AIRS CLEAR-SKY RETRIEVAL SOFTWARE Version 1.0 (SSEC-CIMSS, University of Wisconsin, October 2004) This directory contains tarfiles of the International MODIS and AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) Products. This software is supported on the following platforms: (1) SUN, SunOS 5.9, sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10, f90 compiler (2) LINUX, 2.4.18-27.xsmp, pgf90 compiler (Portland group) Note: This release consists of the AIRS clear sky retrieval software. The following parameters are retrieved from this software: surface pressure [mbar] surface skin temperature [K] atmospheric temperature [K] at 101 pressure levels total precipitable water [cm] atmospheric moisture [g/kg] at 101 pressure levels total ozone amount [dobson units] atmospheric ozone [ppmv] at 101 pressure levels surface emissivity at 15 wavenumbers surface reflectivity at 15 wavenumbers Latitude and longitude information are output in a separate binary output file. Note that the retrieval is performed on every pixel of the granule, except for those with radiances < -1.0 for at least one channel, however, retrievals performed in cloudy regions should only be considered valid above the cloud. Users will have to know the cloud height, or filter out clouds and use clear-sky only retrievals to make use of the results. **---------------------download directory-----------------------------** CLEAR_SKY_RETRIEVALS.tar: AIRS retrieval source code with build and run instructions. There is a run_airs_rtv.scr bash script in the main directory that can be run on the test data sets provided elsewhere on the ftp site. Documentation: AIRS_Clear_Sky_Retrievals.txt - Brief algorithm description and detailed output product description REFERENCES.txt: List of AIRS retrieval algorithm technical references. Coefficient Files: Found in the coefficients/big_endian and coefficients/little_endian directories These files are required to run the software. Copy the files into the Clear_Sky_Retrievals/coeffs/ seebor_V3 directory that is created when you upack the clear sky retrievals tar file. Choose either the big or little endian versions. There are 200 total coefficent files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INPUTS: Found in the input_data directory ------------------------------------------ Test input AIRS granule AIRS.2004.06.13.076.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v2.7.12.102.D04165080848.hdf OUTPUTS: Found in the output_data directory ------------------------------------------- Test output files: Test file results for comparison to output data files Test output AIRS Retrieval binary image and header files: AIRS.2004.06.13.076.atm_prof_rtv_npc030.hdr AIRS.2004.06.13.076.atm_prof_rtv_npc030.img Test ouput from initial hdp extraction of parameters lat_g076_0613.dat (binary file latitude of the AIRS retrievals) lon_g076_0613.dat (binary file longitude of the AIRS retrievals) nodetype_g076_0613.txt (text file of words descending or ascending) freq_g076_0613.txt (text list of AIRS frequencies available) scang_g076_0613.dat (binary file containing scan angles for each AIRS pixel) VISUALIZATION SOFTWARE: Found in the matlab directory ------------------------------------------------------ Matlab source code to verify retrieval output: matlab/plot_bil_img.m Matlab format ancillary files: matlab/SARTA_plevs.mat (contains the 101 AIRS pressure levels) matlab/srf_freq_2378.mat (contains the AIRS 2378 frequences in wavenumbers) OUTPUT IMAGES: Found in the images directory --------------------------------------------- Sample images produced by matlab software of output products emiss_900wvn.png humidity_700mbar.png ozone_10mbar.png rad_1000wvn.png refl_2500wvn.png spres.png temp_700mbar.png totozone.png tpw.png tskin.png