Regions Where the MODIS Cloud Mask is Known to Have Difficulty in the Detection of Clear versus Cloud 15 April 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------ The MODIS Cloud Mask (MOD35) takes advantage of the unique spectral signatures of land, water, cloud and atmospheric components found in many of the MODIS 36 bandwidths. Spectral threshold tests applied to scenes based upon surface composition and solar illumination are combined to determine a confidence that a single pixel is unobstructed by cloud or aerosol. Given the complexity of the earth/atmosphere system, there are some regions where the cloud mask does not perform optimally. Research continues on improving the mask in these regions. The regions include: Semi-arid Regions - An area with spectral characteristics in between those of a desert and vegetated surfaces. Example: Central Plains of the US in early spring. Extreme Sunglint Regions - areas within the strongest specular reflection region over water. High Deserts - Cold dry, highly reflective areas can be falsely identified as cloud. Example: Takli Makan Desert in Western China. Nighttime Polar Regions - Very difficult regions. Clear regions can be falsely identified as cloud; however, little validation is available. Nighttime in General - Very little research has been done to evaluate the performance of the cloud mask at night. Research and improvements have focused on responding to our users' needs, almost all of which are land/ocean daytime concerns. Cloud Shadows - A cloud shadow bit is included within the cloud mask product; however, the shadow algorithm itself requires more research and should not be used. If you need better results in one of the regions mentioned above, the THRESHOLDS.dat file located in the cloudmask/cmd directory contains the individual spectral test thresholds that are used in combination to determine the confidence of clear sky. The thresholds can be tuned for use over a specific region. For more information on the algorithm itself, please see the CM_JGRPAPER.pdf document or the Cloud Mask Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document at: Kathleen Strabala