! $Id: cloud_base_module.f90 3678 2020-01-16 15:30:35Z heidinger $ module CLOUD_BASE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This module houses the routines associated with... ! ! Author: ! ! Reference: ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- use CLOUD_BASE_SERVICES implicit none public:: CLOUD_BASE_ALGORITHM private:: INTERPOLATE_PROFILE_LOCAL private:: NULL_PIX_POINTERS private:: KNOWING_Z_COMPUTE_T_P !--- include the non-system specific variables include 'cloud_base_parameters.inc' !--- interpoLated profiles real, private, dimension(Num_Levels_RTM_Prof) :: Temp_Prof_RTM real, private, dimension(Num_Levels_RTM_Prof) :: Press_Prof_RTM real, private, dimension(Num_Levels_RTM_Prof) :: Hght_Prof_RTM integer, private:: Sfc_Level_RTM integer, private:: Tropo_Level_RTM real, private, PARAMETER:: MISSING_VALUE_REAL = -999.0 integer, private, PARAMETER:: MISSING_VALUE_INTEGER = -999 contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Cloud BaseE Height Algorithm ! ! Author: Andrew Heidinger, NOAA ! ! Assumptions ! ! Limitations ! ! NOTE. This algorithm use the same input and output structures as ! the AWG_CLOUD_HEIGHT_ALGORITHM. ! Do not overwrite elements of the Output structure expect those ! generated here. ! ! Output%Tau ! Output%Ec ! Output%Reff ! Output%Zc_Base ! Output%Pc_Base !ynoh (cira/csu) for ccl mode 3 ! Output%Pc_Lower_Base ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! modification history ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine CLOUD_BASE_ALGORITHM(Input, Symbol, Output, Diag) !=============================================================================== ! Argument Declaration !============================================================================== type(symbol_acha), intent(inout) :: Symbol type(acha_input_struct), intent(inout) :: Input type(acha_output_struct), intent(inout) :: Output type(acha_diag_struct), intent(inout), optional :: Diag integer, save:: Diag_Warning_Flag = 0 !=============================================================================== ! Pixel level RTM structure !=============================================================================== type(acha_rtm_nwp_struct) :: RTM_NWP !=============================================================================== ! Local Variable Declaration !=============================================================================== integer:: Elem_Idx integer:: Line_Idx real:: Inwp_Weight real:: Jnwp_Weight integer:: Cloud_Type !--- scalar local variables real (kind=real4):: Cloud_Extinction real (kind=real4):: Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness real (kind=real4):: Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness_Top_Offset real (kind=real4):: Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness_eff real (kind=real4):: Zc_Top_Max real (kind=real4):: Zc_Base_Min real (kind=real4):: R4_Dummy integer (kind=int4):: Itemp integer (kind=int4):: Ilev !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! BEGIN EXECUTABLE CODE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialization !------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output%Zc_Base = MISSING_VALUE_REAL Output%Pc_Base = MISSING_VALUE_REAL !ynoh (cira/csu) for ccl mode 3 Output%Pc_Lower_Base = MISSING_VALUE_REAL !--- initialize diagnostic output if (present(Diag) .and. Diag_Warning_Flag == 0) then print *, "CLAVR-x / Cloud Base ===> Diagnostic Output Turned On" Diag_Warning_Flag = 1 endif if (present(Diag)) Diag%Array_1 = Missing_Value_Real4 if (present(Diag)) Diag%Array_2 = Missing_Value_Real4 if (present(Diag)) Diag%Array_3 = Missing_Value_Real4 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over pixels in scanlines !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line_loop: do Line_Idx = Line_Idx_min,Input%Number_of_Lines + Line_Idx_min - 1 Element_Loop: do Elem_Idx = 1, Input%Number_of_Elements if (Input%Invalid_Data_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == symbol%YES) cycle if ((Input%Elem_Idx_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) <= 0) .or. & (Input%Line_Idx_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) <= 0)) then cycle endif !---- null profile pointers each time - WCS3 call NULL_PIX_POINTERS(Input, RTM_NWP) !--- for convenience, save nwp indices to local variables Inwp_Weight = Input%Longitude_Interp_Weight_NWP(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Jnwp_Weight = Input%Latitude_Interp_Weight_NWP(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Cloud_Type = Input%Cloud_Type(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! include code to setup local profiles correctly !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Call Services module call FETCH_PIXEL_RTM_NWP(Input, Symbol, & Elem_Idx,Line_Idx, RTM_NWP) Sfc_Level_RTM = RTM_NWP%Sfc_Level Tropo_Level_RTM = RTM_NWP%Tropo_Level Press_Prof_RTM = RTM_NWP%P_Prof !do smoothing routines here - WCS3 if (RTM_NWP%Smooth_Nwp_Fields_Flag_Temp == symbol%YES) then !--- height profile Hght_Prof_RTM = INTERPOLATE_PROFILE_LOCAL( RTM_NWP%Z_Prof, & RTM_NWP%Z_Prof_1, & RTM_NWP%Z_Prof_2, & RTM_NWP%Z_Prof_3, & Inwp_Weight,Jnwp_Weight) !--- temperature profile Temp_Prof_RTM = INTERPOLATE_PROFILE_LOCAL( RTM_NWP%T_Prof, & RTM_NWP%T_Prof_1, & RTM_NWP%T_Prof_2, & RTM_NWP%T_Prof_3, & Inwp_Weight,Jnwp_Weight) else Hght_Prof_RTM = RTM_NWP%Z_Prof Temp_Prof_RTM = RTM_NWP%T_Prof endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Cloud Base and Top !--- !--- Note 1. Extinction values are in km^(-1) !--- Note 2. All heights and thickness are converted to meters !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) /= MISSING_VALUE_REAL .and. & Input%Tau(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) /= MISSING_VALUE_REAL) then Cloud_Extinction = WATER_EXTINCTION if (Cloud_Type == symbol%OPAQUE_ICE_TYPE .or. & Cloud_Type == symbol%OVERSHOOTING_TYPE) then Itemp = int(Input%Tc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) select case (Itemp) case (:199) ; Cloud_Extinction = ICE_EXTINCTION1 case (200:219) ; Cloud_Extinction = ICE_EXTINCTION2 case (220:239) ; Cloud_Extinction = ICE_EXTINCTION3 case (240:259) ; Cloud_Extinction = ICE_EXTINCTION4 case (260:) ; Cloud_Extinction = ICE_EXTINCTION5 end select endif if (Cloud_Type == symbol%CIRRUS_TYPE .or. & Cloud_Type == symbol%OVERLAP_TYPE) then Itemp = int(Input%Tc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) select case (Itemp) case (:199) ; Cloud_Extinction = CIRRUS_EXTINCTION1 case (200:219) ; Cloud_Extinction = CIRRUS_EXTINCTION2 case (220:239) ; Cloud_Extinction = CIRRUS_EXTINCTION3 case (240:259) ; Cloud_Extinction = CIRRUS_EXTINCTION4 case (260:) ; Cloud_Extinction = CIRRUS_EXTINCTION5 end select endif Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness = Input%Tau(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) / Cloud_Extinction !(km) Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness = Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness * 1000.0 !(m) Output%Geo_Thickness(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness if (Input%Tau(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) < 2.0) then Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness_Top_Offset = Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness/2.0 !(m) else Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness_Top_Offset = 1000.0 / Cloud_Extinction !(m) endif Zc_Top_Max = Hght_Prof_RTM(Tropo_Level_RTM) Zc_Base_Min = Hght_Prof_RTM(Sfc_Level_RTM) !------------- ! Compute cloud base ! Updated CldBaseQF (by ynoh, cira/csu, 24 July 2018) ! CldBaseQF = 0 (Valid CBH from the statistical method by CIRA) ! 1 (Invalid due to invalid upstream input or clear) ! 2 (Out of range, CBH lower than terrain) ! 3 (Out of range, CBH < 0 km or CBH > 20 km ) ! 4 (Invalid CBH > CTH) ! 5 (Valid CBH from the extinction method) ! 6 (Valid CBH from CWP_NWP for deep convection) ! Start with Qf = 1 (Invalid due to invalid upstream input or clear) Output%Zc_Base_Qf(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = 1 if (Cloud_Type == symbol%CIRRUS_TYPE .and. Input%Tau(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) < 1.0) then ! Output%Zc_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = min(Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & max(Zc_Base_Min, & Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) - Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness)) Output%Zc_Base_Qf(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = 5 if (Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) - Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness < Zc_Base_Min) Output%Zc_Base_Qf(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = 2 if (Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) - Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness >= Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) then Output%Zc_Base_Qf(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = 4 Output%Zc_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = MISSING_VALUE_REAL endif else !------------- if (Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) > 0 .and. (Input%CWP(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) > 0 .or. Input%CWP_nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) > 0)) then call CIRA_base_hgt(Input%Zc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),Input%CWP(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), Input%CWP_NWP(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ,& Input%LCL(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),Input%CCL(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),Input%Surface_Elevation(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness_eff,Output%Zc_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),Output%Zc_Base_Qf(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) endif !------------- endif ! compute Pc_Base from Zc_Base call KNOWING_Z_COMPUTE_T_P(Output%Pc_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),R4_Dummy,Output%Zc_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),Ilev) !ynoh (cira/csu) for ccl mode 3 call KNOWING_Z_COMPUTE_T_P(Output%Pc_Lower_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),R4_Dummy, & max(Input%Surface_Elevation(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),min(Output%Zc_Base(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx),(Input%LCL(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)+Input%CCL(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx))*0.5)),Ilev) !( endif !---- null profile pointers each time - REALLY? CALL NULL_PIX_POINTERS(Input, RTM_NWP) end do Element_Loop end do Line_Loop !Diag%Array_1 = Output%Pc_Base !Diag%Array_2 = Output%Zc_Base end subroutine CLOUD_BASE_ALGORITHM !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Function INTERPOLATE_PROFILE_LOCAL ! ! general interpoLation routine for profiles ! ! input: ! lonx - longitude weighting factor ! Latx = Latitude weighting factor ! z1 = data(ilon, iLat) ! z2 = data(ilonx,iLat) ! z3 = data(ilon,iLatx) ! z4 = data(ilonx,iLatx) ! ! output: ! z = interpoLated profile ! ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function INTERPOLATE_PROFILE_LOCAL(z1,z2,z3,z4,lonx,Latx) result(z) real, dimension(:), intent(in):: z1 real, dimension(:), intent(in):: z2 real, dimension(:), intent(in):: z3 real, dimension(:), intent(in):: z4 real, intent(in):: lonx real, intent(in):: Latx real, dimension(size(z1)):: z !--- linear inteprpoLation scheme z = (1.0-lonx) * ((1.0-Latx) * z1 + (Latx)* z3) + & (lonx) * ((1.0-Latx) * z2 + (Latx)* z4) end function INTERPOLATE_PROFILE_LOCAL !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Null Pixel Level Pointers !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine NULL_PIX_POINTERS(Input, RTM_NWP) type(acha_input_struct), intent(inout) :: Input type(acha_rtm_nwp_struct), intent(inout) :: RTM_NWP RTM_NWP%T_Prof => null() RTM_NWP%T_Prof_1 => null() RTM_NWP%T_Prof_2 => null() RTM_NWP%T_Prof_3 => null() RTM_NWP%Z_Prof => null() RTM_NWP%Z_Prof_1 => null() RTM_NWP%Z_Prof_2 => null() RTM_NWP%Z_Prof_3 => null() if (Input%Chan_On_67um == sym%YES) then RTM_NWP%Atm_Rad_Prof_67um => null() RTM_NWP%Atm_Trans_Prof_67um => null() RTM_NWP%Black_Body_Rad_Prof_67um => null() endif if (Input%Chan_On_85um == sym%YES) then RTM_NWP%Atm_Rad_Prof_85um => null() RTM_NWP%Atm_Trans_Prof_85um => null() endif if (Input%Chan_On_11um == sym%YES) then RTM_NWP%Atm_Rad_Prof_11um => null() RTM_NWP%Atm_Trans_Prof_11um => null() RTM_NWP%Black_Body_Rad_Prof_11um => null() endif if (Input%Chan_On_12um == sym%YES) then RTM_NWP%Atm_Rad_Prof_12um => null() RTM_NWP%Atm_Trans_Prof_12um => null() endif if (Input%Chan_On_133um == sym%YES) then RTM_NWP%Atm_Rad_Prof_133um => null() RTM_NWP%Atm_Trans_Prof_133um => null() endif end subroutine NULL_PIX_POINTERS !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! InterpoLate within profiles knowing Z to determine T and P !----------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine KNOWING_Z_COMPUTE_T_P(P,T,Z,Ilev) real, intent(in):: Z real, intent(out):: T real, intent(out):: P integer, intent(out):: Ilev real:: dp real:: dt real:: dz !--- interpoLate pressure profile call LOCATE(Hght_Prof_RTM,Num_Levels_RTM_Prof,Z,Ilev) Ilev = max(1,min(Num_Levels_RTM_Prof-1,Ilev)) dp = Press_Prof_RTM(Ilev+1) - Press_Prof_RTM(Ilev) dt = Temp_Prof_RTM(Ilev+1) - Temp_Prof_RTM(Ilev) dz = Hght_Prof_RTM(Ilev+1) - Hght_Prof_RTM(Ilev) !--- perform interpoLation if (dz /= 0.0) then T = Temp_Prof_RTM(Ilev) + dt/dz * (Z - Hght_Prof_RTM(Ilev)) P = Press_Prof_RTM(Ilev) + dp/dz * (Z - Hght_Prof_RTM(Ilev)) else T = Temp_Prof_RTM(Ilev) P = Press_Prof_RTM(Ilev) endif end subroutine KNOWING_Z_COMPUTE_T_P !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! CIRA's base code, interpret from IDL codes !----------------------------------------------------------------- !ynoh (cira/csu) subroutine CIRA_base_hgt(Zc,Cwp,Cwp_nwp,LCL,CCL,Surf_Elev,Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness,Zc_base,cbh_qf) real(kind=real4), intent(in) :: Zc,Cwp,Cwp_nwp,LCL,CCL,Surf_Elev real(kind=real4), intent(out) :: Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness,Zc_base integer(kind=int1),intent(out) :: cbh_qf ! local variables real(kind=real4) :: Zc_local, Cwp_local,Cwp_nwp_local integer :: ibin integer :: ibin_max integer :: icwp real :: zdelta real :: slope real :: yint integer, parameter :: nbin = 9, npara = 6, ncwp = 2 real,dimension(nbin,npara,ncwp) :: regr_coeff real,parameter :: mincbh = 0.0, maxcbh = 20.0*1000 ! min cth ;slope y-int r2 n median CWP regr_coeff(1,:,1) = [0.00000, 2.25812, 0.405590, 0.0236532, 5921., 0.0710000] regr_coeff(1,:,2) = [0.00000, 0.997031, 0.516989, 0.0900793, 5881., 0.0710000] regr_coeff(2,:,1) = [2.00000, 6.10980, 0.664818, 0.0664282, 3624., 0.114000] regr_coeff(2,:,2) = [2.00000, 0.913021, 1.35698, 0.0735795, 3621., 0.114000] regr_coeff(3,:,1) = [4.00000, 11.5574, 1.22527, 0.0519277, 2340., 0.110000] regr_coeff(3,:,2) = [4.00000, 1.37922, 2.58661, 0.0695758, 2329., 0.110000] regr_coeff(4,:,1) = [6.00000, 14.5382, 1.70570, 0.0568334, 2535., 0.123000] regr_coeff(4,:,2) = [6.00000, 1.68711, 3.62280, 0.0501604, 2511., 0.123000] regr_coeff(5,:,1) = [8.00000, 9.09855, 2.14247, 0.0218789, 3588., 0.131000] regr_coeff(5,:,2) = [8.00000, 2.45953, 3.86957, 0.0727178, 3579., 0.131000] regr_coeff(6,:,1) = [10.0000, 13.5772, 1.86554, 0.0497041, 4249., 0.127000] regr_coeff(6,:,2) = [10.0000, 4.83087, 3.53141, 0.160008, 4218., 0.127000] regr_coeff(7,:,1) = [12.0000, 16.0793, 1.64965, 0.0695903, 3154., 0.115000] regr_coeff(7,:,2) = [12.0000, 5.05173, 3.98610, 0.180965, 3121., 0.115000] regr_coeff(8,:,1) = [14.0000, 14.6030, 2.00010, 0.0429476, 2744., 0.116000] regr_coeff(8,:,2) = [14.0000, 6.06439, 4.03301, 0.239837, 2717., 0.116000] regr_coeff(9,:,1) = [16.0000, 9.26580, 2.29640, 0.0113376, 1455., 0.0990000] regr_coeff(9,:,2) = [16.0000, 6.60431, 3.26442, 0.227116, 1449., 0.0990000] ! start retrieval Zc_local = Zc/1000. CWP_local = CWP/1000. Cwp_nwp_local = Cwp_nwp/1000. ! force large cwp to cap at 1.2 kg/m2 if (Zc_local > 20.0) Zc_local = 20.0 if (CWP_local > 1.2) CWP_local = 1.2 if (Cwp_nwp_local > 1.2) Cwp_nwp_local = 1.2 if (Cwp_local < 0 .and. Cwp_nwp_local > 0) Cwp_local = Cwp_nwp_local zdelta = 2.0 ibin = floor(Zc_local)/floor(zdelta)+1 ibin_max = 9 if (Zc_local > 18.0 .or. ibin > ibin_max) ibin = ibin_max icwp = 1 if (CWP_local > regr_coeff(ibin,6,1)) icwp = 2 slope = regr_coeff(ibin,2,icwp) yint = regr_coeff(ibin,3,icwp) Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness = slope*CWP_local+yint Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness = Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness*1000. Zc_Base = Zc_local*1000-Cloud_Geometrical_Thickness cbh_qf = 0 !-------- !ynoh (cira/csu) ! An adjustment for large cwp greater than 1.0 kg/m2 (no cloud type involved) ! updated for a smooth transition (20170109) ! updated for (LCL+CCL)*0.5 (20171227) if ( (LCL+CCL)*0.5 > Surf_Elev .and. (LCL+CCL)*0.5 < Zc_Base ) then if ( Cwp_local >= 1.2 ) Zc_Base = (LCL+CCL)*0.5 if ( Cwp_local >= 1.0 .and. Cwp_local < 1.2 ) & Zc_Base = Zc_Base + ((LCL+CCL)*0.5-Zc_Base)*((Cwp_local-1.0)/(1.2-1.0) ) cbh_qf = 6 endif !-------- ! apply quality flag if (Zc_Base < Surf_Elev) then Zc_Base = Surf_Elev cbh_qf = 2 endif if (Zc_Base < mincbh .or. Zc_Base > maxcbh) then Zc_Base = MISSING_VALUE_REAL cbh_qf = 3 endif if (Zc_Base >= Zc_local*1000) then Zc_Base = MISSING_VALUE_REAL cbh_qf = 4 endif end subroutine CIRA_base_hgt !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! End of Module !---------------------------------------------------------------------- end module CLOUD_BASE