE WE CONVERT INTEGER YEAR AND DAY OF YEAR TO NUMBER OF ! DAYS FROM 0 HOUR UT, 1950 JAN. 1.0 ! THIS CONVERTION IS BASED ON AN ALGORITHM BY FLIEGEL AND VAN ! FLANDERN, COMM. OF ACM, VOL.11, NO. 10, OCT. 1968 (P.657) ! j = nd + 1461 * (ny + 4799) / 4 - 3 * & ( ( ny + 4899 ) / 100 ) / 4 - 2465022 ! ! Compute time in minutes from January 1.0, 1950 as double precision. ! TIME50 = j * 1440.0D0 + nh * 60.0D0 + nm + s / 60.0D0 ! ! RETURN END FUNCTION TIME50 !======================================================================= ! L M O D E L !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE LMODEL( T, TU, NAVstr, RLAT, RLON ) ! ! AUTHOR: KELLY DEAN ! ! CREATED: October 1994 ! ! DEVELOPED FOR: CIRA/COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ! ! PURPOSE: ! Procedure LModel accepts an input time and a set of O&A parameters ! and computes position of the satellite, the attitude angles and ! attitudes misalignment and the instrument to earth fixed coordinates ! transformation matrix. ! ! This procedure computes the position of the satellite and the ! attitude of the imager or sounder. The calculations are based ! on the Oats orbit and attitude model represented by the O&A ! parameter set in NAVstr% ! ! REVISION: 0.0 ! ! REFERENCES: ! Part of this code was adapted from Igor Levine work ! for Integal System, Inc. ! ! ARGUMENTS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: IN/OUT: ! T REAL*8 Input time from Jan 1, 1950 (Minutes) IN ! TU REAL*8 Epoch time from Jan 1, 1950 (Minutes) IN ! RLAT REAL*8 Subsatellite Geodetic latitude (rad) OUT ! RLON REAL*8 Subsatellite Geodetic Longitude (rad) OUT ! ! SUBROUTINES: ! NAME: PURPOSE: LIBRARY: ! INST2E Computes instrument to earth coordinates GVARnav ! ! FUNCTIONS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: LIBRARY: ! DATAN REAL*8 Arc tangent (double precision) Intrinsic ! DATAN2 REAL*8 Arc Tangent (double precision) Intrinsic ! DCOS REAL*8 Cosine (double precision) Intrinsic ! DSIN REAL*8 Sine (double precision) Intrinsic ! DTAN REAL*8 tagent (double precision) Intrinsic ! GATT REAL*8 Compute attitude and misalignment angle GVARnav ! ! VARIABLES: ! NAME: PURPOSE: ! **************** REAL*8 ***************** ! XS NORMALIZED S/C POSITION IN ECEF COORDINATES ! BT ECEF TO INSTRUMENT COORDINATES TRANSFORMATION ! Q3 USED IN SUBROUTINE LPOINT ! PITCH PITCH ANGLES OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) ! ROLL ROLL ANGLES OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) ! YAW YAW ANGLES OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) ! PMA PITCH MISALIGNMENTS OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) ! RMA ROLL MISALIGNMENTS OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) ! R Normalized satellite distance (km) ! TS Time from EPOCH (minutes) ! B Spacecraft to earth fixed coordinates transmation matrix ! TE Exponential time delay from EPOCH (minutes) ! PHI Subsatellite geocentric latitude (rad) ! DR Radial distance from the nominal (km) ! PSI Orbital yaw (rad) ! LAM IMC longitude (rad) ! U Argument of latitude (rad) ! SU DSIN(U) ! CU DCOS(U) ! SI Sine of the orbit inclination ! CI Cosine of the orbit inclination ! SLAT Sine of geocentric latitude ! ASC Longitude of the ascending node (rad) ! SA Sine of ASC ! CA Cosine of ASC ! SYAW Sine of the orbit yaw ! WA Solar orbit angle (rad) ! W Orbit angle (rad) ! SW DSIN(W) ! CW DCOS(W) ! S2W DSIN(2*W) ! C2W DCOS(2*W) ! SW1 DSIN(0.927*W) ! CW1 DCOS(0.927*W) ! SW3 Sine of 1.9268*W ! CW3 Cosine of 1.9268*W ! DLAT Change in sine of geocentric latitude ! DYAW Change in sine of orbit yaw ! A1 Work area ! A2 Work area ! XS S/C position in ECEF coordinates ! ! COMMON BLOCKS: ! NAME: CONTENTS: ! ELCOMM Instrument position and attitude variables and ! transformation matrix ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CONSTANT DECLARATION SECTION: ! ! include '' ! ! VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION: ! INTEGER IMCstatus REAL*8 T, TU REAL*8 REC(336) REAL*8 PI, DEG, RAD, NOMORB, AE, FER, AEBE2, AEBE3, AEBE4 REAL*8 RLAT, RLON, R, TS, TE, PHI, DR, PSI, LAM, U, SU, CU REAL*8 SI, CI, SLAT, ASC, SA, CA, SYAW, WA, W, SW, CW, S2W, C2W REAL*8 SW1, CW1, SW3, CW3, DLAT, DYAW, A1, A2 REAL*8 B(3,3), BT(3,3), XS(3) REAL*8 Q3, PITCH, ROLL, YAW REAL*8 PMA, RMA type(GVAR_NAV):: NAVstr ! ! FUNCTION DECLARATION SECTION: ! REAL*8 DATAN,DATAN2,DCOS,DSIN,DTAN!,GATT ! ! COMMON BLOCKS: ! COMMON /ELCOMM/ xs, bt, q3, pitch, roll, yaw, pma, rma ! ! INITIALIZATIONS: (Description mathematical and earth-related constants) ! ! PI = 3.141592653589793D0 PI = 4.0*DATAN(1.0D0) DEG = 180D0 / PI RAD = PI / 180D0 ! Degrees to radians conversion (PI/180) NOMORB = 42164.365D0 ! Nominal radial distance of satellite (km) AE = 6378.137D0 ! Earth equatorial radius (km) FER = 1.0D0 - ( 6356.7533D0 / AE ) ! Earth flattening coefficient AEBE2 = 1.0D0 / (1.0D0 - FER )**2 AEBE3 = AEBE2 - 1. AEBE4 = ( 1.0D0 - FER )**4-1. ! ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ******-------- MAIN BODY STARTS HERE -----------****** ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ! Determine the IMC status ! ! IMCstatus = IBITS(NAVstr%stat,6,1) ! ! Assign referenec values to the subsatellite longitude and ! latitude, the radial distance and the orbit yaw. ! LAM = NAVstr%ref_long * 1.0D-7 DR = NAVstr%ref_rad_dist PHI = NAVstr%ref_lat PSI = NAVstr%ref_orb_yaw ! ! Assign reference values to the attitudes and misalignments ! ROLL = NAVstr%ref_att_roll PITCH = NAVstr%ref_att_pitch YAW = NAVstr%ref_att_yaw RMA = 0.0 PMA = 0.0 ! ! IF IMC_active is OFF, compute changes in the satellite orbit ! IF ( IMCstatus .NE. 0 ) THEN ! PRINT *, ' IMC turned off............' ! ! Compute time since EPOCH (minutes) ! TS = T - TU ! ! Compute orbite angle and the related trigonometric functions. ! earth rotational rate (.729115E-4 rad/sec). ! W = 0.729115e-4 * 60.0D0 * TS SW = DSIN(W) CW = DCOS(W) SW1 = DSIN(0.927D0*W) CW1 = DCOS(0.927D0*W) S2W = DSIN(2.0D0*W) C2W = DCOS(2.0D0*W) SW3 = DSIN(1.9268D0*W) CW3 = DCOS(1.9268D0*W) ! ! Computes change in the IMC_active longitude from the reference. ! LAM = LAM + ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(1) * 1.0D-7 ) + & ( ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(2) * 1.0D-7 ) + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(3) * 1.0D-7 ) * W ) * W + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(10) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW1 + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(11) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW1 + & ( ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(4) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(5) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(6) * 1.0D-7 ) * S2W + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(7) * 1.0D-7 ) * C2W + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(8) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW3 + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(9) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW3 + & W * ( ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(12) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW + & ( NAVstr%ref_long_change(13) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW ) ) * 2.0D0 ! ! Computes change in radial distance from the reference (km) ! DR = DR + ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(1) * 1.0D-7 ) + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(2) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(3) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(4) * 1.0D-7 ) * C2W + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(5) * 1.0D-7 ) * S2W + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(6) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW3 + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(7) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW3 + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(8) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW1 + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(9) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW1 + & W * ( ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(10) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW + & ( NAVstr%ref_rad_dist_change(11) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW ) ! ! Computes the sine of the change in the geocentric latitude. ! DLAT = ( NAVstr%sine_lat(1) * 1.0D-7 ) + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(2) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(3) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(4) * 1.0D-7 ) * C2W + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(5) * 1.0D-7 ) * S2W + & W * ( ( NAVstr%sine_lat(6) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(7) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW ) + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(8) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW1 + & ( NAVstr%sine_lat(9) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW1 ! ! Computes geocentric latitude by using an expansion for arcsine. ! PHI = PHI + DLAT * ( 1.0D0 + DLAT * DLAT / 6.0D0 ) ! ! Computes sine of the change in the orbit yaw. ! DYAW = ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(1) * 1.0D-7 ) + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(2) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(3) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(4) * 1.0D-7 ) * S2W + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(5) * 1.0D-7 ) * C2W + & W * ( ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(6) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(7) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW ) + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(8) * 1.0D-7 ) * SW1 + & ( NAVstr%sine_orb_yaw(9) * 1.0D-7 ) * CW1 ! ! Computes the orbit yaw by using an expansion for arcsine. ! PSI = PSI + DYAW * ( 1.0D0 + DYAW * DYAW / 6.0D0 ) ! ELSE !C WRITE(6,*) ' IMC is turned on .......... >',IMCstatus ENDIF ! ! Conversion of the IMC_active longitude and orbit yaw to the subsatellite ! longitude and the orbit inclination (REF: GOES-PCC-TM-2473). Inputs ! required for earth location and gridding ! SLAT = DSIN(PHI) SYAW = DSIN(PSI) SI = SLAT**2 + SYAW**2 CI = DSQRT(1.0D0 - SI ) SI = DSQRT(SI) IF ( SYAW .NE. 0.0D0 ) THEN U = DATAN2(SLAT,SYAW) ELSE IF (SLAT .GT. 0.0D0 ) THEN U = 1.570796D0 ELSE IF (SLAT .LT. 0.0D0 ) THEN U = 4.712389D0 ELSE U = LAM ENDIF ! SU = DSIN(U) CU = DCOS(U) ! ! Computes longitude of the ascending node. ! ASC = LAM - U SA = DSIN(ASC) CA = DCOS(ASC) ! ! Computes the subsatellite geographic latitude (rad) ! RLAT = DATAN(AEBE2*DTAN(PHI)) ! ! Computes the subsatellite geographic longitude (rad) ! RLON = ASC + DATAN2(CI*SU,CU) ! ! Computes the spacecraft to earth fixed coordinates transformation matrix. ! ! (VECTOR IN ECEF COORDINATES) = B * (VECTOR IN S/C COORDINATES) ! B(1,2) = -SA * SI B(2,2) = CA * SI B(3,2) = -CI B(1,3) = -CA * CU + SA * SU * CI B(2,3) = -SA * CU - CA * SU * CI B(3,3) = -SLAT B(1,1) = -CA * SU - SA * CU * CI B(2,1) = -SA * SU + CA * CU * CI B(3,1) = CU * SI ! ! Computes the normalized spacecraft position vector in earth fixed ! coordinates - XS. ! R = (NOMORB + DR) / AE XS(1) = -B(1,3) * R XS(2) = -B(2,3) * R XS(3) = -B(3,3) * R ! ! Precomputes Q3 ( Used in LPoint ). ! Q3 = XS(1)**2 + XS(2)**2 + AEBE2 * XS(3)**2 - 1.0D0 ! ! Computes the attitudes and misalignments IF IMC_active is OFF ! IF ( IMCstatus .NE. 0 ) THEN ! PRINT *, ' IMC turned off............' ! ! Computes the solar orbit angle ! WA = ( NAVstr%solar_rate * 1.0D-7 ) * TS ! ! Computes the difference between current time, TS, and the ! exponential time. Note that both times are since EPOCH. ! TE = TS - ( NAVstr%exp_start_time * 1.0D-7 ) ! ! Computes ROLL + ROLL Misalignment ! ROLL = ROLL + GATT(NAVstr%roll_att,WA,TE) ! ! Computes Pitch + Pitch Misalignment ! PITCH = PITCH + GATT(NAVstr%pitch_att,WA,TE) ! ! Computes YAW ! YAW = YAW + GATT(NAVstr%yaw_att,WA,TE) ! ! Computes roll misalignment ! RMA = GATT(NAVstr%roll_misalgn,WA,TE) ! ! Computes pitch misalignment ! PMA = GATT(NAVstr%pitch_misalgn,WA,TE) ! ! Apply the Earth Sensor compensation IF needed. ! IF ( TS .GE. ( NAVstr%start_time * 1.0D-2 ) ) THEN ROLL = ROLL + NAVstr%IMC_corr_roll * 1.0D-7 PITCH = PITCH + NAVstr%IMC_corr_pitch * 1.0D-7 YAW = YAW + NAVstr%IMC_corr_yaw * 1.0D-7 ENDIF ! ELSE !C WRITE(6,*) ' IMC is turned on .......... >',IMCstatus ENDIF ! ! Computes the instrument to earth fixed coordinates transformation ! matrix - BT ! CALL INST2E( ROLL, PITCH, YAW, B, BT) ! RETURN CONTAINS !======================================================================= ! G A T T !======================================================================= REAL*8 FUNCTION GATT( IMGR_REP, WA, TE) ! ! AUTHOR: KELLY DEAN ! ! CREATED: October 1994 ! ! DEVELOPED FOR: CIRA/COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ! ! PURPOSE: ! This function computes an attitude/misalignment angle from ! a given subset of the O&A parameters. ! ! REVISION: 0.0 ! ! ARGUMENTS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: IN/OUT: ! IMGR_REP STRUCTURE ! TE REAL*8 Input exponential time IN ! delay from epoch (minutes) ! WA REAL*8 Input solar orbit angle (rad) IN ! ! FUNCTIONS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: LIBRARY: ! DCOS REAL*8 Cosine ( Double precision ) INTRINSIC ! ! VARIABLES: ! NAME: PURPOSE: ! **************** INTEGER ***************** ! l Loop control variable ! m Temporary variable for order of monomial sinusoids ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INCLUDE DECLARATION SECTION: ! ! include '' ! ! VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION: ! INTEGER l,m REAL*8 TE, WA type (IMGR_RP) :: IMGR_REP ! ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ******-------- MAIN BODY STARTS HERE -----------****** ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! GATT = IMGR_REP%mean_att_ang_const * 1.0D-7 ! ! Computes the exponential term. ! IF ( TE .GE. 0.0D0 ) THEN GATT = GATT + (IMGR_REP%exp_mag * 1.0D-7 ) * & EXP(-te / ( IMGR_REP%exp_time_const * 1.0D-2 )) ENDIF ! ! Calculation of sinusoids. ! DO l = 1, IMGR_REP%num_sinu_per_angle GATT = GATT + ( IMGR_REP%sinusoid(l)%mag_sinu * 1.0D-7 ) * & DCOS(wa * l + & ( IMGR_REP%sinusoid(l)%phase_ang_sinu * 1.0D-7 ) ) ENDDO ! ! Computes monomial sinusoids. ! DO l = 1, IMGR_REP%num_mono_sinu m = IMGR_REP%monomial(l)%order_mono_sinu GATT = GATT + (IMGR_REP%monomial(l)%mag_mono_sinu * 1.0D-7) * & (wa-(IMGR_REP%monomial(l)%ang_from_epoch * 1.0D-7) )**m * & DCOS( IMGR_REP%monomial(l)%order_appl_sinu * wa + & ( IMGR_REP%monomial(l)%phase_ang_sinu * 1.0D-7 ) ) ENDDO ! ! RETURN END FUNCTION GATT END SUBROUTINE LMODEL !*********************************************************************** !*********************************************************************** !** !** INTEGRAL SYSTEMS, INC. !** !*********************************************************************** !** !** PROJECT : OPERATIONS GROUND EQUIPMENT FOR GOES-NEXT !** SYSTEM : EARTH LOCATION USERS GUIDE !** ROUTINE : LPOINT !** SOURCE : F.LPOINT !** LOAD NAME : ANY !** PROGRAMMER: IGOR LEVINE !** !** VER. DATA BY COMMENT !** ---- -------- --- --------------------------------------------- !** A 01/09/89 IL INITIAL CREATION !** A 06/02/89 IL COORDINATE AXES CHANGED ACCORDING TO !** FORD'S DEFINITION IN SDAIP, DRL504-01 !** !*********************************************************************** !** !** THIS SUBROUTINE CONVERTS THE INSTRUMENT ELEVATION AND SCAN !** ANGLES TO THE RELATED GEOGRAPHIC LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. !** !*********************************************************************** !** !** CALLED BY : ANY !** COMMONS MODIFIED: NONE !** INPUTS : NONE !** OUTPUTS : NONE !** ROUTINES CALLED : NONE !** !*********************************************************************** !*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE LPOINT(ALPHA,ZETA,RLAT,RLON,IERR) ! ! CALLING PARAMETERS ! REAL*8 ALPHA ! ELEVATION ANGLE (RAD) REAL*8 ZETA ! SCAN ANGLE (RAD) REAL*8 RLAT ! LATITUDE IN RADIANS (OUTPUT) REAL*8 RLON ! LONGITUDE IN RADIANS (OUTPUT) INTEGER IERR ! OUTPUT STATUS; 0 - POINT ON THE EARTH ! FOUND, 1 - INSTRUMENT POINTS OFF EARTH ! ! LOCAL VARIABLES ! REAL*8 G1(3) ! POINTING VECTOR IN EARTH CENTERED COORDINATES REAL*8 H ! SLANT DISTANCE TO THE EARTH POINT (KM) REAL*8 Q1,Q2,D ! WORK SPACE REAL*8 G(3) ! POINTING VECTOR IN INSTRUMENT COORDINATES REAL*8 U(3) ! COORDINATES OF THE EARTH POINT (KM) REAL*8 SA,CA,DA,DZ,D1,CZ ! WORK SPACE ! ! INCLUDE FILES ! REAL*8 PI PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793D0) REAL*8 DEG PARAMETER (DEG=180.D0/PI) REAL*8 RAD PARAMETER (RAD=PI/180.D0) ! DEGREES TO RADIANS CONVERSION PI/180 REAL*8 NOMORB PARAMETER (NOMORB=42164.365D0) ! NOMINAL RADIAL DISTANCE OF SATELLITE (km) REAL*8 AE PARAMETER (AE=6378.137D0) ! EARTH EQUATORIAL RADIUS (km) REAL*8 FER PARAMETER (FER=1.D0-(6356.7533D0/AE)) ! EARTH FLATTENING COEFFICIENT = 1-(BE/AE) REAL*4 AEBE2 PARAMETER (AEBE2=1.D0/(1.D0-FER)**2) REAL*4 AEBE3 PARAMETER (AEBE3=AEBE2-1.) REAL*4 AEBE4 PARAMETER (AEBE4=(1.D0-FER)**4-1.) REAL*8 XS(3) ! NORMALIZED S/C POSITION IN ECEF COORDINATES REAL*8 BT(3,3) ! ECEF TO INSTRUMENT COORDINATES TRANSFORMATION REAL*8 Q3 ! USED IN SUBROUTINE LPOINT REAL*8 PITCH,ROLL,YAW ! PITCH,ROLL,YAW ANGLES OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) REAL*8 PMA,RMA ! PITCH,ROLL MISALIGNMENTS OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) COMMON /ELCOMM/ XS,BT,Q3,PITCH,ROLL,YAW,PMA,RMA !*********************************************************************** IERR=1 ! ! COMPUTES TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF THE SCAN AND ELEVATION ! ANGLES CORRECTED FOR THE ROLL AND PITCH MISALIGNMENTS ! CA=DCOS(ALPHA) SA=DSIN(ALPHA) DA=ALPHA-PMA*SA*(1.0D0+DTAN(ZETA))-RMA*(1.0D0-CA) DZ=ZETA+RMA*SA ! CORRECTED SCAN ANGLE CZ=DCOS(DZ) ! ! COMPUTES POINTING VECTOR IN INSTRUMENT COORDINATES ! G(1)=DSIN(DZ) G(2)=-CZ*DSIN(DA) G(3)=CZ*DCOS(DA) ! ! TRANSFORMS THE POINTING VECTOR TO EARTH FIXED COORDINATES ! G1(1)=BT(1,1)*G(1)+BT(1,2)*G(2)+BT(1,3)*G(3) G1(2)=BT(2,1)*G(1)+BT(2,2)*G(2)+BT(2,3)*G(3) G1(3)=BT(3,1)*G(1)+BT(3,2)*G(2)+BT(3,3)*G(3) ! ! COMPUTES COEFFICIENTS AND SOLVES A QUADRATIC EQUATION TO ! FIND THE INTERSECT OF THE POINTING VECTOR WITH THE EARTH ! SURFACE ! Q1=G1(1)**2+G1(2)**2+AEBE2*G1(3)**2 Q2=XS(1)*G1(1)+XS(2)*G1(2)+AEBE2*XS(3)*G1(3) D=Q2*Q2-Q1*Q3 IF (DABS(D).LT.1.D-9) D=0.0D0 ! ! IF THE DISCIMINANTE OF THE EQUATION, D, IS NEGATIVE, THE ! INSTRUMENT POINTS OFF THE EARTH ! IF (D.LT.0.0D0) THEN RLAT=999999.0D0 RLON=999999.0D0 RETURN END IF D=DSQRT(D) ! ! SLANT DISTANCE FROM THE SATELLITE TO THE EARTH POINT ! H=-(Q2+D)/Q1 ! ! CARTESIAN COORDINATES OF THE EARTH POINT ! U(1)=XS(1)+H*G1(1) U(2)=XS(2)+H*G1(2) U(3)=XS(3)+H*G1(3) ! ! SINUS OF GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE ! D1=U(3)/DSQRT(U(1)**2+U(2)**2+U(3)**2) ! ! GEOGRAPHIC (GEODETIC) COORDINATES OF THE POINT ! RLAT=DATAN(AEBE2*D1/DSQRT(1.0D0-D1*D1)) RLON=DATAN2(U(2),U(1)) IERR=0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE LPOINT !*********************************************************************** !*********************************************************************** !** !** INTEGRAL SYSTEMS, INC. !** !*********************************************************************** !** !** PROJECT : OPERATIONS GROUND EQUIPMENT FOR GOES-NEXT !** SYSTEM : EARTH LOCATION USERS GUIDE !** ROUTINE : GPOINT !** SOURCE : F.GPOINT !** LOAD NAME : ANY !** PROGRAMMER: IGOR LEVINE !** !** VER. DATA BY COMMENT !** ---- -------- --- --------------------------------------------- !** A 12/10/87 IL INITIAL CREATION !** A 06/10/88 IL REPLACED ASIN WITH ATAN TO SAVE TIME !** A 06/02/89 IL COORDINATE AXES CHANGED ACCORDING TO !** FORD'S DEFINITION IN SDAIP, DRL 504-01 !** !*********************************************************************** !** !** THIS SUBROUTINE CONVERTS GEOGRAPHIC LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE !** TO THE RELATED ELEVATION AND SCAN ANGLES. !** !*********************************************************************** !** !** CALLED BY : ANY !** COMMONS MODIFIED: NONE !** INPUTS : NONE !** OUTPUTS : NONE !** ROUTINES CALLED : NONE !** !*********************************************************************** !*********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE GPOINT(RLAT,RLON,ALF,GAM,IERR) ! ! CALLING PARAMETERS ! REAL*8 RLAT ! GEOGRAPHIC LATITUDE IN RADIANS (INPUT) REAL*8 RLON ! GEOGRAPHIC LONGITUDE IN RADIANS (INPUT) REAL*8 ALF ! ELEVATION ANGLE IN RADIANS (OUTPUT) REAL*8 GAM ! SCAN ANGLE IN RADIANS (OUTPUT) INTEGER IERR ! OUTPUT STATUS ! 0 - SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION, ! 1 - POINT WITH GIVEN LAT/LON IS INVISIBLE ! ! LOCAL VARIABLES ! REAL*8 F(3) ! POINTING VECTOR IN EARTH CENTERED COORDINATES REAL*8 FT(3) ! POINTING VECTOR IN INSTRUMENT COORDINATES REAL*8 U(3) ! COORDINATES OF THE EARTH POINT (KM) REAL*8 SING,SLAT,W1,W2 ! WORK SPACE ! ! INCLUDE FILES ! REAL*8 PI PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793D0) REAL*8 DEG PARAMETER (DEG=180.D0/PI) REAL*8 RAD PARAMETER (RAD=PI/180.D0) ! DEGREES TO RADIANS CONVERSION PI/180 REAL*8 NOMORB PARAMETER (NOMORB=42164.365D0) ! NOMINAL RADIAL DISTANCE OF SATELLITE (km) REAL*8 AE PARAMETER (AE=6378.137D0) ! EARTH EQUATORIAL RADIUS (km) REAL*8 FER PARAMETER (FER=1.D0-(6356.7533D0/AE)) ! EARTH FLATTENING COEFFICIENT = 1-(BE/AE) REAL*4 AEBE2 PARAMETER (AEBE2=1.D0/(1.D0-FER)**2) REAL*4 AEBE3 PARAMETER (AEBE3=AEBE2-1.) REAL*4 AEBE4 PARAMETER (AEBE4=(1.D0-FER)**4-1.) REAL*8 XS(3) ! NORMALIZED S/C POSITION IN ECEF COORDINATES REAL*8 BT(3,3) ! ECEF TO INSTRUMENT COORDINATES TRANSFORMATION REAL*8 Q3 ! USED IN SUBROUTINE LPOINT REAL*8 PITCH,ROLL,YAW ! PITCH,ROLL,YAW ANGLES OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) REAL*8 PMA,RMA ! PITCH,ROLL MISALIGNMENTS OF INSTRUMENT (RAD) COMMON /ELCOMM/ XS,BT,Q3,PITCH,ROLL,YAW,PMA,RMA !*********************************************************************** ! ! COMPUTES SINUS OF GEOGRAPHIC (GEODETIC) LATITUDE ! SING=DSIN(RLAT) W1=AEBE4*SING*SING ! ! SINUS OF THE GEOCENTRIC LATITUDE ! SLAT=((0.375D0*W1-0.5D0)*W1+1.0D0)*SING/AEBE2 ! ! COMPUTES LOCAL EARTH RADIUS AT SPECIFIED POINT ! W2=SLAT*SLAT W1=AEBE3*W2 W1=(0.375D0*W1-0.5D0)*W1+1.D0 ! ! COMPUTES CARTESIAN COORDINATES OF THE POINT ! U(3)=SLAT*W1 W2=W1*DSQRT(1.0D0-W2) U(1)=W2*DCOS(RLON) U(2)=W2*DSIN(RLON) ! ! POINTING VECTOR FROM SATELLITE TO THE EARTH POINT ! F(1)=U(1)-XS(1) F(2)=U(2)-XS(2) F(3)=U(3)-XS(3) W2=U(1)*SNGL(F(1))+U(2)*SNGL(F(2))+ & U(3)*SNGL(F(3))*AEBE2 ! ! VERIFIES VISIBILITY OF THE POINT ! IF (W2.GT.0.0D0) THEN ! INVISIBLE POINT ON THE EARTH IERR=1 ALF=99999.0D0 GAM=99999.0D0 RETURN END IF ! ! CONVERTS POINTING VECTOR TO INSTRUMENT COORDINATES ! FT(1)=BT(1,1)*F(1)+BT(2,1)*F(2)+BT(3,1)*F(3) FT(2)=BT(1,2)*F(1)+BT(2,2)*F(2)+BT(3,2)*F(3) FT(3)=BT(1,3)*F(1)+BT(2,3)*F(2)+BT(3,3)*F(3) ! ! CONVERTS POINTING VECTOR TO SCAN AND ELEVATION ANGLES AND ! CORRECTS FOR THE ROLL AND PITCH MISALIGNMENTS ! GAM=ATAN(FT(1)/SQRT(FT(2)**2+FT(3)**2)) ALF=-DATAN(FT(2)/FT(3)) W1=DSIN(ALF) W2=DCOS(ALF) ALF=ALF+RMA*(1.0D0-W2)+PMA*W1*(1.0D0+DTAN(GAM)) GAM=GAM-RMA*W1 IERR=0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE GPOINT !======================================================================= ! C O M P _ E S !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE COMP_ES( NAVstr, line, pixel, elev, scan ) ! ! AUTHOR: KELLY DEAN ! ! CREATED: January 1995 ! ! DEVELOPED FOR: CIRA/COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ! ! PURPOSE: ! Compute the elevation and scan angles related to the ! satellite line and pixel numbers. ! ! REVISION: 1.0 ! ! ARGUMENTS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: IN/OUT: ! NAVstr Structure Navigation information IN ! line REAL*8 Satellite line number IN ! pixel REAL*8 Satellite pixel number IN ! elev REAL*8 Elevation angle (rad) OUT ! scan REAL*8 Scan angle (rad) OUT ! ! CONSTANTS: ! NAME: PURPOSE: ! **************** REAL*8 ***************** ! elvln Elevation angle per detector line (rad) ! elvmax Bounds in elevation ! scnmax Bounds in scan angle ! scnpx Scan angle per pixel (rad) ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INCLUDE DECLARATION SECTION: ! ! include '' ! ! CONSTANT DECLARATION SECTION: ! INTEGER incmax(2) /6136,2805/ REAL*8 elvmax(2) / 0.2208960D0, 0.22089375D0/ REAL*8 elvln(2) /28.0D-6, 280.0D-6/ REAL*8 elvinc(2) / 8.0D-6, 17.5D-6/ REAL*8 scnmax(2) / 0.245440D0, 0.2454375D0 / REAL*8 scnpx(2) /16.0D-6, 280.0D-6/ REAL*8 scninc(2) /16.0D-6, 35.0D-6/ ! ! VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION: ! type(GVAR_NAV):: NAVstr REAL*8 line, pixel, elev, scan ! ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ******-------- MAIN BODY STARTS HERE -----------****** ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! IF ( NAVstr%instr .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! Recompute elevation and scan biases based on user inputs of ! cycles and increments obtained from GVAR. elvmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( NAVstr%ns_cyl * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) + & NAVstr%ns_inc ) * & elvinc(NAVSTR%instr) scnmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( NAVstr%ew_cyl * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) + & NAVstr%ew_inc ) * & scninc(NAVstr%instr) ! Compute elevation angle (rad) elev = elvmax(NAVstr%instr) + (4.50 - line) * elvln(NAVstr%instr) ! Compute scan angle (rad) scan = (pixel - 1.0) * scnpx(NAVstr%instr) - scnmax(NAVstr%instr) ELSE IF( NAVstr%instr .EQ. 2 ) THEN ! Recompute elevation and scan biases based on user inputs of ! cycles and increments obtained from GVAR. elvmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( (9 - NAVstr%ns_cyl) * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) - & NAVstr%ns_inc ) * & elvinc(NAVstr%instr) scnmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( NAVstr%ew_cyl * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) + & NAVstr%ew_inc ) * & scninc(NAVstr%instr) ! Compute elevation angle (rad) elev = elvmax(NAVstr%instr) + (2.50 - line) * elvln(NAVstr%instr) ! Compute scan angle (rad) scan = (pixel - 1.0)*scnpx(NAVstr%instr)-scnmax(NAVstr%instr) ELSE ! Unknown instrument..... elev = 0.0D0 scan = 0.0D0 ENDIF ! ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE COMP_ES !====================================================================== ! C O M P _ L P !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE COMP_LP( NAVstr, ELEV, SCAN, RL, RP ) ! ! AUTHOR: KELLY DEAN ! ! CREATED: January 1995 ! ! DEVELOPED FOR: CIRA/COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ! ! PURPOSE: ! Subroutine COMP_LP converts elevation and scan angles to the ! fractional line and pixel numbers. ! ! REVISION: 0.0 ! ! ARGUMENTS: ! NAME: TYPE: PURPOSE: IN/OUT: ! NAVstr Structure Navigation information IN ! ELEV REAL*8 Elevation angle (rad) IN ! SCAN REAL*8: Scan angle (rad) IN ! RL REAL*8 Line Number OUT ! RP REAL*8 Pixel Number OUT ! ! CONSTANTS: ! NAME: PURPOSE: ! **************** REAL*8 ***************** ! elvln Elevation angle per detector line (rad) ! elvmax Bounds in elevation ! scnmax Bounds in scan angle ! scnpx Scan angle per pixel (rad) ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------- ACTUAL CODE STARTS HERE -------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INCLUDE DECLARATION SECTION: ! ! include '' ! ! CONSTANT DECLARATION SECTION: ! INTEGER incmax(2) /6136,2805/ REAL*8 elvmax(2) / 0.2208960D0, 0.22089375D0/ REAL*8 elvln(2) /28.0D-6, 280.0D-6/ REAL*8 elvinc(2) / 8.0D-6, 17.5D-6/ REAL*8 scnmax(2) / 0.245440D0, 0.2454375D0 / REAL*8 scnpx(2) /16.0D-6, 280.0D-6/ REAL*8 scninc(2) /16.0D-6, 35.0D-6/ ! ! VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION: ! type(GVAR_NAV):: NAVstr REAL*8 ELEV, SCAN, RL, RP ! ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! ******-------- MAIN BODY STARTS HERE -----------****** ! ******--------------------------------------------****** ! IF ( NAVstr%instr .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! Recompute elevation and scan biases based on user inputs of ! cycles and increments obtained from GVAR. elvmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( NAVstr%ns_cyl * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) + & NAVstr%ns_inc ) * & elvinc(NAVSTR%instr) scnmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( NAVstr%ew_cyl * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) + & NAVstr%ew_inc ) * & scninc(NAVstr%instr) ! Compute fractional line number. RL = ( ELVMAX(NAVstr%instr) - ELEV ) / ELVLN(NAVstr%instr) RL = RL + 4.5D0 ! Compute fractional pixel number. RP = ( SCNMAX(NAVstr%instr) + SCAN ) / SCNPX(NAVstr%instr)+1.0D0 ELSE IF ( NAVstr%instr .EQ. 2 ) THEN ! Recompute elevation and scan biases based on user inputs of ! cycles and increments obtained from GVAR. elvmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( (9 - NAVstr%ns_cyl) * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) - & NAVstr%ns_inc ) * & elvinc(NAVstr%instr) scnmax(NAVstr%instr) = ( NAVstr%ew_cyl * & incmax(NAVstr%instr) + & NAVstr%ew_inc ) * & scninc(NAVstr%instr) ! Compute fractional line number. RL = ( ELVMAX(NAVstr%instr) - ELEV ) / ELVLN(NAVstr%instr) RL = RL + 2.5D0 ! Compute fractional pixel number. RP = ( SCNMAX(NAVstr%instr)+SCAN ) / SCNPX(NAVstr%instr)+1.0D0 ELSE ! Unknown instrument..... RL = 0.0D0 RP = 0.0D0 ENDIF ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE COMP_LP end module GOES_IMAGER_ROUTINES