# Active Fires M-band EDR # # source: AFMOD_npp_d20240722_t1702069_e1703311_b65991_c20240722174514408837_cspp_dev.nc # version: CSPP Active Fires version: 2.1 # # column 1: latitude of fire pixel (degrees) # column 2: longitude of fire pixel (degrees) # column 3: M13 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K) # column 4: Along-scan fire pixel resolution (km) # column 5: Along-track fire pixel resolution (km) # column 6: detection confidence (%) # column 7: fire radiative power (MW) # # number of fire pixels: 9 # 8.84994793, -62.53682327, 305.79138184, 0.750, 0.750, 24, 5.94500780 9.71181011, -63.20904922, 309.59179688, 0.750, 0.750, 34, 11.51651192 10.05922699, -64.86054993, 309.53067017, 0.750, 0.750, 42, 6.91317272 10.05809784, -64.86687469, 315.71722412, 0.750, 0.750, 55, 11.66872501 10.05462265, -64.88639832, 318.99667358, 0.750, 0.750, 60, 14.99960327 10.05933762, -64.86167145, 314.59997559, 0.750, 0.750, 62, 8.40972996 10.05817127, -64.86795807, 316.23403931, 0.750, 0.750, 59, 9.82548046 10.05574703, -64.88098907, 308.53375244, 0.750, 0.750, 30, 4.90763140 10.05455971, -64.88738251, 316.76181030, 0.750, 0.750, 77, 12.01803780