%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NASA MEASURES High Spectral Resolution Emissivity Algorithm V003 - using CAMEL V003 Climatology - matlab version Created: Michelle Loveless and Eva Borbas, UW-MAD, SSEC/CIMSS and Glynn Hulley NASA/JPL CONTACT: eva.borbas@ssec.wisc.edu michelle.loveless@ssec.wisc.edu glynn.hulley@jpl.nasa.gov HISTORY: Version V003/v03r05 Feb 27, 2024 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The package contains software to calculate High Spectral Resolution emissivity climatology developed under the NASA MEASURES program called: Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST&LSE) Earth System Data Record (ESDR). The software runs on the version 3.0 (V003) CAMEL emissivity coefficients data. It also contains a sample program for users to understand how to run the algorithm. HSR emissivity is calculated using the CAMEL Climatological Principal Component Analysis coefficients as input. This package also includes optional snow fraction correction. Read more about it in the Users' Guide. Note: This algorithm was released to be useful, but without any warranty. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Install the package: 1. download or request MEASURES_CAMEL_hsremis_CLIMAT_matlab_snowCorr_V003.tar.gz 2. unzip (gzip -d) and untar (tar -xvf) it. Software package contains: coef - contains files of laboratory eigenvectors and eigenvalues (matlab format) inputs - contains CAMEL Climatological coefficient files for a test month (January) outdir -contains an image of the test case result for sanity check mfiles -contains the matlab algorithms file structure: main code: test_CAMEL_V003_calc_climatology_hsremis.m calls: -read_CAMEL_coef_climatology_V003.m -create_hsremis_from_CAMEL_coef_climatology_snowFrac_V003.m Test run: 1. go to the mfiles directory 2. start matlab 3. run: test_CAMEL_V003_calc_climatology_hsremis.m 4. compare the resulting image/mat-file in the output directory with the provided verification image and mat-file MEASURES_CAMEL_hsremis_climat_matlab_snowFrac_V003.tar.gz package contains: coef: pchsr_v8.2.mat pchsr_v9.2.mat pchsr_v10.2.mat pchsr_v11.2.mat pchsr_v12.2.mat pcmodast_v8.2.mat pcmodast_v9.2.mat pcmodast_v10.2.mat pcmodast_v11.2.mat pcmodast_v12.2.mat inputs: snow_emis_lab.txt V003/CAMEL_coef_climatology_01Month_V003.nc V003/CAMEL_emis_climatology_01Month_V003.nc V003/CAMEL_emis_uncertainty_climatology_01Month_V003.nc mfiles: create_hsremis_from_CAMEL_coef_climatology_snowCorr_V003.m create_hsremis_from_CAMEL_coef_climatology_V003.m read_CAMEL_coef_climatology_V003.m read_CAMEL_emis_climatology_V003.m read_CAMEL_emis_uncertainty_climatology_V003.m test_CAMEL_V003_calc_climatology_hsremis.m outputs: _output_test_CAMEL_V002_calc_climatology_hsremis__hsr__ilat0887_ilon1812.png _output_test_CAMEL_V002_calc_climatology_hsremis__hsr__ilat0887_ilon1812.mat