!$Id: readh5dataset.f90 2833 2018-06-09 10:21:00Z awalther $ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Clouds from AVHRR Extended (CLAVR-x) 1b PROCESSING SOFTWARE Version 5.3 ! ! NAME: readh5dataset.f90 (src) ! ReadH5Dataset (program) ! ! PURPOSE: interface to HDF-5 reading routines ! ! DESCRIPTION: see below ! ! AUTHORS: ! Andrew Heidinger, Andrew.Heidinger@noaa.gov ! Andi Walther, CIMSS, andi.walther@ssec.wisc.edu ! Denis Botambekov, CIMSS, denis.botambekov@ssec.wisc.edu ! William Straka, CIMSS, wstraka@ssec.wisc.edu ! ! COPYRIGHT ! THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE CONSIDERED TO BE IN THE PUBLIC ! DOMAIN AND THUS ARE AVAILABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC USE. THEY ARE ! FURNISHED "AS IS." THE AUTHORS, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ITS ! INSTRUMENTALITIES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS MAKE NO WARRANTY, ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE AND ! DOCUMENTATION FOR ANY PURPOSE. THEY ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY (1) FOR ! THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION; OR (2) TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ! SUPPORT TO USERS. ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! A.Walther 2013: added all substring tools ! (AW) 17 Oct 2013: fixed bug in H5ReadInteger2DSub ( use of counts instead of dims) ! ! ! H5ReadDataSet ! ============= ! ! This module contains generic subroutines for reading the most common ! data and attribute types in an hdf-5 type file: ! a) 0-, 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional datasets or attributes, which can be ! of integer, real or double precision data type (0-dim. means here ! a scalar). ! b) 0- and 1-dimensional character strings in attributes or datasets ! (0-dim. means here a single string, 1-dim. a 1-D array of strings). ! c) 0- and 1-dimensional integer, real or double parts of compound ! attributes or datasets (0-dim. means here a scalar); note that ! the different parts of a compound set have to be read separately. ! ! Note: Depending on your machine, specify the single and double ! precision kind parameters (SP and DP) below. ! ! The routines handle datasets of groups, attributes of groups, as well ! as attributes of datasets of groups: ! //dataset ! //attribute ! //dataset/attribute ! where 'N' is 0, 1, 2, ... ! ! To use these routines, add a "USE ReadH5dataset" statement to the ! calling routine. The calling routine must contain a variable of the ! same type and dimension as the dataset or attribute. The exact sizes ! of arrays are determined automatically. ! ! When reading a dataset or attribute from an HDF 5 file, call the ! generic routine H5ReadDataset: ! ! CALL H5ReadDataset ( filename, dsetname, dataset ) ! CALL H5ReadDataset ( filename, dsetname, compoundsetname, dataset ) ! ! respectively for normal datasets and attributes, and for parts of ! compound datasets and attributes ! ! Alternatively, one can make the following generic calls (which sound ! better when reading an attribute) with exactly the same functionality: ! ! CALL H5ReadAttribute ( filename, attribname, attribute ) ! CALL H5ReadAttribute ( filename, attribname, compoundsetname, attribute ) ! ! If an error occurs in either of the steps of the access to the ! data or reading the data, the variable ErrorFlag is set to -1 ! and the ErrorMessage string is filled. These two can be used ! for error tracing in the calling routine. ! Note that some routines return a possitive ErrorFlag number, ! which does _not_ indicate an error (very confusing). ! ! ! In the above calls are: ! 'filename' = a character type variable containing the name of the ! HDF-5 file ! 'dsetname' = the character type name of the dataset or attribute, ! including the full HDF-5 group hierarchy, using slashes ! as the divider symbol (e.g. "/DATA/GEOMETRY/radius"); ! be sure to use the right case on the hierarchy names ! 'attribname' = same as 'dsetname' in functionality ! 'compoundsetname' = name of the part of a compound set to read ! 'dataset' = a pointer type variable of the right rank and type, ! that will contain the dataset or attribute ! 'attribute' = same as 'dataset' in functionality ! ! Additionally available outside the module is the LengString function, ! which determines the length of a string, that is: the last non-space ! character in a string. ! ! HISTORY: ! 2014:Added sub array routines (2104) AW ! 04/08/2015: close dspace and memspace in H5Read2Integer2DSub, which caused memory leak. ! may be also have to close in other routines (AW) ! 08/29/2017: add HID_T kind for space in global declarations (AW) ! this seemed to be needed for hdf5 1.10.1 intel for ifort 16.0.1 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE ReadH5Dataset ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Interface and Module Declaration Section *** ! ******************************************************************* !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Used Modules >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE hdf5 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Interfaces >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ! Close all for the outside world PRIVATE ! Make only this available to the outside world PUBLIC :: H5ReadDataset, H5ReadAttribute PUBLIC :: ErrorFlag, ErrorMessage, LengString PUBLIC :: H5_DATASET_DIMENSIONS ! The interfaces themselves INTERFACE H5ReadDataset MODULE PROCEDURE & & H5ReadInteger0D, H5ReadInteger1D, H5ReadInteger2D, H5ReadInteger3D, & & H5ReadReal0D, H5ReadReal1D, H5ReadReal2D, H5ReadReal3D, & & H5ReadDouble0D, H5ReadDouble1D, H5ReadDouble2D, H5ReadDouble3D, & & H5ReadString0D, H5ReadString1D, H5ReadI8nteger1D , & & H5ReadCompInteger0D, H5ReadCompReal0D, H5ReadCompDouble0D, & & H5ReadCompInteger1D, H5ReadCompReal1D, H5ReadCompDouble1D, & & H5ReadReal2DSub, H5ReadInteger2DSub, H5Read2Integer2D, H5Read2Integer2DSub END INTERFACE INTERFACE H5ReadAttribute MODULE PROCEDURE & & H5ReadInteger0D, H5ReadInteger1D, H5ReadInteger2D, H5ReadInteger3D, & & H5ReadReal0D, H5ReadReal1D, H5ReadReal2D, H5ReadReal3D, & & H5ReadDouble0D, H5ReadDouble1D, H5ReadDouble2D, H5ReadDouble3D, & & H5ReadString0D, H5ReadString1D, H5ReadI2nteger0D , & & H5ReadCompInteger0D, H5ReadCompReal0D, H5ReadCompDouble0D, & & H5ReadCompInteger1D, H5ReadCompReal1D, H5ReadCompDouble1D END INTERFACE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Module variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DP = 8 ! byte precision of double variables INTEGER, PARAMETER :: SP = 4 ! byte precision of real variables INTEGER(HID_T) :: file_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: root_id CHARACTER(LEN = 1) :: rootname INTEGER(HID_T) :: id INTEGER(HID_T) :: p_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: d_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: type_id INTEGER(HID_T) :: dspace ! 2017/08/29 AW: added HID_T integer, parameter :: int8 = selected_int_kind(16) integer, parameter :: int4 = selected_int_kind(8) INTEGER(HID_T), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: OpenLevels_id INTEGER(HID_T), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: OpenLevels_type INTEGER :: NLevels ! Error handling -- made available for use in the calling routines INTEGER :: ErrorFlag CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: ErrorMessage INTEGER :: AllocStat ! For debugging the routines. ! If set true here all routines show debugging messages. ! If set false here only routines that have their own debug ! activated show debugging messages. !LOGICAL :: DebugMsg = .true. LOGICAL :: DebugMsg = .false. ! ******************************************************************* CONTAINS ! **************************** ! Returns dataset dimensions ! ******************************* subroutine H5_DATASET_DIMENSIONS & ( & h5filename & , datasetname & , dims ) implicit none character ( len = *) :: h5filename character ( len = *) :: datasetname integer, pointer :: dims(:) INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) , target :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims = int(datadims(1:ndims)) CALL H5Read_close end subroutine H5_DATASET_DIMENSIONS ! ******************************************************************* ! *** General Routines *** ! ******************************************************************* ! Initialise the HDF file and locate the dataset or attribute ! to read, opening all levels along the way. SUBROUTINE H5Read_init & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in setname & !Coming in ) !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *) :: setname !Going out: !None !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHARACTER(LEN = LEN(trim(setname))+1) :: local_setname CHARACTER(LEN = LEN(trim(setname))+1) :: subsetname INTEGER :: ilevel INTEGER :: ibeg,iend,iendnext INTEGER :: ltype,ltypenext LOGICAL :: LocalDebug ! For debugging, in addition to the debugging of the calling routine LocalDebug = .false. ! LocalDebug = .true. !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ! No errors yet ErrorFlag=0 ErrorMessage="" ! Copy the setname to a local variable, making sure it start with a '/' local_setname = trim(setname) IF ( local_setname(1:1) .NE. "/") local_setname = "/"//setname ! Initialise the HDF routines and open the file CALL DebugMessage(" >>> Showing debug messages of HDF5 file reading <<<") CALL h5open_f(ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error initialising HDF routines" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Opening HDF file") CALL h5fopen_f(H5filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error opening HDF file" return ENDIF ! Open the root group. CALL DebugMessage(" --- Opening root group") rootname = "/" CALL h5gopen_f(file_id,rootname,root_id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error opening root group" return ENDIF p_id = root_id ! the rootgroup was just opened. ibeg=2 ! the slash before each level name is to be ignored ! First determine how many levels there are to be opened. NLevels=0 do ilevel=1,LengString(local_setname) if (local_setname(ilevel:ilevel) == "/") NLevels=NLevels+1 enddo CALL DebugMessage(" --- No. of levels: ",NLevels) ! Then open all levels, storing what is opened so that we can ! close things at the end properly. ALLOCATE(OpenLevels_id(NLevels),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating OpenLevels_id" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(OpenLevels_type(NLevels),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating OpenLevels_type" return ENDIF ! The very last level is the one to be read: dataset or attribute ! The level before that is either a group or a dataset. ! The very first level (after the root group) could be a group, ! a dataset or an attribute. ! Locate the end of the first element name iend=INDEX(local_setname(ibeg:),"/") IF (iend == 0) iend=LengString(local_setname(ibeg:))+ ibeg - 1 call CheckMembers("/", & local_setname(ibeg:iend),ltypenext) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ltype=ltypenext ! type of the level to be opened ! If there is only one level, there is no group after the root ! group, in which case the following do-loop is skipped. DO ilevel=1,NLevels-1 ! Locate the end of the current element name iend=INDEX(local_setname(ibeg:),"/") IF (LocalDebug) THEN print*,"" print*,local_setname(1:LengString(local_setname)) print*,'il=',ilevel,'->',ibeg,iend,local_setname(ibeg:iend) ENDIF ! Name of the element to be opened in the next round subsetname=local_setname(iend+1:) iendnext=INDEX(subsetname(ibeg:),"/") IF (iendnext == 0) iendnext=LengString(subsetname(ibeg:))+ibeg-1 IF (LocalDebug) THEN print*,subsetname print*,' =',ibeg,iendnext,subsetname(ibeg:iendnext) ENDIF IF (ltype == H5G_GROUP_F) THEN CALL CheckMembers(local_setname(ibeg:iend), & subsetname(ibeg:iendnext),ltypenext) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ELSE ! ltype.eqv.H5G_DATASET_F ltypenext=3 ! attribute = only possibility here ENDIF ! Open the current level IF (ltype == H5G_GROUP_F) THEN CALL DebugMessage( " --- Opening group for passing through: " & // local_setname(ibeg:iend) ) CALL h5gopen_f(p_id,local_setname(ibeg:iend),id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error opening group " & // local_setname(ibeg:iend) return ENDIF ELSE CALL DebugMessage( " --- Opening dataset for passing through: " & // local_setname(ibeg:iend) ) CALL h5dopen_f(p_id,local_setname(ibeg:iend),id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error opening dataset " & // local_setname(ibeg:iend) return ENDIF ENDIF ! Store details, so that we can close things properly at the end. OpenLevels_id(ilevel)=id OpenLevels_type(ilevel)=ltype local_setname=local_setname(iend+1:) p_id=id ltype=ltypenext ENDDO ! We have arrived at the level (dataset or atrribute) to open ! for reading. subsetname=local_setname(ibeg:LengString(local_setname)) ltype=ltypenext IF (LocalDebug) THEN print*,"last level reached: ",subsetname(1:LengString(subsetname)) print*,"ltype = ",ltype ENDIF IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F ) THEN CALL DebugMessage( " --- Opening dataset for reading: " & // subsetname(1:LengString(subsetname)) ) CALL h5dopen_f(p_id, subsetname, d_id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error opening dataset " & // local_setname(ibeg:iend) return ENDIF ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL DebugMessage( " --- Opening attribute for reading: " & // subsetname(1:LengString(subsetname)) ) CALL h5aopen_name_f(p_id, subsetname, d_id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error opening attribute " & // local_setname(ibeg:iend) return ENDIF ENDIF OpenLevels_id(NLevels)=d_id OpenLevels_type(NLevels)=ltype END SUBROUTINE H5Read_init ! ******************************************************************* ! Close all groups, opened when searching for the dataset or ! attribute to read SUBROUTINE H5Read_close !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in !None !Going out: !None !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER :: n, ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" --- Closing open levels") IF ( ALLOCATED(OpenLevels_id) ) THEN ! Let us close things in reversed order: seems nicest. DO n = NLevels,1,-1 id = OpenLevels_id(n) ltype=OpenLevels_type(n) if ( ltype == H5G_GROUP_F ) then CALL h5gclose_f(id,ErrorFlag) else if ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F ) then CALL h5dclose_f(id,ErrorFlag) else ! ( ltype.eqv.3 ) CALL h5aclose_f(id,ErrorFlag) endif IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error closing level " return ENDIF END DO DEALLOCATE(OpenLevels_type,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating OpenLevels_type" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(OpenLevels_id,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating OpenLevels_id" return ENDIF END IF ! Close the root group CALL DebugMessage(" --- Closing root group") CALL h5gclose_f(root_id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error closing root group" return ENDIF ! Close the HDF file and HDF interface CALL DebugMessage(" --- Closing HDF file") CALL h5fclose_f(file_id,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error closing HDF file" return ENDIF CALL h5close_f(ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error closing HDF routines" return ENDIF END SUBROUTINE H5Read_close ! ******************************************************************* ! Determine a length of a text in a given string by going backwards. ! The 'len' command gives the defined length of the string. SUBROUTINE CheckMembers(levelstr,sublevelstr,ltype) !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: levelstr,sublevelstr !Going out: INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER :: nmembers, n, obj_type LOGICAL :: FOUND CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: obj_name !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage( " --- At level: " & // levelstr(1:LengString(levelstr)) ) CALL h5gn_members_f(p_id,levelstr,nmembers,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining level members" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. members: ",nmembers) ltype=-1 FOUND=.false. CALL DebugMessage( " --- Determining type of next level: " & // sublevelstr(1:LengString(sublevelstr)) ) ! According to the manual, these can be the object types: ! H5G_LINK_F ! H5G_GROUP_F --> appears to have number 1 ! H5G_DATASET_F --> appears to have number 2 ! H5G_TYPE_F ! Update 2011/01/24: found that above values depend on system or version. So use ! variable names rather than absolute numbers. ! Do not know what the first and last are ... do not support them. ! Use 'ltype' to indicate the level type: ! ltype = 1 : group ! 2 : dataset ! 3 : attribute (in fact: not 'group' or 'dataset') ! and use these to open the level for the final reading and ! for closing the levels. ! ! Note that once a level is open, one could use ! CALL h5iget_type_f(d_id,ltype,ErrorFlag) ! to find the type "hanging" on d_id, but that routine gives ! other numbers than the types stored here, coming from the ! h5gget_obj_info_idx_f routine; e.g.: 'dataset' is 2 from ! h5gge... and 5 from h5iget... ! ! So let us stick to the numbers defined here throughout ! this set of routines. DO n=1,nmembers CALL h5gget_obj_info_idx_f(p_id,levelstr,n-1, & obj_name,obj_type,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading member list" return ENDIF CALL h5iget_type_f(p_id,ltype,ErrorFlag) IF (obj_name == sublevelstr) THEN if ((obj_type.lt.H5G_GROUP_F).or.(obj_type.gt.H5G_DATASET_F)) then ErrorMessage=" *** Unknown level type found for " & // sublevelstr(1:LengString(sublevelstr)) ErrorFlag=-1 return endif ltype=obj_type FOUND=.true. goto 10 ! do not need to go through the rest of the list ENDIF ENDDO 10 if (.not.FOUND) ltype=3 ! attribute = only possibility now CALL DebugMessage(" > Type number: ",ltype) END SUBROUTINE CheckMembers ! ******************************************************************* ! Determine a length of a text in a given string by going backwards ! through the defined length searching for the last character that ! is not a space or a NULL, tab, newline, etc. character. ! ! The 'len' command gives the defined length of the string. INTEGER FUNCTION LengString(str) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: str !Going out: !result of the function !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER :: n !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do n=len(str),1,-1 if ( (str(n:n).ne." ") & .and. (str(n:n).ne.char(0)) & ! NULL character .and. (str(n:n).ne.char(9)) & ! horizontal tab .and. (str(n:n).ne.char(10)) & ! newline .and. (str(n:n).ne.char(12)) & ! formfeed .and. (str(n:n).ne.char(13)) & ! carriage return ) then LengString=n return endif enddo END FUNCTION LengString ! ******************************************************************* ! Print a debug message, if needed. SUBROUTINE DebugMessage (DebugStr,DebugValue) !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: DebugStr INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: DebugValue !Going out: !none !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !none !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IF (DebugMsg) THEN IF (PRESENT(DebugValue)) THEN write(6,'(a,1x,i15)')DebugStr,DebugValue ELSE write(6,'(a)')DebugStr ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE DebugMessage SUBROUTINE H5ReadI2nteger0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER ( kind = 2) :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims INTEGER :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadI2nteger0D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-D Integer Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims INTEGER :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger1D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadI8nteger1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) use ISO_C_BINDING ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER ( kind = int8), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims INTEGER(kind=int8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER(HID_T) :: Nat_Type_Id INTEGER(HID_T) :: Dtype_Id TYPE(C_PTR) :: f_ptr !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger1D int8 ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") CALL H5Dget_type_f(D_Id,Dtype_Id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Tget_native_type_f(Dtype_Id,1,Nat_Type_Id,ErrorFlag) ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") f_ptr = C_LOC(H5dataset) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, NAT_TYPE_ID, f_ptr, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 !CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadI8nteger1D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger2D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger2D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger2D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5Read2Integer2D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER(kind = 2), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5Read2Integer2D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5Read2Integer2D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger2DSub & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in offset_in, & count_in, & dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname INTEGER , DIMENSION(2) , INTENT(in) :: offset_in, count_in !Going out: INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset integer ( hsize_t ), dimension(2) :: offset , count integer ( hid_t ) :: memspace integer , parameter :: memrank = 2 INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: offset_out !offset writing INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: count_out !offset writing !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger2DSub ===") offset = offset_in count = count_in offset_out = [0 , 0] count_out = count ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = count(1) dims(2) = count(2) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(count(1),count(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! ! Select hyperslab in the dataset. ! CALL h5sselect_hyperslab_f(dspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, & offset , count , ErrorFlag) ! ! Create memory dataspace. ! CALL h5screate_simple_f(memrank, dims , memspace, errorFlag) ! ! Select hyperslab in memory. ! CALL h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, & offset_out, count_out, errorFlag) CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, count, ErrorFlag,memspace,dspace) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(count(1),count(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat = AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat = AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger2DSub ! ******************************************************************* ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5Read2Integer2DSub & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in offset_in, & count_in, & dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname INTEGER , DIMENSION(2) , INTENT(in) :: offset_in, count_in !Going out: INTEGER(kind = 2), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset integer ( hsize_t ), dimension(2) :: offset , count integer ( hid_t ) :: memspace integer , parameter :: memrank = 2 INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: offset_out !offset writing INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: count_out !offset writing !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5Read2Integer2DSub ===") offset = offset_in count = count_in offset_out = [0 , 0] count_out = count ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = count(1) dims(2) = count(2) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(count(1),count(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! ! Select hyperslab in the dataset. ! CALL h5sselect_hyperslab_f(dspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, & offset , count , ErrorFlag) ! ! Create memory dataspace. ! CALL h5screate_simple_f(memrank, dims , memspace, errorFlag) ! ! Select hyperslab in memory. ! CALL h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, & offset_out, count_out, errorFlag) CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, count, ErrorFlag,memspace,dspace) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(count(1),count(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat = AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" print *, errormessage return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat = AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open call h5sclose_f(memspace,errorFlag) call h5sclose_f(dspace,errorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5Read2Integer2DSub ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger3D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadInteger3D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) dims(3) = datadims(3) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 3: ",int(dims(3))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadInteger3D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-D Real Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP) :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=SP) :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadReal0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadReal1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal1D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal2D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadReal2D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal2D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal2DSub & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in offset_in, & !Coming in count_in , & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: offset_in ( 2) INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: count_in ( 2) !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER(HID_T) :: memspace INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: offset !offset reading dataset INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: offset_out !offset writing INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: count !size of hyperslab INTEGER, PARAMETER :: memrank = 2 INTEGER(HSIZE_T), DIMENSION(2) :: count_out !offset writing !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadReal2DSub ===") count = count_in offset = offset_in offset_out = [0,0] count_out = count ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF ! - hyperslab call h5sselect_hyperslab_f ( dspace , H5S_SELECT_SET_F , offset, count , ErrorFlag ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error selecting hyperspace" return ENDIF call h5screate_simple_f(memrank, count , memspace, ErrorFlag) call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace,H5S_SELECT_SET_F,offset_out,count_out,ErrorFlag) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(count(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(count(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(count(1),count(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data ") CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, count, ErrorFlag,memspace, dspace) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(count(1),count(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal2DSub ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal3D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadReal3D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) dims(3) = datadims(3) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 3: ",int(dims(3))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadReal3D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-D Double Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=DP) :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=DP) :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadDboule0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadDouble1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble1D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble2D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadDouble2D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble2D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble3D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(maxdims) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dims REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadDouble3D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) ALLOCATE(dims(ndims),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) dims(2) = datadims(2) dims(3) = datadims(3) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 2: ",int(dims(2))) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 3: ",int(dims(3))) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1),dims(2),dims(3)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF DEALLOCATE(dims,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating dims" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadDouble3D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0- and 1-D Character Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* ! Not made/tested for higher dimensional sets SUBROUTINE H5ReadString0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims CHARACTER(len=LEN(dataset)) :: H5dataset INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: strlen INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadString0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init( H5filename, datasetname) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_type_f(d_id,type_id,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_type_f(d_id,type_id,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining datatype" return ENDIF ! Strangely enough type_id (201326890) is not equal to either ! H5T_NATIVE_CHARACTER (201326866) or H5T_STRING (201326889) ! The variable 'strlen' determined with h5tget_size_f gives ! the defined length of the string, not the length of the ! text in that string: that text may be followed by spaces ! and/or a NULL character. To make sure that in particular ! the latter does not appear in the final string, use the ! real length of the text in the string. CALL h5tget_size_f(type_id,strlen,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining string length" return ENDIF IF (strlen.gt.LEN(dataset)) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error: string of insufficient length defined" ErrorFlag=-1 return ENDIF dims=1 CALL DebugMessage(" > String length :",int(strlen)) CALL DebugMessage(" > Defined length :",LEN(H5dataset)) H5dataset = "" ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset=H5dataset(1:LengString(H5dataset)) ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error closing data type" return ENDIF CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadString0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadString1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname !Going out: CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims CHARACTER(len=LEN(dataset)), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: strlen INTEGER :: ltype CHARACTER(len=LEN(dataset)) :: substr INTEGER :: indx, idts INTEGER :: ibeg, iend INTEGER :: deflen !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadString1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init( H5filename, datasetname) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_type_f(d_id,type_id,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_type_f(d_id,type_id,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining datatype" return ENDIF ! Strangely enough type_id (201326891) is not equal to either ! H5T_NATIVE_CHARACTER (201326866) or H5T_STRING (201326889), ! nor is it equal to the type_id of a 0-dim string (201326890). ! The variable 'strlen' determined with h5tget_size_f gives ! the defined length of the string, not the length of the ! text in that string: that text may be followed by spaces ! and/or a NULL character. ! ! Example: strlen=8, with as text "Nominal", which is ! 7 characters long; the 8-th character is then a NULL. ! ! To make sure that in particular the NULL does not appear ! in the final string (since Fortran does not like that), ! use the real length of the text in the final string. CALL h5tget_size_f(type_id,strlen,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining string length" return ENDIF IF (strlen.gt.LEN(dataset)) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error: string of insufficient length defined" ErrorFlag=-1 return ENDIF IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dims" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > String length :",INT(strlen)) CALL DebugMessage(" > Defined length :",LEN(H5dataset)) CALL DebugMessage(" > Array dimension:",SIZE(H5dataset)) H5dataset = "" CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ! The texts are now stored in H5dataset. This is _not_ ! in the form of one strlen long string per array (as ! one would expect), but an X number of strlen strings ! pasted together to exactly fill the defined length of ! H5dataset, where X is a real, not an integer. ! Example (as above): strlen=8, with "Nominal" as text, ! followed by a NULL to fill the rest (see above). With ! a 30-character defined string: ! print*,H5dataset(1) ! gives (indicating NULL by @): ! Nominal@Nominal@Nominal@Nomina ! 0....5....0....5....0....5....0 ! The rest of the last text is then in H5dataset(2) ... ! This makes transferring the string to the final array ! in need of some bookkeeping. ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reconstructing the individual strings") deflen=LEN(H5dataset) ! defined length of H5dataset idts=1 ! index in the H5dataset ibeg=1 ! start index along string at index idts do indx=1,dims(1) iend=ibeg+strlen-1 ! end index along string at index idts if (iend.le.deflen) then ! still fully in current idts substr = H5dataset(idts)(ibeg:iend) ibeg=iend+1 else ! partly in current idts, partly in next idts substr = H5dataset(idts)(ibeg:deflen) & // H5dataset(idts+1)(1:strlen-(deflen-ibeg+1)) idts=idts+1 ibeg=strlen-(deflen-ibeg+1)+1 endif dataset(indx) = substr(1:LengString(substr)) enddo DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error closing data type" return ENDIF CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadString1D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0- and 1-D Integer Compound Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* ! Not made/tested for higher dimensional sets SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompInteger0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in compoundsetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: compoundsetname !Going out: INTEGER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims INTEGER :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: type_sizeI INTEGER (SIZE_T) :: offset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadCompInteger0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Create a field in the memory for the dataset and insert it CALL h5tget_size_f(H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, type_sizeI, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining data type" return ENDIF CALL h5tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, type_sizeI, type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining creating field" return ENDIF offset = 0 CALL h5tinsert_f(type_id, compoundsetname, offset, & H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining inserting field" return ENDIF ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompInteger0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompInteger1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in compoundsetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: compoundsetname !Going out: INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: type_sizeI INTEGER (SIZE_T) :: offset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadCompInteger1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Create a field in the memory for the dataset and insert it CALL h5tget_size_f(H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, type_sizeI, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining data type" return ENDIF CALL h5tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, type_sizeI, type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining creating field" return ENDIF offset = 0 CALL h5tinsert_f(type_id, compoundsetname, offset, & H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining inserting field" return ENDIF ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompInteger1D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0- and 1-D Real Compound Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* ! Not made/tested for higher dimensional sets SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompReal0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in compoundsetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: compoundsetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP) :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=SP) :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: type_sizeR INTEGER (SIZE_T) :: offset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadCompReal0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Create a field in the memory for the dataset and insert it CALL h5tget_size_f(H5T_NATIVE_REAL, type_sizeR, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining data type" return ENDIF CALL h5tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, type_sizeR, type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining creating field" return ENDIF offset = 0 CALL h5tinsert_f(type_id, compoundsetname, offset, & H5T_NATIVE_REAL, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining inserting field" return ENDIF ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompReal0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompReal1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in compoundsetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: compoundsetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=SP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: type_sizeR INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: offset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadCompReal1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Create a field in the memory for the dataset and insert it CALL h5tget_size_f(H5T_NATIVE_REAL, type_sizeR, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining data type" return ENDIF CALL h5tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, type_sizeR, type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining creating field" return ENDIF offset = 0 CALL h5tinsert_f(type_id, compoundsetname, offset, & H5T_NATIVE_REAL, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining inserting field" return ENDIF ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompReal1D ! ******************************************************************* ! *** Reading 0- and 1-D Double Compound Datasets or Attributes *** ! ******************************************************************* ! Not made/tested for higher dimensional sets SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompDouble0D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in compoundsetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: compoundsetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=DP) :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=DP) :: H5dataset INTEGER :: ltype INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: type_sizeD INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: offset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadCompDouble0D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) dims=1 ! Create a field in the memory for the dataset and insert it CALL h5tget_size_f(H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, type_sizeD, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining data type" return ENDIF CALL h5tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, type_sizeD, type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining creating field" return ENDIF offset = 0 CALL h5tinsert_f(type_id, compoundsetname, offset, & H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining inserting field" return ENDIF ! Read the dataset and transfer the result CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompDouble0D ! ******************************************************************* SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompDouble1D & ( & H5filename, & !Coming in datasetname, & !Coming in compoundsetname, & !Coming in dataset & !Going out ) ! !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Implicit statement >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPLICIT NONE !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Arguments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !Coming in CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: H5filename CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: datasetname CHARACTER (len = *), INTENT(in) :: compoundsetname !Going out: REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: dataset !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Local variables >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxdims = 4 INTEGER :: ndims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: datadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: maxdatadims INTEGER(hsize_t), DIMENSION(1) :: dims REAL(KIND=DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: H5dataset INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: type_sizeD INTEGER (SIZE_T) :: offset INTEGER :: ltype !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Start of routine code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL DebugMessage(" === in H5ReadCompDouble1D ===") ! Initialise the HDF5 file and open all levels up to ! the one that needs to be read. CALL H5Read_init ( H5filename, datasetname ) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) return ! Get details of the dataset CALL DebugMessage(" --- Determining details of the data") ltype=OpenLevels_type(NLevels) IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aget_space_f(d_id,dspace,ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace" return ENDIF CALL h5sget_simple_extent_ndims_f(dspace,ndims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace dimensionality" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" > No. of dim.: ",ndims) CALL h5sget_simple_extent_dims_f(dspace,datadims,maxdatadims,ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining dataspace size" return ENDIF dims(1) = datadims(1) CALL DebugMessage(" > Size dim. 1: ",int(dims(1))) ! Create a field in the memory for the dataset and insert it CALL h5tget_size_f(H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, type_sizeD, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining data type" return ENDIF CALL h5tcreate_f(H5T_COMPOUND_F, type_sizeD, type_id, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining creating field" return ENDIF offset = 0 CALL h5tinsert_f(type_id, compoundsetname, offset, & H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, ErrorFlag) IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error determining inserting field" return ENDIF ! Read the dataset and transfer the result ALLOCATE(H5dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating H5dataset" return ENDIF CALL DebugMessage(" --- Reading the data") IF ( ltype == H5G_DATASET_F) THEN CALL h5dread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ELSE ! ltype.eqv.3 CALL h5aread_f(d_id, type_id, H5dataset, dims, ErrorFlag) ENDIF IF (ErrorFlag.lt.0) THEN ErrorMessage=" *** Error reading data" return ENDIF ALLOCATE(dataset(dims(1)),stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error allocating dataset" return ENDIF dataset = H5dataset DEALLOCATE(H5dataset,stat=AllocStat) IF ( AllocStat.ne.0 ) THEN ErrorFlag=-1 ErrorMessage=" *** Error deallocating H5dataset" return ENDIF ! Close all that is open CALL h5tclose_f(type_id,ErrorFlag) CALL H5Read_close END SUBROUTINE H5ReadCompDouble1D ! ******************************************************************* ! ******************************************************************* END MODULE ReadH5Dataset ! *******************************************************************