Tool to convert daily mean 0.25deg resolution OISST netcdf file to 1.0deg binary format CREATED by Paolo Veglio and Eva Borbas Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison DATE: February 7, 2023 VERSION: 0.0.3 Tool to convert the daily mean Optimum Interpolation SST provided by NCEI-NOAA at 0.25deg resolution in netcdf4 into 1.0deg resolution binary files compatible with the old weekly mean datafile format from NCEP that is used by the MODIS Cloud Products. INPUT: fnin : Daily Reynolds OISST file in netcdf4 format at 0.25deg resolution source : gdas : GDAS file used to fill in the surface temperature over land - the same date as the OISST file with the 00 UTC time step is recommended. OUTPUT: fnout: Filename of the 1.0deg resolution binary output dataformat description: PACKAGE CONTAINS: source dir - includes the '' python script to convert file test dir - includes test script ( and input and control output datafiles in the inputs and outputs directories for code validation dist dir - includes script which builds python in the env directory. README.txt - includes software information HISTORY.txt - history of the deliveries ANCILLARY.txt - information about ancillary data VERSION.txt - version number REQUIREMENT(S): python 3 (miniconda) numpy, xarray, netcdf4, bottleneck The script installs in the env directory the python environment and all necessary modules to run the script TEST: 1. tar xf OISST_nc2bin_02072023.tar.gz 2. cd OISST_nc2bin_02072023/dist 1. bash 2. cd ../test 3. bash 4. Compare the created output files in the test directory to the provided test output files in the outputs directory.(E.g. use: diff file1 file2; cmp -l file1 file2) Note: the log file of the is available in the outputs directory. Please ignore the warnings. LIST OF FILES IN THE PACKAGE: dist/ source/ test/ test/inputs/ test/inputs/ test/inputs/gdas1.PGrbF00.221221.12z test/outputs/oisst.20211201 test/outputs/oisst.20211202 test/outputs/run.log README.txt HISTORY.txt VERSION.txt ANCILLARY.txt