! $Id: muri_array_loop_sub.f90 2424 2017-12-18 14:30:36Z awalther $ ! ! subroutine muri_array_loop (input, output ) use muri_interface_mod,only: & muri_in_array_type & , muri_out_array_type use muri_retrieval_mod use muri_land_retrieval_mod !use muri_abi_ocean_retrieval_mod !use muri_abi_land_retrieval_mod use muri_definitions_mod, only: & muri_input_type & , muri_output_type use muri_atmospheric_corr_mod, only: & muri_transmission_default & ,muri_transmission implicit none type ( muri_in_array_type) , intent(in):: input type ( muri_out_array_type) :: output type ( muri_input_type) :: inp_pixel type ( muri_output_type) :: out_pixel integer :: i,j,k logical :: print_info real :: trans_re_default(6) real :: trans_re(6) print_info = .false. call output % reset !inp_pixel % path = trim('/apollo/cloud/Ancil_Data/clavrx_ancil_data/static/luts/muri/') inp_pixel % path = trim('/apollo/cloud/scratch/mino/MURI_aerosol_LUT/') !print*,input % path do i = 1, input % dim(1) do j = 1, input % dim(2) if ( .not. input % do_it(i,j)) cycle inp_pixel % sat = input % sat(i,j) inp_pixel % sol = input % sol(i,j) inp_pixel % azi = input % azi(i,j) inp_pixel % scat_angle = input % scat_angle(i,j) inp_pixel % ws = input % windspeed(i,j) ! real wind speed inp_pixel % surf_elev = input % surf_elev(i,j) ! surface elevation inp_pixel % ozone = input % ozone(i,j) inp_pixel % h2o_conc = input % h2o_conc(i,j) inp_pixel % month = input%month !print*,input % land_class(i,j) !print*,'muri array loop' inp_pixel % path = input % path ! atmospheric correction trans_re_default = muri_transmission_default (inp_pixel % sol,inp_pixel % sat) trans_re = muri_transmission(inp_pixel % sol,inp_pixel % sat,inp_pixel % ozone,inp_pixel % h2o_conc) output % trans_re_default ( i,j) = trans_re_default(3) ! just to know band 3 output % trans_re ( i,j) = trans_re(3) ! just to know band 3 do k=1,6 inp_pixel % rfl(k) = input % ref(k,i,j) * trans_re(k) end do out_pixel% sediment_class=-9 ! fill in value out_pixel% aerosol_QA=-9 ! fill in value select case (input % land_class(i,j)) case(0,6,7) inp_pixel % is_sedimental = sedimental (inp_pixel) if(inp_pixel % is_sedimental)then out_pixel% sediment_class=1 else out_pixel% sediment_class=0 end if if(inp_pixel % sat.gt.78.or.inp_pixel % sol.gt.78)then out_pixel% aerosol_QA=0 else out_pixel% aerosol_QA=1 end if call muri_algorithm( inp_pixel, out_pixel ) case (1) !out_pixel% sediment_class=2 ! over land is not sedimental if(inp_pixel % rfl(6).lt.0.01.or.inp_pixel % rfl(6).gt.0.25.or.inp_pixel % sat.gt.78.or.inp_pixel % sol.gt.78)then out_pixel% aerosol_QA=0 !print*,'bad land' call muri_land_algorithm( inp_pixel, out_pixel ) else !print*,'good land' out_pixel% aerosol_QA=1 call muri_land_algorithm( inp_pixel, out_pixel ) end if case default out_pixel % aot = -88 out_pixel % cm_mode = -8 out_pixel % fm_mode = -8 out_pixel % fmf = -88 out_pixel % sediment_class = -8 out_pixel% aerosol_QA = -8 end select ! do k=1, 6 ! print*,out_pixel % aot !output % aot_channel(k,i,j) = out_pixel % aot_channel(k) ! end do output % aot(i,j) = out_pixel % aot output % cm_mode(i,j) = out_pixel % cm_mode output % fm_mode(i,j) = out_pixel % fm_mode output % fmf ( i,j) = out_pixel % fmf output % sediment_class ( i,j) = out_pixel% sediment_class output % aerosol_QA ( i,j) = out_pixel% aerosol_QA if ( print_info) then print* print*,i,j print*,'land class:', input % land_class(i,j) print*,'refl: ',inp_pixel % rfl print*,'cm fm: ',out_pixel % cm_mode, out_pixel % fm_mode, out_pixel % fmf print*,'aod: ',out_pixel % aot print* end if end do end do end subroutine muri_array_loop