!------------------------------------------------------------------ ! This module stores numerical routines needed in GSIP-fd ! ! ! CVS info: ! ! $Id: num_mod_gsip.f90,v 2012/05/18 20:18:40 heidinger Exp $ ! ! $Log: num_mod_gsip.f90,v $ ! Revision 2012/05/18 20:18:40 heidinger ! ! ! Revision 1.1 2010/08/12 00:58:18 heidinger ! new ! ! Revision 1.7 2005/09/09 21:32:27 heidinger ! thors working version wth pCRTM ! ! Revision 1.4 2004/12/03 23:13:31 heidinger ! added diag routines ! ! Revision 1.2 2004/10/28 02:11:51 heidinger ! added goes-9 capability ! ! Revision 1.1 2004/08/23 16:09:02 heidinger ! no message ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- module NUMERICAL_ROUTINES use CONSTANTS implicit none private public :: LOCATE, POSSOL, JULIAN, COMPUTE_SATELLITE_ANGLES, & ICNVRT,COMPUTE_MONTH, COMPUTE_DAY, & VAPOR, SATVAPLIQ_OLD,SATVAPLIQ, SATVAPLIQB,SATVAPICE_OLD,SATVAPICE contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Define calibration parameters ! ! sat_id = satellite identification ! 8: GOES-8 ! 9: GOES-9 ! 10: GOES-10 ! 11: GOES-11 ! 12: GOES-12 ! ! source of calibration - Mike Weinreb's GOES Calibration Webpage ! http://www.oso.noaa.gov/goes/goes-calibration/ !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine DEFINE_GSIP_CAL(sat_id, Fo_2, year_launch,jday_launch, ch1_slope_degrad, & ch1_slope, a, b, nu, slope, intercept) ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: sat_id integer, intent(out) :: jday_launch, year_launch real (kind=real4), intent(out) :: Fo_2, ch1_slope, ch1_slope_degrad real (kind=real4), dimension(:), intent(out) :: slope, intercept real (kind=real4), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: nu, a, b ! Local variables integer :: nchan nchan = size(slope) slope = reshape((/0.0, 227.3889, 38.8383, 5.2285, 5.0273, 5.5297/), (/nchan/)) intercept = reshape((/29.0, 68.2167, 29.1287, 15.6854, 15.3332, 16.5892/), (/nchan/)) if (sat_id == 8) then Fo_2 = 14.56 ! mW/m^2/cm^{-1} ch1_slope_degrad = 365.25 * 0.0001688 ch1_slope = 0.1264 year_launch = 1994 jday_launch = 103 nu(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 2556.71, 1481.91, 934.30, 837.06, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) nu(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 2558.62, 1481.91, 935.38, 837.00, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, -0.578526, -0.593903, -0.322585, -0.422571, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, -0.581853, -0.593903, -0.351889, -0.466954, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 1.001512, 1.001418, 1.001271, 1.001170, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 1.001532, 1.001418, 1.001293, 1.001257, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) elseif (sat_id == 9) then Fo_2 = 14.52 ! mW/m^2/cm^{-1} ch1_slope_degrad = 365.25 * 0.000 ! UNCALIBRATED VIS ch1_slope = 0.1365 !MODIS TERRA 2004 COMP year_launch = 1995 jday_launch = 143 nu(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 2555.18, 1481.82, 934.59, 834.02, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) nu(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 2555.18, 1481.91, 934.28, 834.09, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, -0.579908, -0.493016, -0.384798, -0.302995, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, -0.579908, -0.493016, -0.384798, -0.302995, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 1.000942, 1.001076, 1.001293, 1.000941, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 1.000942, 1.001076, 1.001272, 1.000948, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) elseif (sat_id == 10) then Fo_2 = 14.50 ! mW/m^2/cm^{-1} ch1_slope_degrad = 365.25 * 0.0001022 ch1_slope = 0.1165 year_launch = 1997 jday_launch = 115 nu(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 2552.9845, 1486.2212, 936.10260, 830.88473, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) nu(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 2552.9845, 1486.2212, 935.98981, 830.89691, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, -0.60584483, -0.61653805, -0.27128884, -0.26505411, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, -0.60584483, -0.61653805, -0.27064036, -0.26056452, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 1.0011017, 1.0014011, 1.0009674, 1.0009087, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 1.0011017, 1.0014011, 1.0009687, 1.0008962, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) elseif (sat_id == 11) then Fo_2 = 14.58 ! mW/m^2/cm^{-1} --- CHECK THIS ch1_slope_degrad = 365.25 * 0.000 ! UNCALIBRATED VIS ch1_slope = 0.1165 year_launch = 2000 jday_launch = 123 nu(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 2562.07, 1481.53, 931.76, 833.67, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) nu(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 2562.07, 1481.53, 931.76, 833.04, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, -0.644790, -0.543401, -0.306809, -0.333216, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, -0.644790, -0.543401, -0.306809, -0.315110, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 1.000775, 1.001495, 1.001274, 1.001000, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 1.000775, 1.001495, 1.001274, 1.000967, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) elseif (sat_id == 12) then Fo_2 = 14.61 ! mW/m^2/cm^{-1} --- CHECK THIS ch1_slope_degrad = 365.25 * 0.000 ! UNCALIBRATED VIS ch1_slope = 0.1165 year_launch = 2001 jday_launch = 204 nu(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 2562.45, 1536.43, 933.21, 837.06, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) nu(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 2562.45, 1536.94, 933.21, 837.00, 751.91 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, -0.650731, -0.4764728, -0.360331, -0.422571, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) a(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, -0.650731, -0.4775517, -0.360331, -0.466954, -0.253449 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,1) = reshape((/0.0, 1.001520, 1.012420, 1.001306, 1.001170, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) b(:,2) = reshape((/0.0, 1.001520, 1.012403, 1.001306, 1.001257, 1.000743 /), (/nchan/)) endif end subroutine DEFINE_GSIP_CAL !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Numerical recipes bisection search - x will be between xx(j) and xx(j+1) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine LOCATE(xx, n, x, j) ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: n integer, intent(out) :: j real (kind=ipre), intent(in) :: x real (kind=ipre), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xx ! Local variables integer :: i, jl, jm, ju jl = 0 ju = n + 1 do i = 1, 2*n if (ju-jl <= 1) then exit endif jm = (ju + jl) / 2 if ((xx(n) >= xx(1)) .eqv. (x >= xx(jm))) then jl = jm else ju = jm endif enddo if (x == xx(1)) then j=1 else if (x == xx(n)) then j = n - 1 else j = jl endif end subroutine LOCATE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute solar angles ! ! input: ! jday = julian day ! tu = time of day - fractional hours ! lon = latitude in degrees ! lat = latitude in degrees ! ! output: ! asol = solar zenith angle in degrees ! phis = solar azimuth angle in degrees ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine POSSOL(jday, tu, xlon, xlat, asol, phis) ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: jday real (kind=ipre), intent(in) :: tu real (kind=ipre), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlon, xlat real (kind=ipre), dimension(:), intent(out) :: asol, phis ! Local variables real (kind=ipre):: tsm, xlo, xla, xj, a1, a2, et, tsv, ah, a3, delta, amuzero, elev, & az, caz, azim, pi2 integer :: i, n n = size(xlon) do i = 1, n ! jday is the number of the day in the month ! ! ! mean solar time tsm = tu + xlon(i)/15.0 xlo = xlon(i)*dtor xla = xlat(i)*dtor xj = real(jday) ! time equation (mn.dec) a1 = (1.00554*xj - 6.28306) * dtor a2 = (1.93946*xj + 23.35089) * dtor et = -7.67825*sin(a1) - 10.09176*sin(a2) ! true solar time tsv = tsm + et/60.0 tsv = tsv - 12.0 ! hour angle ah = tsv*15.0*dtor ! solar declination (in radian) a3 = (0.9683*xj - 78.00878) * dtor delta = 23.4856*sin(a3)*dtor ! elevation, azimuth amuzero = sin(xla)*sin(delta) + cos(xla)*cos(delta)*cos(ah) elev = asin(amuzero) az = cos(delta)*sin(ah)/cos(elev) caz = (-cos(xla)*sin(delta) + sin(xla)*cos(delta)*cos(ah)) / cos(elev) if (az >= 1.0) then azim = asin(1.0) elseif (az <= -1.0) then azim = asin(-1.0) else azim = asin(az) endif if (caz <= 0.0) then azim = pi - azim endif if ((caz > 0.0) .and. (az <= 0.0)) then azim = 2 * pi + azim endif azim = azim + pi pi2 = 2 * pi if (azim > pi2) then azim = azim - pi2 endif ! conversion in degrees elev = elev / dtor asol(i) = 90.0 - elev ! phis(i) = azim / dtor - 180.0 phis(i) = azim / dtor !akh - try to get 0 - 360 enddo end subroutine POSSOL !------------------------------------------------- ! Compute julian day (1-365/366) ! ! input: ! iday = integer day ! imonth = integer month ! iyear = integer year (2 or 4 digits) ! ! output: ! jday = julian day !-------------------------------------------------- subroutine JULIAN(iday,imonth,iyear,jday) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: iday, imonth, iyear integer, intent(out) :: jday ! local variables integer :: j integer, dimension(12) :: jmonth = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) jday = iday if (modulo(iyear, 4) == 0) then jmonth(2)=29 endif do j = 1, imonth - 1 jday = jday + jmonth(j) end do end subroutine JULIAN !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine to make geostationary satellite azimuth field ! ! xlon = longitude of the location (positive for western hemisphere) ! xlat = latitude of the location (positive for northern hemisphere) ! isat = 0 for GOES-E, 1 for GOES-W, 2 for GOES-9 Pacific ! ! zenith = satellite zenith view angle ! azimuth = satellite azimuth angle clockwise from north !-------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine COMPUTE_SATELLITE_ANGLES(isat, xlon, xlat, zenith, azimuth) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: isat real (kind=real4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlon, xlat real (kind=real4), dimension(:), intent(out) :: zenith, azimuth ! Local variables real (kind=real4), parameter :: EASTPOS = -75.0, WESTPOS = -135.0, PACPOS = 155.0 real (kind=real8):: satlon, satlat, lat, lon, beta integer :: i, n n = size(xlon) if (isat == 0) then satlon = EASTPOS elseif (isat == 1) then satlon = WESTPOS elseif (isat == 2) then satlon = PACPOS endif satlat = 0.0 do i = 1, n lon = (xlon(i) - satlon) * dtor ! in radians lat = (xlat(i) - satlat) * dtor ! in radians beta = acos( cos(lat) * cos(lon) ) ! zenith angle zenith(i) = asin(max(-1.0_real8, min(1.0_real8, & 42164.0* sin(beta)/ sqrt(1.808e09 - 5.3725e08*cos(beta))))) zenith(i) = zenith(i) / dtor ! azimuth angle azimuth(i) = sin(lon) / sin(beta) azimuth(i) = min(1.0, max(-1.0,azimuth(i))) azimuth(i) = asin(azimuth(i)) azimuth(i) = azimuth(i) / dtor if (lat < 0.0) then azimuth(i) = 180.0 - azimuth(i) endif if (azimuth(i) < 0.0) then azimuth(i) = azimuth(i) + 360.0 endif enddo end subroutine COMPUTE_SATELLITE_ANGLES !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! a good routine to convert integers to characters and vice versa !------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine ICNVRT(WAY,NUM,STRING,LENGTH,IERR) ! ! FUNCTION: !F !F This subroutine does an integer-to-character conversion !F or a characater-to-integer conversion depending on the !F integer WAY: !F If WAY = 0 then an integer-to-character conversion !F is done. If WAY .NE. 0 then a character-to-integer !F conversion is done. !F ! USAGE: !U !U CALL ICNVRT(WAY,NUM,STRING) !U where WAY, NUM, STRING, and LENGTH are defined below. !U !U Example: CALL ICNVRT(0,1000,STRING,LENGTH) !U on return STRING = '1000' and !U LENGTH = 4. !U ! INPUTS: !I !I WAY - integer::; Determines which way the conversion goes: !I if WAY = 0 then an integer-to-character conversion !I is performed; !I if WAY.NE.0 then a character-to-integer conversion !I is performed. !I !I NUM - integer::; an input only if WAY = 0. NUM is the integer !I number to be converted to a character expression. !I !I STRING - CHARACTER; an input only if WAY .NE. 0. STRING !I is the character expression to be converted to an !I integer value. It contain no decimal points or !I non-numeric characters other than possibly a !I sign. If STRING contains a '+' sign, it will be !I stripped of it on return. !I ! OUTPUTS: !O !O NUM - integer::; contains the integer:: representation of !O STRING. !O !O STRING - CHARACTER; contains the CHARACTER representation of !O NUM. !O !O LENGTH - integer::; The length of STRING to the first blank. !O The significant part of STRING can be accessed with !O the declaration STRING(1:LENGTH). !O !O IERR - integer:: variable giving return condition: !O IERR = 0 for normal return; !O IERR = 1 if NUM cannot be converted to STRING because !O STRING is too short or STRING cannot be !O converted to NUM because STRING is too long. !O IERR = 2 if STRING contained a non-numeric character !O other than a leading sign or something went !O wrong with an integer-to-character conversion. !O ! ALGORITHM: !A !A Nothing noteworthy, except that this subroutine will work !A for strange character sets where the character '1' doesn't !A follow '0', etc. !A ! MACHINE DEPendENCIES: CM !M The parameter MAXINT (below) should be set to the !M number of digits that an integer:: data type can have !M not including leading signs. For VAX FORTRAN V4.4-177 !M MAXINT = 10. !M !M NOTE: Under VAX FORTRAN V4.4-177, the !M error condition IERR = 1 will never occur for an !M integer-to-character conversion if STRING !M is allocated at least 11 bytes (CHARACTER*11). !M ! HISTORY: !H !H written by: bobby bodenheimer !H date: september 1986 !H current version: 1.0 !H modifications: none !H ! ROUTINES CALLED: !C !C NONE. !C !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! written for: The CASCADE Project ! Oak Ridge National Laboratory ! U.S. Department of Energy ! contract number DE-AC05-840R21400 ! subcontract number 37B-7685 S13 ! organization: The University of Tennessee !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! THIS SOFTWARE IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN ! NO RESTRICTIONS ON ITS USE ARE IMPLIED !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Global Variables. ! integer,intent(in):: WAY integer, intent(out):: LENGTH, IERR integer, intent(inout):: NUM character(len=*), intent(inout):: STRING ! ! ! Local Variables ! integer:: I integer:: MNUM integer:: M logical:: NEG ! integer, parameter::MAXINT=10 ! NEG = .FALSE. IERR = 0 ! ! Integer-to-character conversion. ! if (WAY == 0) then STRING = " " if (NUM < 0) then NEG = .TRUE. MNUM = -NUM LENGTH = INT(LOG10(REAL(MNUM))) + 1 else if (NUM == 0) then MNUM = NUM LENGTH = 1 else MNUM = NUM LENGTH = INT(LOG10(REAL(MNUM))) + 1 end if if (LENGTH > LEN(STRING)) then IERR = 1 return end if ten: do I=LENGTH,1,-1 M=INT(REAL(MNUM)/10**(I-1)) if (M == 0) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "0" else if (M == 1) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "1" else if (M == 2) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "2" else if (M == 3) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "3" else if (M == 4) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "4" else if (M == 5) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "5" else if (M == 6) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "6" else if (M == 7) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "7" else if (M == 8) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "8" else if (M == 9) then STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) = "9" else IERR = 2 return end if MNUM = MNUM - M*10**(I-1) end do ten if (NEG .eqv. .true.) then STRING = "-"//STRING LENGTH = LENGTH + 1 end if ! ! Character-to-integer conversion. ! else if (STRING(1:1) == "-") then NEG = .TRUE. STRING = STRING(2:LEN(STRING)) end if if (STRING(1:1) == "+") STRING = STRING(2:LEN(STRING)) NUM = 0 LENGTH = INDEX(STRING," ") - 1 if (LENGTH > MAXINT) then IERR = 1 return end if twenty: do I=LENGTH,1,-1 if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "0") then M = 0 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "1") then M = 1 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "2") then M = 2 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "3") then M = 3 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "4") then M = 4 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "5") then M = 5 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "6") then M = 6 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "7") then M = 7 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "8") then M = 8 else if (STRING(LENGTH-I+1:LENGTH-I+1) == "9") then M = 9 else IERR = 2 return end if NUM = NUM + INT(10**(I-1))*M end do twenty if (NEG .eqv. .true.) then NUM = -NUM STRING = '-'//STRING LENGTH = LENGTH + 1 end if end if ! ! Last lines of ICNVRT ! return end subroutine ICNVRT !--------------------------------------------- ! Compute the month !--------------------------------------------- function COMPUTE_MONTH(jday, ileap) result(month) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: ileap integer, intent(in) :: jday integer :: month month = 0 if (jday < 32) then month = 1 elseif (jday < 61+ileap) then month = 2 elseif (jday < 91+ileap) then month = 3 elseif (jday < 121+ileap) then month = 4 elseif (jday < 152+ileap) then month = 5 elseif (jday < 182+ileap) then month = 6 elseif (jday < 213+ileap) then month = 7 elseif (jday < 244+ileap) then month = 8 elseif (jday < 274+ileap) then month = 9 elseif (jday < 305+ileap) then month = 10 elseif (jday < 335+ileap) then month = 11 else month = 12 endif end function COMPUTE_MONTH !-------------------------------------------- ! Compute the day !--------------------------------------------- function COMPUTE_DAY(jday, ileap) result(day) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: ileap integer, intent(in) :: jday integer :: day ! Local variables integer :: month month = 0 if (jday < 32) then month = 1 day = jday elseif (jday < 60) then day = jday - 31 elseif ((jday == 60).and.(ileap == 1)) then day = jday - 31 elseif ((jday == 60).and.(ileap == 0)) then day = jday - 59 elseif (jday < 91+ileap) then day = jday - (59 + ileap) elseif (jday < 121+ileap) then day = jday - (90 + ileap) elseif (jday < 152+ileap) then day = jday - (120 + ileap) elseif (jday < 182+ileap) then day = jday - (151 + ileap) elseif (jday < 213+ileap) then day = jday - (181 + ileap) elseif (jday < 244+ileap) then day = jday - (212 + ileap) elseif (jday < 274+ileap) then day = jday - (243 + ileap) elseif (jday < 305+ileap) then day = jday - (273 + ileap) elseif (jday < 335+ileap) then day = jday - (304 + ileap) else day = jday - (334 + ileap) endif end function COMPUTE_DAY !-------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! functions to compute some needed water vapor parameters !---------------------------------------------------------------- function VAPOR(T) result(es) ! This function computes saturation H2O vapor pressure (over liquid) ! using Liebe's approximation (corrected). ! ! T in Kelvin ! es in mbar ! PWR 4/8/92 implicit none real, intent (in) :: T real :: es, TH TH = 300.0 / T es = 35.3 * exp(22.64 * (1.0 - TH)) * TH**5 return end function VAPOR function SATVAPLIQ_OLD(T) result(es) implicit none real, intent (in) :: T ! temperature (°C) real :: es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa) ! with respect to liquid water if (T .lt. -273.0) then es = - 999.0 else es = 100.0*(10.**(-7.90298*(373.15/(T+273.15)-1.0) & + 5.02808*log10(373.15/(T+273.15)) & - 1.3816E-07*(10.**(11.334*(1.0-((T+273.15)/373.15)))-1.0) & + 8.1328E-03*(10.**(-3.49149*((373.15/(T+273.15))-1.0))-1.0) & + log10(1013.246))) endif return end function SATVAPLIQ_OLD function SATVAPLIQ(T) result(es) ! Teten's Formula. implicit none real, intent (in) :: T ! temperature (°C) real :: es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa) ! with respect to liquid water if (T .lt. -273.0) then es = -999.0 else es = 610.78*exp( 17.2693882*T / ( 237.3 + T )) endif return end function SATVAPLIQ function SATVAPLIQB(T) result(es) ! Bolton's (1980) Formula. implicit none real, intent (in) :: T ! temperature (°C) real :: es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa) ! with respect to liquid water if (T .lt. -273.0) then es = -999.0 else es = 610.78 * exp( 17.2693882*T / ( 237.3 + T )) endif return end function SATVAPLIQB function SATVAPICE_OLD(T) result(es) ! Goff-Gratch formula (List 1951) implicit none real, intent (in) :: T ! temperature (°C) real :: es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa) ! with respect to liquid water ! real :: SATVAPLIQ if (T .lt. -273.0) then es = -999.0 elseif (T .ge. 0.0) then es = SATVAPLIQ(T) else es = 100.0*(10.0**(-9.09718*(273.15/(T+273.15)-1.0) & - 3.56654*log10(273.15/(T+273.15)) & + 0.876793*(1.0-(T+273.15)/273.15) & + log10(6.1071))) endif return end function SATVAPICE_OLD function SATVAPICE(T) result(es) ! The following is an empirical fit to the Smithsonian tables, by ! Kerry Emanuel ("Atmospheric Convection", K. Emanuel (1994), Oxford ! Press, pg 117). Kerry claims it accurate to 0.14% in the range ! -80 <= T <= 0C. I believe e is in mb and T in K, but you may want ! to spot check a few values to confirm. ! ! e# = saturation vapor pressure over ice, T = temperature ! ! ln e# = 23.33086 - (6111.72784/T) + 0.15215 ln T ! ! ! Dennis Boccippio ! djboccip@bolt.msfc.nasa.gov ! http://www-cmpo.mit.edu/~djboccip/Dennis.html implicit none real, intent (in) :: T ! temperature (°C) real :: es ! saturation vapor pressure (Pa) ! with respect to liquid water real :: TK ! temperature in Kelvin ! real :: SATVAPliq if (T .lt. -273.0) then es = -999.0 elseif (T .ge. 0.0) then es = SATVAPliq(T) else TK = T + 273.15 es = 100.0 * exp(23.33086 - (6111.72784/TK) + 0.15215*log(TK)) endif return end function SATVAPICE end module NUMERICAL_ROUTINES