MODULE Baseline_Cloud_Mask !$Id: baseline_cloud_mask.f90 3254 2019-04-25 14:57:43Z heidinger $ ! ! Module Name: ! baseline_cloud_mask ! ! Function: ! Contain the subroutines involved in the ABI cloud Mask ! ! Description: ! This module holds the routines needed to compute the ! ABI cloud Mask (ACM). This is the upfront cloud Mask ! that will be made available to all susequent ABI algorithms ! ! Reference: ! The ABI Cloud Mask (ACM) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document ! ! Dependencies: ! Algorithm_Module Usage Module ! Planck Module ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Use baseline_cloud_mask ! ! Author: Andrew K. Heidinger, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ! (c) This code is copyrighted by the author and all NOAA restrictions apply ! ! History: ! 2/2007 - Andrew Heidinger - Created based on CLAVR-x ! 7/2007 - Added Temporal IR Test ! 10/2008 - Removed ocean reflectance lookup tables ! 10/2008 - Added Dark Composite Chn2 Fields ! 10/2008 - Added MSG Gridded MODIS White Sky Chn2 Fields ! 10/2008 - Added mapped MODIS White Sky Chn2 and Chn5 Fields ! 12/2008 - Added SWIR and SST test space ! 1/2009 - Added Single Scattering Correction to Chn2 Reflectance ! ! Public Routines Within This Module ! Baseline_Cloud_Mask_Main - main routine for cloud Mask ! ! Notes ! - This cloud Mask will operate on more channels than is available on ! GOES I-M, GOES NOP and SEVIRI. Different channel combinations ! can be used through channel selection IN the algorithm ! definition module. However, do not specify a channel if needed ! if it is not on the chosen platform. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- module use statements ! use PIXEL_COMMON_MOD use CONSTANTS_MOD use NWP_COMMON_MOD use RTM_COMMON_MOD use PLANCK_MOD, only: & PLANCK_RAD_FAST & , PLANCK_TEMP_FAST use CLAVRX_MESSAGE_MOD use CALIBRATION_CONSTANTS_MOD, only: & Sun_Earth_Distance, & Solar_Ch20_Nu IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC:: Baseline_Cloud_Mask_Main PRIVATE:: Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral PRIVATE:: Compute_Probably_Cloudy PRIVATE:: Clear_Chn2_Reflectance_Field PRIVATE:: RUT_Routine PRIVATE:: TUT_Routine PRIVATE:: RTCT_Routine PRIVATE:: ETROP_Routine PRIVATE:: ETROP_Routine_V2 PRIVATE:: PFMFT_Routine PRIVATE:: CIRH2O_Routine PRIVATE:: CIRH2O_Routine_V2 PRIVATE:: RFMFT_Routine PRIVATE:: TEMPIR_Routine PRIVATE:: RGCT_Routine PRIVATE:: RVCT_Routine PRIVATE:: NIRREF_Chn5_Routine PRIVATE:: NIRREF_Chn7_Routine PRIVATE:: CIRREF_Routine PRIVATE:: CIRREF_Routine_V2 PRIVATE:: EMISS4_Routine PRIVATE:: EMISS4_Routine_V2 PRIVATE:: ULST_Routine PRIVATE:: Set_Cmask_Thresholds PRIVATE:: Compute_NWC PRIVATE:: Compute_Clear_Sky_Scatter PRIVATE:: Term_Refl_Norm PRIVATE:: compute_spatial_uniformity PRIVATE:: destroy_spatial_uniformity PRIVATE:: gradient2d PRIVATE:: SET_IS_CHN PRIVATE:: SET_USE_10_4um_FLAG PRIVATE:: SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM !have to add PACK_BYTES here because it isn't available in CLAVRX interface PACK_BYTES module procedure & PACK_BYTES_I1, & PACK_BYTES_I2 end interface ! !--- include fixed thresholds via this include statement ! INCLUDE '' CONTAINS !==================================================================== ! Baseline Cloud Mask from GOES-R AWG Cloud Application Team ! ! Principal Author: Andrew Heidinger ! ! Subroutine Name: Baseline_Cloud_Mask_Main ! ! Function: ! Serve as the baseline cloud Mask for all ABI processing ! ! Description: ! This routine derives a four-level cloud Mask for each pixel. ! The 4 levels are clear, probably clear, probably cloudy and cloudy ! The routine applies a series of cloud detection tests. ! The Output includes all test decisions ! ! calling Sequence: ! CALL Baseline_Cloud_Mask_Main(internal_algorithm_index) ! ! Inputs: All input passed through geocat structures (satellite, nwp, ! rtm and temporal) ! ! Outputs: ! cloud_mask = out2(ialgo)%cldmask = 4 level cloud Mask ! cloud_mask_packed = out2(ialgo)%cldmask_packed ! = test results packed into bytes ! test_results = out2(ialgo)%qflg1 = actual test results (unpacked) ! cloud_mask_qf = out2(ialgo)%qflg2 = quality flag for whole Mask ! out2(ialgo)%r4_generic1 = generic REAL4 array used for diagnostic Output ! out2(ialgo)%r4_generic2 = generic REAL4 array used for diagnostic Output ! out2(ialgo)%r4_generic3 = generic REAL4 array used for diagnostic Output ! ! Dependencies: ! rtm, nwp, and temporal structures must be ! populated for this segment ! ! Restrictions: TBD ! ! History: ! 2/2007 - Andrew Heidinger - Created based on CLAVR-x ! 7/2007 - Added Temporal IR Test ! 1/2008 - Fixed bugs seen IN REAL-time processing ! 2/2008 - v3 delivered to AIT ! ! Local Variables: ! Elem_Idx - element number (the along scan pixel index) ! Line_Idx - line number (the across scan pixel index) ! Refl_Chn2 = 0.63 micron reflectance ! Rad_Chn7 = 3.9 micron radiance ! Refl_Chn4 = 1.38 micron reflectance ! Refl_Chn5 = 1.60 micron reflectance ! BT_Chn14 = 11.0 micron bt ! BT_Chn14_Clr = 11 micron clear bt ! Rad_Chn14 = 11.0 micron radiance ! Emiss_Chn7 = 3.9 micron emissivity ! Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM = 3.9 micron surface emissivity ! X_NWP_Idx = nwp longitude cell ! Y_NWP_Idx = nwp latitude cell ! Rad_Chn7_Clr = clear 4 micron radiance ! Rad_Chn14_Clr = clear 11 micron radiance ! Cos_Sat_Zen = cosine of satellite viewing zenith angle ! Cos_Sol_Zen = cosine of solar viewing zenith angle ! Sfc_Idx_NWP = nwp level associated with surface ! Tropo_Idx_NWP = nwp level associated with tropopause ! View_Zen_Idx = viewing zenith angle bin ! rad14_bb_trop = BB 11 micron radiance at tropopause ! trans_atm_7 = BB 12 micron radiance at tropopause ! Sfc_Temp_Uni_NWP = 3x3 standard deviation of NWP surface temperature ! Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3 = 3x3 standard deviation of 0.65um ! solar_7 = solar energy IN channel 7 ! sed = sun earth distance factor ! glintzen = glint zenith angle ! landmask = land Mask ! Coast_Type = = coast Mask ! solarzen = solar zenith angle ! desertmask = desert Mask ! snowmask = snow Mask ! ! ! Elements of the Test Vector IN order as written OUT ! !--- ancillary data flags Output location ! 1 - cloud Mask attempted byte 1 bit 1 ! 2 - day byte 1 bit 2 ! 3 - terminator byte 1 bit 3 ! 4 - land byte 1 bit 4 ! 5 - coast byte 1 bit 5 ! 6 - glint byte 1 bit 6 ! 7 - desert byte 1 bit 7 ! 8 - snow byte 1 bit 8 ! 9 - cold surface byte 2 bit 1 !--- clear-sky spatial uniformity tests ! 10 - RUT byte 2 bit 2 ! 11 - TUT byte 2 bit 3 !--- cloud tests using thermal emission ! 12 - RTCT byte 2 bit 4 ! 13 - ETROP byte 2 bit 5 ! 14 - PFMFT byte 2 bit 6 ! 15 - NFMFT byte 2 bit 7 ! 16 - RFMFT byte 2 bit 8 ! 17 - CIRH2O byte 3 bit 1 ! 18 - TEMPIR byte 3 bit 2 ! 19 - TERM_THERM_STAB byte 3 bit 3 !--- cloud tests using solar reflectance ! 20 - RGCT byte 3 bit 4 ! 21 - RVCT byte 3 bit 5 !--- cloud tests using swir solar reflectance ! 22 - NIRREF byte 3 bit 6 ! 23 - CIRREF byte 3 bit 7 !--- cloud tests using swir thermal emission ! 24 - EMISS4 byte 4 bit 8 ! 25 - ULST byte 4 bit 1 !--- restoral tests ! 26 - probably clear restoral byte 4 bit 2 ! 27 - cloud edge (prob cloudy) byte 4 bit 3 !--- non-cloud tests ! 28 - blank byte 4 bit 4 ! 29 - blank byte 4 bit 5 ! 30 - blank byte 4 bit 6 ! 31 - blank byte 4 bit 7 ! 32 - blank byte 4 bit 8 ! ! ! Note the following !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE BASELINE_CLOUD_MASK_MAIN(Segment_Number) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), intent(in):: Segment_Number LOGICAL :: Use_10_4um CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER:: Routine_Name = & "baseline_cloud_mask: test_Baseline_Cloud_Mask_main" INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Elem_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Line_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Num_Elem INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Num_Lines INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: Sat_Name CHARACTER(LEN=40) :: Algo_Name CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: Err_Message INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Chn_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Elem_LRC_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Line_LRC_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Elem_NWC_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Line_NWC_Idx REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Refl_Chn4 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Refl_Chn5 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Rad_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Refl_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Emiss_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Emiss_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Rad_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn9 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn9_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn10 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn10_Clr !--- Note, BT_Chn14 is an array REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn14_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn15 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn15_Clr INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Alloc_Status INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Alloc_Status_Total INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_15min INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_Clr_15min REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: X_NWC_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: Y_NWC_Idx !some allocatables changed to pointers REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_Chn14_Mean_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_Chn14_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_Chn14_Min_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_WaterVapor_Mean_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_WaterVapor_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_WaterVapor_Min_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: BT_WaterVapor_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: Sfc_Hgt_Mean_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: Sfc_Hgt_Min_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Mean_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Clear_Mean_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3 INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: WMO_Id INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Num_Pix INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Snow_Class INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Snow_Class_Final INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Desert_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Coast_Type INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Land_Type INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Day INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Terminator INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Coast INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Glint INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Desert INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Is_Valid_Pixel INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:), allocatable:: Is_Chn INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:), allocatable:: Chan_On INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Num_Tests INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Error_Level REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Total_Precipitable_Water_NWP REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Total_Ozone_Path_NWP REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Sfc_Temp_Uni_NWP REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Sfc_Temp REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Sfc_Hgt REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Scat_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC REAL(KIND=REAL4):: BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Emiss_Chn7_NWC REAL(KIND=REAL4):: BT_Chn14_NWC REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Planck_Emission_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Chn7_Sol_Energy REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Sun_Earth_Dist REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Glint_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Atm_Trans_Chn7_RTM REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Atm_Solar_Trans_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Solar_Rad_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Solar_BT_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Cos_Sat_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Cos_Scat_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Cos_Sol_Zen INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Tropo_Idx_NWP INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: View_Zen_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Sfc_Idx_NWP INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Is_Coast_NWP INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: X_NWP_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Y_NWP_Idx REAL(KIND=REAL4):: BT_Chn14_15min REAL(KIND=REAL4):: BT_Chn14_15min_Clr INTEGER:: Is_Cold_Surface !a flag that identifies cold surfaces INTEGER:: Is_Cold_Inversion INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Uni_Land_Mask_Flag_Yes INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Uni_Land_Mask_Flag_No REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 REAL(KIND=REAL4):: NDSI REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Refl_Chn2_Clear REAL(KIND=REAL4):: RGCT_Threshold INTEGER:: Array_Right, Array_Left, Array_Top INTEGER:: Array_Bottom,Array_Width, Array_Hgt INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: X_LRC_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Y_LRC_Idx INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: LRC_Mask !--- quality flag INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: IR_Test_Sum INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: VIS_Test_Sum INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: SWIR_SOLAR_Test_Sum INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: SWIR_THERMAL_Test_Sum INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: IR_Test_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: VIS_Test_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: SWIR_Test_Mask REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Air_Mass_Factor REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Transmission_Sing_Scat REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Refl_Sing_Scat ! !--- cloud Mask arrays ! INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(Total_Num_Tests):: Test_Bit_Depth !needed for CLAVR-x INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, target:: Test_Results_Temp INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, target:: Temp_Array ! !--- local pointers ! INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask_Binary INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask_IR INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask_SST INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask_Packed INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: Test_Results INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask_QF INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Cloud_Mask_Tmpy REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Refl_Chn2 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: BT_WaterVapor REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Diag1 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Diag2 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: Diag3 !------------- Variables needed for Term stability test REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn11 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn11_1Hr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn14_1Hr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: BT_Chn15_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Cmask_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Have_Prev_BT_Chn11_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Have_Prev_BT_Chn15_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Have_Prev_Cmask_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Num_Chan_Sensor INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:), pointer :: CLAVRx_Chan_Map INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: System_IRWIN_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_0_86um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_1_38um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_1_60um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_2_2um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_8_5um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Sensor_12_0um_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_0_65um_Chan_Num = 1 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_0_86um_Chan_Num = 2 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_1_38um_Chan_Num = 26 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_1_60um_Chan_Num = 6 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_2_2um_Chan_Num = 7 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_3_9um_Chan_Num = 20 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_6_7um_Chan_Num = 27 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_7_3um_Chan_Num = 28 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_8_5um_Chan_Num = 29 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_10_4um_Chan_Num = 38 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_11_0um_Chan_Num = 31 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), parameter:: System_12_0um_Chan_Num = 32 INTEGER(KIND=INT4), dimension(1):: Loc_Output INTEGER(KIND=INT4):: Chan_Idx !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Executable Code !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Segment_Number == 1) call MESG('Baseline Cloud Mask starts') !--- make local copy of system to sensor channel mapping WMO_Id = Sensor%WMO_Id CLAVRx_Chan_Map => Sensor%CLAVRx_Chan_Map Num_Chan_Sensor = Sensor%Num_Chan_Sensor allocate(Is_Chn(Num_Chan_Sensor)) allocate(Chan_On(Num_Chan_Sensor)) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine sensor channel numbers !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_0_65um_Chan_Num, Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_0_86um_Chan_Num, Sensor_0_86um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_1_38um_Chan_Num, Sensor_1_38um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_1_60um_Chan_Num, Sensor_1_60um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_2_2um_Chan_Num, Sensor_2_2um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_3_9um_Chan_Num, Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_6_7um_Chan_Num, Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_7_3um_Chan_Num, Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_8_5um_Chan_Num, Sensor_8_5um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_10_4um_Chan_Num, Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_11_0um_Chan_Num, Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num) call SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, System_12_0um_Chan_Num, Sensor_12_0um_Chan_Num) !---- set up Chan_On which tells if the channel is on from the sensor do Chan_Idx = 1,Num_Chan_Sensor Chan_On(Chan_Idx) = Sensor%Chan_On_Flag_Default(CLAVRx_Chan_Map(Chan_Idx)) enddo !--- determine if the the 10.4 or 11 micron channel should be used call SET_USE_10_4um_FLAG(ch(System_11_0um_Chan_Num)%DQF, & WMO_Id, & CLAVRx_Chan_Map, & Chan_On, & System_10_4um_Chan_Num, & System_11_0um_Chan_Num, & Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num, & Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num, & System_IRWIN_Chan_Num, & Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num, & Use_10_4um) !--- store size of this segment into local variables Num_Elem = Image%Number_Of_Elements Num_Lines = Image%Number_Of_Lines_Per_Segment Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg = size(Nav%Lat,2) !set the initial cloud mask algorithm name here (for usage in the temporal term test) Algo_Name = 'baseline_cmask_' !--- store name of sensor Sat_Name = trim(Sensor%Platform_Name) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set sensor dependent thresholds ! This is due to a SRF issue on the 3.9 micron band ! Also compose sensor dependent algorithm name for temporal term test !----------------------------------------------------------------- CALL SET_CMASK_THRESHOLDS(Sat_Name, Use_10_4um, Algo_Name) ! Need to have an array for the unpacked tests for CLAVR-x ALLOCATE(Test_Results_Temp(Total_Num_Tests, Num_Elem, Num_Lines)) ALLOCATE(Temp_Array(Num_Elem, Num_Lines)) !--- LRC arrays (re-implmented ALLOCATE(LRC_Mask(Num_Elem, Num_Lines)) ALLOCATE(X_LRC_Idx(Num_Elem, Num_Lines)) ALLOCATE(Y_LRC_Idx(Num_Elem, Num_Lines)) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read IN background Chn2 Reflectance Field !----------------------------------------------------------------- CALL Clear_Chn2_Reflectance_Field(Num_Elem, & Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg, & Refl_Chn2_Clear) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize masks !----------------------------------------------------------------- Cloud_Mask => CLDMASK%Cld_Mask Cloud_Mask_Packed => CLDMASK%Cld_Test_Vector_Packed Test_Results => Test_Results_Temp !will just null for now Cloud_Mask_QF => Temp_Array !null() !will just null for now Cloud_Mask_Tmpy => One_Byte_Temp !need to find Cloud_Mask_Binary => CLDMASK%Cld_Mask_Binary Cloud_Mask_IR => Temp_Array Cloud_Mask_SST => Temp_Array Refl_Chn2 => ch(System_0_65um_Chan_Num)%Ref_Toa BT_Chn14 => ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa BT_WaterVapor => ch(System_6_7um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 => ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Emiss_Tropo !11um Tropo calculated same way as GS - 20 Nov. 2016 - WCS3 !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize Diagnostic variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- Diag1 => Diag_Pix_Array_1 Diag2 => Diag_Pix_Array_2 Diag3 => Diag_Pix_Array_3 ! !--- set bit depths for packed Output (all here are 1 bit) Test_Bit_Depth = 1 !--------------------------------------------- !--- initialize Output !--------------------------------------------- ! !---don't initialize to clear Cloud_Mask = sym%PROB_CLEAR Cloud_Mask_Binary = sym%CLEAR_BINARY Cloud_Mask_IR = sym%PROB_CLEAR Cloud_Mask_SST = sym%PROB_CLEAR ! !---This must be to zero. So the bit associated Cloud_Mask_Packed = 0 ! !with ivalid is initialized to zero Test_Results = 0 !Initialize quality flag to invalid Cloud_Mask_QF = INVALID_CMASK_RETREVAL !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute spatial metrics using GS complaint routine !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Associated(BT_WaterVapor)) then CALL compute_spatial_uniformity(1, 1, Geo%Space_Mask, BT_WaterVapor, BT_WaterVapor_Mean_3x3, & BT_WaterVapor_Max_3x3, BT_WaterVapor_Min_3x3, BT_WaterVapor_Stddev_3x3) endif CALL compute_spatial_uniformity(1, 1, Geo%Space_Mask, BT_Chn14, BT_Chn14_Mean_3x3, & BT_Chn14_Max_3x3, BT_Chn14_Min_3x3, BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3) CALL compute_spatial_uniformity(1, 1, Geo%Space_Mask, Refl_Chn2, Refl_Chn2_Mean_3x3, & Refl_Chn2_Max_3x3, Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3, Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3) CALL compute_spatial_uniformity(1, 1, Geo%Space_Mask, Sfc%zsfc, Sfc_Hgt_Mean_3x3, & Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3, Sfc_Hgt_Min_3x3, Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3) CALL compute_spatial_uniformity(1, 1, Geo%Space_Mask, Refl_Chn2_Clear, Refl_Chn2_Clear_Mean_3x3, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3, Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3) !======================================================================= ! Load temporal information (status = sym%FAILURE or sym%SUCCESS) !======================================================================= !--- previous 11 micron temp ! Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_15min = Load_Temporal_Data(minus_i_15min,"", & ! temporal(minus_i_15min)%bt14) ! Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_Clr_15min = Load_Temporal_Data(minus_i_15min,"", & ! temporal(minus_i_15min)%bt_clr14) !======================================================================= ! Load TERM_THERM_STAB temporal information ! (status = sym%FAILURE or sym%SUCCESS) !======================================================================= ! Have_Prev_BT_Chn11_1Hr = Load_Temporal_Data(minus_i_01hrs,"", & ! temporal(minus_i_01hrs)%bt11) ! Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_1Hr = Load_Temporal_Data(minus_i_01hrs,"", & ! temporal(minus_i_01hrs)%bt14) ! Have_Prev_BT_Chn15_1Hr = Load_Temporal_Data(minus_i_01hrs,"", & ! temporal(minus_i_01hrs)%bt15) ! Have_Prev_Cmask_1Hr = Load_Temporal_Data(minus_i_01hrs,TRIM(Algo_Name), & ! temporal(minus_i_01hrs)%cldmask) Have_Prev_BT_Chn11_1Hr = sym%FAILURE Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_1Hr = sym%FAILURE Have_Prev_BT_Chn15_1Hr = sym%FAILURE Have_Prev_Cmask_1Hr = sym%FAILURE !======================================================================= ! Compute 11 micron emissivity at Tropopause ! -------------- removed - CLAVR-x computes emiss11 already same way as GS! !======================================================================= !====================================================================== ! compute local radiative center !====================================================================== !--- determine which pixels to skip LRC_Mask = sym%NO WHERE(Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 /= Missing_Value_Real4) LRC_Mask = sym%YES ENDWHERE !--- initialize indices X_LRC_Idx = Missing_Value_INT4 Y_LRC_Idx = Missing_Value_INT4 !--- call routines to compute emiss lrc indices call GRADIENT2D(Emiss_Tropo_Chn14, & Num_Elem, & Num_Lines, & LRC_Mask, & EMISS_TROPO_CHN14_GRADIENT_MIN, & EMISS_TROPO_CHN14_GRADIENT_MAX, & EMISS_TROPO_CHN14_GRADIENT_THRESH, & X_LRC_Idx, & Y_LRC_Idx) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ensure that pixels with values above the threshold are ! treated as LRC's. This not the default behavior ! ! 11/2/2017 - Was not in originally in the CLAVR-x implmentation. ! Unlikely any issues, but just for consistancy sake, addded in - WCS3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO Line_Idx=1, Num_Lines DO Elem_Idx=1, Num_Elem IF (Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) >= EMISS_TROPO_CHN14_GRADIENT_THRESH ) THEN X_LRC_Idx(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Elem_Idx Y_LRC_Idx(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Line_Idx ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set flag to enforce uniformity IN land Mask for these computations !---------------------------------------------------------------------- Uni_Land_Mask_Flag_Yes = sym%YES Uni_Land_Mask_Flag_No = sym%NO !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute NWC indices !---------------------------------------------------------------------- Alloc_Status_Total = 0 ALLOCATE(X_NWC_Idx(Num_Elem,Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg),stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status ALLOCATE(Y_NWC_Idx(Num_Elem,Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg),stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status !====================================================================== ! Check allocation of NWC arrays !====================================================================== IF (Alloc_Status_Total /= 0) THEN WRITE (Err_Message, *) & 'Error allocating NWC arrays' Error_Level = 2 ! AIT FATAL ERROR CODE CALL MESG ("Baseline Cloud Mask, "// & TRIM(Err_Message)// & char(Sym%FAILURE)) ! AIT Error Messaging ! CALL Error_Messaging (Routine_Name, Error_Message, Error_Level) RETURN ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Call Routine to Compute Neighboring Warm Center !------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL Compute_NWC( & ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa, & NWC_PIXEL_RADIUS, & !nbox Uni_Land_Mask_Flag_Yes, & !uni_land_mask_flag Bad_Pixel_Mask(:,:), & Sfc%Land, & Sfc%Coast_Mask, & 1, & Num_Elem, & 1, & Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg, & X_NWC_Idx, & Y_NWC_Idx) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute Correlation of Chn10 and Chn14 ! WCS - must remain to match GS implmentation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ((Chan_On(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) > 0) .OR. (Chan_On(Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num) > 0) .AND. & (Chan_On(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) > 0)) THEN Alloc_Status_Total = 0 ALLOCATE(BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Num_Elem,Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg), & stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status !====================================================================== ! Check allocation of arrays !====================================================================== IF (Alloc_Status_Total /= 0) THEN WRITE (Err_Message, *) & 'Error allocating BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr arrays' Error_Level = 2 ! AIT FATAL ERROR CODE CALL MESG ("Baseline Cloud Mask, "// & TRIM(Err_Message)// & char(Sym%FAILURE)) ! AIT Error Messaging ! CALL Error_Messaging (Routine_Name, Error_Message, Error_Level) RETURN ENDIF IF (ALLOCATED(BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr)) THEN Line_Loop_Corr: DO Line_Idx=1, Num_Lines Element_Loop_Corr: DO Elem_Idx=1, Num_Elem Array_Right = max(1,min(Elem_Idx - 2,Num_Elem)) Array_Left = max(1,min(Elem_Idx + 2,Num_Elem)) Array_Top = max(1,min(Line_Idx - 2,Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg)) Array_Bottom = max(1,min(Line_Idx + 2,Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg)) Array_Width = Array_Left -Array_Right + 1 Array_Hgt = Array_Bottom -Array_Top + 1 IF (Geo%Space_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == sym%SPACE) THEN BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Missing_Value_Real4 CYCLE ENDIF IF (Chan_On(Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Pearson_Corr(& ch(System_7_3um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & Bad_Pixel_Mask(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & Bad_Pixel_Mask(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & Array_Width, Array_Hgt) ELSEIF (Chan_On(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Pearson_Corr( & ch(System_6_7um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & Bad_Pixel_Mask(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & Bad_Pixel_Mask(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & Array_Width, Array_Hgt) ENDIF END DO Element_Loop_Corr END DO Line_Loop_Corr ENDIF ENDIF !======================================================================= ! Loop over pixels apply cloud tests !======================================================================= Line_Loop_2: DO Line_Idx=1, Num_Lines Element_Loop_2: DO Elem_Idx=1, Num_Elem ! !--- check for space pixel. QF already set to invalid ! IF (Geo%Space_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == sym%SPACE) THEN CYCLE ENDIF ! !--- check for pixel located beyond zone of operation. Set QF ! IF (Geo%Satzen(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) > SENSOR_ZEN_THRESH) THEN Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CMASK_OUTSIDE_SEN_ZEN_RANGE CYCLE ENDIF ! !--- set the channel on/of flags for this pixel using DQF !--- the initialization of Is_Chn is from the Chan_On values ! call SET_IS_CHN(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, Elem_Idx, Line_Idx, WMO_Id, Chan_On, Is_Chn) ! !--- define aliases ! local name global name ! !---nwp longitude cell X_NWP_Idx = NWP_PIX%I_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---nwp latitude cell Y_NWP_Idx = NWP_PIX%J_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !--- check for misisng nwp indices if (X_NWP_Idx <= 0 .or. Y_NWP_Idx <= 0) then cycle endif ! !--- LRC indices Elem_LRC_Idx = X_LRC_Idx(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Line_LRC_Idx = Y_LRC_Idx(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC = Missing_Value_Real4 IF (Elem_LRC_Idx > 0 .and. Line_LRC_Idx > 0) THEN Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Elem_LRC_Idx,Line_LRC_Idx) ENDIF Emiss_Tropo_11um_LRC(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC ! !--- NWC Indices Elem_NWC_Idx = X_NWC_Idx(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Line_NWC_Idx = Y_NWC_Idx(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !--- store BTD_Chn14_Chn15 at NWC BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC = Missing_Value_Real4 IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) > 0 .and. & Is_Chn(Sensor_12_0um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN IF (Elem_NWC_Idx > 0 .and. Line_NWC_Idx > 0) THEN BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC = ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_NWC_Idx,Line_NWC_Idx) - & ch(System_12_0um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_NWC_Idx,Line_NWC_Idx) ENDIF ENDIF BTD_11_12um_NWC(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC ! !---cosine of satellite viewing zenith angle Cos_Sat_Zen = Geo%Coszen(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---cosine of solar viewing zenith angle Cos_Sol_Zen = Geo%CosSolzen(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---cosine of scattering zenith angle Cos_Scat_Zen = cos(Geo%Scatangle(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)*dtor) ! !---cosine of scattering zenith angle Air_Mass_Factor = 1.0/Cos_Sol_Zen + 1.0/Cos_Sat_Zen ! !---nwp level associated with surface Sfc_Idx_NWP = Rtm(X_NWP_Idx,Y_NWP_Idx)%Sfc_Level ! !---nwp level associated with tropopause Tropo_Idx_NWP = Rtm(X_NWP_Idx,Y_NWP_Idx)%Tropo_Level ! !---viewing zenith angle bin View_Zen_Idx = Zen_Idx_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !--- Surface Temperature and its 3x3 uniformity Sfc_Temp_Uni_NWP = Sst_Anal_Uni(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Sfc_Temp = NWP_PIX%Tsfc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !--- Total Precipitable Water (g/m^2 or cm) Total_Precipitable_Water_NWP = NWP_PIX%Tpw(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !--- Total Ozone (Dobson Unit) Total_Ozone_Path_NWP = NWP_PIX%Ozone(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---sun earth distance factor Sun_Earth_Dist = Sun_Earth_Distance ! !---glint zenith angle Glint_Zen = Geo%Glintzen(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---land type Land_Type = Sfc%Land(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---coast type Coast_Type = Sfc%Coast_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---Surface Height Sfc_Hgt = Sfc%Zsfc(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---solar zenith angle Sol_Zen = Geo%Solzen(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---solar scattering zenith angle Scat_Zen = Geo%Scatangle(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---desert Mask Desert_Mask = Sfc%Desert_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---snow Mask Snow_Class = Sfc%Snow(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !-------------------------------------------------------- !--- local aliases for observations that are available !-------------------------------------------------------- !--- Channel 2 Aliases and Derived Parameters !----- WCS - put back in for consistency sake ! IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN ! ! ! !---0.63 micron reflectance ! ! ! !---- 11/2 - just noting that Refl_Chn2 is already aliased ! ENDIF ! !--- Channel 4 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_1_38um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN ! !---1.38 micron reflectance Refl_Chn4 = ch(System_1_38um_Chan_Num)%Ref_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ENDIF !--- Channel 5 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_2_2um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---1.60 micron reflectance Refl_Chn5 = ch(System_2_2um_Chan_Num)%Ref_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ENDIF !--- Channel 7 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---3.9 micron brightness temperature BT_Chn7 = ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---3.9 micron radiance Rad_Chn7 = ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Rad_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---3.9 um pseudo reflectance Refl_Chn7 = ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Ref_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !--- renormalize for improved terminator performance !--- already done in CLAVRx !IF (Sol_Zen > TERMINATOR_REFLECTANCE_SOL_ZEN_THRESH) THEN ! Refl_Chn7 = Term_Refl_Norm(Cos_Sol_Zen,Refl_Chn7) !ENDIF !---3.9 um emissivity Emiss_Chn7 = Ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Emiss_Rel_11um(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) if (USE_10_4um) Emiss_Chn7 = Ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Emiss_Rel_10_4um(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) Emiss_Chn7_NWC = Missing_Value_Real4 IF (Elem_NWC_Idx > 0 .and. Line_NWC_Idx > 0) THEN Emiss_Chn7_NWC = Ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Emiss_Rel_11um(Elem_NWC_Idx,Line_NWC_Idx) if (Use_10_4um) Emiss_Chn7_NWC = Ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Emiss_Rel_10_4um(Elem_NWC_Idx,Line_NWC_Idx) ENDIF !---3.9 um surface emissivity Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM = ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Sfc_Emiss(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---clear 4 micron radiance Rad_Chn7_Clr = ch(System_3_9um_Chan_Num)%Rad_Toa_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !--- Atmospheric Transmission IN Channel 7 !Atm_Trans_Chn7_RTM = rtm(X_NWP_Idx,Y_NWP_Idx)%d(View_Zen_Idx)%ch(20)%Trans_Atm_Profile(Sfc_Idx_NWP) Atm_Trans_Chn7_RTM = Trans_Atm_Ch20_Solar_Total_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---solar energy IN channel 7 Chn7_Sol_Energy = Solar_Ch20_Nu ENDIF !--- Channel 10 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---6.7 micron bt BT_Chn9 = ch(System_6_7um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---6.7 micron bt clear BT_Chn9_Clr = ch(System_6_7um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ENDIF !--- Channel 10 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---7.3 micron bt BT_Chn10 = ch(System_7_3um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---7.3 micron bt clear BT_Chn10_Clr = ch(System_7_3um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ENDIF !--- Channel 11 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_8_5um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---8.5 micron bt BT_Chn11 = ch(System_8_5um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ENDIF !--- Channel 14 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---11 um clear bt BT_Chn14_Clr = ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) BT_Chn14_NWC = Missing_Value_Real4 IF ((Elem_NWC_Idx > 0) .and. (Line_NWC_Idx > 0)) THEN BT_Chn14_NWC = ch(System_IRWIN_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_NWC_Idx,Line_NWC_Idx) ENDIF ENDIF !--- Channel 15 Aliases and Derived Parameters IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_12_0um_Chan_Num) > 0) THEN !---12 micron bt BT_Chn15 = ch(System_12_0um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !---12 um clear bt BT_Chn15_Clr = ch(System_12_0um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- compute a transmission term for solar +viewing path for ch7 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Atm_Solar_Trans_Chn7 = 0.0 IF ((Cos_Sol_Zen > 0.0) .AND. (Cos_Sat_Zen > 0.0) & .AND. Atm_Trans_Chn7_RTM >= 0.0) THEN Atm_Solar_Trans_Chn7 = Atm_Trans_Chn7_RTM ** (1.0 + Cos_Sat_Zen / Cos_Sol_Zen) ENDIF ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- alias temporal parameters !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- WCS3 - REMOVED BECAUSE CLAVRX HAS NO TEMPORAL ------------------! Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_15min = sym%FAILURE IF (Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_15min == sym%SUCCESS) THEN !BT_Chn14_15min = temporal(minus_i_15min)%bt14%DATA(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ELSE BT_Chn14_15min = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDIF Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_Clr_15min = sym%FAILURE IF (Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_Clr_15min == sym%SUCCESS) THEN !BT_Chn14_15min_Clr = temporal(minus_i_15min) & ! %bt_clr14%DATA(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ELSE BT_Chn14_15min_Clr = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDIF !---- TERM_THERM_STAB parameters Have_Prev_BT_Chn11_1Hr = sym%FAILURE IF (Have_Prev_BT_Chn11_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS) THEN !BT_Chn11_1Hr = temporal(minus_i_01hrs) & ! %bt11%DATA(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ELSE BT_Chn11_1Hr = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDIF Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_1Hr= sym%FAILURE IF (Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS) THEN !BT_Chn14_1Hr = temporal(minus_i_01hrs) & ! %bt14%DATA(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ELSE BT_Chn14_1Hr = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDIF Have_Prev_BT_Chn15_1Hr = sym%FAILURE IF (Have_Prev_BT_Chn15_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS) THEN !BT_Chn15_1Hr = temporal(minus_i_01hrs) & ! %bt15%DATA(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ELSE BT_Chn15_1Hr = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDIF Have_Prev_Cmask_1Hr = sym%FAILURE IF (Have_Prev_Cmask_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS) THEN !Cmask_1Hr = temporal(minus_i_01hrs) & ! %cldmask%DATA(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ELSE Cmask_1Hr = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- define a coast flag based on nwp tsfc - this indicates !--- regions WHERE there is high spatial heterogeneity IN nwp and rtm !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Is_Coast_NWP = sym%NO IF (Sfc_Temp_Uni_NWP > Sfc_Temp_Uni_NWP_Thresh) THEN Is_Coast_NWP = sym%YES ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- set flags that control how this pixel is processed !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- valid pixel - check for aLine_Loc bad channel that is used Is_Valid_Pixel = sym%YES !--- check for a bad pixel (added by Denis B.) - CLAVR-x only issue IF (Is_Valid_Pixel == sym%NO) THEN IF (Sol_Zen < Day_Sol_Zen_Thresh) THEN Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_0_86um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_1_38um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_1_60um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_2_2um_Chan_num) = 0 ENDIF Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_7_3um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_8_5um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_10_4um_Chan_num) = 0 Is_Chn(Sensor_11_0um_Chan_num) = 0 ENDIF ! !--- Based on Channel Availability, determine validity of pixel IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%NO) THEN Is_Valid_Pixel = sym%NO ENDIF ! !--- Also check for RTM calculations (use bt14_clr) IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN IF (BT_Chn14_Clr < 200.0) then Is_Valid_Pixel = sym%NO ENDIF ENDIF ! !--- store valid Mask IN test_results location Test_Results(1,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Valid_Pixel ! !---- if a pixel is invalid, set QF and the skip to next one IF (Is_Valid_Pixel == sym%NO) THEN Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = INVALID_CMASK_BAD_CHN14 CYCLE ENDIF ! !--- day/night Is_Day = sym%NO IF (Sol_Zen < Day_Sol_Zen_Thresh) THEN Is_Day = sym%YES ENDIF Test_Results(2,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Day ! !--- terminiator Is_Terminator = sym%NO if (Sol_Zen > 87.0 .And. Sol_Zen < 93.0) then Is_Terminator = sym%YES endif Test_Results(3,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Terminator ! !--- land/ocean Is_Land = sym%NO IF (Land_Type == sym%LAND .or. Land_Type == sym%COASTLINE) THEN Is_Land = sym%YES ENDIF Test_Results(4,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Land ! !--- coast Is_Coast = sym%NO IF (Coast_Type /= sym%NO_COAST) THEN Is_Coast = sym%YES ENDIF Test_Results(5,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Coast ! !--- glint Is_Glint = sym%NO !-- Initial classification based on geometry IF ((Is_Day == sym%YES) .AND. & (Is_Land == sym%NO) .AND. & (Glint_Zen < Glint_Zen_Thresh)) THEN Is_Glint = sym%YES ENDIF !-- restore cold pixels IN glint zone to be non-glint IF ((Is_Glint == sym%YES) .AND. & ((BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) < WATER_FREEZING_POINT) .OR. & (BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) < BT_Chn14_Clr - MAX_GLINT_CLR_OBS_BT_CHN14_DIFF))) THEN Is_Glint = sym%NO ENDIF !--- restore pixels with reflectance non-uni IF ((Is_Glint == sym%YES) .AND. & (Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) > & Max_Glint_Clr_Rel_Refl2_Stddev_Thresh * & Refl_Chn2_Mean_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx))) THEN Is_Glint = sym%NO ENDIF !--- store result into test vector Test_Results(6,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Glint ! !--- desert ! Is_Desert = sym%NO IF (Desert_Mask == sym%YES) THEN Is_Desert = sym%YES ENDIF Test_Results(7,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Desert ! !--- snow or ice ! Is_Snow = sym%NO !new Snow mask check !initalize to IMS snow mask Snow_Class_Final = Snow_Class ! !Set Is_Snow ! IF (Snow_Class_Final == sym%SNOW .or. Snow_Class_Final == sym%SEA_ICE) THEN Is_Snow = sym%YES ENDIF Test_Results(8,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Snow ! !--- Test to see if pixel is a cold surface ! Is_Cold_Surface = sym%NO IF (Sfc_Temp < 265.0) THEN Is_Cold_Surface = sym%YES ENDIF Test_Results(9,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Is_Cold_Surface Is_Cold_Inversion = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Chn(Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES)) THEN IF (Sfc_Temp < 265.0) THEN IF (Bt_Chn9_Clr - Bt_Chn14_Clr > BTD_CHN9_CHN14_CLR_INV_THRESH) THEN Is_Cold_Inversion = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- add single scattering rayleigh reflectance for chn2 clear estimate !--- do this only when a dark composite is not used. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- Refl_Sing_Scat = 0.0 ! WCS - re-implmented clear sky reflectance as GS does it IF(Sol_Zen < Day_Sol_Zen_Thresh) THEN IF (Is_Land == sym%YES) THEN Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 = Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2_Land ELSE Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 = Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2_Ocean ENDIF CALL Compute_Clear_Sky_Scatter(Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2, & Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2, & Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter, & Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2, & Sat_Name, & Total_Precipitable_Water_NWP, & Total_Ozone_Path_NWP, & Scat_Zen, & Cos_Sat_Zen, & Cos_Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)/100.0, & Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)/100.0, & Transmission_Sing_Scat, & Refl_Sing_Scat) !--- add it IN to the clear-sky estimate Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Transmission_Sing_Scat * & Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) + Refl_Sing_Scat Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Transmission_Sing_Scat * & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) + Refl_Sing_Scat Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Transmission_Sing_Scat * & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) + Refl_Sing_Scat !--- renormalize for improved terminator performance IF (Sol_Zen > TERMINATOR_REFLECTANCE_SOL_ZEN_THRESH) THEN Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Term_Refl_Norm(Cos_Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Term_Refl_Norm(Cos_Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Term_Refl_Norm(Cos_Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF ENDIF !===================================================================== ! Determine 0.65 micron clear sky background reflectance !===================================================================== RGCT_Threshold = 45.0 IF (Is_Land == sym%YES .or. Is_Coast == sym%YES) THEN RGCT_Threshold = 45.0 IF (Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx, Line_Idx) /= Missing_Value_Real4) then RGCT_Threshold = (10.0 + 1.2 * Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx, Line_Idx) + & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF ENDIF IF (Is_Land == sym%NO) THEN RGCT_Threshold = 99.0 IF (Is_Glint == sym%NO) THEN IF (Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx, Line_Idx) /= Missing_Value_Real4) THEN RGCT_Threshold = 5.0 + 1.2 * Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx, Line_Idx) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RGCT_Threshold = RGCT_Solar_factor*RGCT_THRESHOLD ! fixed to use include file parameter - WCS3 !===================================================================== ! Apply Clear Spatial Uniformity Tests !===================================================================== ! !--- RUT 0.65 micron clear reflectance uniformity test ! Num_Tests = 1 + Num_Ancil_Tests Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RUT_Routine (& Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Coast, & Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Sol_Zen) ENDIF ! !--- 11 micron clear uniformity test ! Num_Tests = 2 + Num_Ancil_Tests Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = TUT_Routine (& Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF !===================================================================== ! Apply Cloud Detection Tests !===================================================================== !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! infrared cloud tests !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Relative Thermal Contrast Test - RTCT !-------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 0 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RTCT_Routine(& Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & Is_Snow, & Is_Cold_Surface, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn14_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn14_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- 11 micron Tropospheric Emissivity Test - ETROP !-------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 1 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = ETROP_Routine( & Is_Snow, & Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & Is_Desert, & Is_Cold_Surface, & Land_Type, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn14_Clr, & Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF ! Diag1(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 1 ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO ! IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = ETROP_Routine_V2( & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Coast, & ! Is_Desert, & ! Is_Cold_Surface, & ! Land_Type, & ! BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! BT_Chn14_Clr, & ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC, & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ! ENDIF ! Diag2(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Positive 11-12 micron Test !-------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 2 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .and. (Is_Chn(15) == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = PFMFT_Routine( & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Cold_Surface, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn15, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & BT_Chn15_Clr, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF !------------------------------------------------------------ !--- NFMFT - Negative 11-12 micron Test !------------------------------------------------------------ Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 3 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .and. (Is_Chn(15) == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = NFMFT_Routine( & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Desert, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn15, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & BT_Chn15_Clr) ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Relative FMFT !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 4 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .and. (Is_Chn(15) == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RFMFT_Routine( & Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn15, & BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC) ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Cirrus Water Vapor Test (CIRH2O) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 5 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES .or. & Is_Chn(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .and. & Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CIRH2O_Routine( & Sfc_Hgt, & BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_WaterVapor_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Total_Precipitable_Water_NWP, & Cos_Sat_Zen) ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Cirrus Water Vapor Test (CIRH2O) V2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 5 ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO ! IF ((Is_Chn(10) == sym%YES) .or. (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES)) THEN ! ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CIRH2O_Routine_V2( & ! Sfc_Hgt, & ! BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! BT_WaterVapor_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Total_Precipitable_Water_NWP, & ! Cos_Sat_Zen) ! ENDIF ! !Diag2(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !Diag3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) * & ! BT_WaterVapor_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) * & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Temporal IR test !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 6 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = TEMPIR_Routine( & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn14_Clr, & BT_Chn14_15min, & BT_Chn14_15min_Clr) ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Terminator Temporal IR test !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test + 7 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF (Is_Chn(11) == sym%YES .AND. & Is_Chn(Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num) == sym%YES .AND. & Is_Chn(15) == sym%YES .AND. & BT_Chn11 /= Missing_Value_Real4 .AND. & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) /= Missing_Value_Real4 .AND. & BT_Chn15 /= Missing_Value_Real4 .AND. & Have_Prev_BT_Chn11_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS .AND. & Have_Prev_BT_Chn14_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS .AND. & Have_Prev_BT_Chn15_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS .AND. & Have_Prev_Cmask_1Hr == sym%SUCCESS .AND. & BT_Chn11_1Hr /= Missing_Value_Real4 .AND. & BT_Chn14_1Hr /= Missing_Value_Real4 .AND. & BT_Chn15_1Hr /= Missing_Value_Real4 .AND. & Cmask_1Hr /= Missing_Value_Real4) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Term_Therm_Stab_Routine(& Is_Land, & Sol_Zen, & BT_Chn11, & BT_Chn11_1Hr, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & BT_Chn14_1Hr, & BT_Chn15, & BT_Chn15_1Hr, & Cmask_1Hr) ENDIF !===================================================================== ! Solar Reflectance Cloud Tests !===================================================================== ! !--- Reflectance Gross Contrast Test RGCT ! Num_Tests = First_Vis_Cld_Mask_Test + 0 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RGCT_Routine( & Is_Snow, & Is_Glint, & Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & RGCT_Threshold) ENDIF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Relative Visible Contrast Test - RVCT !---------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_Vis_Cld_Mask_Test + 1 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RVCT_Routine( & Is_Coast, & Is_Snow, & Is_Land, & Refl_Chn2(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Scat_Zen, & Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ENDIF !===================================================================== ! SWIR Solar Cloud Tests !===================================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Near Infrared Reflectance Test (NIRREF) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_SWIR_Solar_Cld_Mask_Test + 0 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_1_60um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN NDSI = (Refl_Chn2(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) - Refl_Chn5)/(Refl_Chn5 + Refl_Chn2(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = NIRREF_Chn5_Routine(& Is_Coast, & Is_Snow, & Sol_Zen, & Sfc_Hgt, & NDSI, & Refl_Chn5) ENDIF IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .and. (Is_Chn(Sensor_1_60um_Chan_Num) == sym%NO) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = NIRREF_Chn7_Routine( & Is_Snow, & Sol_Zen, & Sfc_Hgt, & Refl_Chn7) ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Cirrus Reflectance Test (CIRREF) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_SWIR_Solar_Cld_Mask_Test + 1 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use this version if comparing to pre January 9, 2018 Harris GS !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF ((Is_Chn(4) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN ! ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CIRREF_Routine( & ! Is_Snow, & ! Refl_Chn4, & ! Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Sol_Zen) ! ! ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use this version if comparing to post January 9, 2018, 2100Z Harris GS !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ((Is_Chn(4) == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Day == sym%YES)) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CIRREF_Routine_V2( & Total_Precipitable_Water_NWP, & Cos_Sat_Zen, & Cos_Sol_Zen, & Cos_Scat_Zen, & Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn4, & Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Air_Mass_Factor) ENDIF !===================================================================== ! SWIR Solar Thermal Tests !===================================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- 3.9 micron emissivity test - EMISS_4 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_SWIR_Thermal_Cld_Mask_Test + 0 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) .AND. & (Emiss_Chn7 /= Missing_Value_Real4) .AND. & (Rad_Chn7_Clr /= Missing_Value_Real4)) THEN ! !--- make estimate of clear emissivity that includes solar Planck_Emission_Chn7_Clr = PLANCK_RAD_FAST (20,BT_Chn14_Clr) Solar_Rad_Chn7_Clr = Rad_Chn7_Clr IF (Is_Day == sym%YES .or. Is_Terminator == sym%YES) THEN Solar_Rad_Chn7_Clr = Rad_Chn7_Clr + (1.0 - Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM) & * Atm_Solar_Trans_Chn7 * max(Cos_Sol_Zen,0.05) * (Chn7_Sol_Energy/PI) ENDIF Solar_BT_Chn7_Clr = PLANCK_TEMP_FAST (20,Solar_Rad_Chn7_Clr) Emiss_Chn7_Clr = Solar_Rad_Chn7_Clr / Planck_Emission_Chn7_Clr !output to L2 file !---????? Ems_Ch20_Clear_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Emiss_Chn7_Clr Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = EMISS4_Routine(Is_Glint, & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Desert, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Emiss_Chn7, & Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM) ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = EMISS4_Routine_V2( & ! Is_Glint, & ! ! Is_Day, & ! Is_Terminator, & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Desert, & ! BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Emiss_Chn7, & ! Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & ! Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM) ENDIF !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Uniform Low Stratus Test - ULST !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_SWIR_Thermal_Cld_Mask_Test + 1 Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%NO IF (Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) == sym%YES) THEN Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = ULST_Routine(& Is_Land, & Is_Day, & Is_Snow, & Is_Cold_Surface, & BT_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Emiss_Chn7, & Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & Emiss_Chn7_NWC, & Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM) ENDIF !====================================================================== ! Combine each test into final 2 bit cloud Mask(0,1,2,3) !====================================================================== ! !--- full cloud Mask: vis + ir + swir tests ! IF (SUM(Test_Results(First_Cld_Mask_Test:Last_Cld_Mask_Test, & Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) == Num_Cld_Mask_Tests*sym%NO) THEN ! !---check cld tests IF (SUM(Test_Results(First_Clr_Uni_Test:Last_Clr_Uni_Test, & Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) == Num_Clr_Uni_Tests*sym%NO) THEN ! !---check uni tests Cloud_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLEAR ELSE Cloud_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%PROB_CLEAR ENDIF ELSE Cloud_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLOUDY ENDIF ! !--- ir tests IF ((SUM(Test_Results(First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test:Last_IR_Cld_Mask_Test,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) + & SUM(Test_Results(First_SWIR_Thermal_Cld_Mask_Test:Last_SWIR_Thermal_Cld_Mask_Test,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ) & == (Num_IR_Cld_Mask_Tests + Num_SWIR_Thermal_Cld_Mask_Tests)*sym%NO) THEN ! !---check cld tests IF (SUM(Test_Results(First_Clr_Uni_Test:Last_Clr_Uni_Test, & Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) == Num_Clr_Uni_Tests*sym%NO) THEN ! !---check uni tests Cloud_Mask_IR(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLEAR ELSE Cloud_Mask_IR(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%PROB_CLEAR ENDIF ELSE Cloud_Mask_IR(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLOUDY ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------- ! Assign a Quality Flag !---------------------------------------------------- IR_Test_Sum = SUM(Test_Results(First_IR_Cld_Mask_Test:Last_IR_Cld_Mask_Test,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) VIS_Test_Sum = SUM(Test_Results(First_VIS_Cld_Mask_Test:Last_VIS_Cld_Mask_Test,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) SWIR_SOLAR_TEST_Sum = SUM(Test_Results(First_SWIR_SOLAR_Cld_Mask_Test: & Last_SWIR_SOLAR_Cld_Mask_Test,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) SWIR_THERMAL_TEST_Sum = SUM(Test_Results(First_SWIR_THERMAL_Cld_Mask_Test: & Last_SWIR_THERMAL_Cld_Mask_Test,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = IR_Test_Sum + VIS_Test_Sum + & SWIR_Solar_Test_Sum + SWIR_Thermal_Test_Sum IR_Test_Mask = max(1,IR_Test_Sum) VIS_Test_Mask = max(1,VIS_Test_Sum) SWIR_Test_Mask = max(1,SWIR_THERMAL_Test_Sum + SWIR_SOLAR_Test_Sum) ! Set QF's based on available information IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) > 0) .AND. (Is_Chn(Sensor_3_9um_Chan_Num) == sym%NO)) THEN Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = REDUCED_QUAL_BAD_CHN7 ELSE IF ((Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) > 0) .AND. & (Is_Day == sym%YES) .AND. (Is_Chn(Sensor_0_65um_Chan_Num) == sym%NO)) THEN Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = REDUCED_QUAL_BAD_CHN2 ELSE IF ((Is_Day == sym%YES) .AND. & ((Is_Chn(Sensor_1_38um_Chan_Num) == 0) .OR. & (Is_Chn(Sensor_2_2um_Chan_Num) == 0) .OR. & (Is_Chn(Sensor_6_7um_Chan_Num) == 0) .OR. & (Is_Chn(Sensor_7_3um_Chan_Num) == 0) .OR. & (Is_Chn(Sensor_12_0um_Chan_Num) == 0))) THEN Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = REDUCED_QUAL_BAD_OTHER ELSE Cloud_Mask_QF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = VALID_CMASK_RETRIEVAL ENDIF END DO Element_Loop_2 END DO Line_Loop_2 !====================================================================== ! Apply Restoral Tests Here !====================================================================== !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Probably Clear Restoral Test !---------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_Res_Test + 0 Num_Pix = 2 !pixel radius of window Cloud_Mask_Tmpy = Cloud_Mask CALL Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral(Cloud_Mask_Tmpy,Cloud_Mask, & Test_Results(1,:,:), & Test_Results(Num_Tests,:,:),Num_Pix) Cloud_Mask_Tmpy = 0 !====================================================================== ! Probably Cloudy Values !====================================================================== Num_Tests = First_Res_Test + 1 ! !---pixel radius of window ! Num_Pix = 1 Cloud_Mask_Tmpy = Cloud_Mask CALL Compute_Probably_Cloudy(Cloud_Mask_Tmpy,Cloud_Mask, & Test_Results(Num_Tests,:,:),Num_Pix) Cloud_Mask_Tmpy = 0 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Probably Cloudy Restoral Test !---------------------------------------------------------------------- Num_Tests = First_Res_Test + 2 Num_Pix = 5 !pixel radius of window Cloud_Mask_Tmpy = Cloud_Mask Cloud_Mask_Tmpy = 0 !====================================================================== ! Pack test results into bytes for Output !====================================================================== Line_Loop_3: DO Line_Idx=1, Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment Element_Loop_3: DO Elem_Idx=1, Num_Elem CALL PACK_BYTES(Test_Results(1:Total_Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & Test_Bit_Depth(1:Total_Num_Tests), & Cloud_Mask_Packed(1:5,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) END DO Element_Loop_3 END DO Line_Loop_3 !====================================================================== ! Make Binary Cloud Mask - WCS 03052012 !====================================================================== Line_Loop_4: DO Line_Idx=1, Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment Element_Loop_4: DO Elem_Idx=1, Num_Elem IF ((Cloud_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) .EQ. sym%PROB_CLOUDY) .OR. & (Cloud_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) .EQ. sym%CLOUDY)) THEN Cloud_Mask_Binary(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLOUDY_BINARY ENDIF END DO Element_Loop_4 END DO Line_Loop_4 !====================================================================== ! nullify local pointers !====================================================================== Cloud_Mask => null() Cloud_Mask_IR => null() Cloud_Mask_Packed => null() Test_Results => null() Cloud_Mask_QF => null() Cloud_Mask_Tmpy => null() Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 => null() BT_Chn14 => null() BT_WaterVapor => null() CLAVRx_Chan_Map => null() !====================================================================== ! deallocate necessary arrays !====================================================================== deallocate(Is_Chn) deallocate(Chan_On) CALL destroy_spatial_uniformity(BT_Chn14_Mean_3x3, BT_Chn14_Max_3x3, & BT_Chn14_Min_3x3, BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3) CALL destroy_spatial_uniformity(Refl_Chn2_Mean_3x3,Refl_Chn2_Max_3x3, & Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3, Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3) CALL destroy_spatial_uniformity(BT_WaterVapor_Mean_3x3, BT_WaterVapor_Max_3x3, & BT_WaterVapor_Min_3x3, BT_WaterVapor_Stddev_3x3) CALL destroy_spatial_uniformity(Sfc_Hgt_Mean_3x3, Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3, & Sfc_Hgt_Min_3x3, Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3) CALL destroy_spatial_uniformity(Refl_Chn2_Clear_Mean_3x3, Refl_Chn2_Clear_Max_3x3, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Min_3x3, Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3) !Initialize total deallocation status Alloc_Status_Total = 0 IF (ALLOCATED(LRC_Mask)) DEALLOCATE(LRC_Mask,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (ALLOCATED(X_LRC_Idx)) DEALLOCATE(X_LRC_Idx,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (ALLOCATED(Y_LRC_Idx)) DEALLOCATE(Y_LRC_Idx,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (ALLOCATED(X_NWC_Idx)) DEALLOCATE(X_NWC_Idx,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (ALLOCATED(Y_NWC_Idx)) DEALLOCATE(Y_NWC_Idx,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (ALLOCATED(BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr)) DEALLOCATE(BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (ALLOCATED(Test_Results_Temp)) DEALLOCATE(Test_Results_Temp) IF (ALLOCATED(Temp_Array)) DEALLOCATE(Temp_Array) !====================================================================== ! deallocate 2nd darkest composite data array !====================================================================== IF (ALLOCATED(Refl_Chn2_Clear)) DEALLOCATE(Refl_Chn2_Clear,stat=Alloc_Status) Alloc_Status_Total = Alloc_Status_Total + Alloc_Status IF (Alloc_Status /= 0) THEN WRITE (Err_Message, *) & 'Error deallocating Chn32 Clear-sky Reflectance' Error_Level = 2 ! AIT FATAL ERROR CODE CALL MESG ("Baseline Cloud Mask, "// & TRIM(Err_Message)// & char(Sym%FAILURE)) ! AIT Error Messaging ! CALL Error_Messaging (Routine_Name, Error_Message, Error_Level) RETURN ENDIF !====================================================================== ! Check deallocation of arrays !====================================================================== IF (Alloc_Status_Total /= 0) THEN WRITE (Err_Message, *) & 'Error deallocating arrays' Error_Level = 2 ! AIT FATAL ERROR CODE CALL MESG ("Baseline Cloud Mask, "// & TRIM(Err_Message)// & char(Sym%FAILURE)) ! AIT Error Messaging ! CALL Error_Messaging (Routine_Name, Error_Message, Error_Level) RETURN ENDIF ! !---END SUBROUTINE Baseline_Cloud_Mask_Main ! END SUBROUTINE Baseline_Cloud_Mask_Main !==================================================================== ! Subroutine Name: Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral ! ! Function: ! Routine to restore probably clear to clear ! ! Description: ! This subroutine restores probably clear pixels to clear. ! ! Calling Sequence: ! CALL Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral(input, Output, Valid_Mask, Mask,Num_Pix) ! ! Inputs: ! input - the unrestored array ! Valid_Mask - flag telling which elements have a valid cloud Mask ! Num_Pix - radius of pixel window to search for a cloudy result ! ! Outputs: ! Output - the restored array ! Mask - flag telling which elements of input were restored ! ! Dependencies: None ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral(input, Output, Valid_Mask, Mask,Num_Pix) INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: input INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: Valid_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(:,:):: Output INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(:,:):: Mask INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Num_Pix INTEGER:: Elem_Idx !index for pixel IN east-west direction INTEGER:: Line_Idx !index for pixel IN north-south direction INTEGER:: Array_Right !temporary index IN ielem-direction INTEGER:: Array_Left !temporaty index IN ielem-direction INTEGER:: Array_Top !temporary index IN iline-direction INTEGER:: Array_Bottom !temporary index IN iline-direction ! !--- initialize Output ! Output = input Mask = sym%NO ! !--- loop over scan lines IN segment ! Line_Loop: DO Line_Idx=1, Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment ! !--- determine y-dimensions of array to check ! Array_Top = max(1,Line_Idx-Num_Pix) Array_Bottom = min(Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,Line_Idx+Num_Pix) Element_Loop: DO Elem_Idx = 1, Image%Number_Of_Elements ! !--- check to see if Mask is valid, if not cycle to next ! IF (Valid_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == sym%NO) THEN CYCLE ENDIF ! !--- determine x-dimensions of array to check ! Array_Right = max(1,Elem_Idx-Num_Pix) Array_Left = min(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Elem_Idx+Num_Pix) IF (input(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == sym%PROB_CLEAR) THEN IF ( (sym%CLEAR < sym%CLOUDY) .AND. & ( (MAXVAL(input(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom)) /= sym%CLOUDY) .AND. & (MAXVAL(input(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom)) /= sym%PROB_CLOUDY))) THEN Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%YES Output(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLEAR ENDIF IF ( (sym%CLEAR > sym%CLOUDY) .AND. & ( (MINVAL(input(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom)) /= sym%CLOUDY) .AND. & (MINVAL(input(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom)) /= sym%PROB_CLOUDY))) THEN Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%YES Output(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%CLEAR ENDIF ENDIF END DO Element_Loop END DO Line_Loop ! ! end SUBROUTINE Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral ! END SUBROUTINE Compute_Probably_Clear_Restoral !==================================================================== ! Subroutine Name: Compute_Probably_Cloudy ! ! Function: ! Routine to compute probably cloudy pixels ! ! Description: ! This subroutine computes which pixels are probably cloudy. ! ! Calling Sequence: ! CALL Compute_Probably_Cloudy(input,Output,Mask,Num_Pix) ! ! Inputs: ! input - the unrestored array ! Num_Pix - radius of pixel window to search for a cloudy result ! ! Outputs: ! Output - the restored array ! Mask - flag telling which elements of input were restored ! ! Dependencies: None ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE Compute_Probably_Cloudy(input,Output,Mask,Num_Pix) INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: input INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(:,:):: Output INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(:,:):: Mask INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Num_Pix INTEGER:: Elem_Idx INTEGER:: Line_Idx INTEGER:: Array_Right INTEGER:: Array_Left INTEGER:: Array_Top INTEGER:: Array_Bottom INTEGER:: Num_Cloudy INTEGER:: Num_Cloudy_Max !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Executable Code !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !--- initialize Output ! Output = input Mask = sym%NO ! !--- loop over scan lines IN segment ! Line_Loop: DO Line_Idx=1, Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment ! !--- determine y-dimensions of array to check ! Array_Top = max(1,Line_Idx-Num_Pix) Array_Bottom = min(Image%Number_Of_Lines_Read_This_Segment,Line_Idx+Num_Pix) Element_Loop: DO Elem_Idx=1, Image%Number_Of_Elements ! !--- determine x-dimensions of array to check ! Array_Right = max(1,Elem_Idx-Num_Pix) Array_Left = min(Image%Number_Of_Elements,Elem_Idx+Num_Pix) ! !--- check to see if a cloudy pixel neighbors a non-cloudy pixel ! IF (input(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == sym%CLOUDY) THEN Num_Cloudy = SUM(input(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom)) Num_Cloudy_Max = sym%CLOUDY * (Array_Left-Array_Right+1) * & (Array_Bottom - Array_Top+1) ! !--- if the value is less, set to probably cloudy ! IF (Num_Cloudy /= Num_Cloudy_Max) THEN Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%YES Output(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = sym%PROB_CLOUDY ENDIF ENDIF END DO Element_Loop END DO Line_Loop ! !end SUBROUTINE Compute_Probably_Cloudy ! END SUBROUTINE Compute_Probably_Cloudy !==================================================================== ! Subroutine Name: Clear_Chn2_Reflectance_Field ! ! Function: ! Routine to Read in Chn2 Reflectance Fields ! ! Description: ! This subroutine reads in the channel 2 reflectance fields for a given ! segment ! ! Calling Sequence: ! CALL Clear_Chn2_Reflectance_Field(Num_Elem, & ! Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg, & ! Refl_Chn2_Clear) ! ! Inputs: ! Num_Elem - Number of elements in this segment of data ! Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg - Number of lines in this segment of data ! ! Outputs: ! Refl_Chn2_Clear - Clear sky channel 2 albedo ! ! Dependencies: None ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== ! WCS - While CLAVR-x does this, we want to do it exactly as implmented in the GS - 20 Nov SUBROUTINE Clear_Chn2_Reflectance_Field(Num_Elem, & Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg, & Refl_Chn2_Clear) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(INOUT), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:):: Refl_Chn2_Clear INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Num_Elem INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg !--- If create one and populate background reflectance using default or global WS albedo data IF (.NOT. ALLOCATED(Refl_Chn2_Clear)) ALLOCATE( & Refl_Chn2_Clear(Num_Elem,Max_Num_Lines_per_Seg)) Refl_Chn2_Clear = 5.0 WHERE(Sfc%Land == sym%LAND) Refl_Chn2_Clear = 45.0 ENDWHERE !--- use MODIS white sky from mapped data if available WHERE(ch(1)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky /= Missing_Value_Real4) Refl_Chn2_Clear = ch(1)%Sfc_Ref_White_Sky ENDWHERE !--- ensure consistent missing value WHERE(Refl_Chn2_Clear <= 0.0) Refl_Chn2_Clear = Missing_Value_Real4 ENDWHERE END SUBROUTINE Clear_Chn2_Reflectance_Field !==================================================================== ! Subroutine Name: Compute_Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 ! ! Function: ! Computes the 11 micron emissivity at Tropopause ! ! Description: ! This subroutine computes 11 micron emissivity at Tropopause for a segment of ! data ! ! Calling Sequence: ! CALL Compute_Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Emiss_Tropo_Chn14, & ! Num_Lines) ! ! Inputs: ! Num_Lines - Number of lines in this segment of data ! ! Outputs: ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 - Channel 14 emissivity at the tropopause ! ! Dependencies: None ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE Compute_Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Emiss_Tropo_Chn14,& Num_Lines) INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Num_Lines REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT):: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Tropo_Idx_NWP INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: View_Zen_Idx INTEGER:: X_NWP_Idx INTEGER:: Y_NWP_Idx INTEGER:: Elem_Idx INTEGER:: Line_Idx REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Rad_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Clr_Rad_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Blkbdy_Tropo_Rad_Chn14 !--- initialize Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 = Missing_Value_Real4 Line_Loop: DO Line_Idx=1, Num_Lines Element_Loop: DO Elem_Idx = 1, Image%Number_Of_Elements IF (Geo%Space_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) == sym%NO) THEN ! !---nwp longitude cell ! X_NWP_Idx = NWP_PIX%I_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---nwp latitude cell ! Y_NWP_Idx = NWP_PIX%J_Nwp(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---nwp level associated with tropopause ! Tropo_Idx_NWP = Rtm(X_NWP_Idx,Y_NWP_Idx)%Tropo_Level ! !---viewing zenith angle bin ! View_Zen_Idx = Zen_Idx_Rtm(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---11 um radiance ! Rad_Chn14 = ch(31)%Rad_Toa(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---clear 11 micron radiance ! Clr_Rad_Chn14 = ch(31)%Rad_Toa_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) ! !---BB 11 um rad at tropopause ! Blkbdy_Tropo_Rad_Chn14 = rtm(X_NWP_Idx,Y_NWP_Idx)%d(View_Zen_Idx)%ch(31)%Rad_BB_Cloud_Profile(Tropo_Idx_NWP) ! !---Tropopause Emissivity ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = & (Rad_Chn14 - Clr_Rad_Chn14) / (Blkbdy_Tropo_Rad_Chn14 - Clr_Rad_Chn14) END IF END DO Element_Loop END DO Line_Loop END SUBROUTINE Compute_Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 !==================================================================== ! Subroutine Name: Compute_NWC ! ! Function: ! Routine to compute spatial uniformity for every pixel in an array ! based on its nxn neighborhood ! ! Description: ! This subroutine computes the nearest warm center for a given array of BT's ! ! Calling Sequence: ! CALL Compute_NWC( Input_Array, & ! Box_Size, & ! Uni_Land_Mask_Flag, & ! Bad_Mask, & ! Land_Mask, & ! Elem_Start, & ! Elem_End, & ! Line_Start, & ! Line_End, & ! Loc_Max_Elem, & ! Loc_Max_Line) ! ! Inputs: ! Input_Array - the input array ! Box_Size - the size of the box (1=3x3, 2=5x5, ...) ! Bad_Mask - bad pixel mask array (only values with sym%YES will contribute) ! Land_Mask - Land mask array (only values with sym%YES will contribute) ! Elem_Start - starting x-index of array ! Elem_End - ending x-index of array ! Line_Start - starting y-index of array ! Line_End - ending y-index of array ! ! ! Outputs: ! Loc_Max_Elem - Element index of the maximum value ! Loc_Max_Line - Line index of the maximum value ! ! Dependencies: None ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE Compute_NWC( Input_Array, & Box_Size, & Uni_Land_Mask_Flag, & Bad_Mask, & Land_Mask, & Coast_Mask, & Elem_Start, & Elem_End, & Line_Start, & Line_End, & Loc_Max_Elem, & Loc_Max_Line) REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN):: Input_Array INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN):: Bad_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN):: Land_Mask INTEGER(KIND=INT1), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN):: Coast_Mask REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Input_Array_NxN_Max INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Uni_Land_Mask_Flag INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Box_Size INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Elem_Start INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Elem_End INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Line_Start INTEGER, INTENT(IN):: Line_End INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out):: Loc_Max_Elem INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out):: Loc_Max_Line INTEGER:: Elem_Idx INTEGER:: Line_Idx INTEGER:: Elem_Idx_NxN_Right INTEGER:: Elem_Idx_NxN_Left INTEGER:: Line_Idx_NxN_Top INTEGER:: Line_Idx_NxN_Bottom INTEGER:: Elem_Idx_NxN INTEGER:: Line_Idx_NxN !--- initialize to missing Loc_Max_Elem = MISSING_VALUE_INT1 Loc_Max_Line = MISSING_VALUE_INT1 Line_Loop: DO Line_Idx = Line_Start, Line_End !--- set limits of NxN array in the j-direction Line_Idx_NxN_Top = max(Line_Start,Line_Idx-Box_Size) !top index of local array Line_Idx_NxN_Bottom = min(Line_End,Line_Idx+Box_Size) !bottom index of local array Element_Loop: DO Elem_Idx = Elem_Start, Elem_End !--- set limits of NxN array in the i-direction Elem_Idx_NxN_Right = max(Elem_Start,Elem_Idx - Box_Size) !left index of local array Elem_Idx_NxN_Left = min(Elem_End,Elem_Idx + Box_Size) !right index of local array !--- initialize Input_Array_NxN_Max = -1.0*huge(Input_Array_NxN_Max) !--- go through each element in NxN array Line_Loop_NxN: DO Line_Idx_NxN = Line_Idx_NxN_Top,Line_Idx_NxN_Bottom Element_Loop_NxN: DO Elem_Idx_NxN = Elem_Idx_NxN_Right,Elem_Idx_NxN_Left IF (Bad_Mask(Elem_Idx_NxN,Line_Idx_NxN) == sym%YES) THEN CYCLE ENDIF IF (Input_Array(Elem_Idx_NxN,Line_Idx_NxN) == MISSING_VALUE_REAL4) THEN CYCLE ENDIF IF ((Uni_Land_Mask_Flag == sym%YES) .and. & (Land_Mask(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) /= Land_Mask(Elem_Idx_NxN,Line_Idx_Nxn))) THEN CYCLE ENDIF !--- avoid coast to get rid of the false clouds (Denis B) IF (Coast_Mask(Elem_Idx_NxN,Line_Idx_Nxn) == 1) THEN CYCLE ENDIF IF (Input_Array(Elem_Idx_NxN,Line_Idx_Nxn) > Input_Array_NxN_Max) THEN Input_Array_NxN_Max = Input_Array(Elem_Idx_NxN,Line_Idx_Nxn) Loc_Max_Elem(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Elem_Idx_NxN Loc_Max_Line(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Line_Idx_NxN ENDIF END DO Element_Loop_NxN END DO Line_Loop_NxN END DO Element_Loop END DO Line_Loop END SUBROUTINE Compute_NWC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The subroutines and functions that contain the cloud mask tests go below here !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !==================================================================== ! Subroutine Name: Set_Cmask_Thresholds ! ! Function: ! Set Thresholds for tests that involve the 3.9 micron channel ! ! Description: ! This Subroutine sets the thresholds for the Emiss_4 and ULST for a ! given satellite. This is needed because the 3.9 micron channel have ! dIFferent spectral responce functions for various instruments. ! ! Calling Sequence: ! CALL Set_Cmask_Thresholds(satellite_name) ! ! Inputs: Sat_name ! ! Outputs: None (thresholds in include are set) ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. In ! this case, the thresholds for each satellite. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE Set_Cmask_Thresholds(Sat_name, Use_10_4um, Algo_Name) CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: Sat_name LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: Use_10_4um CHARACTER(*), INTENT(inout) :: Algo_Name CHARACTER(len=1020) :: Algo_Name_Tmpy Algo_Name_Tmpy = TRIM(trim(Algo_Name)//"abi") ! Set thresholds for AVHRR IF ((index(TRIM(Sat_name),'AVHRR')) /= 0) THEN ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Land = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND_AVHRR ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Ocean = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCN_AVHRR ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Snow = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW_AVHRR EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_AVHRR EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_AVHRR EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_AVHRR EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_AVHRR ! Set thresholds for EOS TERRA MODIS ELSE IF ((index(TRIM(Sat_name),'Terra')) /= 0) THEN ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Land = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND_MODIS ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Ocean = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCN_MODIS ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Snow = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_MODIS ! Set thresholds for EOS AQUA MODIS ELSE IF ((index(TRIM(Sat_name),'Aqua')) /= 0) THEN ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Land = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND_MODIS ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Ocean = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCN_MODIS ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Snow = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_MODIS EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_MODIS ! Set thresholds for MSG ELSE IF ((index(TRIM(Sat_name),'Meteosat')) /= 0) THEN ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Land = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND_SEVIRI ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Ocean = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCN_SEVIRI ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Snow = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW_SEVIRI EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_SEVIRI EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_SEVIRI EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_SEVIRI EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_SEVIRI Algo_Name_Tmpy = TRIM(trim(Algo_Name)//"seviri") ! Set thresholds for MTSAT ELSE IF ((index(TRIM(Sat_name),'MTSAT')) /= 0) THEN ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Land = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND_MTSAT ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Ocean = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCN_MTSAT ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Snow = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW_MTSAT EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_MTSAT EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_MTSAT EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_MTSAT EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_MTSAT ! Set thresholds for GOES (I-P, ABI) ELSE ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Land = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND_GOES ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Ocean = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCN_GOES ULST_Emiss_Chn7_DIFf_Thresh_Snow = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW_GOES EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_GOES EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_GOES EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_GOES EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh = EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_GOES ENDIF BT_TUT_CLR_UNI_THRESH_LAND = BT_CHN14_CLR_UNI_THRESH_LAND BT_TUT_CLR_UNI_THRESH_OCN = BT_CHN14_CLR_UNI_THRESH_OCN EMISS_TROPO_OCN_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_OCN_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LAND_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LAND_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_SNOW_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_SNOW_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_DESERT_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_DESERT_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_OCN_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_OCN_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_LAND_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_LAND_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_DESERT_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_DESERT_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_SNOW_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_SNOW_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH EMISS4_BT_MAX_THRESH = EMISS4_BT_CHN14_MAX_THRESH IF (USE_10_4um) THEN BT_TUT_CLR_UNI_THRESH_LAND = BT_CHN13_CLR_UNI_THRESH_LAND BT_TUT_CLR_UNI_THRESH_OCN = BT_CHN13_CLR_UNI_THRESH_OCN EMISS_TROPO_OCN_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_OCN_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LAND_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_LAND_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_SNOW_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_SNOW_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_DESERT_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_DESERT_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_OCN_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_LRC_OCN_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_LAND_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_LRC_LAND_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_DESERT_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_LRC_DESERT_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_SNOW_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_LRC_SNOW_THRESH EMISS_TROPO_LRC_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH = EMISS_CHN13_TROPO_LRC_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH EMISS4_BT_MAX_THRESH = EMISS4_BT_CHN13_MAX_THRESH ENDIF Algo_Name = trim(Algo_Name_Tmpy) END SUBROUTINE Set_Cmask_Thresholds !==================================================================== ! Function Name: Compute_Clear_Sky_Scatter ! ! Function: ! Computes the single scater and aerosol reflectance assuming that the ! gas is mixed in with scattering ! ! Description: ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Refl_Sing_Scat = Compute_Clear_Sky_Scatter(Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2, & ! Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2, & ! Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter, & ! Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2, & ! Sat_Name, & ! TPW, & ! Total_Ozone_Path_NWP, & ! Scat_Zen, & ! Cos_Sat_Zen, & ! Cos_Sol_Zen, & ! Sfc_Alb_View, & ! Sfc_Alb_Sun, & ! Transmission_Sing_Scat, & ! Refl_Sing_Scat) ! ! Inputs: ! Aerosol Optical depth at 0.64 micron ! Aerosol Single Scatter Albedeo at 0.64 micron ! Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter ! Rayleigh Optical Depth at 0.64 micron ! Satellite name ! Total Precipitable Water ! Total_Ozone_Path ! scattering angle ! cosine of the satellite zenith angle ! cosine of the solar zenith angle ! Clear sky Surface Albedo ! Clear Sky Surface Albedo ! Single Scattering Transmission Coefficent ! ! Outputs: Single Scatter reflectance ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== SUBROUTINE Compute_Clear_Sky_Scatter(Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2, & Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2, & Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter, & Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2, & Sat_Name, & TPW, & Total_Ozone_Path_NWP, & Scat_Zen, & Cos_Sat_Zen, & Cos_Sol_Zen, & Sfc_Alb_View, & Sfc_Alb_Sun, & Transmission_Sing_Scat, & Refl_Sing_Scat) REAL, INTENT(IN):: Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 REAL, INTENT(IN):: Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2 REAL, INTENT(IN):: Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter REAL, INTENT(IN):: Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2 CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(IN):: Sat_Name REAL, INTENT(IN):: TPW REAL, INTENT(IN):: Total_Ozone_Path_NWP REAL, INTENT(IN):: Scat_Zen REAL, INTENT(IN):: Cos_Sat_Zen REAL, INTENT(IN):: Cos_Sol_Zen REAL, INTENT(IN):: Sfc_Alb_View REAL, INTENT(IN):: Sfc_Alb_Sun REAL, INTENT(out):: Transmission_Sing_Scat REAL, INTENT(out):: Refl_Sing_Scat REAL:: Air_Mass_Factor REAL:: Aero_Phase_Funct REAL:: Ray_Phase_Funct REAL:: OD_Gas REAL:: OD_Total REAL:: OD_Scat_Total REAL:: OD_Iso_Total REAL:: Trans_Iso_Total_View REAL:: Trans_Iso_Total_Sun REAL:: OD_Iso_Scat_Total REAL:: Cos_Scat_Zen REAL:: Eff_Phase_Funct REAL:: Single_Scat_Alb REAL:: Refl_Sing_Scat_a REAL:: Refl_Sing_Scat_b REAL:: Refl_Sing_Scat_c REAL:: OD_ozone REAL:: OD_h2o REAL, DIMENSION(3):: OD_ozone_coef REAL, DIMENSION(3):: OD_h2o_coef !--- Set Default Gas Transmission Coefficients OD_ozone_coef = (/0.000566454,8.25224e-05,1.94007e-08/) OD_h2o_coef = (/ 0.000044758, 0.00264790,-0.0000713698/) !--- Set Satellite SpecIFic Gas Transmission Coefficients IF ((index(TRIM(Sat_Name),'Meteosat')) /= 0) THEN OD_ozone_coef = (/0.000566454,8.25224e-05,1.94007e-08/) OD_h2o_coef = (/ 0.000044758, 0.00264790,-0.0000713698/) ENDIF !--- compute cosine of scattering angle Cos_Scat_Zen = cos(Scat_Zen * dtor) !--- compute gaseous optical depth and transmission OD_h2o = OD_h2o_coef(1) + OD_h2o_coef(2)*TPW + OD_h2o_coef(3) * TPW**2 OD_ozone = OD_ozone_coef(1) + OD_ozone_coef(2) * Total_Ozone_Path_NWP + & OD_ozone_coef(3) * Total_Ozone_Path_NWP**2 OD_Gas = OD_h2o + OD_ozone !-- compute Rayleigh phase function Air_Mass_Factor = 1.0 / Cos_Sat_Zen + 1.0 / Cos_Sol_Zen Ray_Phase_Funct = 0.75 * (1.0 + Cos_Scat_Zen**2) !--- compute total transmission OD_Total = Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + OD_Gas Transmission_Sing_Scat = exp(-OD_Total * Air_Mass_Factor) OD_Iso_Total = (1.0 - Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter) * Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + & Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + OD_Gas Trans_Iso_Total_View = exp(-OD_Iso_Total / Cos_Sat_Zen) Trans_Iso_Total_Sun = exp(-OD_Iso_Total / Cos_Sol_Zen) !--- compute total scattering optical depth OD_Scat_Total = Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2 *& Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2 OD_Iso_Scat_Total = Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2 * (1.0 - Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter) * & Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2 !--- single scatter albedo Single_Scat_Alb = (Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2 * Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 + & Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2) / ( OD_Total ) !aerosol phase function (Henyey-Greenstein) Aero_Phase_Funct = (1.0 - Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter**2) / & ( (1.0 + Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter**2 - & 2.0 * Aerosol_Asymmetry_Parameter*Cos_Scat_Zen)**(1.5) ) !--- compute effective phase function Eff_Phase_Funct = (Aerosol_Single_Scatter_Albedo_Chn2 * Aerosol_Optical_Depth_Chn2 * & Aero_Phase_Funct + Rayleigh_Optical_Depth_Chn2 * Ray_Phase_Funct) / (OD_Scat_Total) !--- compute single scatter reflectance (0-100%) Refl_Sing_Scat_a = Single_Scat_Alb * Eff_Phase_Funct / (4.0 * Air_Mass_Factor * & Cos_Sat_Zen * Cos_Sol_Zen) * (1.0 - & Transmission_Sing_Scat ) Refl_Sing_Scat_b = (OD_Iso_Scat_Total / (2.0*Cos_Sol_Zen)) * & Trans_Iso_Total_View * Sfc_Alb_View Refl_Sing_Scat_c = (OD_Iso_Scat_Total / (2.0 * Cos_Sat_Zen)) * & Trans_Iso_Total_Sun * Sfc_Alb_Sun Refl_Sing_Scat = 100.0 * (Refl_Sing_Scat_a + Refl_Sing_Scat_b + Refl_Sing_Scat_c) END SUBROUTINE Compute_Clear_Sky_Scatter !==================================================================== ! Function Name: RUT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Reflectance Uniformity Routine (RUT) Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the Reflectance Uniformity Routine (RUT) test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RUT_Routine (& ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Coast, & ! Refl_Chn2_Clear(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Sol_Zen) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! 0.64 miron clear sky reflectance ! Standard Deviation of the 0.64 micron reflectance over a 3x3 box ! Solar zenith angle ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test (Test_Result) ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION RUT_Routine(Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Coast, & Refl_Chn2_Clear, & Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3, & Sol_Zen) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn2_Clear REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen INTEGER(KIND=int1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO IF (Is_Snow == sym%NO .AND. Is_Coast == sym%NO) THEN IF (Sol_Zen < RUT_SOL_ZEN_THRESH) THEN !--- compute threshold IF (Is_Land == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = MAX(0.5,Refl_Chn2_Clear * REFL_CHN2_CLR_UNI_THRESH_LAND) ELSE Test_Threshold = REFL_CHN2_CLR_UNI_THRESH_OCEAN ENDIF !--- apply test IF (Refl_Chn2_Stddev_3x3 > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION RUT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: TUT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Thermal Uniformity Routine (TUT) Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the Thermal Uniformity Routine (TUT) test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = TUT_Routine (& ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Coast, & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3, & ! Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! Standard Deviation of the 11 micron BT over a 3x3 box ! Standard Deviation of the surface height over a 3x3 box ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION TUT_Routine(Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3, & Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3) & RESULT (Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3 INTEGER(KIND=int1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO IF (Is_Coast == sym%NO) THEN ! !7K/km is the adiabatic lapse rate ! Test_Threshold = 3.0 * 7.0*Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3/1000.0 IF (Is_Land == sym%YES) THEN IF (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 > BT_CHN14_CLR_UNI_THRESH_LAND & +Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ELSE IF (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 > BT_CHN14_CLR_UNI_THRESH_OCN & +Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION TUT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: RTCT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Relative Thermal Contrast Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the Relative Thermal Contrast Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RTCT_Routine(& ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Coast, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Cold_Surface, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn14_Min_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! BT_Chn14_Max_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel cold surface (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! Minimum of the 11 micron BT in a 3x3 box ! Maximum of the 11 micron BT in a 3x3 box ! Standard Deviation of the surface height over a 3x3 box ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION RTCT_Routine(Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & Is_Snow, & Is_Cold_Surface, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn14_Min_3x3, & BT_Chn14_Max_3x3, & Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3) & RESULT (Test_Result) INTEGER (KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER (KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast INTEGER (KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER (KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Cold_Surface REAL (KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL (KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Min_3x3 REAL (KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Max_3x3 REAL (KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3 INTEGER (KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO IF (Is_Cold_Surface == sym%NO) THEN IF (Is_Land == sym%NO) THEN Test_Threshold = RTCT_OCN_THRESH ELSE Test_Threshold = RTCT_LAND_THRESH ENDIF ! !7K/km is the adiabatic lapse rate ! Test_Threshold = Test_Threshold + 3.0 * 7.0*Sfc_Hgt_Stddev_3x3/1000.0 IF ((Is_Coast == sym%NO) .AND. & (Is_Snow == sym%NO) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Min_3x3 <= 300.0) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Max_3x3 - BT_Chn14 > Test_Threshold)) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION RTCT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: ETROP_Routine ! ! Function: ! 11 micron Tropospheric Emissivity Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the 11 micron Tropospheric Emissivity Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = ETROP_Routine( & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Coast, & ! Is_Desert, & ! Is_Cold_Surface, & ! Land_Type, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn14_Clr, & ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx), & ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC, & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx)) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! Is pixel desert (YES/NO) ! Is pixel cold surface (YES/NO) ! Is pixel land type ! 11 micron BT ! Clear sky 11 micron BT ! 11 micron tropopause emissivity ! 11 micron tropopause emissivity at the Local radiative center ! Standard Deviation of the 11 micron BT over a 3x3 box ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION ETROP_Routine(Is_Snow, & Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & Is_Desert, & Is_Cold_Surface, & Land_Type, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & Emiss_Tropo_Chn14, & Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Desert INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Cold_Surface INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Land_Type REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Value REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_LRC_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO IF ((BT_Chn14 > 170.0) .AND. & (BT_Chn14 < 315.0) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Clr > 240.0)) THEN !--- assign threshold Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LAND_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_LAND_THRESH IF (Is_Land == sym%NO .AND. Is_Coast == sym%NO) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_OCN_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_OCN_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_SNOW_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_SNOW_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Desert == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_DESERT_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_DESERT_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Cold_Surface == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH ENDIF !--- select value to test Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 !--- apply test IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF !--- apply LRC portion of test ! IF (Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC /= Missing_Value_REAL4) THEN !--- select value to test ! Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC !--- apply test ! IF (Test_Value > Test_LRC_Threshold) THEN ! Test_Result = sym%YES ! ENDIF ! ENDIF !--- apply a tigher threshold for highly nonuniform pixels Test_Threshold = 0.20 IF ((Is_Coast == sym%NO) .AND. (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 > 0.5)) THEN IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF !--- perform a restoral near land where sst field is often errorneous !--- select value to test Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 IF (Test_Result == sym%YES) THEN IF ((Test_Value < 0.20) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 < 1.0) .AND. & (Land_Type /= sym%LAND) .AND. & (Land_Type /= sym%DEEP_OCEAN)) THEN Test_Result = sym%NO END IF END IF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION ETROP_Routine !======================================================================= ! HEIDINGER TEST !======================================================================= FUNCTION ETROP_Routine_V2(Is_Snow, & Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & Is_Desert, & Is_Cold_Surface, & Land_Type, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & Emiss_Tropo_Chn14, & Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Desert INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Cold_Surface INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Land_Type REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Value REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_LRC_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO IF ((BT_Chn14 > 170.0) .AND. & (BT_Chn14 < 315.0) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Clr > 240.0)) THEN !--- assign threshold Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LAND_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_LAND_THRESH IF (Is_Land == sym%NO .AND. Is_Coast == sym%NO) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_OCN_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_OCN_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_SNOW_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_SNOW_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Desert == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_DESERT_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_DESERT_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Cold_Surface == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH Test_LRC_Threshold = EMISS_CHN14_TROPO_LRC_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH ENDIF !--- select value to test Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 !--- apply test IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF !--- apply LRC portion of test IF (Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC /= Missing_Value_REAL4) THEN !--- select value to test Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14_LRC !--- apply test IF (Test_Value > Test_LRC_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF !--- apply a tigher threshold for highly nonuniform pixels Test_Threshold = 0.20 IF ((Is_Coast == sym%NO) .AND. (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 > 0.5)) THEN IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF !----------------------- ! New Deep Ocean !------------------------ Test_Threshold = 0.05 Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 if (Land_Type /= sym%DEEP_OCEAN .and. Is_Coast == sym%NO) then if (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) then Test_Result = sym%YES endif endif !--- perform a restoral near land where sst field is often errorneous !--- select value to test Test_Value = Emiss_Tropo_Chn14 IF (Test_Result == sym%YES) THEN IF ((Test_Value < 0.20) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 < 1.0) .AND. & (Land_Type /= sym%LAND) .AND. & (Land_Type /= sym%DEEP_OCEAN)) THEN Test_Result = sym%NO END IF END IF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION ETROP_Routine_V2 !==================================================================== ! Function Name: PFMFT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Positive Split Window DIFferences Test (PFMFT) ! ! Description: ! Computes the Positive Split Window DIFferences Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = PFMFT_Routine( & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Cold_Surface, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn15, & ! BT_Chn14_Clr, & ! BT_Chn15_Clr, & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel cold surface (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! 12 micron BT ! Clear sky 11 micron BT ! Clear sky 12 micron BT ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION PFMFT_Routine( & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Cold_Surface, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn15, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & BT_Chn15_Clr, & BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Cold_Surface REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn15 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn15_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Value Test_Result = sym%NO IF((BT_Chn14 < BT_CHN14_MAX_FMFT_THRESH) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Clr - BT_Chn15_Clr > BTDIFF_CHN14_CHN15_MIN_FMFT_THRESH) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3 > PFMFT_BT_CHN14_STDDEV_3x3_THRESH)) THEN IF ((BT_Chn14 > 270.0) .AND. (BT_Chn14_Clr > 270.0)) then Test_Value = (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15) - & (BT_Chn14_Clr - BT_Chn15_Clr) *(BT_Chn14 - 260.0) / & (BT_Chn14_Clr - 260.0) ELSE Test_Value = (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15) ENDIF !-- set appropriate threshold IF (Is_Land == sym%NO) THEN Test_Threshold = PFMFT_OCEAN_THRESH ELSE Test_Threshold = PFMFT_LAND_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = PFMFT_SNOW_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Cold_Surface == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = PFMFT_COLD_SURFACE_THRESH ENDIF !--- Apply Test IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION PFMFT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: NFMFT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Test for Negative Split Window DIFferences (NFMFT) ! ! Description: ! Computes the Negative Split Window DIFferences Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = NFMFT_Routine( & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Snow, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn15, & ! BT_Chn14_Clr, & ! BT_Chn15_Clr) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel desert (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! 12 micron BT ! Clear sky 11 micron BT ! Clear sky 12 micron BT ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION NFMFT_Routine( & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Desert, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn15, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & BT_Chn15_Clr) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Desert REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn15 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn15_Clr INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Value Test_Result = sym%NO !--- skip this test for elevated values of BT_Chn14-BT_Chn15 IF (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15 > NFMFT_BTD_CHN14_CHN15_MAX_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !-- set appropriate threshold Test_Threshold = NFMFT_LAND_THRESH IF (Is_Land == sym%NO) THEN Test_Threshold = NFMFT_OCEAN_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Desert == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = NFMFT_DESERT_THRESH ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = NFMFT_SNOW_THRESH ENDIF !--- Compute Value to Test Test_Value = (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15) - & (BT_Chn14_Clr - BT_Chn15_Clr) !--- Apply Test IF (Test_Value < Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF END FUNCTION NFMFT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: RFMFT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Relative Split Window DIFferences Test (RFMFT) ! ! Description: ! Computes the Relative Split Window DIFferences Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RFMFT_Routine( & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Coast, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn15, & ! BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! 12 micron BT ! 11 - 12 micron BT DIFf at the nearest warm center ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION RFMFT_Routine( & Is_Land, & Is_Coast, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn15, & BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn15 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Value REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- do not apply over hot land due to NWP surface temperature biases IF ((Is_Land == sym%YES) .AND. (BT_Chn14 > RFMFT_BT_CHN14_MAX_THRESH)) THEN Test_Result = sym%NO RETURN ENDIF IF (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15 < RFMFT_BTDIFF_CHN14_CHN15_MIN_THRESH) THEN Test_Result = sym%NO RETURN ENDIF IF (Is_Coast == sym%YES) THEN Test_Result = sym%NO RETURN ENDIF !--- test for high departures - cirrus !--- if NWC is missing skip (Denis B.) IF (BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC == Missing_Value_REAL4) THEN Test_Result = sym%NO RETURN ENDIF !--- pick thresholds Test_Threshold = RFMFT_HI_LAND_THRESH IF (Is_Land == sym%NO) THEN Test_Threshold = RFMFT_HI_OCEAN_THRESH ENDIF !--- apply test Test_Value = abs((BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15) - BTD_Chn14_Chn15_NWC) IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF END FUNCTION RFMFT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: TEMPIR_Routine ! ! Function: ! Temporal IR Test (TEMPIR) ! ! Description: ! Computes the Temporal IR Test (YES/NO), as described in the ABI cloud ! mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = TEMPIR_Routine( & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn14_Clr, & ! BT_Chn14_15min, & ! BT_Chn14_15min_Clr) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! Clear sky 11 micron BT ! 11 micron BT from 15 minutes ago for same pixel ! Clear sky 11 micron BT from 15 minutes ago for same pixel ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION TEMPIR_Routine( & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn14_Clr, & BT_Chn14_15min, & BT_Chn14_15min_Clr) & RESULT(Test_Result) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_15min REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14_15min_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result !--- initialize output Test_Result = sym%NO IF ((BT_Chn14_15min /= Missing_Value_REAL4) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_15min_Clr /= Missing_Value_REAL4) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_15min < 330.0) .AND. & (BT_Chn14_15min_Clr < 330.0)) THEN !--- make threshold Test_Threshold = (BT_Chn14_15min_Clr - BT_Chn14_Clr) + & TEMPIR_BT_CHN14_15MIN_TEMPORAL_OFFSET !--- apply test IF ((BT_Chn14_15min - BT_Chn14) > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION TEMPIR_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: RGCT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Reflectance Gross Constrast Test (RGCT) ! ! Description: ! Computes the Reflectance Gross Constrast Test (RGCT) (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RGCT_Routine( & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Glint, & ! Sol_Zen, & ! Refl_Chn2, & ! RGCT_Threshold) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel glint (YES/NO) ! Solar zenith angle ! Air mass factor ! 0.64 miron reflectance ! RGCT threshold for that pixel ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION RGCT_Routine( & Is_Snow, & Is_Glint, & Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2, & RGCT_Threshold) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Glint REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn2 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: RGCT_Threshold INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- apply test IF (Is_Snow == sym%NO .AND. Is_Glint == sym%NO) THEN IF (Sol_Zen < RGCT_Sol_Zen_Thresh) THEN Test_Threshold = RGCT_Threshold IF (Refl_Chn2 > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION RGCT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: RVCT_Routine ! ! Function: ! Relative Visible Contrast Test (RVCT) ! ! Description: ! Computes the Relative Visible Contrast Test (RGCT) (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = RVCT_Routine( & ! Is_Coast, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Land, & ! Refl_Chn2, & ! Scat_Zen, & ! Sol_Zen, & ! Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3, & ! Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel land(YES/NO) ! Is pixel glint (YES/NO) ! 0.64 miron reflectance ! Scattering zenith angle ! Solar zenith angle ! Standard Deviation of the clear sky 0.64 micron reflectance over a 3x3 box ! Minima of the 0.64 micron reflectance over a 3x3 box ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION RVCT_Routine( & Is_Coast, & Is_Snow, & Is_Land, & Refl_Chn2, & Scat_Zen, & Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3, & Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn2 REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Scat_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- derive threshold Test_Threshold = 999.0 IF ( (Is_Coast == sym%NO) .AND. (Is_Snow == sym%NO) .AND. & (Scat_Zen > RVCT_SCAT_ZEN_THRESH) .AND. & (Sol_Zen < RVCT_SOL_ZEN_THRESH)) THEN Test_Threshold = 5.0 IF (Is_Land == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = Test_Threshold + 5.0 + 4.0*Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3 ENDIF IF (Is_Land == sym%NO .OR. Refl_Chn2_Clear_Stddev_3x3 <= 0.0) THEN Test_Threshold = 10.0 ENDIF !--- apply test IF (Refl_Chn2 - Refl_Chn2_Min_3x3 > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION RVCT_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: NIRREF_Chn5_Routine ! ! Function: ! 1.6 micron (Ch4) Near-IR Reflectance Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the 1.6 micron (Ch4) Near-IR Reflectance Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = NIRREF_Chn5_Routine( & ! Is_Coast, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Sol_Zen, & ! Sfc_Hgt, & ! NDSI, & ! Refl_Chn5) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel coast (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Solar zenith angle ! Surface height ! Normalized Difference Snow Index ! 1.5 micron reflection ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION NIRREF_Chn5_Routine(& Is_Coast, & Is_Snow, & Sol_Zen, & Sfc_Hgt, & NDSI, & Refl_Chn5) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Is_Coast INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Hgt REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: NDSI REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn5 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- apply test IF ( (Is_Coast == sym%NO) .AND. & (Is_Snow == sym%YES) .AND. & (Sol_Zen < NIRREF_CHN5_SOL_ZEN_THRESH) .AND. & (NDSI < NIRREF_NDSI_THRESH_SNOW) .AND. & (Sfc_Hgt < NIRREF_SFC_HGT_LIMIT)) THEN IF (Refl_Chn5 > NIRREF_CHN5_REFL_THRESH_SNOW) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION NIRREF_Chn5_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: NIRREF_Chn7_Routine ! ! Function: ! 3.9 micron (Ch7) Near-IR Reflectance Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the 3.9 micron (Ch7) Near-IR Reflectance Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = NIRREF_Chn7_Routine( & ! Is_Snow, & ! Sol_Zen, & ! Sfc_Hgt, & ! Refl_Chn7) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Solar zenith angle ! Surface height ! 3.9 micron reflectance ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION NIRREF_Chn7_Routine(& Is_Snow, & Sol_Zen, & Sfc_Hgt, & Refl_Chn7) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4),INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Hgt REAL(KIND=REAL4),INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn7 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- apply test IF ( (Is_Snow == sym%YES) .AND. & (Sol_Zen < NIRREF_CHN7_SOL_ZEN_THRESH) .AND. & (Sfc_Hgt < NIRREF_SFC_HGT_LIMIT)) THEN IF (Refl_Chn7 > NIRREF_CHN7_REFL_THRESH_SNOW) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION NIRREF_Chn7_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: CIRREF_Routine ! ! Function: ! Cirrus Reflectance Test (1.38 micron), CIRREF ! ! Description: ! Computes the Cirrus Reflectance Test (1.38 micron) (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CIRREF_Routine( & ! Is_Snow, & ! Refl_Chn4, & ! Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3, & ! CIRREF_Sfc_Hgt_Limit, & ! Sol_Zen, & ! Refl_Test_Sol_Zen_Thresh)! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! 1.38 micron reflectance ! Minima of the surface height over a 3x3 box ! CIRREF surface height limit threshold ! Solar zenith angle ! reflectance test solar zenith threshold ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! original CIRREF routine pre January 12, 2018 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION CIRREF_Routine( & Is_Snow, & Refl_Chn4, & Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3, & Sol_Zen) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Is_Snow REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn4 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- apply test IF ( (Is_Snow == sym%NO) .AND. & (Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3 < CIRREF_SFC_HGT_LIMIT) .AND. & (Sol_Zen < CIRREF_SOL_ZEN_THRESH)) THEN IF (Refl_Chn4 > CIRREF_THRESH) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION CIRREF_Routine !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !New Version of CIRREF that became operational on January 12, 2018 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION CIRREF_Routine_V2( & Tpw, & Cos_Sat_Zen, & Cos_Sol_Zen, & Cos_Scat_Zen, & Sol_Zen, & Refl_Chn4, & Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3, & Air_Mass) & RESULT(Test_Result) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: TPW REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Cos_Sat_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Cos_Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Cos_Scat_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Refl_Chn4 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Air_Mass INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4), dimension(4), parameter :: & trans_coef = (/ 0.236557, 6.88366, -3.90353, 0.894933/) REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: Sfc_Ref_138um = 100.0 REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: Noise_138um = 0.2 REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: wo_aer_138um = 1.0 REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: g_aer_138um = 0.6 REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: tau_ray_138um = 0.0024/2.0 REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: tau_aer_138um = 0.01 REAL(KIND=REAL4), parameter:: Slant_Tpw_Opaque = 4.0 REAL(KIND=REAL4):: P_Ray REAL(KIND=REAL4):: P_Aer REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Tau_Scat_Total REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Trans_Total REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Pf REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Ref_SS REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Ref_Clear_138um REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Slant_Tpw REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Trans_Gas REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Test_Threshold !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO Slant_Tpw = Air_Mass * Tpw Trans_Gas = 0.0 if (Slant_Tpw < Slant_Tpw_Opaque) then Trans_Gas = Trans_Coef(1) + & Trans_Coef(2) * Slant_Tpw + & Trans_Coef(3) * Slant_Tpw**2 + & Trans_Coef(4) * Slant_Tpw**3 Trans_Gas = exp(-1.0*Trans_Gas) endif P_Ray = 0.75*(1.0 + Cos_Scat_Zen**2) P_Aer = (1.0 - g_Aer_138um**2)/( (1.0 + g_Aer_138um**2 - 2.0*g_Aer_138um*Cos_Scat_Zen)**(1.5) ) Tau_Scat_Total = Tau_Aer_138um + Tau_Ray_138um Trans_Total = exp(-Tau_Scat_Total*Air_mass) Pf = (wo_Aer_138um*Tau_Aer_138um*P_Aer + Tau_Ray_138um*P_Ray)/(Tau_Scat_Total) Ref_ss = 100.0*wo_Aer_138um*Pf/(4.0*Air_Mass*Cos_Sat_Zen*Cos_Sol_Zen) * (1.0 - Trans_Total ) Ref_Clear_138um = Trans_Gas * Sfc_Ref_138um + Ref_SS Test_Threshold = Noise_138um + 1.2*Ref_Clear_138um !--- apply test IF ( (Sfc_Hgt_Max_3x3 < 5000.0) .AND. & (Sol_Zen < CIRREF_SOL_ZEN_THRESH)) THEN IF (Refl_Chn4 > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION CIRREF_Routine_V2 !==================================================================== ! Function Name: EMISS4_Routine ! ! Function: ! 4 micron (Ch7) Emissivity (EMISS4) Cloud Test ! ! Description: ! Computes the 4 micron (Ch7) Emissivity (EMISS4) Cloud Test (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = EMISS4_Routine(Is_Glint, & ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Snow, & ! Is_Desert, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! Emiss_Chn7, & ! Emiss_Chn7_Clr ! Inputs: ! Is pixel glint (YES/NO) ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! Is pixel Desert (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! 3.9 micron emissvity ! Clear sky 3.9 micron emissivity ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION EMISS4_Routine(Is_Glint, & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Desert, & BT_Chn14, & Emiss_Chn7, & Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM) & RESULT (Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Glint INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Desert REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Emiss_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Emiss_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Test_Value REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Test_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO ! !---avoid glint ! IF (Is_Glint == sym%YES) THEN RETURN ENDIF ! !---avoid warm pixels ! IF (BT_Chn14 > EMISS4_BT_CHN14_MAX_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- Determine threshold based on surface condition Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh IF (Is_Land == sym%Yes) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh ENDIF IF (Is_Desert == sym%Yes) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%Yes) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh ENDIF !--- Augment in presence of very low emissive surfaces IF (Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM < EMISS4_SFC_EMISS_CHN7_THRESH) then Test_Threshold = Test_Threshold + 0.5 ENDIF !--- Compute value to test Test_Value = (Emiss_Chn7 - Emiss_Chn7_Clr) / Emiss_Chn7_Clr !--- apply test IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION EMISS4_Routine !==================================================================== ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION EMISS4_Routine_V2( & Is_Glint, & ! Is_Day, & Is_Terminator, & Is_Land, & Is_Snow, & Is_Desert, & BT_Chn14, & Emiss_Chn7, & Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM) & RESULT (Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Glint ! INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Day INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Terminator INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Desert REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Emiss_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Emiss_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Test_Value REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Test_Threshold Test_Result = sym%NO !------------------------------------------ ! from include file !------------------------------------------ !EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_OCN_THRESH_GOES = 0.1 !EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_LAND_THRESH_GOES = 0.46 !EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_SNOW_THRESH_GOES = 0.30 !EMISS4_EMISS_CHN7_DESERT_THRESH_GOES = 0.6 ! !---avoid glint ! IF (Is_Glint == sym%YES) THEN RETURN ENDIF IF (Is_Terminator == sym%YES) THEN RETURN ENDIF ! !---avoid warm pixels ! IF (BT_Chn14 > EMISS4_BT_CHN14_MAX_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- Determine threshold based on surface condition Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Ocn_Thresh IF (Is_Land == sym%Yes) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Land_Thresh ENDIF IF (Is_Desert == sym%Yes) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Desert_Thresh ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%Yes) THEN Test_Threshold = EMISS4_Emiss_Chn7_Snow_Thresh ENDIF !--- Augment in presence of very low emissive surfaces IF (Sfc_Emiss_Chn7_RTM < EMISS4_SFC_EMISS_CHN7_THRESH) then Test_Threshold = Test_Threshold + 0.5 ENDIF !--- Compute value to test Test_Value = (Emiss_Chn7 - Emiss_Chn7_Clr) / Emiss_Chn7_Clr !--- apply test IF (Test_Value > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION EMISS4_Routine_V2 !==================================================================== ! Function Name: ULST_Routine ! ! Function: ! UnIForm Low Stratus Test - ULST ! ! Description: ! Computes the UnIForm Low Stratus Test (ULST) (YES/NO), as described in ! the ABI cloud mask ATBD ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = ULST_Routine(& ! Is_Land, & ! Is_Day, & ! Is_Snow, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn14_Stddev_3x3, & ! Emiss_Chn7, & ! Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & ! Emiss_Tropo_Chn14) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Is pixel day (YES/NO) ! Is pixel snow (YES/NO) ! 11 micron BT ! Standard Deviation of the 11 micron BT over a 3x3 box ! 3.9 micron emissvity ! Clear sky 3.9 micron emissivity ! 11 micron tropopause emissvity ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION ULST_Routine(& Is_Land, & Is_Day, & Is_Snow, & Is_Cold_Surface, & BT_Chn14, & Emiss_Chn7, & Emiss_Chn7_Clr, & Emiss_Chn7_NWC, & Sfc_Emiss_Chn7) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Land INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Day INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Snow INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN) :: Is_Cold_Surface REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Chn7 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Chn7_Clr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Emiss_Chn7_NWC REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN) :: Sfc_Emiss_Chn7 INTEGER(KIND=INT1) :: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4) :: Test_Threshold !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- exclude day time data IF (Is_Day == sym%YES) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- exclude day time data IF (Is_Cold_Surface == sym%YES) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- exclude very warm pixels IF (BT_Chn14 > ULST_BT_CHN14_MAX_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- exclude pixels with large Emiss_Chn7 IF (Emiss_Chn7 > ULST_EMISS_CHN7_MAX_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- if NWC is missing skip (Denis B.) IF (Emiss_Chn7_NWC == Missing_Value_REAL4) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- exclude deserts IF (Sfc_Emiss_Chn7 < ULST_EMISS_CHN7_SFC_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- exclude values whose clear values are suspect IF ((Emiss_Chn7_Clr < ULST_EMISS_CHN7_CLR_MIN_THRESH) .OR. & (Emiss_Chn7_Clr > ULST_EMISS_CHN7_CLR_MAX_THRESH)) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- Apply Test for Difference with NWC Test_Threshold = ULST_EMISS_CH7_NWC_THRESH IF (( Emiss_Chn7_NWC > 0) .AND. & ( Emiss_Chn7_NWC - Emiss_Chn7 > Test_Threshold)) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF !--- Set Threshold Test_Threshold = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_OCEAN IF (Is_Land == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_LAND ENDIF IF (Is_Snow == sym%YES) THEN Test_Threshold = ULST_EMISS_CHN7_DIFF_THRESH_SNOW ENDIF !--- Apply Test for DIFferences Relative to Clear Sky IF (Emiss_Chn7_Clr - Emiss_Chn7 > Test_Threshold) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF !--- Bulk Threshold IF (Emiss_Chn7 < 0.80) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION ULST_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: TERM_THERM_STAB_Routine ! ! Function: ! Maia terminator stability test ! ! Description: ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Term_Therm_Stab_Routine(& ! Is_Land, & ! Sol_Zen, & ! BT_Chn11, & ! BT_Chn11_1Hr, & ! BT_Chn14, & ! BT_Chn14_1Hr, & ! BT_Chn15, & ! BT_Chn15_1Hr, & ! Cmask_1Hr) ! ! Inputs: ! Is pixel land (YES/NO) ! Solar Zenith Angle ! Current and 1 hour previous 8.5 micron BT ! Current and 1 hour previous 11 micron BT ! Current and 1 hour previous 12 micron BT ! 1 hour previous Cloud Mask ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! ! Reference: MAIA paper (need to insert) ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION Term_Therm_Stab_Routine(& Is_Land, & Sol_Zen, & BT_Chn11, & BT_Chn11_1Hr, & BT_Chn14, & BT_Chn14_1Hr, & BT_Chn15, & BT_Chn15_1Hr, & Cmask_1Hr) & RESULT(Test_Result) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Is_Land REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn11 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn11_1Hr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn14 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn14_1Hr REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn15 REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: BT_Chn15_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Cmask_1Hr INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Test_Result REAL(KIND=REAL4):: BT14_DIFf REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Test_Value REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Threshold !--- initialize Test_Result = sym%NO !--- exclude day time data IF (Sol_Zen < TERM_THERM_STAB_SOLZEN_MIN_THRESH .OR. & Sol_Zen > TERM_THERM_STAB_SOLZEN_MAX_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !--- exclude large B14_DIFF BT14_DIFf = ABS(BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn14_1Hr) IF (BT14_DIFf > TERM_THERM_STAB_BT14_DIFF_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF IF (Is_Land == sym%YES) THEN Test_Value = ABS((BT_Chn14_1Hr - BT_Chn11_1Hr) - & (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn11)) Threshold = TERM_THERM_STAB_BTD_14_11_THRESH ELSE Test_Value = ABS((BT_Chn14_1Hr - BT_Chn15_1Hr) - & (BT_Chn14 - BT_Chn15)) Threshold = TERM_THERM_STAB_BTD_14_15_THRESH ENDIF !--- Apply Test IF (Test_Value < Threshold .and. Cmask_1Hr == sym%CLOUDY) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION Term_Therm_Stab_Routine !==================================================================== ! Function Name: CIRH2O_Routine ! ! Function: ! Maia terminator stability test ! ! Description: ! ! Calling Sequence: ! Test_Results(Num_Tests,Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = CIRH2O_Routine(& ! ! Inputs: ! ! Outputs: ! Function returns pass (sym%YES) or fail (sym%NO) result of the test via Test_Result ! ! Dependencies: ! Cloud Mask threshold include file with various needed thresholds. ! ! Restrictions: None ! ! Reference: None ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION CIRH2O_Routine( & Sfc_Hgt, & WaterVapor_Window_Correlation, & WaterVapor_Stddev, & Window_Stddev, & Total_Precipitable_Water, & Cos_Sen_Zen)& RESULT(Test_Result) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Sfc_Hgt REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: WaterVapor_Window_Correlation REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: WaterVapor_Stddev REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Window_Stddev REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Total_Precipitable_Water REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Cos_Sen_Zen INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Test_Result Test_Result = sym%NO IF (Total_Precipitable_Water / Cos_Sen_Zen < CIRH2O_TPW_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !-- baseline values !CIRH2O_SFC_HGT_LIMIT = 2000.0 !CIRH2O_CORRELATION_THRESH = 0.7, & !CIRH2O_BT_CHN10_STDDEV_THRESH = 0.5, & !CIRH2O_BT_CHN14_STDDEV_THRESH = 0.5, & !CIRH2O_TPW_THRESH = 0.30, & IF (WaterVapor_Window_Correlation > CIRH2O_CORRELATION_THRESH .AND. & WaterVapor_Stddev > CIRH2O_BT_CHN10_STDDEV_THRESH .AND. & Window_Stddev > CIRH2O_BT_CHN14_STDDEV_THRESH .AND. & Sfc_Hgt < CIRH2O_SFC_HGT_LIMIT) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF END FUNCTION CIRH2O_Routine FUNCTION CIRH2O_Routine_V2( & Sfc_Hgt, & WaterVapor_Window_Correlation, & WaterVapor_Stddev, & Window_Stddev, & Total_Precipitable_Water, & Cos_Sen_Zen)& RESULT(Test_Result) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Sfc_Hgt REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: WaterVapor_Window_Correlation REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: WaterVapor_Stddev REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Window_Stddev REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Total_Precipitable_Water REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Cos_Sen_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4):: WaterVapor_Window_Covariance INTEGER(KIND=INT1):: Test_Result Test_Result = sym%NO IF (Total_Precipitable_Water / Cos_Sen_Zen < CIRH2O_TPW_THRESH) THEN RETURN ENDIF !-- baseline values !CIRH2O_SFC_HGT_LIMIT = 2000.0 !CIRH2O_CORRELATION_THRESH = 0.7, & !CIRH2O_BT_CHN10_STDDEV_THRESH = 0.5, & !CIRH2O_BT_CHN14_STDDEV_THRESH = 0.5, & !CIRH2O_TPW_THRESH = 0.30, & WaterVapor_Window_Covariance = WaterVapor_Window_Correlation * & WaterVapor_Stddev * Window_Stddev IF (WaterVapor_Window_Covariance > 0.5 .AND. & WaterVapor_Stddev > 0.0 .AND. & Window_Stddev > 0.0 .AND. & Sfc_Hgt < CIRH2O_SFC_HGT_LIMIT) THEN Test_Result = sym%YES ENDIF END FUNCTION CIRH2O_Routine_V2 !==================================================================== ! Function Name: Pearson_Corr ! ! Function: ! Compute the Pearson Correlation Coefficient for two mxn arrays ! ! Description: Pearson's product-moment coefficient ! ! Calling Sequence: BT_WV_BT_Window_Corr(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) = Pearson_Corr( & ! ch(System_7_3um_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Arr_Right:Arr_Left,Arr_Top:Arr_Bottom), & ! ch(IR_Chan_Num)%Bt_Toa(Arr_Right:Arr_Left,Arr_Top:Arr_Bottom), & ! Bad_Pixel_Mask(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & ! Bad_Pixel_Mask(Array_Right:Array_Left,Array_Top:Array_Bottom), & ! Array_Width, Array_Hgt) ! ! ! Inputs: ! Array 1 ! Array 2 ! Elem_size ! Line_size ! ! Outputs: ! Pearson Correlation coefficent ! ! Dependencies: ! none ! ! Restrictions: None ! ! Reference: Standard definition for Pearson correlation ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION Pearson_Corr(Array_One,Array_Two,Bad_Pixel_One, & Bad_Pixel_Two, & Array_Width,Array_Hght) RESULT(Pearson_Corr_Coeff) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: Array_One REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: Array_Two INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: Bad_Pixel_One INTEGER(KIND=INT1), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:):: Bad_Pixel_Two INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Array_Width INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT(IN):: Array_Hght REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(Array_Width,Array_Hght):: Pearson_Corr_Term_1 REAL(KIND=REAL4), DIMENSION(Array_Width,Array_Hght):: Pearson_Corr_Term_2 REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Pearson_Corr_Top_Term_1 REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Pearson_Corr_Top_Term_2 REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Pearson_Corr_Bottom_Term_1 REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Pearson_Corr_Bottom_Term_2 REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Pearson_Corr_Coeff REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Mean_Array_One REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Mean_Array_Two REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Sum_Array_One REAL(KIND=REAL8):: Sum_Array_Two !--- skip computation for pixel arrays with any missing data IF (sum(Bad_Pixel_One) > 0 .OR. sum(Bad_Pixel_Two) > 0) THEN Pearson_Corr_Coeff = Missing_Value_Real4 RETURN ENDIF Sum_Array_One = sum(Array_One) Sum_Array_Two = sum(Array_Two) Mean_Array_One = Sum_Array_One / (Array_Width*Array_Hght) Mean_Array_Two = Sum_Array_Two / (Array_Width*Array_Hght) Pearson_Corr_Term_1 = Array_One - Mean_Array_One Pearson_Corr_Term_2 = Array_Two - Mean_Array_Two Sum_Array_One = sum(Pearson_Corr_Term_1) Sum_Array_Two = sum(Pearson_Corr_Term_2) Mean_Array_One = 0.0 Mean_Array_Two = 0.0 Pearson_Corr_Top_Term_1 = sum(Pearson_Corr_Term_1*Pearson_Corr_Term_2) Pearson_Corr_Top_Term_2 = (Sum_Array_One*Sum_Array_Two) / (Array_Width*Array_Hght) Pearson_Corr_Bottom_Term_1 = sum(Pearson_Corr_Term_1**2) - & ((Sum_Array_One)**2) / (Array_Width*Array_Hght) Pearson_Corr_Bottom_Term_2 = sum(Pearson_Corr_Term_2**2) - & ((Sum_Array_Two)**2) / (Array_Width*Array_Hght) Pearson_Corr_Coeff = (Pearson_Corr_Top_Term_1 - Pearson_Corr_Top_Term_2) / & sqrt(Pearson_Corr_Bottom_Term_1 * & Pearson_Corr_Bottom_Term_2) END FUNCTION Pearson_Corr !==================================================================== ! Function Name: Term_Refl_Norm ! ! Function: ! Renormalize reflectances to improve performance near the terminator ! using the parameteization given by Li et. al. 2006 ! ! Description: Renormalizes reflectances in the terminator region ! ! Calling Sequence: Refl_Chn2 = Term_Refl_Norm(Cos_Sol_Zen,Refl_Chn2) ! ! ! Inputs: ! Cosine of the Solar Zenith Angle ! Channel 2 reflectance ! ! Outputs: ! Renormalized reflectance ! ! Dependencies: ! none ! ! Restrictions: None ! ! Reference: Li et. al. 2006 ! !==================================================================== FUNCTION Term_Refl_Norm(Cos_Sol_Zen,Reflectance) & RESULT(Reflectance_Normalized) REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Cos_Sol_Zen REAL(KIND=REAL4), INTENT(IN):: Reflectance REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Reflectance_Normalized REAL(KIND=REAL4):: Norm_Param Reflectance_Normalized = Reflectance * Cos_Sol_Zen Norm_Param = 24.35 / (2*Cos_Sol_Zen + sqrt(498.5225*(Cos_Sol_Zen**2) + 1) ) Reflectance_Normalized = Reflectance_Normalized*Norm_Param END FUNCTION Term_Refl_Norm !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The subroutines and functions to pack bytes !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Routine to pack individual bytes into a single byte ! ! input: ! input_bytes - vector of bytes to be packed into output_byte ! bit_depth - vector of bit depths (1-8(16)) for each input byte (total can not exceed 8(16)) ! ! output: ! output_byte - byte variable that holds the bit values of the input_bytes - can be i1 or i2 ! ! local ! n_in - number of elements of input vectors ! i_in - index of input_bytes (1-n_in) ! n_out - number of elements of output vectors ! i_out - index of output_bytes (1-n_out) ! ! Note: ! 1. if the input byte has information in bits greater then bit depth - they are removed ! ! Example, pack an input_byte with bit_start = 2 and bit depth 3 ! ! input byte ! x x x ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ! result of first ishft ! x x x ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ! result of second ishft ! x x x ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ! Author: Andrew Heidinger ! ! Version History: ! February 2007 - Created !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- This Version packs into one byte words subroutine PACK_BYTES_I1(input_bytes,bit_depth,output_bytes) integer(kind=int1), dimension(:), intent(in):: input_bytes integer(kind=int4), dimension(:), intent(in):: bit_depth integer(kind=int1), dimension(:), intent(out):: output_bytes integer(kind=int1):: bit_start, bit_end, bit_offset integer(kind=int1):: temp_byte integer:: n_in,i_in,n_out,i_out integer, parameter:: word_bit_depth = 8 !--- determine size of vectors n_in = size(input_bytes) n_out = size(output_bytes) !--- reset output byte output_bytes = 0 !--- initialize bit_offset = 0 bit_start = 0 bit_end = 0 i_out = 1 !--- loop through input bytes do i_in = 1, n_in !--- determine starting and ending bit locations bit_start = bit_offset + 1 bit_end = bit_start + bit_depth(i_in) - 1 !--- determine if this input byte will fit on current output byte, if not go to next if (bit_end > word_bit_depth) then i_out = i_out + 1 bit_offset = 0 bit_start = bit_offset + 1 bit_end = bit_start + bit_depth(i_in) - 1 endif !--- check for exceeding the space allowed for the packed bytes if (i_out > n_out) then print *, "ERROR: Insufficient space for bit packing" return endif !--- place input byte into correct position temp_byte =0 temp_byte = ishft(input_bytes(i_in),word_bit_depth-bit_depth(i_in)) !first ishft temp_byte = ishft(temp_byte,bit_end - word_bit_depth) !second ishft !--- modify output byte output_bytes(i_out) = output_bytes(i_out) + temp_byte !--- update bit offset bit_offset = bit_offset + bit_depth(i_in) enddo end subroutine PACK_BYTES_I1 !--- This Version packs into two byte words subroutine PACK_BYTES_I2(input_bytes,bit_depth,output_bytes) integer(kind=int1), dimension(:), intent(in):: input_bytes integer(kind=int4), dimension(:), intent(in):: bit_depth integer(kind=int2), dimension(:), intent(out):: output_bytes integer(kind=int1):: bit_start, bit_end, bit_offset integer(kind=int2):: temp_byte integer:: n_in,i_in,n_out,i_out integer, parameter:: word_bit_depth = 16 !--- determine size of vectors n_in = size(input_bytes) n_out = size(output_bytes) !--- reset output byte output_bytes = 0 !--- initialize bit_offset = 0 bit_start = 0 bit_end = 0 i_out = 1 !--- loop through input bytes do i_in = 1, n_in !--- determine starting and ending bit locations bit_start = bit_offset + 1 bit_end = bit_start + bit_depth(i_in) - 1 !--- determine if this input byte will fit on current output byte, if not go to next if (bit_end > word_bit_depth) then i_out = i_out + 1 bit_offset = 0 bit_start = bit_offset + 1 bit_end = bit_start + bit_depth(i_in) - 1 endif !--- check for exceeding the space allowed for the packed bytes if (i_out > n_out) then print *, "ERROR: Insufficient space for bit packing" return endif !--- place input byte into correct position temp_byte =0 temp_byte = ishft(INT(input_bytes(i_in),KIND=INT2),word_bit_depth-bit_depth(i_in)) !first ishft temp_byte = ishft(temp_byte,bit_end - word_bit_depth) !second ishft !--- modify output byte output_bytes(i_out) = output_bytes(i_out) + temp_byte !--- update bit offset bit_offset = bit_offset + bit_depth(i_in) enddo end subroutine PACK_BYTES_I2 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! End ACM test Subroutines and functions !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------- GS/SAPF routines added in for CLAVR-x implmentation of BCM -------! !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE compute_spatial_uniformity(dx, dy, space_mask, data, data_mean, data_max, data_min, data_uni) INTEGER (kind=int4), intent(in) :: dx, dy INTEGER (kind=int1), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: space_mask REAL (kind=real4), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: data REAL (kind=real4), intent(out), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: data_mean, data_max, data_min, data_uni INTEGER (kind=int4) :: nx, ny, nsub, nx_uni, ny_uni, astatus INTEGER (kind=int4) :: ielem, iline, ielem1, ielem2, iline1, iline2, elem_idx, line_idx, n_good REAL (kind=real4), dimension(:), allocatable :: temp nx = size(data,1) ny = size(data,2) nx_uni = 2*dx + 1 ny_uni = 2*dy + 1 nsub = nx_uni*ny_uni allocate(temp(nsub), data_mean(nx,ny), data_max(nx,ny), data_min(nx,ny),data_uni(nx,ny),stat=astatus) if (astatus /= 0) then print "(a,'Not enough memory to allocate spatial uniformity arrays.')",EXE_PROMPT stop endif line_loop: do iline=1, ny iline1 = max(1,iline-dy) iline2 = min(ny,iline+dy) element_loop: do ielem=1, nx data_mean(ielem,iline) = missing_value_real4 data_max(ielem,iline) = missing_value_real4 data_min(ielem,iline) = missing_value_real4 data_uni(ielem,iline) = missing_value_real4 if ((data(ielem,iline) == missing_value_real4) .or. & (space_mask(ielem,iline) == Sym%SPACE)) CYCLE ielem1 = max(1,ielem-dx) ielem2 = min(nx,ielem+dx) n_good = 0 do line_idx=iline1, iline2 do elem_idx=ielem1, ielem2 if ((data(elem_idx,line_idx) == missing_value_real4) .or. & (space_mask(elem_idx,line_idx) == Sym%SPACE)) CYCLE n_good = n_good + 1 temp(n_good) = data(elem_idx,line_idx) end do end do if (n_good > 0) then data_mean(ielem,iline) = sum(temp(1:n_good))/n_good data_uni(ielem,iline) = sqrt(max(0.0,(sum((temp(1:n_good))**2)/n_good - data_mean(ielem,iline)**2))) data_max(ielem,iline) = maxval(temp(1:n_good)) data_min(ielem,iline) = minval(temp(1:n_good)) endif end do element_loop end do line_loop deallocate(temp,stat=astatus) if (astatus /= 0) then print "(a,'Error deallocating temporary spatial uniformity arrays.')",EXE_PROMPT stop endif END SUBROUTINE compute_spatial_uniformity !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! !----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE destroy_spatial_uniformity(data_mean, data_max, data_min, data_uni) REAL (kind=real4), intent(inout), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: data_mean, data_max, data_min, data_uni INTEGER (kind=int4) :: astatus_1, astatus_2, astatus_3, astatus_4 if (allocated(data_mean)) deallocate(data_mean, stat=astatus_1) if (allocated(data_max)) deallocate(data_max, stat=astatus_2) if (allocated(data_min)) deallocate(data_min, stat=astatus_3) if (allocated(data_uni)) deallocate(data_uni, stat=astatus_4) if (astatus_1 + astatus_2 + astatus_3 + astatus_4 /= 0) then print "(a,'Error deallocating spatial uniformity arrays.')",EXE_PROMPT stop endif END SUBROUTINE destroy_spatial_uniformity !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! GS/SAPF/GEOCAT LRC routine !----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE gradient2d(grid, nx, ny, mask, min_valid, max_valid, threshold_value, xmax, ymax, num_steps) REAL (kind=real4), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: grid INTEGER (kind=int4), intent(in) :: nx, ny INTEGER (kind=int1), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: mask REAL (kind=real4), intent(in) :: min_valid, max_valid, threshold_value INTEGER (kind=int4), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: xmax, ymax INTEGER (kind=int4), dimension(:,:), intent(inout), optional :: num_steps INTEGER (kind=int4), parameter :: max_step = 150 INTEGER (kind=int4) :: ielem, iline, im, jm, ip, jp, dx_start, dy_start, index INTEGER (kind=int4) :: direction, di, dj, i0, j0, i1, j1, ibad REAL (kind=real4) :: min_grad, ref_value INTEGER (kind=int4), dimension(8) :: icol, irow, di_default, dj_default REAL (kind=real4), dimension(8) :: grad dx_start = 2 dy_start = 2 di_default = (/0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1/) dj_default = (/-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1/) xmax = missing_value_int4 ymax = missing_value_int4 if (present(num_steps)) then num_steps = missing_value_int4 endif line_loop: do iline=1, ny jm = max(1,iline-dy_start) jp = min(ny,iline+dy_start) element_loop: do ielem=1, nx if (mask(ielem,iline) == sym%YES .and. grid(ielem,iline) >= min_valid .and. grid(ielem,iline) <= max_valid) then im = max(1,ielem-dx_start) ip = min(nx,ielem+dx_start) icol = (/ielem,ip,ip,ip,ielem,im,im,im/) irow = (/jm,jm,iline,jp,jp,jp,iline,jm/) direction = -999 min_grad = 99999.0 do index=1, 8 if (grid(icol(index),irow(index)) >= min_valid .and. grid(icol(index),irow(index)) <= max_valid) then grad(index) = grid(ielem,iline) - grid(icol(index),irow(index)) if (grad(index) < min_grad) then min_grad = grad(index) direction = index endif endif end do if (direction >= 1 .and. direction <= 8) then di = di_default(direction) dj = dj_default(direction) do index = 1, max_step i0 = max(1,min(ielem + di*index,nx)) j0 = max(1,min(iline + dj*index,ny)) i1 = max(1,min(ielem + di*index + di,nx)) j1 = max(1,min(iline + dj*index + dj,ny)) ref_value = grid(i0,j0) ibad = 1 if (grid(i1,j1) >= min_valid .and. grid(i1,j1) <= max_valid) then ibad = 0 endif if (grid(i1,j1) >= threshold_value .or. index == max_step .or. grid(i1,j1) < ref_value .or. ibad == 1) then xmax(ielem,iline) = i0 ymax(ielem,iline) = j0 if (present(num_steps)) then num_steps(ielem,iline) = index endif exit endif end do endif endif end do element_loop end do line_loop END SUBROUTINE gradient2d !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! DQF check ! checks the DQF and sets the algorithm wide Is_Chn based on DQF ! ! DQF Value Meaning ! 0 Good ! 1 Conditionally Usable ! 2 Out of Range ! 3 No Value ! 4 Focal Plane Temperature Exceeded ! ! Input: ! Clavrx_Chan_Map - ! Is_Chn - Binary Flag if a channel is on (0=off,1=on) ! ch(X)%DQF - channel X's DQF values !----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SET_IS_CHN(CLAVRx_Chan_Map, Elem_Idx, Line_Idx, WMO_Id, Chan_On, Is_Chn) INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT (IN):: CLAVRx_Chan_Map ! ABI channel map for CLAVR-x INTEGER(KIND=INT4), INTENT (IN):: Elem_Idx, Line_Idx, WMO_Id INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT (IN):: Chan_On ! ABI channel # INTEGER(KIND=INT4), DIMENSION(:), INTENT (OUT):: Is_Chn ! ABI channel # INTEGER(KIND=INT4) :: Chan_Clavrx_Idx, Chn_Num ! note that the BCM Channel on map is based on ABI ! so in order to not redo *all* of the BCM, and keep things consistent ! we're going to loop over the IR channels, since the VIS channels are ! of length 1 !-- This routine can be adapted to whatever ordering is available. ! Initialize to Chan_On Is_Chn = Chan_On if (WMO_Id == 270 .or. WMO_Id == 271) then ! Loop through channels and check DQFs do Chn_Num = 1, size(CLAVRx_Chan_Map) Chan_Clavrx_Idx = CLAVRx_Chan_Map(Chn_Num) if (Chan_On(Chn_Num) > 0) then if (ch(Chan_Clavrx_Idx)%DQF(Elem_Idx,Line_Idx) >= 2) then Is_Chn(Chn_Num) = sym%NO endif endif enddo endif END SUBROUTINE SET_IS_CHN !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine SET_USE_10_4um_FLAG(DQF, & WMO_Id, & System_Chan_Map, & Chan_On, & System_10_4um_Chan_Num, & System_11_0um_Chan_Num, & Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num, & Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num, & System_IRWIN_Chan_Num, & Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num, & Use_10_4um) integer(kind=int1), dimension(:,:),intent(in):: DQF integer(kind=int4), intent(in):: WMO_Id integer,dimension(:), intent(in):: System_Chan_Map integer(kind=int4), dimension(:),intent(in):: Chan_On integer,intent(in):: System_10_4um_Chan_Num, System_11_0um_Chan_Num integer,intent(in):: Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num, Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num integer,intent(out):: Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num, System_IRWIN_Chan_Num logical, intent(out):: Use_10_4um INTEGER(KIND=INT4), dimension(1):: Loc_Output USE_10_4um =.FALSE. System_IRWIN_Chan_Num = System_11_0um_Chan_Num Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num = Sensor_11_0um_Chan_Num IF (WMO_Id /= 270 .and. WMO_Id /=271) RETURN IF (any(DQF > 1)) USE_10_4um =.TRUE. !---------- TEST Use_10_4um = .true. !---------- TEST !-- if there is no 10.4 micron on sensor, set flag if (Chan_On(Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num) == 0) then Use_10_4um = .false. endif IF (Use_10_4um) then System_IRWIN_Chan_Num = System_10_4um_Chan_Num Sensor_IRWIN_Chan_Num = Sensor_10_4um_Chan_Num ENDIF end subroutine SET_USE_10_4um_FLAG !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM(System_Chan_Map, System_Chan_Num, Sensor_Chan_Num) integer,dimension(:), intent(in):: System_Chan_Map integer,intent(in):: System_Chan_Num integer,intent(out):: Sensor_Chan_Num INTEGER(KIND=INT4), dimension(1):: Loc_Output Loc_Output = minloc(abs(System_Chan_Map-System_Chan_Num)) Sensor_Chan_Num = Loc_Output(1) end subroutine SET_SENSOR_CHAN_NUM !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! End of the Module !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- END MODULE Baseline_Cloud_Mask