MODIS LEVEL 2 PRODUCT IMAGING SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION --------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 31 July 2007 This package contains the software (pre-compiled binaries only) used to create images from the MODIS Level 1B and IMAPP MODIS Level 2 product HDF files. The software is executed through a script located within the imapp_modisl2/scripts directory ( as part of the imapp_level2 processing chain executed through the main modis_level2.csh script. The purpose of this package is to enable DB stations to create quick look images of MODIS data and products automatically. It is not intended to be an interactive visualization tool. The enviromental variables scripts for the IMAPP_MODISL2 release (found in the imapp_modisl2/env directory) can be edited MODIS_L2_IMAGES=${MODIS_L2_HOME}/images (path to output image) MODIS_L2_XSIZE=900 (output image size - X direction) MODIS_L2_YSIZE=900 (output image size - Y direction) and are used to determine the output file directory for the images and the image size to produce. The resolution of the output image is determined by the image size chosen and the number of lines in the MODIS product file. It is highly recommended that you choose an image file size of between 500 lines and elements and 2000 lines and elements. The default is 900. This number must be a multiple of 4. The binaries themselves are part of the Man computer Interactive Data Access System (McIDAS) set of software created and supported by the Unversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center. A special set of binaries has been bundled for IMAPP only processing, much like the set distributed as McIDAS-Lite, the free version of McIDAS. For more information on McIDAS and McIDAS-Lite please see: and This software is distributed from the IMAPP web site for free, but you cannot repackage or redistribute it without approval from the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) (please contact the McIDAS Help Desk via the email form at Sample output images from an input test data set are available as part of the test IMAPP_MODISL2_input_output.tar.gz file. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ---------------- System requirments: (1) The software has been compiled and executed successfully on the following Linux operating systems Red Hat Linux x86 7.2, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 x86_64 and Linux CentOS 4.2 x86_64 on Sun Operton platforms Software requirements: (1) The binaries in this distribution are executed through the imapp_modisl2/scripts/ script which is part of the MODIS Level 2 IMAPP release. This release can be downloaded through the IMAPP web page . (2) You are not required to have McIDAS installed on your system. If you already have McIDAS installed, it should not affect your system set-up. The script sets up the MCPATH and MCDATA directories during run time and points them at the imapp_modisl2/mclite and the input and output directories used in the modis_level2.csh processing. The script does use local areas but should create them in and delete them from the imapp_modisl2/mclite/data directory. Input data requirements: (1) The scripts will use the input L1B 1km file to create images of a) MODIS True Color (daytime only) b) MODIS Band 1 (.68 micron - daytime only) c) MODIS Band 7 (2.1 micron - daytime only) d) MODIS Band 26 (1.38 micron - daytime only) e) MODIS Band 27 (6.7 micron - daytime only) f) MODIS Band 31 (11 micron - daytime only) In addition, the script will look for HDF product files in the output product directory and make images of these parameters if they are found: a) MODIS Cloud Mask (MOD35) b) MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (MOD04) (daytime only) c) MODIS Total Precipitable Water Vapor (MOD07) d) MODIS Cloud Top Pressure (MOD06) e) MODIS Cloud Phase (MOD06) f) MODIS Sea Surface Temperatures 2.0 PACKAGE CONTENTS -------------------- The distribution package contains the following files: Name Size (bytes) Unpacked Compressed ---- -------- ---------- 00README_IMAPP_McLITE.txt McLITE-linux-imapp-1.5.tar.gz 47 MB 20 MB 00README_IMAPP_McLITE.txt Contains documentation on the IMAPP MODIS direct broadcast Level 2 McIDAS-Lite visualization binary release. McLITE-linux-imapp-1.5.tar.gz contains statically compiled binary executables. 3.0 INSTALLATION ---------------- The IMAPP MODIS Level 2 McIDAS-Lite software package is distributed via download from the IMAPP web page: (1) Download the required files (2) Make sure that you have downloaded and unpacked the IMAPP_MODISL2.tar file. (3) Move the McLITE-linux-imapp-1.5.tar.gz file into the imapp_modisl2/ directory (upacked tar files from step (2)) and uncompress and untar it: $ cd imapp_modisl2 $ gzip -dc McLITE-linux-imapp-1.5.tar.gz | tar xvf - A new directory named 'mclite' containing the software package will be created, (i.e., imapp_modisl2/mclite) along with these subdirectories - mclite/bin, mclite/data and mclite/lib. When you execute the modis_level2.csh script, it will now run the script in the processing chain as the last task. 4.0 RUNNING THE SOFTWARE ------------------------ To run the software, it can be executed through the main modis_level2.csh script (see README file for the IMAPP_MODISL2 release), or by itself using the imapp_modisl2/scripts/ script SATMC FIL1KM LIGHT NLINS XSIZE YSIZE OUTDIR OUTIMAGE where: SATMC is MODIS satellite platform (specific to McIDAS naming either AQUA or TERRA" FIL1KM is MODIS L1B 1000 meter resolution HDF image file LIGHT either DAY or NIGHT instrument mode NLINS Number of lines in data set XSIZE Size of images to create X direction (Suggested size 500-2000) Can be set through the imapp_modisl2/env environmental variable MODIS_L2_XSIZE when using the modis_level2.csh script YSIZE Size of images to create Y direction (Suggested size 500-2000) Can be set through the imapp_modisl2/env environmental variable MODIS_L2_YSIZE when using the modis_level2.csh script OUTDIR Output directory containing IMAPP L2 output HDF files OUTIMAGE Output directory to transfer Image files Can be set through the imapp_modisl2/env environmental variable MODIS_L2_IMAGES when using the modis_level2.csh script The environment variables setting scripts located within the IMAPP_MODISL2 distribution imapp_modisl2/env directory, contains scripts which set these variables relating to this image processing: MODIS_L2_IMAGES=${MODIS_L2_HOME}/images (path to output images) MODIS_L2_XSIZE=900 (output image size - X direction) MODIS_L2_YSIZE=900 (output image size - Y direction) So in the automated processing through the modis_level2.csh script these environmental variables are used. The user can edit the environmental variable script and source the file prior to execution of the modis_level2.csh script. There is more information about this in the IMAPP_MODISL2 README files. Please choose an image file size X and Y between 500 and 2000 lines and elements. The default value is 900 x 900. These numbers must be divisible by 4.