MEASURES High Spectral Resolution Emissivity algortihm Fortran Library Created: Eva Borbas, UW-MAD, SSEC/CIMSS Contact: Date: March 2024 Version V003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The package contains a software to create a fortran library to calculate High Spectral Resolution emissivity developed under the NASA MEASURES program called: Unified and Coherent Land Surface temperature and Emissivity (LST&LSE) Earth System Data Record (ESDR). The software runs on the version 3.0 (V003 ) CAMEL emissivity coefficients data. It also contains a sample program for users to understand how to run the algorithm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update since V002: - version numbers have been updated - gridx and gridy have been added to the common structure in the - compute_hsremis.f subroutine requires the path of the CAMEL coef files. - src_hsrlib_V003/Makefile_lib fortran flag -mcmodel=madium has been changed to -mcmodel=large - Makefile added to the test directory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update since V001 (v01r07): - 14 micron emis defination has been updated over partially snow covered surfaces - src_hsrlib_V002/ - version and creation date has been updated - input data/data/ has been updated ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update since V001 (v01r02): in coef dir, the following additional laboratory datasets are added: - version9 is the combination of v8 and v12 - version11 is the combination of v10 and v12 data and test directory has benn updated: data/ test/Namib_hsriremis.txt.test test/Namib_iasi_emis.txt.test Science code has been updates: src_hsrlib_V003/init_hsriremis.f src_hsrlib_V003/read_labpcs.f src_hsrlib_V003/recon_hsriremis.f src_hsrlib_V003/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install the package: 1. cp /home/evab/measures/MEASURES_CAMEL_hsremis_lib_V003.tar.gz to your home directory 2. unzip and tar it. Software package contains: src_hsrlib_V003 - contains fortran algorithm lib - will contain the "libhsriremis_V003.a" coef - contains all the laboratory eigenvector and eigenvalues netcdf files include - contains the data - includes one CAMEL coefficient file for test purpose test - includes a test code (run_hsriremis.f) to run on one geographical location Software requirement: netcdf4 library (gcc) - "module load gcc hdf5 netcdf4" on the SSEC computers Create the HSR emis library: 1. cd src_hsrlib_V003 2. make -f Makefile_lib clean 3. make -f Makefile_lib 4. make -f Makefile_lib install Test code for the HSR emis library: 1. cd test 2. edit the netcdf4 inc and include directory links in Marefile 3. make clean (complie code) 4. make 5. ./run_hsriremis.exe 6. compare results for Namib at IASI frequancies: sdiff Namib_iasi_emis.txt.test Namib_iasi_emis.txt List of the directories : src_hsrlib_V003: compute_hsriremis.f init_hsriremis.f Makefile_lib read_labpcs.f read_CAMEL_coef.f read_CAMEL_coef_qflag.f recon_hsriremis.f select_wavenum.f test: iasi_chans616.txt Namib_hsriremis.txt.test Namib_iasi_emis.txt.test run_hsriremis.f Makefile coef: data: lib: none include: none