# Active Fires M-band EDR # # source: AFMOD_j01_d20240718_t1839094_e1840321_b34538_c20240718192455198074_cspp_dev.nc # version: CSPP Active Fires version: 2.1 # # column 1: latitude of fire pixel (degrees) # column 2: longitude of fire pixel (degrees) # column 3: M13 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K) # column 4: Along-scan fire pixel resolution (km) # column 5: Along-track fire pixel resolution (km) # column 6: detection confidence (%) # column 7: fire radiative power (MW) # # number of fire pixels: 3 # -1.44178188, -79.90657043, 315.25119019, 0.750, 0.750, 75, 8.11606503 -1.39122152, -79.93589783, 303.82910156, 0.750, 0.750, 30, 3.23958254 -1.34022522, -79.73363495, 312.14297485, 0.750, 0.750, 45, 5.76591492