Tool to convert daily mean 0.25deg resolution OISST netcdf file to 1.0deg binary format CREATED by Paolo Veglio and Eva Borbas Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison DATE: January 31, 2023 VERSION: 1.1 Tool to convert the daily mean Optimum Interpolation SST provided by NCEI-NOAA at 0.25deg resolution in netcdf4 into 1.0deg resolution binary files compatible with the old weekly mean datafile format from NCEP that is used by the MODIS Cloud Products. INPUT: fnin : Daily Reynolds OISST file in netcdf4 format at 0.25deg resolution source: OUTPUT: fnout: Filename of the 1.0deg resolution binary output dataformat description: PACKAGE CONTAINS: source dir - includes the '' python script to convert file test dir - includes test script ( and input and control output datafiles in the inputs and directories for code validation REAME_oisst_nc2bin.txt - incudes software information - script to build the python environment to run the script HISTORY.txt - history of the deliveries REQUIREMENT(S): python 3 (miniconda) numpy, xarray, netcdf4, bottleneck The script installs in the env directory the python environment and all necessary modules to run the script TEST: 1. tar xf OISST_nc2bin_01312023.tar.gz 2. cd OISST_nc2bin_01312023 3. ./ Note: no need to run it if the local system for python is used 4. cd test 5. If local system python is used, edit the location of the python executable (pydir) in the test/ script. 6. run: ./ 7. Compare the output files in the outputs directory to the provided test output files in the directory. (E.g. use: diff file1 file2; cmp -l file1 file2) LIST OF FILES IN THE PACKAGE: source/ test/ test/inputs/ test/inputs/ test/ test/ test/outputs/ README_oisst_nc2bin.txt HISTORY.txt