PRO CREATE_FAKE_MOD06, MOD021KM, MOD06, OUTFILE ;+ ; Creates a fake MOD06 HDF file that can fool the McIDAS MOD06 ADDE server. ; NOTE: THIS SOFTWARE WAS INTENDED SOLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FOOLING ; A VIEWING TOOL TO VISUALIZE THE DIRECT BROADCAST OUTPUT FILES. IT IS ; NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR THE MOD06 DAAC PRODUCT FILES. PLEASE USE THE ; BINARY OUTPUT FILES FOR SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS. ; ; MOD021KM Name of input MOD021KM HDF file (from DAAC or IMAPP) ; MOD06 Name of input MOD06 binary file (from DB version of CTP) ; OUTFILE Name of output MOD06 HDF file (fake version) ;- ;- Check arguments if (n_elements(mod021km) eq 0) then message, 'Argument MOD021KM is undefined' if (n_elements(mod06) eq 0) then message, 'Argument MOD06 is undefined' if (n_elements(outfile) eq 0) then message, 'Argument OUTFILE is undefined' ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; READ INPUT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Read the lat/lon data from the MOD021KM file hdfid = hdf_sd_start(mod021km) hdf_sd_varread, hdfid, 'Latitude', lat hdf_sd_varread, hdfid, 'Longitude', lon hdf_sd_end, hdfid ;- Remove the last value from each row lat = lat[0:269, *] lon = lon[0:269, *] ;- Get the number of pixels and lines dims = size(lat, /dimensions) nx = 1354 ny = dims[1] * 5L ;- Get the cloud top properties data from the flat file openr, lun, mod06, /get_lun ctp = fltarr(nx/5, 48, ny/5) readu, lun, ctp free_lun, lun bt=intarr(nx/5,7,ny/5) for i = 0 , 6, 1 do begin bt(*,i,*) = round(ctp(*,i,*) * 100. - 15000. ) endfor ;- Rearrange Brightness Temperature array brite=transpose(bt,[0,2,1]) sfctemp=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) sfctemp=round(ctp(*,7,*) * 100. - 15000. ) sfct=fix(reform(sfctemp,nx/5,ny/5)) sfcpres=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) sfcpres=round(ctp(*,8,*) * 10.) sfcp=fix(reform(sfcpres,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(sfcp lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then sfcp(loc) = -32768 pf=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) pf=fix(ctp(*,9,*)) pflag=byte(reform(pf,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(pflag lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then pflag(loc) = 127 cm=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) cm=fix(ctp(*,10,*)) cmethod=byte(reform(cm,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cmethod gt 6, count) if count gt 0 then cmethod(loc) = 127 ctp1=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctp1=round( ctp(*,11,*) * 10. ) cloudtop=fix(reform(ctp1,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cloudtop lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then cloudtop(loc) = -32768 ctp3=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctp3=round( ctp(*,12,*) * 10. ) cloudtopnight=fix(reform(ctp3,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cloudtopnight lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then cloudtopnight(loc) = -32768 ctp2=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctp2=round( ctp(*,13,*) * 10. ) cloudtopday=fix(reform(ctp2,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cloudtopday lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then cloudtopday(loc) = -32768 ctt1=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctt1=round( ctp(*,14,*) * 100. - 15000. ) ctemp=fix(reform(ctt1,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(ctemp lt 0 or ctemp eq 17768, count) if count gt 0 then ctemp(loc) = -32768 ctt2=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctt2=round( ctp(*,15,*) * 100. - 15000. ) ctempnight=fix(reform(ctt2,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(ctempnight lt 0 or ctempnight eq 17768, count) if count gt 0 then ctempnight(loc) = -32768 ctt3=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctt3=round( ctp(*,16,*) * 100. - 15000. ) ctempday=fix(reform(ctt3,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(ctempday lt 0 or ctempday eq 17768, count) if count gt 0 then ctempday(loc) = -32768 th=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) th=round(ctp(*,17,*) * 10.) trop=fix(reform(th,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(trop lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then trop(loc) = -32768 cf1=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) cf1=fix(ctp(*,18,*) * 100. ) cfrac1=byte(reform(cf1,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cfrac1 gt 100, count) if count gt 0 then cfrac1(loc) = 127 cf2=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) cf2=fix(ctp(*,19,*) * 100. ) cfracnight=byte(reform(cf2,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cfracnight gt 100, count) if count gt 0 then cfracnight(loc) = 127 cf3=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) cf3=fix(ctp(*,20,*) * 100. ) cfracday=byte(reform(cf3,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cfracday gt 100, count) if count gt 0 then cfracday(loc) = 127 ce1=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ce1=fix(ctp(*,21,*) * 100. ) cee1=byte(reform(ce1,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cee1 lt 1, count) if count gt 0 then cee1(loc) = 127 ce2=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ce2=fix(ctp(*,22,*) * 100. ) cee2=byte(reform(ce2,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cee2 lt 1, count) if count gt 0 then cee2(loc) = 127 ce3=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ce3=fix(ctp(*,23,*) * 100. ) cee3=byte(reform(ce3,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(cee3 lt 1, count) if count gt 0 then cee3(loc) = 127 ctp4=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ctp4=round( ctp(*,24,*) * 10. ) ctpir=fix(reform(ctp4,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(ctpir lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then ctpir(loc) = -32768 scf=intarr(nx/5,5,ny/5) for i = 0 , 4, 1 do begin j = 25 + i scf(*,i,*) = round(ctp(*,j,*) * 100. ) endfor ;- Rearrange Spectral Cloud Forcing Array spectral=transpose(scf,[0,2,1]) ctp5=intarr(nx/5,5,ny/5) for i = 0 , 4, 1 do begin j=30+i ctp5(*,i,*) = round(ctp(*,j,*) * 10. ) endfor ;- Rearrange Cloud_Top_Pressure_From_Ratios Array ctpratios=transpose(ctp5,[0,2,1]) sfc=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) sfc=round( ctp(*,35,*) ) sfctype=fix(reform(sfc,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(sfctype lt 0, count) if count gt 0 then sfctype(loc) = -32768 rv=intarr(nx/5,7,ny/5) for i = 0, 6, 1 do begin j = 36 + i rv(*,i,*) = round(ctp(*,j,*) * 100. ) endfor ;- Rearrange Radiance Variance Array variance=transpose(rv,[0,2,1]) btdif=intarr(nx/5,2,ny/5) for i = 0, 1, 1 do begin j = 43 + i btdif(*,i,*) = round(ctp(*,j,*) * 100. ) endfor ;- Rearrange Brightness Temperature Difference Array difference=transpose(btdif,[0,2,1]) ph1=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ph1=fix(ctp(*,45,*) ) phase1=byte(reform(ph1,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(phase1 gt 100, count) if count gt 0 then phase1(loc) = 127 ph2=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ph2=fix(ctp(*,46,*) ) phase2=byte(reform(ph2,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(phase2 gt 100, count) if count gt 0 then phase2(loc) = 127 ph3=intarr(nx/5,1,ny/5) ph3=fix(ctp(*,47,*) ) phase3=byte(reform(ph3,nx/5,ny/5)) loc=where(phase3 gt 100, count) if count gt 0 then phase3(loc) = 127 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WRITE OUTPUT ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Open the output HDF file hdfid = hdf_sd_start(outfile, /create) ;- Write the latitude varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Latitude', size(lat, /dimensions), /float) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, lat hdf_sd_endaccess, varid ;- Write the longitude varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Longitude', size(lon, /dimensions), /float) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, lon hdf_sd_endaccess, varid ;- Write the cloud top properties SDS's varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Brightness_Temperature', size(brite, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, brite hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'K' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', -15000., /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 20000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Surface_Temperature', size(sfct, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, sfct hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'K' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', -15000., /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 20000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Surface_Pressure', size(sfcp, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, sfcp hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [8000, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Processing_Flag', size(pflag, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, pflag hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 1.0d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 3], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Height_Method', size(cmethod, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cmethod hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 1.0d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [1, 6], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Pressure', size(cloudtop, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cloudtop hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 0.1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [10, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Pressure_Night', size(cloudtopnight, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cloudtopnight hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 0.1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [10, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Pressure_Day', size(cloudtopday, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cloudtopday hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 0.1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [10, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Temperature', size(ctemp, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, ctemp hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'K' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', -15000., /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 20000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Temperature_Night', size(ctempnight, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, ctempnight hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'K' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', -15000., /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 20000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Temperature_Day', size(ctempday, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, ctempday hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'K' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', -15000., /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 20000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Tropopause_Height', size(trop, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, trop hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [10, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Fraction', size(cfrac1, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cfrac1 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 100], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Fraction_Night', size(cfracnight, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cfracnight hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 100], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Fraction_Day', size(cfracday, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cfracday hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 100], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Effective_Emissivity', size(cee1, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cee1 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 100], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Effective_Emissivity_Night', size(cee2, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cee2 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 100], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Effective_Emissivity_Day', size(cee3, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, cee3 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 100], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Pressure_Infrared', size(ctpir, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, ctpir hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 0.1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [10, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Spectral_Cloud_Forcing', size(spectral, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, spectral hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'Watts/meter2/steradian/micron' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [-2000, 2000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Top_Pressure_From_Ratios', size(ctpratios, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, ctpratios hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'hPa' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 0.1d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [10, 11000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -3277, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Surface_Type', size(sfctype, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, sfctype hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 1.0d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 200], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Radiance_Variance', size(variance, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, variance hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'Watts/meter2/steradian/micron' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 20], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Brightness_Temperature_Difference', size(difference, /dimensions), /int) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, difference hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'K' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', .01d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [-2000, 30000], /short hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', -32768, /short hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Phase_Infrared', size(phase1, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, phase1 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 1.0d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 6], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Phase_Infrared_Night', size(phase2, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, phase2 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 1.0d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 6], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid varid = hdf_sd_create(hdfid, 'Cloud_Phase_Infrared_Day', size(phase3, /dimensions), /byte) hdf_sd_adddata, varid, phase3 hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'units', 'none' hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'scale_factor', 1.0d0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'add_offset', 0.0, /double hdf_sd_attrset, varid, 'valid_range', [0, 6], /byte hdf_sd_attrset, varid, '_FillValue', 127, /byte hdf_sd_endaccess, varid ;- Close the output HDF file hdf_sd_end, hdfid END